Prince Uupcrt Etailp Sftcto Thursday, October 28, 1948 Local News Items . . . For New Work or s Repairs Specify x. j Mr. and Mrs. C. V. Evltt, fol lowing a week's visit in the city, D-P Four shades and black $10.75 per square will sail by the Prince George tonight on their return ' to Nanaimo. For your Dry Cleaning re Harris Tweed W Photographic Club meets tonight, Civic Centre, 8 o'clock. Beginners welcome. (254) Mrs. William Bridden will be sailing tomorrow night on the Coquitlam for her home at Massett. Constable and Mrs. Harold Johnstone are leaving tonight on the Prince George for a holiday trip to Vancouver and California. They expect to be away about three weeks. Your date of the week Hallowe'en Hoedown, Civic Centre,, Friday night. Be a Hill Billy for a night. 254) Miss Edna Sandhals returned to the city on yesterday afternoon's plane following a brief trip to Vancouver. S.O.N. Annual Banquet for members and Sonja Ladies with escorts only. Oct. 28, 9 p.m. , (254) fin F" quirements, call Pioneer Canadian " Laundries. Phones 8 and 11 ran-e of B-P Products in stock including Insull-Brick Siding and Wallboard 113. (257) John Mathers and daughter, TOPCOATS LBERT & McCAFFERY LTD. Miss E. Mathers, of Sandspit, arrived in the city on yester LUMBEK - iJUILDING SUPPLIES - nffAV'0 11A Miss Annie Lips of Terrace, who has been on a brief trip to Woven In Scotland day afternoon's plane from the1 Queen Charlotte Islands. The Prince Rupert Fisher men's Co-operative Association's store in Cow Bay will be closed for stock taking on Nov Vancouver, arrived from the Local Hairdressers i STARTS to work If in 2 seconds Jt P'X (SroPjiHFAjjmiA noniiHRMi south by air yesterday after HEAR! noon and left by the evening's train for her home in the in terior. BSERVED i. K i. ember 2, 3 and 4. (260) Jack McLeod of the Daily News staff returned to the city ,red nd Fi Attend Convention Mrs. Rose McCallum, Miss Winnie Poxon, Miss Connie Mlchell and Mrs. Helen Gilbert returned on the Prince George yesterday from Vancouver where they attended the annual convention of British Columbia Attention Moose Lodge! It is requested that the names and at Affair aeesof all childrin up to Sight on yesterday afternoon's plane from Vancouver where he was called on account of the death of his father. years belonging to members of krt Day, uciuuci . the Moose Lodge be left at the Feature of the Moose Lodge by December 1, for Uine at the Moose the Christmas Tree, or telephone : i where the Moose Black 152. (251) Kenneth Harding, general manager of Prince Rupert Fishermen's Co - operative Association, returned to the city from legionnaires, were convention was a demonstration of halrdressing by two New York hair stylists. According to one of the delegates, the trend ko members and their "r 7; I t in hair dressing is definitely towards shorter hair styles. sell as ladles oi ine i;th their husbands ,- served by the men's, rolr- A. E. Martin, who has been stationed during the past season at Wrangell as Canadian customs officer, was a passen The incomparable HARRIS TWEED! woven in the Crof- ter's Home, s fam-ous the' world over. -, Made up In the? smart raglan model by Fashion - Craft,! these Harris Tweed j topcoats are ideal for the man who wants a business trip to Vancouver on yesterday afternoon's plane. Mrs. J. Connery returned on jmiuee uimci v,... l the Prince George Wednesday Lm Terry. ger aboard the Princess Louise after visiting with her son-in Modern Etiquette By ROBERTA LEE yesterday afternoon going through to Vancouver. Mr. Mar law and daughter, Mr. and Mrs. Gene Heatherington, Seattle, an for the evening Governor Bill Bacon on the origin of and Its founder the Davis. REMEMBERING CANADIAN PIONEERS Something different in the way of cairns is this one a! Yorkton, Sask, erected in memory of early pioneers of the district. Embedded among the native rocks are around 30 Indian stone hammers, said to have been used by plains Indians in making pemmican, a mixture of dried buffalo meat, rat and berries. The inscription on the cairn is framed with colorful stone arrowpolnts and reads: "In memory of those men and women who, in the early eighties of the nineteenth century, endured the privations of pioneer life and founded homes hereabout." , f for the past six months. tin has retired from the customs service and will take np residence near Port Coquitlam. Q. Is It bad form to tip a soup bowl, or a plate containing TWO CASH PRIZE WINNERS In PRINCE RUPERT Area MRS. D. A. MACPHEE Box 643, City MRS. L. BREWERTON Box 1451, City Every week there are two cash prize winners in the Prince Rupert area . on Malkin's Melody Money Time LISTEN IN CFPR 6:30 p.m. Every Friday TRY YOUR SKILL FOR CASH PRIZES Mrs. Martin and family left for ; peakers of the eve- liquid food, when, eating? Civic Centre Dtrec- there several weeks ago. Dally News Classified Ads get Quick Results! A. Yes; this is too often done, i ward, who gave an and should be avoided. Q. When accompanying community service, Scadden, fellowship YOUR Tnrnl iriT 1 styling corn- proper . Wripr of the wumau ui uie rain, snouia me o spoke about Moose- man carry tne umoreua? ARMY OFFICERS ON VISIT HERE To visit the 120th Heavy Anti-Aircraft Battery here, Major W. W. Mathers, staff officer, and " 'CHICKEN IN ! THE ROUGH' CALL RED 705 ne of the aged. niways. bined with 'long wearing quality. y the 9 o'clock cere- n necessary mat a per-'rt addresses were son state his reason for declining Senior Regent Mrs.' an invitation? CIVIC CENTRE DINING ROOM Capt. J. E. Fookes, paymaster, from British Columbia area Legionnaire William A. No; while it Is not obli- ociate Dean Mrs. J. gatory. It is oftentimes a cour d Governor C. H. Col- teous thing to do, and probabl; headquarters at Vancouver, were In the city on Monday, holding will avoid a misunderstanding a muster parade on that evening. ament for the eve-' and resentment. They arrived Sunday night on1 Bewitch and Charm ded a duet 'Beautiful1 Q. What would be the proper mewhere; by Mrs. B.iway to Introduce Miss Smith U. J Mrs. J. Bacon; solo' Mrs. Brown? . the Cardena from the south and proceeded by the evening train for their next stop at Prince the Clouds" by Mrs.1 a. Sav. "Mrs. Brown, may J George. While here they toured accordion solos by. present Miss Smith?" Or, "Mrs. it and community Brown, Mrs. 8ml th." Always pre- the city in a jeep, visited the forts and also called at the Civic Centre. Capt. Fookes, who has; oseheart' by Women sent the unmarried woman to A. MacKENZIE FURNITURE ,. LTD. -', A Good Place to' Buy the married one. use. was later enjoyed to long been stationed at Vancou Q. Is It permissible to greet jed by Mike Colussl. ver, is about to De transierreu to London,' Ontario." ;a friend if one catches his ejri rwmie in Tinurcn , A. Merely smile; to speak o; bow Is unnecessary. ' CAN I ? ? ? t ANNE ASHLEY ' , LENHAM, Kent, Eng., Human bones, including a skull, unearthed here are thought to be those of pilgrims to BED MATTRESSES Ask for them by name. Beautyrest, Deepsleep, Slumber King, Lady Beaty and many others for your Fall requirements. Phone 775 327 3rd Avenue r can I prevent the U of salt shakers from - Announcements All kdTertuemMiM i tnia col urn D will t charged (or fuU mootb U 6 cant word ' at Hallowe'en Parties In one of these after-five shimmering ballet-length frocks of lustrous taffeta molded to you . . . then fanning gracefully into a full skirt with a back bustle. "Gay Palmer" blouses, trimmed with goid are smart for evening wear with a skirt. "I've got a new secretary. What a girl anticipates my every thought!" life; y will not corrode If Centre, Bridge Party, Civic covered on the inside i cd paraffin. Open the Ji a pin while the is cooling. Prince Rupert Florists 300 3rd Ave. Box 510 , Tel. 77T : Flowers for All Occasions October 29, 8 p.m. " ! Rebekah Bazaar, November 3. Piano Concert by Mr. Joseph Franky, Presbyterian Church, November 3. Prince Rupert Symphony TICKETS READY FOR SAT. NITE Shelrouf BE SIKE TO HAVE YOUR f can I take away m coat collars, and re-shiny appearance that City Merchants city merchants are acked In future to have copy for all display advertisements into the Daily News office by 4 p.m. of the day previous to their publication. This co-operation will greatly assist the mechanical department In keeping to the regular hour for publication. iie age of a man's suit? USE SWEET SIXTEEN'S PERSONALIZED BUDGET PLAN. NO INTEREST. NO CARRYING CHARGES. b with a spoonful of Orchestra Concert for Boy FOR In which enough salt Scouts', Association, Civic .centre added to make a soft November 5. Canadian Legion WA Bazaar, ' can I keep egg yolks November 10. JOHN H. i BULGER OPTOMETRIST . . .... ; John Bulger Ltd. Third ATenu al days? Presbyterian Fall Bazaar, No (8. with covering them r until needed. THREE BIG BONFIRES Salvation Army Home League Commodore Cafe phip Movementt kcouver '-ss- Coquitlam, 11 p.m. Pi Sale, Nov. 23, 2:30 p.m., Sons o Norway Hall. Cambral Chapter, 1.0 J.E. Saif November 25th. St. Andrew's Cathedral bazaar, November 27. Grange Ladies' Bazaar, December 1st. y-ss. Camosun. 1:30 ay ss. Prince George, (Mm l. TICKET COLLECTIONS START AT DUSK BONFIRES START AT 7:30 P.M. Tickets must be turned In to Mr. Shell-Out at your Bonfire by 8:30 p.m. u. CHILDREN !! ON SATURDAY AT YOUR BONFIRE IF YOU HAVE 100 SHELL-OUT TICKETS IN YOUR HAND AND ASK THE RIGHT MAN "ARE YOU MR. SHELL-OUT?" HE WILL GIVE YOU A VALUABLE PRIZE. . 1 s-ss. Princess Louise 1 United Church Bazaar, Dec v. ember 2. CCF Bazaar, Sons of Norway 'ss. Camosun, 11 p.m. sday-ss Prince George, Hall, December 4. St, Peter's Fart Bazaar, De cember 9. COMPLETELY RENOVATED "Better Than Ever" Best Food and Service in City Phone 17 for Send-out Orders Third Ave. David Chow, Mgr. ss. Coquitlam, 1 p.m. '-ss. Princess Louise, HELP KIDDIES f( Arm and Port Simpson Advertise n. the Dally Newsl tflMsitK:a Advertising Pays! HELP KINSMEN Consult us ior your needs In all types of printing work. Everything in high-class stationery. Fountain Pens Cards for every occasion Printing BESNER BLOCK THIRD AVENUE Sailings for VANCOUVER VICTORIA SEATTLE Tuesday, 1:30 p.m., Camosun -j-ss. Camosun, 11 p.m. Arm and Sunday, 11 p.m., Coquitlam 'npson -ay-ss. Camosun, a.m. rean J'as f'Kday ss prin-o oeome Mitchell Currie LIMITED Phone 363 BUILDERS and ENTERTAINMENT CANDIED APPLES NOVELTIES AT ALL FIRES ALICE ARM AND PORT ;-... SIMPSON (Stewart Fortnightly) FOR SOUTH QUEEN CHARLOTTE ISLANDS 1 ss. Princess Louise RUPERT MARINE REALTY (J. CLAUSEN & SON) We Take Listings of BOATS FOR SALE OR CHARTER BROKERS IN BOATS, MARINE AND FISHING EQUIPMENT TRY RUPERT MARINE REALTY FOR QUICK SALES OR CHARTERS (Just East of Lipsetfs, Waterfront) Phone Green 975 Box 548 s.s. Coquitlam, Nov. 7 and 21 can F;-: SS. Prlnr-o FOR NORTH QUEEN CHARLOTTE ISLANDS George, lm. CONTRACTORS s.s. Coquitlam, Oct. 29, Nov, 0 SS. Princess Louise, 13 and 27, 10 p.m. FRANK J. SKINNER Prinpii . Rnnert Azent Alaska BOY SCOUTS ASSOCIATION Prince Rupert District ANNUAL MEETING CIVIC CENTRE 8 p.m. Thursday,, 28th October, 1948 All persons interested in our work for boys are invited to attend this meeting COURTESY Third Ave. Pnona 568 s-ss. Prince ss- Princess George, Louise, 1 HCSriaw . REAL ESTATE INSURANCE V GREER & BRIDDEN BUILDERS AND CONTRACTORS Repairs Construction Alterations Floor Sanding a Specialty " It's the Eicii Caflc ... for Tasty Meals Chon Suev Chow Mein Princess. Louise, INCOME TAX RETURNS PREPARED SE CHEESE I J Fresh Made' r Chinese Dishes a Specialty Prince Rupert Hotel Second Avenue opposite R. E. MORTIMER 324 2nd Ave. (Near CFPR) E P.O. Box 721 Phone RED 561 Phone 311 We Deliver Phone 173 for Outside Orders Jour Daily ther service 7:00 a.m. to 3:30 a.m.