Prfnrc Rupert Da,!p Hrtos Saturday. March 12, 1849 BRIDGE SESSIONS ARE HEARING END ervicesiiCli Ao independent mioj) f r" Waterfront Whiffs . Aid mil wmniiiniTlf'g northern and antral British Columbia (Authnrifwd a Serond Class Mall. Post Offloe Department. Ottawa i Published fwr afternoon except Runrta? hv Prince Rupert Deny News LM . 3rd Avenue. Prince Rupert, Brlttah Columbia U ft HUNTER, Manarmg Editor. H. Q, PERRY. Managing Director. atEMMEK OF CANADIAN PRESS APnn BUFRATJ OP CIRCUI.ATION8 CANADIAN DAILY NFWSPAPER ASSOCIATION Bridge classes and tourna-, merits which have been ton- ' ducted throughout the past 1 winter at the Civic Centre by , Garnet Hull are now nearing , conclusion and will wind up on ; ; April 15 when the 12 top scorers ; SATURDAY SERMON PimSCRIPTION RATES terrier. Pt-r Week Mic: Per Month. 7Sc; Per Year, $8 00. Bt j By Mail, Per Month. 60c; Per Year. 15.00 THE CHURCH REV. GEORGE E. SEND ALL) And th.'! gates of Heii shall not prevail against it." Mt. lG-ja from the series of tournaments ; Halibut Commission Decision. is Disappointing! wi!1 Plav-ff for season awards. I " . winter have at-j this T u j u .- n . Classes fP7iy iVo Plebiscite mS i i unci s diiu i laiiDUliers rveaaymg traded much interest and have i e . . also proven popular. At the last The church has ever suffered violence, when not nna rViarfl wdra cfivpn t a h 1 c q n H iiimuuiiitiijciii uiai Liicii - jji ujumi lur it SpJIL ' nal-, ; ! at the hands of her enemies then at the misrepresent- w,v,v v i , i , , , , . of whether cocktail bars should be QUESTION permitted in British Columbia as they are in luutbeaonnas oeencurneaaovvn Dytne international, the Pri,e winners were Mrs. ation and distortion of her 'friends.) The tendenev 1-lSheries Commission was received With consirlpra hie George Murray for the ladies , . , .,.'. "r,,uency Ontario and Quebec is a live and controversial issue. I R-loom this week bv Prince Ruoert halibut men ThP and L- chriatopherson for thei toward corruption, characteristic oi all human msti- Ti. ... Aii...... - i i ,j ii..i ..: : rlasildrm ;., i iij 1 i men. There : luuunf, uvci miles uic ttssciiiuiv vi tne laiLniui Whfn instruction sessions . , . . , , . . . . . "en- liitr iinui iif vjfiit-rai n aiuiuuiiceu tnai, in view uwi, uic; icci, is nut, as M.yteu, oasea On recom- qtraieht ... r . j . . . . i . . . ., . 1 scientific staff but have now ended and the next ever ine original drive and vision of the pure in intiiuauuiis 01 me commission s Come Wed., 8 p Thur. U actually contrary to it. ! few classes will be devoted to heart is turned aside. The church' r Many fishermen feel that the part of the banks or any partic- reviewing. then becomes not so much a we-' toifay. !:'They worship yes but iva! reason, that the proposal, ' hicle of the 8od Word Ood uiar stock of halibut Is not valid. . they worship me .sun, and the Mr anH Mr imn Hg avored by a. majority of the Tne commission's scientific staff Bedaf afe reuTmnrr down and the harbinBer t,f the Giad hi" and the wood and the fishermen, was turned down was , already has shown that under oTth? Suam ' ' thC K'mm f HeaV' sUe;uns' luinin Uleir bat-k, tne coast on me o.jquiuam to to t.iat it was not supported unan- conditions which havA naiii en an organ(l4aUon of uman, .,.,,. ,,, 1rM m . . ! W'E SEl.ll,, i hnouslvi TttEn all -groups... Two Al- ln the last few years, certain visit to the city eeKS. subject to their corruption. ' etmml liRht and wIvuUou." Such ine prupnei, ckiui saw sucn are piUi( dl8, deiibitialelv uh. been .burg-opposed U, thus leaving ' overfished and that youn stock in nnhnriv wnS fi,!,inp h,Hr,;a pmcess overtakc the worshi attuning the worahin of the Cr- 1 tne Commission is. looDhole to ho. riic.,D . . . of God urior to the exile of th ... . . .-. ... . J i i " aiarming ln the region anyway. The . . . . . . . - ,e nv of a large measure of expressed opposition, nothing will be done about legalizing the dispensing of liquor in this manner this year or possibly for some years to come. To many this decision by the government will be "surprising. To others it will not be satisfactory. Many of the people who had been disposed to cocktail bars felt it might tend to a discon-tinuation of furtive drinking in public places or of more or less widespread drinking in hotel rooms and uch places. It has.been suggested, in fact, that permissibility of drinking in the. open might even " lead to moderation. Possibly the fairest way of settling the question would be to have a plebiscite. It would also be the easiest way for the government on a question, that, . no matter which way it decided, would meet with disapproval and vocal dissatisfaction. j justify ,..,.. inaction.. ...... rate. ,- .v. Jews to moyion. And he Uie revelation of Gd in m- .... uiougtu me into me inner court our Saviour mediated through of the Lord's houw and. behold, tbc church and the 8aer,mpn at the door of the temple of the The Bible is our source book of Mn 3 7 I l i f risnermen sav that this Is of Wright Sound, which consti- 8 ab,v!11-1 caused by the fact that they tutes the sub-district, was 17.800 hood f E"?' Zn the grounds In Uie spring tons, practically all of which wa, boat nwr owner. "In r this vear s ..v. : ... . . . i-uiu. oetween ine porcn ana me. ,he knowledue of Onri Are wt jcoi. a uurc wnen. me caucnt in tave Fass ciurine Feh- justified in turnitig; away to tha i scramble we may manage to get I a couple of trips." young stock is there. Later . In ruary. The fleet remained there. the season, populations Of older nnlv 10 (tavs hefnri. mnvln smith altar, were about five and twenty men with their backs toward the temple of the Lord, and their vaguely T nil T3,.;.. T- . v. i:t.... i . .. .. rf n u" apprehended ?tiended voice oi T " faults the churci HLlI L .. . .t . . . ....v . & a nu, ivuh iianoui.,iisn enter tne grounds, but be- Herring catch for the whole of nature? Despite liei fishermen and the majority of. cause the season is closed, they the northern dlstrict-from Cape '' J"" thf east, and thy worshipped sun toward 1he ... ..... uu.lM, ur body of Christ. True it is that !m Wun iiu oeaiue, ar pioieciea. Caution north was 60,082 ton. ;he yaw division of the Area Two Despite the Commission's de- since the season opened last , season into two parts as an in-; nial of a split season, the matter July. Up to the early part of this east." (Ez. 8:16.) Here were men dedicated to the service of God yet they turnd their backj ravtuous wolvt's caifr the flo4 ! First Prcl r.t r,, n.ui ,..-,.. r V., i. . upon tne Holy Flare and wor- cnun.u iruc it is mat the n chifdren of darkness are found shipped nature. So many people are doing Just that very thir.-; , Direr ut j. ....muiuK, !! uoi ciosea permanently. year, the catch was negligible pound quota could be in caught Since the split season is out, being made up of only occas-a reasonable period during the; it appears that the Vancouver ional sets from local population, summer, instead of in a mad Deep Sea Fishermen's Union is The bulk of it was caught dur run curing the month of May. ! proposing that the old volun- ing the whiter. George Anderson, secretary of tary curtailment plan be revived The herring season on the the Dm i Sea Fishermen's Union, but Uiis is receiving a cold re- Queen Charlottes remains open, expressed keen disappointment ception here. This is the sys- but there hav been no reports at the refusal but felt that, in Um also favored by Alaskan hal- of anything being caught, des-?; !um! rIgulation is in- ut men. Abuses of the system pHe the fact that a couple ot etab e if the industry is to i in the period when it was last boats went over a week ago to SUNDAY 11:00-.R:; Oueat aJBK SOUTH AFRICAN ELECTION nPilME MINISTER D. F. MALAN of the Union of l South Africa has had his policy of "apartheid" (segregation) approved in this week's provincial ; flection. Such segregation, Malan's government said, could alone save the country's 2,500,000 whites from submersion by its 9,000,000 African and color- jptl people. '-jj On its assumption of power last year after defeating Jan Christian Smuts' United Africa party by a narrow margin in the general election, the Mal-an government moved to give effect to its promises The Urc 12:15-Sa.t 7:30-T prospect. in tne saint' aemoly with the children of litht. Bat did not Jesus say "not everyone that calleth me Lord, Lord, shall en- ; ter the Kingdom of Heaven." And ln the panibte of the tares we are given to understand that there will be false Christian. mixed along with the true. "And by their works ye shall knov i them." J Many sincere people turn away, from the church in us-sufct because of this unfortunate ; fact. Yet the chuix'h will hard-y be any better if it U aban- doned because of hypocrisy I.: her ranks. In any case a hypo- ' I lnea P"or to 1941 have convinc- The next move is still up to, ed the local fleet that It will be the Commission,'" he said. "Wei0f little viup .v, ' ARthra: 3 iput a sound proposal into their j who abide by it or to the Indus- uiy anu uiey rnrew it out.! try as a whole. Six draggers are scrap tishing in Hecate Straits and delivering fair catches hcie. However, there Is not enough coming in to give any great amount of em Mj Si Gucs! Solo;, How loii ' Cx!. Mun 8 pi morning is solved yet. Mr. Anderson feit that failure Scores of fishinc hnotc tmi. about segregation. Its immediate aim was to abol ' . , ; ;iers wid halibut vessels are now ployment on the waterfront Doits to Dresent n snliri fmnt m , i, ... - Ui LLi ' 11 P I I CPfl TflV t ha i.nm j favor of the proposal allowed the - c. m& WUliiltJ, season. The halibut season will Capt. Aif Aspina'.l was in com-opn May 1 alter an 11-month mand of the Unio nsteamrr Co JDIRECTORY "mliTi in all i Inircliei. nt II n.rn. mirt 7::i pin.; hnnitav ntIkm.i t Ii:l5 errl uk sluinn. vc;iirN rtniiKini th Ave W t Dunsmuir St. Holy Ciimmunlon 8 :10 a m. Sififtny Hi-hm 2AHI ptn. Canon Biisil 8 Prockt r, B A.. B D Rwtor: (BlueT:)i) IIUST BAKTIHT 5th Aw K. mi YminK St Minster: R Fred Antrohui Oren 811) HKT i-ki:msvti:hhn 4tl Awnur KtixX Minister. Rev. UeuTRe K. Scndull (Orern BH21 flltxT I'MTI'I) BSfi mtt Avp West MtniKUsr: R. A. Wilson. MA . IGrwn 613) I I I.I. l.(l"HI, TMir'ltNAI I.B 221 61i Ave. West Pnstor: Pmil A. Hurber (Orn NAI.VATIOV ARMY rnwrr Strt. CO.: Major W. YunwniKtn t'lrrrtory Ohiss 2:30 p m. S'.niclny School 3 00 pm (Bluck 2fiMt T. V1 I. S I I Tlll liAV 5Ui Ave nt MtBritie St Pas-tor: U. Bollnnd (Blnck 610) : erne is too small a unns t.i n;c ; : : Commission an opportunity to ' by-pass it. I Closure in Ai-pn T-n o.irf t rm., Many feel that any argumen ,probab,y win start eat , A at j 0.c!ock Friday atl,rnootl , that division of the season will depending on the wea flier. At her weekly trip from Vamou cause over-fishing of any one, 'present, the main work is being ver. He replaces Capt Ham ish the representation of Africans in the House and. to remove half-caste voters from the common roll. In view of the narrow margin of the government in the national parliament, it was decided to seek a mandate in the provincial elections. The majority for the Malan government was not large but it will, doubtless, be accepted as a mandate on the segregation policy. j iione on engines and hulls. In McLean who is now on holiday; j the case of halibut boats, gear Capt. Aspinall is well known ir j Kill be readied during April. No this port as former first ofncer j trollers are on the grounds in and master of tne old Cassia j behind! Our excuse for not u-.tending church must be bikes' ' than that. I The true church Is made u, of sincere believers in whom : lie ; Spirit of Christ dwells am: of !her ultimate sucerss there t no doubt. It is composed of "nver- comers" as St. John isuys of those passing through great i tribulation "they overcame h'm I by the blood of the Lamb. u:id , by the- word of their te.-,ti tnony--." (Rev. 12:ll.i Biums SORE THROAT this district yet although a few which used to ply between Princi- hand trollers in rowboats have Rupert, Vancouver and the naught the odd spring salmon. Queen Charlottes. He succeeded mostly in the harbor near Tucks ' CapL Alex McLennan on the Cd- Iniet- ouiUam last fall and lately has . . " ' bn on vacation. This week. The herring season in the nor- the Coquitlam is calling at the thern subdistilct of fisheries south Islands ami is due back LOWEST PRICES GENUINE ASPIINM IS MARKED u,w.l iW0 was ciosea by regu- liere Sunday to saii at 10 pm t. im:ti:r angi.k an Si nl Cove Arrhrtenron F Hrxin, .r Sunlfiv Pfhool 1 1 :fC m. Evening Prayer 7 :30 p m. Biue err) Mrs. S. Tk-ken. who arrived in ! he city at the first of the week ! Itom Whitehorse, will sail to-; morrow night on the Coquitlam for Westvlew. THIS WAY BAVCUl Westview wuon at mianigni, Thursday, an- for Buledule. Namu vent that had little meaning and Vancouver. ' 4 - liHtiinfm faikm? ' hiirao ill 1 null P'-'1" lorn'- !M!l. i'; 1' Vitll for it Piirkwl fr wild id'-Hisliins-. K j i P "r (Viiiai'ii' l lint 1 1'-'' hi I'' ('illi:iltilvk PRINCE RUPERT AND ALASKA WHEN the ocean terminus of a transcontinental railway is so close to another" country, as Prince Rupert is to Alaska, most people would think, as time went on, that business relations be-. ; twee ft the two would show some signs of substantial - growth. Convenience and costs should be among the determining factors. When the Jones Bill, enacted nearly thirty years ago, began to function, there was but little surprise It was too much to expect, from the Canadian standpoint, that the United States would be wholly indifferent to the significance of the new northern line. Certain interests were bound to be protected, and they undoubtedly were, even though the Prince Rupert railway, with its unanswerable advantage, had friends both in Alaska and United States j.roper. r But the time has now come for the rescinding of j3he Act; In thirty years, undreamed of changes in Jhe general world situation are being seen. In international affairs, nations are becoming more united in principles and purposes, where hitherto nationalism was more pronounced. The tendency in 1949 with the shadow of a single great power a source of uncertainty, is to maintain unity in following a com-nion policy and the making of concessions which liberalize rather than restrict Re fnnde4 1": C'-' v ' . .... rZZ J " ' " ' v . - ; in ' . . V; i . 5 4 V t j W 1 : szve Sc?;cec7te's 4 THE FOE etersns, supports Outpost Hospitals on far northern frontiers, extends its helping hand to suffering humanity everywhere. The Red Cross is YOUR Red Cross. The work it is doing can only be done with YOUR help. This work must not be left undone. Give generously. " Red Cms services also include: Treatment for Crippled Children, Nutrition Services, Home Nursing Courses, Swimming and Water Sajety, etc. Rushed to the hospital seriously injured in an accident, a little child's life hangs perilously in the balance. Will you reach out and help? There are mothers, new. born babies, that cannot live with" out blood transfusion. Cao they count on you? "The Red Cross Free Blood Trans. : fusion Service, fast being extended across Canada, is part of the great work you and thousands of other Canadians are doing. It requires your continued your increased support to finance .this great humanitarian project. -Your Red Cross also sends imme Skeena Construction & Cabinet Co. . BrtliDERSi .,AS0 GENERAL -CONTRACTORS FLOOR SANDING AND CABINET WORKS ESTIMATES FREE -ON REQUEST P. At. Bos 1676 . . w - Phone Red 633 When Whn COniid.rmo contidttring v... your A dona - f lion, nimmbw thai lhh year the Canadian Rid Croat noodt 3 Million Dollar- 40 mora than Iht provioot oppool. This is YOUR work CiVU OF TASTY MEALS AT THE Rex Cafie Chinese Dishes a Specialty CHOP SUEY CHOW MEIN diate relief wherever disaster strikes, gives assistance to disabled CANADIAN i l U RED I r CROSS Local Campaign Headquarters Bank of 1 vmmerce Li K. A. Pboue lr MORLEY Second Avenue opposite Prince Rupert Hotel 7:00 a.m. to 3:30 a.m. Phone 173 for Outside Orders i fei Mm fin TtfmOn