lift, Editor -Irene Hansen. Reporters Manro Brown; Joan Muller, Dena Kerrighan, Mar; Mwllf r, lamina Kerrighan, Bob Watts. Dfl - & - lit NPIUB - A fFeehly Record PROGRESSIVE DEVELOPMENT IN , LOCAL STEAM LAUNDRY AND DRY i CLEANING PLANT ON McBRIDE ST. No one today can afford to pay high prices for SPRING FEVER HITS CAMPUS pxxmt tiupm Onup J2ero Saturday. March 12, 1949 Would Abolish Execution Death A TRIOLET. Falling softly be the. rain. Cooling hearts' own pains within; . Though the sun will come again. Bo-Me-HU clothes, that are j men's sucks, and find that, even with careful hand-either too short or too wide ynv they will shrink in the first wash. have been dug out' of closets; " v .Atrar( n rlkrnrrl vnliiaWo o,,..!.. lur "."2ER BtiliDlRCSCPPUK" and drawers. Baseballs and soft hniu nrp heins cleared of soi account of shrinkage or because they have holes with der webs and such-nke, in the ; no one around to darn them. ...During a recent club period ! Softly falling be the rain, the Forum Club had a round j The sun 1 hold ln hlSh disdain, table discussion on "Capital j Tonlight I know is fled all sin, Punishment." Teams for this I Fam softly be the rain, ! Cooling hearts' own pains topic were WiUred Yurgenson and Billy Toderas for the nega- j within, live and Bill Watts and Dick ' " Gilker for the affirmative. It GIRLS PLAY morning, at noon hour or after ideal Cleaners & Laundry on school one may see the diamond : McBride Street, as shown in to-: Ideal Cieaners c l enthusiasts loosening stiff arms , that have been dormant during the winter months. clay's full page advertisement, ' with the installation of tb has installed the latest sock dry- j ern equipment, htvt nig and finishing equipment as ' again .that they ate the dry,' 1 in uielr FLOORING FIR OR HEMLOCK SIDING ALL TYPES SASH AND DOOR . . . amd a Complete Supply of Gneral C i M motion M tcri.ils. well as the most efficient Singer j progressive plant of Its 1 was agreed that capital punish-; r piMp liNV-r POMP menf should be abolished. The , majority felt that more hu-1 The girl's ping-pong tourna- mane methods in dealing with i ment, which is being handled A PRAYER darning machine to help you out of this costly calamity. the north. They are eon endeavoring to improve O Mighty Lord. O Lord on hish. crime are desirable and that by Mona Lykegard, is taking. 0 min-hty ruler in the sky! This, no doubt, will be most j quality of workmanship by ob criminals should be treated as , place at Booth School. The , patients. i games are played during noon Thine searching eye, the gleaming star. During the coming club per-; hour. iods the numbers plan to havej There have been 14 entries j" wau-uc ur. ...e .. ........ voiue, vol$ - - ftfivifatfC, jnvfa(fiCt aftd ad . are are Boill8 going! i 0 of which 10 are senior students JThy sl.,nce relieves my soul so welcome news to all men, single taining the necessary equipment or married, as well as to all ! and by employing advanced and housewives in our fair city. It j Improved methods in their oper-is a step in the right direction, i ations. an opixtrt unity for you to save j Ideal Cleaners &t Laundry is a considerable money as well as j steam laundry and drycleanin? unpleasantness to say the least, plant wodermy equipped Jut lui.tKiv yuimriX, dressing throughout, efficiently operated nd four junior. The winner is I to raca.. iwJng the micro-) a Lphone.' jL tense Leona Webster. As nature plays with every sense. At the presefvt time. arranye-i Wit hfour games to go in tne Philp 5 ott, Evitt As on a cold and frosty day, in a hurry in the morning and j by expert help and expert man-The wind steals all the warmth fi,KiiU that your socks go hm ajreruent. clean and sanitary and away, jeasy, tit well, feel nice and .-oft j truly worthy of your patron- and Co. Ltd. menttf' $ rafting c-.ade to hold! senior division. Enid Sedgwick a baiVruetyfi EastWh The exe-1 is leading, having not lost a cuUvjW" arrange all details game. t as to gueVf$after dinner speak-. The semi-finals will be players, and toasts but every mem-; cd Monday afternoon. The tour-ber of the club will be given ' nament should be over by Wed-a definite role to play. It 'is nesday. hoped by all that the group will j have a pleasurable experience. TRACK CLFB BUSY with all its fancied! H'"' HUVt IHH swngie so uujec- ub.-. As spring rilONE 651 Unliable huh anywhere. j "" than flowers, Makes hearts more gay singing bowers, You will be very pleasantly surprised, beginning your day comfortably, instead of finding The Track Club has started As quiet autumn's falling leaves YOUR HEADQUARTERS FOR l yourself all wrapped np in a ASTHMA its 7 o'clock practices again in Sadly luive their brief reprieves. preparation for the provincial ' AND HAY FEVER As moaning pine on lofty hill, Leaves my heart so very still. BBEATUF.AY T t. IK MIA fir cloud of smoke and curses, wishing you could wring the neck of I lie one who you t hink is re-pon.siblc for your sock troubles. Looking Backward I-iil iBcmiwr, Br. track meet that is to be held In Vancouver at the end of May. Most of the time, so far, has been spent in limbering jnuseles. As much Thy glance from up above. O'erfills my heart with tender love. , SEEDS AND FERTILIZERS GARDEN NEEDS AND EQUIPMENT AURORA - 1919 Price Rupert High School boy's basketball team won five Sale of Coke And Hot Dogs v." : For every descendant of the breed, Mcintosh Top Hoop Scoter How the Boys Did lit Juvenile League games out of eight and, for the ..-.! nnri hnr rinir snip was firsttime in many years, . the he!d on Thursday by the junior N1 iust ior briht beuul green and gold won the Inter- members of the Cheer Club., fre?d-High School Northern British Tne raised will be used!0 money Lord on hi"h do eastthim Columbia championship. Com- t0 send some of the cheer lead- eve petition was with Ocean Falls is! soutn with the team, that ers on those who do the world defy' and Anyox. They also carried lf tne team goes Rena Ingram j off the city intermediate cham-J and teona Webster were in I To keep a world of loving men WANTED Empty Beer Bottles CITY TRANSFER Wai COLLECT THEM AT YOl'H DOOR CARTONED OR LOOSE WE FAT CASH PHONE 950 " W E DELIVER" SPECIAL pionship. The girl's team was- also suc- charge of the sale. The amount of money raised was $12. ' Roy Macintosh of King Edward School ends up the Juvenile League season as top league scorer for the past season, according to "Shorty" Santur-bane's compilation for the Daily News. Macintosh piled up 88 points while second high sharp tcessiui m winning ine cnam- MK3C Unmoved by hate from Satan', den, . Hate so wrought with reeking smell In all the scorching flames ol hell. pionship in the City League. HOWLERS BUSINESS AND PROFESSIONAL IN THE SUPREME COURT OF BRITISH COLUMBIA IN PROBATB Most of Shakespear's heroines were women. TRY A Adverts O let us by Thy silver light, snooier oi me League was Julian Parnell of Borden Street with 79. -The rest of the field trails pcetty well behind. The standings: Racine sank lower and lower! FOR YOUR ROCK and CONCRETE WORK - t DR. V3. CHENEY ' : . PENTIST SUITE 5, SMITH BLOCK Phone 765 P O. Box HOI and finally he married. Charles Lamb nevermarried because there was sanity in his family. Separate out the good and right; That hi Thy glare so silvery bright. This world will be a radiant light. NOW k ik- Ti CALL BLUE 939 J. SAUNDERS M. Fg. Ft. R. Macintosh 41 6 J. Parnell 32 5 D. Cameron 30 4 J. Smith 31 1 C. Erickson 2G 9 In tU MsIM at the KMatr of Vrilie TAKE NOTICE that by order ol His Honor. Judge W-. O . Pulton, made on the loth day of March. A D 1949. my appointment as Executor of the estate of Nellie Beveridge. deceased, was confirmed. All parties having claims against the said estate are hereby required to furnish same, properly verified, to me on or before the 15th day of April. 1949, after which claims filed may be paid without reference to any claims of which I then had no knowledge. And all parties indebted to the estate are required to pay the amount of their Indebtedness forthwith. DATED THIS 11th day of March. AD. 1949. New, Modern Equipment All Work Guaranteed La Fleur d'Angleterre est la rose, INEVITABLE LEVY La Fleur de France est le lis,; At prevailing tax rates, each R. baby in the United States can R. Davidson 29 0 Gable 26 6 NU-WAY DELIVERY SERVICE CALL BLACK 846 For ALL Your Delivery Needs BRYDGES and McLEAN to make chanjres in your re friper We will be glad to assist you in menta contemplated. Have your machine checked toset dition for the heavy work season expect to pay $2,000 in gasoline G. Marshall 24 4 PU 73 C4 63 61 53 53 52 44 43 37 36 35 32 31 32 La Fleur de Rupert, je suppose, Est un caboche - lis. PUBLIC ACCOUNTANTS AND AUDITORS taxes during his lifetime as ai average automobile operator. B. Fitzgerald 20 4 D. Nickerson 20 3 Income Tax Returns Compiled SEE US FOR YOUR REFRIGEHATIOS i W. Blackaby 17 3 D. MacAfee 17 2 MORE SCHOOLS NEEDED S N. Scherk 14 7 According to recent esirnates, P. Parnell 15 2 Britain's rise hi birthrate will F. Kristmanson ... 15 1 ARROW CARS 24-Hour Service PHONE G46 Prompt and Courteous Service PETROLEUM BY-PRODUCTS Household equipment furniture, kitchen ware, dishes, curtains, drapes, rugs and the like can be produced from pctro- WILLIAM BARTON Executor. Estate of . Nellie Beveridge, co Brown & Harvey Barristers & Solicitors, Besner Block Room 31 PHONE 600 Walk-in or Reach-in Coolers -F nave uicreasea ner scnooi pup- rj. Dennison 13 6 Prince Rupert, B.C. (72) ileum plastics. ulation by 1,000,000 by 1953. ! (Continues n rage Six) BALAGNO FLORISTS MATTSON'S . UPHOLSTERING V (ahinctfl Ice Cream Cite1 Domestic Refrigerator Northern B.C. Power Phone BLUE 818 P.O. Box 52B 330 Second Avenue . Prince Rupert, B.C. IcUTfora A STRAIGHT PHONE 210 or 2 3 322 West Third Avenue DELIVERY SERVICE PHONE GREEN 7i.7 Box 1193 Prince Kup-rt, B. C. INTER TOR DECOR ATI NO PAPER HANGING and SIGN PAINTING R. RAIIMER PHONE GREEN Wl A. P. GARDNER & CO. CHARTERED ACCOUNTANTS 1 Fishermen! 475 Howe St., Vancouver. DC. Get that hi(.;h speed enirine of ymirs r this eoinin? season. Avoid the last m MARGARET McLEOD OPTOM BTRIST ROOM 10, STONE BUILDING PIANO TECHNICIAN Tuning, Voicing and Repairs Minrc colussi Phono BLACK 75ii 972 10th East us cheek It over for you. If an ovrrh"-should have the ensine now in order to secure any parts that mlRht not be ln TIME IS LIMITED. We are equipp Ior DRY KINDLING WOOD the overhaul of CHRYSLER MARINE E-G PHONE BLUE 593 P.O. Box 1184 Ask for Millbank. Experience Ihe smoking enjoyment thai can be yours in cigarette ofter cigarette all day I It's the Straight Cut Virginia the top tobacco from tip to tip that makes Millbank "Truly Mild". 50c Sack Delivered Chain Saw and Operator Available for Hire PHONE B & W TRANSFER Green 18G RUPERT MJ0R5 HELEN'S BEAUTY SHOP Permanent Waving Beauty Culture in all its branches 204 4th Street Phone 65.' BUI' BYTOWN MACHINE WORKS Agents for SIMPLEX GAS i and CUMMINS DIESEL ENGINES i Sales, Service and Parts Boat Owners and users of Industrial Engines are invited to our showroom to view our various engines and talk over equipment problems. Prince Ru pcrt's Finest Eating Place BROADWAY CAFE BEST FOOD BEST COOKING HANDYMAN HOME SERVICE GENERAL CONTRACTORS l .L Hv niiii r flteyte firmer - 7Zeyke milder- 7eyk -0 better Ttiir8 Building and repairs of ail ktnd. Roofs, Chimneys OU Burners I V.V.' .V.V.V.V it a t For PHONES GEORGE L. RORIE Public Accountant, Auditor, etc. Income Tax Returns Compiled Besner Block Phone 387 i & Aim Construction Alterations Repairs Black 687 Red 8M evenlnes P.O. Box 1G70 1 J RED GREEN 1HIINGLEEN BEAUTIFIES AND PROTECTS OLD AND NEW SHINGLES BROWN BLACK Thompson Hardware Co. Ltd. GREER & BRIDDEN , T I t lilO'" QUALITY REPAIRS For Downtrodden Heek and Warn Soles MAC SHOE HOSPITAL Box TJ4 Seeoni At. ijWell Cartage Ltd.; j Complete Moving Service Cratinr Parkin Cartage BLUE 780 RED 516 ! a Specialty CHINESE DISHES FOIl TAKE-HOME ORDERS PHONE 200 603 WEST THIRD AVENUE . CONTRACTORS AND IllIILDRRS J Floor Sanding Se iuliy if Red 501 5 - F.O. Box 721 . Plumbing