Wnce Kupfrf Daflp Jlctos Thursday, October 28, 1948 Mfi'i'ii'li ' TilW H 1 " 'iiirnniii Tnii-imm i (f 'TumiTti' wy' B TWO RATS IN ONP C? I 'i " v..'y.v' tair -. .. .... . v- . . - - 'Sport Shots HAPPENED IN NFWc . 4 f .1 Everyone has heard the old craek k. i Barbara Butrick, 18, height 'Pr F t '. V"" ... 4'N it's Rust-Proof! It's Insulating! SEA AIR AND SEA WATER DO NOT AFFECT IT! one lone t catch Ml two rau i new which really happened-rlht in ? ne ,rSk 'u "i c tv,. v, u - the n-.ii.. .: tor 1 -th " -t this part of Tliird Avenue of late f rl busv busy traDDer trapper the the last Inst few f, ... and antl hZ J G Ga , I j four foot, 11 inches, waist 23 ( , inches, wants to become Eng-, land's first woman professional ' byxer. Every evening she goes i straight from her work as a; f tenOTiaDher to Mickev Wood's r davs He h W "! terday terday when, when, to to his his amazement amazement u. Z ' m 0 ALUMINUM --V, ,i lit IfillnJ , . had had k been "':tluunathe 7 ne trap yesterday. One caught Pa" ti other by the neck. Evidently, both hY the troc r 5si bbed Roofing Joe's dainty scrap meat bait cau&!' OH i We.it London Mayfair Gymnas- ium. There, under the guid-! r.nce of Wood, former British 1 lightweight champion, she goes and if th.?re is any trophy far the art of , . he ought to qualify. The office has not I at traPP ' h-arti fore and backs him up. of such , through the training routine, SIDING Available in G, 8, 9 & 10-foot lengths, 28 inches wide. bas-puncmng, skipping, and sparring. She has been doing this for three hours every evening since July. And with spar-rns partner Len Smith, 22, her personal coach, she regularly LADIES' M BOWLING SCHEDULE "A" mi weathers a couple of tough Order Yours From workouts. November i , Barbara is the only child of PHILPOTT, EVITT & CO. LTD. PHONES 651 - 652 COAL, LUMBER and BUILDING SUPPLIES October 20 Miller Bay vs Cosmos, Brownwoods vs. Stars, Boosters vs. Buf.t iiueR. Big Sisters vs. Rosa Ie., Tollers vs. Belmont. . . KENNEDY PROTESTS Ted Kennedy of Tjronto Mtple Leafs is shown protesting to Referee Bill Chadwick that Montreal Canadiens' Kenny Reardon (on knees) Is Illegally holding the puck In a Montreal contest won by Canadiens 5-0. Actually the puck is held by Bill Dur-nan, Montreal goalie, who is sprawled on the ice at the extreme right of the picture. Others pictuied are Billy Reay Uookinc toward Chadwick . Howie Meeker and Butch Bouchard. a store-keeper Cottingham. . J , Anderson, We, Odowes. Anniu. Yorkshire, and came to London with the avowed intention of 1 SwinBVs. D,J011!!S sprawled on the Ice. (CP PHOTOi becoming a professional boxer j November 2 Busy Bees vs. Big Sisters, Boosters ts. Tollers, ' Rosa Lees vs. Stars. Cosmo November t-.r,nr, derson vs. vi,' I "Three years ago," she said, "I read about Polly Burns, the DCI MAMTC Uftl h prize fighter of many years ago DLLlTSUrtI3 iiULl 126 lltt ITOP SPOT IN Civic Centre . Dates 144 116 E2'J 190 110 122 63 171 105 706 iuiu made up my mind to become a boxer like her. Women have done well in ail other sports so why shouldn't we box too? I am ready to do Brown womla, Beunont vs. Miller, Bay. I November 9 Toilers vs. Busy! Bees. Big sisters vs. Boosters,' Miller Bay vs. Brownwoods,'' Belmont vs. Stars, Rosa Lees s. Cosmos. OuuVfS vs. Scubv's vs. DcJagns, Savoy s-Mrtiwon's, Variety h bought two "0- clasi!" "M.S. Onslow and p from Britain 115 82 166 124 105 747 f'B" LEAGUE 1T ,C rr "r0 f8' nrtlou, minimum ohanw, ftOo. BtrtU NottcM: 50c; OardB ol ThaiikF. tnth Notices, Funeral Notices, Uarnaim and Engagement AnnouncemenU: 2 SPE'AL DISPLAY. DOUBLE PKICK Jlaaslfled n -.r. j Advertising Is payable In advance. Please refrain from (elepnonlng. A. Denton W Handicap 1W Totals . S'U BUSY BEES T. Stewart 101 J. Keinerson 46 J. Guthrie 142 :vl. liuoau 10i K. Davidson' 160 H'.uulieaw ," 105 'Iota is 6ti3 MILLER BAY B. Peterson 238 P. Roberts 150 t) Ascher 131 E. Iliev 177 M. Vincent 135 Handicap 35 Totals 8n6 NOBLE & WICK A. Holi-estud n. iuu'.ch 118 Sporti -Bo Me Hi Gym Class a.m. I 9:00 i . , make contact with other girls ! JZ- fS,UmUngs1 in the who are interested and to found Zn , Vl T mained ""Ranged h this week al- FOK SALE 236 FOR SALE a n bnxln boxing rlnh club, for fnr women women. m My p.m. 168 though the perennial advant 127 2:30-KiVig Edward School Gym FOR SALE Dinette suite, like f "tuie as a boxer will depend 178 191 147 139 135 35 81H) new. i-none Red 113. (259i on whether I have sufficient age held by Belmonts was widened when they tool; three wins partners, but I don't Insist on Class 112 35 3:30 Rup-Rec Jr. Girls 835 7:00 Adult Club Badminton FOR SALE Chesterfield Suite, Wilton Carpet. 1070 Eighth Avenue East, Green 257. 2ati FOR SALE 1946 Chev" Sedan, car in fine condition. Has ur.Uerseat heater, radio and other extras. Tires 650x16, all in Vftnri Khiine Han ho coon ol ' women opponents. I am ready 7 T 1U"C1S m lne ICRluar nx- I 8:00- Rup-Rec Teen Age Boys my own Rosa T.pes rptnin nn orv,nn to fight any man of weight." 157 I - ."" . i viiiiaii.- FOR SALE Two houses on one lot, 5th Avenue West. 5 minutes from town. One seven room house occuDied at present. Five room house vacant November 1st. Priced at $5,800 for quick sale. Excellent investment. For f-iriber narti-ciilars G. P. TINKER. Besner Block. Phone 57. (tft Basketball Practices 4:0010:00 140 162 134 193 168 2'!8 149 158 i-iu'ik iviutors, or wrue r.u. Box 1509. City. (tf) 2l ' 4 :00-Teen Age Girls Craft Said Len Smith: "She has fought some pretty tough schoolboys in this gymnasium ply -Frr -- j4 , 64 ed second place on the strength" M- T?axer fl of two victories over Big Sisters a McChe'snev 147 while the congestion for third A. Lindseth 148 position remained unrelieved. TuCaP 79I with Big Sisters. Noble and Wick ! and Miller Bav each holding an " EG SISTERS equal standing. j ?-M"Lev" HI 861 1030: Group MACHINERY FOR SALE 8:00 Rotary Club Chorus 8:00 Adult Mixed Card Partv ana she came out on top." And said Mickey " Wood: "That -- girl '3 - " f- Cam 1. 139 ' J 4 w rr urbbrr lumoer more ' pcnnnmifftllv hob ka Pnt a pre at funt ck- i u 102 8:00 Camera ClubTeen 1.1.1 o-on r.. ti 1 i7 . "UU",J'IU nueaown 208 110 116 176 200 75 885 and up-to-date tvpe National i first P PconnB honors is week M. Smith 121 woman "u,"a" I 1 have Lmve ever ever met' Portable Sawmt s manufac-' .u met,went to B Petersen of Miller E- Hothwell 137 tured by National Machinery,0 really enjoys boxing. We B h broZnt fLZ , t" IV, i M- B5? brought forth total1 a Company Limited. Vancouver, hope she will be able to fleht in . Handicap 75 ! FOR SALE New and used : Ho isehold Furniture. Hardware. Office Chairs, Tvpe- wrirer, in best shape: Hoovers, Kirchen Chairs. Kitchen Sets, ! Chesterfield, Oil Ranees, He-.ters, Hassocks, New British India Ruas. 2 used Ruks, M.irors, Floor Lamps. New fna Used Kitchen Ranees for Wf:id and Coal. Musical In-str iments. etc. at real savins: nrk-es.-B. C. FURNITURE C. Bh:ck 324. (tfi FOR SALE 1 Electric Range. ! auxiliary heater. Phone 466. i 159 875 1 f A -2. Properly conducted exhibi- IZl L. 1' three mes, ! lais 67a ros'a tiffs compounded of gtime scares of 1 uons." The British FOR RENT Boxing s.. m and 236. nicest mdi FOR RENT-Sleeoing Rooms Vldua! score was bowled by M-for o-nize n woman boxers boxers' MpVn Mean" men. 742 7th Ave. Wt..' "f f oW0man Baxter of Noble " and Wick CK who no Call after 6 D.m. (259. whlle Barbara goes on work- .nJ . . J. Boulter 234 L. Basso-Bert . .. 143 B Vurkovich 158 E. Clark 11 1 J. Walren J45 " Handicap 27 Totals 818 (tfi It J S -" mg m toe gymnasium wearing "TpW , .,"":" I FOR RENT Housekeeping FOR 8ALE Washing Machine.' room with hot and cold water. - ...wi4vuf m , i unci o u. 'ing shorts emhrnirtprprt mh 1 204 135 . ZIj, r- 184 201 fmffZzUzUU 162 136 rAZ ::: j J 149 148 93 109 V ' 109 182 f2-w. - "-tt- i n5 rtv yiA ci.-.&ierueia sune. Kiicnen i vown. bi6 iva Ave. Green tatle and chairs, Wilton car-: "80- Boosters 3, Busy Bees 0. Noble and Wick 2 .Miller 1. Rosa Lees 2. Big Sisters 1. (tfi the Union Jack and an outsize capital B. She has already chosen her Ving name. It is' Dei.. ooriaDie typewriter, 1070 Eighth Avenue East, Green F9R RENT Room and board STAR'S G. Mclntvre .... 141 L Keays 236 M. Nesbttt 81 M. Calderonl 99 J. Dickens 204 In private home. Ladv onlv Brownwoods 2, Stars 1. Green 257. 256i Battling Butt." Biographical 732 6th Ave. W (254i Note: Polly Burns, also known m & x-ri.. uAjiy iiieiJ litUlU W1LII CI- AAftin 1 1 H'f W WrVT J! 1 ' .-..r... ,y, VV me 1H l iuuK.. real oaram. - - virau hiiu warm r.c Tniiw ,. t-;, , 'eenins1 rnum Annlu Pbonfe 543 or call Rivfh' inn 00 nv. 4th -iwi i, . UUbl, Wtta X 1,i,,;I,dI,Ui ' TTT 1. in a circus caravan in irri an-i McLeod ncsu (257) 142 171 80 111 143 103 750 Avenue West. tf 1 iiorviEs for sale Section "Two 6 room house, concrete basement, hot air FOR RENT Sleeping room. 801 Borden Street. (tf) 94 , Handicap 53 162' Totals 814 80 BROWNVOOiJS 121 i E. Donaldson ' 119 158 ' D Rands . " 99 103 M. Krescv 120 718 G. Brown 123 : Low Score, .. . 81 105 Hnnciicap 114 222 , t Totals 656 ilf X It A, VI worked in boxing booths' on J. mil fairgrounds all over England. Handicap"".'." She married Tommy Bums! BELMONT lightweight champion of Ire- M. l ewis land, whom she fought, nver B- Windle ...7.. Vulcanize Your Tires and Save M 187 139 54 117 110 103 710 123 160 194 198 105 69 142 FOR RENT Furnished 4 room house. Phone Red 716. (256) WANTED three rounds at the National M. sJharff "'"". lis Get your money's worth out cf those tires. Let us repair ant! J H I ! 153 Current leaeue standings: neiuii" harbor view, beautifully finished, selline: for hall' the regular replacement cost. Terms arranged Cali or see ARMSTRONG AGENCIES Phone 342, 307 Third Avenue W. (256) WANTED BPn club 1914. Now E. Anderson 209 To Rent 4 or 5 room house immprf lV Vv Phone rte lives in Dublin i.,ni,., Andrew 209 vulcanize them so that you can get many more miles of use Ty t n a r ' 4m A I D1UC 00. (256) m aged 12 Totals .'.""."" .7" 853 boxing to grandsons and nine. 849 from them. 199 Belmonts " 17 4 17 : Rosa Lees 15 15 C9 Big Sisters n 9 12 910; Miller Bav 9 9 12 Noble & Wick 777777"' 12 9 12 ! Boosters . . 10 11 10 145 Brownwoods 9 12 u 190 Toilers 7 14 7 111 stars ....' 7 14 7 Our modern methods and W A N T E D Car batteries, car radiators, brass arid coRDer; navjno- wood prices See BC FURNITURECO..Black 324! HELP WANTED I BOOSTERS O. Newton 148 O. Chartrand 158 T. Cole " 112 N. Kennedy 151 know-how ensure the best Pos-' HAff sible jobpromptly and econo -tSt-mlcally. W'v 129 171 143 136 : it 01 ous.v cees 4 17 4 REGISTER NOW FOR CIVIC ELECTION HOCKEY SCORES WEDNESDAY National Leajrue Toronto 3, Montreal 2. Detroit 3, i;ew 'ork 2. fcul.7lK ?0 GIltETTf" II J WANTED Housekeeper. Apdv 433 5th Ave. West. (tf) WANTED Reliable elderly woman wants babv sitting job davs or eveninas. Phone Black 298- (255) HOUSES FOR SALE 6 Room Wartime House. Pie-ott Ave. Good condition. $1700.00. 7 Room Home, cement basement. 7th Ave. W., including oil heater and floor coverines. $3500.00 cash. 7 Room Apartment and Large Hall occuoied bv Full Gospel Tabernacle, 6th Ave. -West. $2800.00 cash. Laree Four. Pigott Place. Insulated. $1100.00 cash. 1515 8th Ave. East. Wartime Four. Cement foundation, k o o d drainage. $2500.00 cash. PRINCE RI'PERT REALTY CO. Phone Green 917. Evenings. Green 291. i25G S5y )l ,5, I HELP WANTED For general office work, should be qualified, in bookkeeping, stenography and shorthand. Apply in writing stating qualifications, experience and salary t expected. Box 409 Daily News. (tf) Hollywood Cafe Winnipeg Mayor Gets Fourth Term WINNIPEG Mayor Garnet Coulter was re-elected as chief magistrate or Winnipeg for his fourth successive term yesterday with a convincing victory. He received 48,000 votes while his C.CIF.-backed" -opponent, Donovan Swailes, got 25,000. Mr. Swailes, an accountant, Newest and Most Up-To-Date Cafe in Prince Rup'; Open from 5:30 p.m. to 5:31) a.m. 'A Shaving's a breeze , . . quicker and easier . . . when you use ujwr keen Gillette Blue Bladri ' in the amazing new Gillette Blade Dispenser. Zip ... and there's a new blade unwrapped ready for use. Enjoy extra comfort . . . extra convenience at no extra cost. look feel r.uf fc, Gillette Elue Blades PERSONAL NOTICE Tf C'flM'K.:r()KM Tentlem fur School Buildine Sealed Tenders, endorsed "Tender for School Buildings" will be received by the undersigned up to and Including November Cth. 1B48. B-.OO pm.. for the erection and completion of the follnwIiiK schools: J. Two-room school at Houston. BC. 2. Three-room school nt Telkwa. B.C. 9. Three-room Annex to High School at Smlthers. B.C. Tenders shall not Include cement foundation work of Houston and Telkwa chools. m conceding victory to Mr. ;A ur i "Pll '-IV t, 0 orders PhO'1 We specialize in Chinese Dishes PFw?T?NAfL-WE,'LL SHOP TOR YOU. If you know what you want, but live too far awav to nnd it yourself, write to the Spied Rhnnning Service. Dominion Buildine. Vancouver (272) Coulter in a radio broadcast paid tribute to Coulter, a lawyer, as "the best mayor the city ever had." CHOP BUEY L"" '(ff CHOWJI1E IN LOST AND FOUND METAL WORK i. I f t n n Plans, specifications and form of . ; tenders ma? be obtained from the LOhr Tan hand-made wallet PLUMBING Installations and te'.,.8.HEl!T METAL Phone Macey's. Blue 873. msnm S vUl iA t iul una travel Roof (254) 629 K! f A Sixth West. Phone 543. wm ifirri nut hi IKON FIREMAN ounm on ice in amitners. B. C. or. payment of a deposit of 25.00 which amount will be refunded on return of plans in good condition. A certified cheque equal to 10 of tender and payable to the Board of School Trustees must accompany the bid, an surety of pood faith. The lowest or any lender not necessarily accepted. A. Muhelm. Seer. Treasurer. Board of Trustees. School District No. 54 Smlthers, B.C. flmltiiers, B.C. October 16. 1948. 258) LOST Inside workiners of watch on gold back. Finder please return to Daily Nes office (255) notice op -i:izi KE AVI SALE OF THF VFSM;. "PITT" Prince Runert Fishermen's Credit union, the Morteneee of the motor screw vessel "PITT ." 8.6 registered tons. Official Number 134008 of Prince Rupert, B.C., having seized said vessel by reason of default in payment of the mortgage monies STOKERS OIT 30 MOtI MEAT Carl Zarelli, TmP PHONE 37 FRASER STREP STRIKE . , . whether you score one or a dozen, you'll still win an evening packed with healthful fun, beneficial exercise and a chance to meet new friends, at the Rex Bowling Alley Open to general public Saturday and Sunday afternoons and evenings. Monday SMITH & ELKINS Phone 174 Box 271 Announcement . . t,, nnnounce xucsuuy evenings after !T o'clock. u impairment of security by Q W. Whatman, the registered owner thereof. HEREBY OIVES NOTICE that the said vessel will be sold to satisfy the said mortgage on Thursday, the 4th day of November, 1948 nt the hour of 10:00 o'clock in the forenoon, pursuant to Section 50 of the "Canada Shipping Act" 1934 unless the mortgage monies and interest in default, with all charges und costs are sooner satisfied ..JJlt?!. tcnder8 marked "Vessel PITT will be received at the office of Brown & Harvey. Solicitors Box 658. Prince Rupert, BC prior to the time of said sale: highest or any tender not necessarily accepted-terms cash. The vessel tnnv ha i . . . "liOVEHXMKXT 1.11)1 UK ACT" , (Section 28) , Notice of Application For CoiikciU to Transfer of Beer Licence NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that on the 27th day of ber next, the undersigned intends to aaply to the Liquor Control Board for consent to transfer -of Beer Licence iNo. 7821. Issued In respoct of premises being part of b 'JlldiiiR known as Caledonia HoWl, situate at Front Street, Port Esslngton, British Columbia, upon the lands descrllied as Lots 2 and 3. Block 1, Townsite of Port Esslng-ton. Map 637. Prince Rupert Land Registration District, in the Province of British Columbia, from Alfred Henry Perkins. Licensee, to Janet Ross Brown, of Port Rasim. U . i e ,u 11.1.-nmvn I" Bottled m m England J tfaz?i, n-zt vvlne. i'hiIcIi.k Oatlnit. PHONE 654 nr ikjw ih agent lor une wt;ii-"-' i Wm.- H. Leishman j Makers of the Rest Tailored Garments for , EISHMAN Custom - Tailored designed for men who know the ,. the : For further Information visit TIP TOP TAILOR Jg sWiin nrt Generl '"nrtaee and Stnrarr "r Complete, Reliable ano Efficient Service, call ' ndsay' Carta Re & Storage ' 2nd and Park Avenue Established J910 Phones 60 uuA 68 . - j .....pm l"u at the Co-op Grid. Cow Bay, by arrangement at the office of the Prince Rupert Fishermen's Co-operative Association. DATED at Prince Rupert, BC this 18th day of Octobr 1948 ' " PRINCE RUPERT FISHERMEN'S CREDIT UNION (256) e5c Per Dozen Paid For Empties ton, British Columbia, the transferee. DATED at Prince Rupert.' B.C., this 27th. day of October, 1948. JANET ROSS BROWN, Applicant and Transferee. (280 ) m nl ad!;ertll,ement not published or " .uci.i4uoiw)inroi Hoard or by the Government of British Columbia. This -dv--; not Published or displayed by the Liquor Control Board or by the Government of British Columbia.