Prince Uupcrt Dail2 Jpctosf Saturday, March 12, 1049 ! Local News Items . . . f C P p Radio Dial V I I S 1240 Kilocycle (subject to Change) P.A. SYSTEM FOR SCHOOL At an executive meeting of the King Edward School Parent - Teacher Association the mi! i Hamuli iiiai: Moose Whist Drive and Dance every Sat. Night 8:30. Cash lor old gold. Bulger's Alderman H. S. Wlialen left to Railway Laundry To Be Done Here Laundry work for the Canadian National Railways, doing of SATURDAY- -P.M. 7:30-Organ Music day by air on a short business 7:45--T.B.A. (It) Miss Charlotte Balagno is sail j Dimension & Finish Lumber plywood and Wallboard Sash and Door. C Cement, Plaster, Brick ' j trip to Vancouver. Charles Durham of Usk is sail- school project was discussed. It was decided that the public address system originally planned Introducing Mallory Hats ing tomorrow night on the Coquitlam for a trip to Vancouver. i which was discontinued here some time ago, may again be can icd out at Prince Rupert. R. C. Vaughan, president of the railway, advises the Prince Rupert Chamber of Commerce that he has given personal directions Entrants for Gyro Beard j Growing Contest please enter I at Capitol Barber Shop.' (61) j Mrs. H. P. Hammer, who has) ins on the Coquitlam Sunday night on a trip to Vancouver. For keeping liquor for sale, R. Feller was fined $300 by Magistrate W X. Vance in city police court this week. T& McCAFFERY LTD. for, the present school building be deferred and a fund set up to provide for a permanent in-stallation in the new building. Plans were made for a tea, sale of home cooking and white elephant sale to be held at King Edward School on March 18. 8:00 Rerj River Barn Dance 8:30 - Dale With Music 8:45- Dancing Time 9:00 -Chamber Music 9 :30 - Pacific Pianoforte 10:00 -CEC NEWS 10:10 - CBC News 10: 15 Britain's Colony 10:30-Dal Richards Orch. 11:00 Weather and Sign Off. SUNDAY A.M. ll:00CBC News 11:03 Capit'oi Keports Ott. 11:30 Religious Period. Tor. that Prince Rupert laundries should have the opportunity to fything for the Builder" PHONE 116 been in t he city since arriving from Vancouver a few weeks ago, sailed last night on the Coquitlam for Queen Charlotte Dr. J. d. Galbraith, medical di do the work providing service is right and prices reasonable. Mrs. M. B. Lemon and Mrs. rector of Miller Bay Hospital, left today by air on a brief business City. trip to Vancouver. Tea, Sale of Delicious Home John McLeod are in charge of the tea room while Mrs. Barney Roald will look after the home cooking and Mrs. Eleanor Piche will conduct the white elephant sale. The meeting was held at the HOTEL ARRIVALS M. Gordon, Vancouver; A. Bryant, Vancouver; John Brown, Port Essington; W. J. Deane, Vancouver; T. Scheer, Terrace. Mr. and Mrs. II. Rcid, Port Announcements All aavcrtlsfn.w.K o tTJis column will be chnrgod for ft 1 all moutb at 3B cent a word Cooking, White Elephant Sale, King Edward School, Friday, 12:00 -N.Y. Philharmonic Orch. 1:30 Church of' the Air 2 :00 Musical , Program 2:30 Winnipeg' Symphony Orchestra', .' 3:25 CBC News'yv - 3:27 Weather! Forecast . 17 Mar. Catholic School, 2:30 March 18, 2 to 5 p.m. Everybody welcome: (65) Mr. and Mrs. Samuel Hall and daughter, of Butedale, are sailing for home Sunday night on p,r inierUun. minimum cbwg. . Birth Hollow: hanlio IwHth Notices. Funeral NoMom, Utrrltg. i vnL'iuciiient Aunounctineuui: .!. home of the secretary, Mis. H. M. Lindseth. Those present were Mrs. R. E. Mortimer, Mrs. Jacob Strand, Mrs. M. B. Lemon, ECIAL l)lfLV, 1JOUBLK PRICE pnytible In lvnco. Flense retrain trom (.liphonluf Opposite Healtn Unit :S to 5:30. St. Patrick's Tea Homecooking and Apron Sale. Card Party 8 'p.m. King Edward School Tea and Sale, Friday, March 18. STOP! LOOK! READ! Got the Coquitlam after spending the FOK hALfc last wee kin the city. E. M. Sharpe of the account Mrs. Hans Knutson, Mrs. Oscar Giske, Miss E. Sweeney, Mrs. Russel Cameron, Mrs. H. M. Lindseth and Messrs. R. G. Moore, C. H. Insulander, J. P. Moller and Rudolph Olsen. Home-Made Candy ami Fresh Roasted Nuts your tickets now, limited1'! FOR SALE 1 Hemtzman Piano, excellent condition. $350.00 Apply evenings. 841 3rd West. (65) lng staff of the Torbrit mine at amount only. St. Patrick's ! ATE ie Shop and v on 1st Ave.. , j 2 rental i'2 lots. A barton of Rood tt Armstrong ,,ie 342 lor de- ;2i Alice Arm is sailing by the Cam Dance. Sponsored by Junior Chamber of Commerce. Civic FOK sale Baby Carriaee in limn color, cooa condition osun tomorrow night on his return north after having been in the city for the past few days. Centre Auditorium, Friday, Ureen 70fc. (62) . wJ- liiJ.j-i ,JV inijl-i O 4:00 Voeli-En' Review 4:15-Jda Fisher 4:30 Strings for Sunday 5:00i-Recoid Album 5:30 Musical Program 6:00 CBC News 6:10 The Old Songs, Tor. 6:30 Familiar Music 7:00 Stage 49 8:00 Musical Program 8:30 Critically Speaking 9:00 Classics ior Today 9:30 Vesper Hour 10:00 CBC News , , 10:15 I Met Them Out West 10:30 Prelude to Midnight 11:00 Weather and Sign Off March 18, 9:30 to 1:30. music Civic Centre TOB It EMI SINGER SEWING CLASSES W. A. Bruce, provincial gov- r-rrst in De-udmlm" 1948 by the Dukes. United Church W.A. Rummage al M-.irr-li 19 at 326 Second Until recently only manufactured in the United States, MALLORY HATS are now made in Canada and we are pleased to announce that we have acquired the agency for these famous hats. Made from fine quality fur felt, in new shades and smart styling, MALLORY HATS are sure to meet with your approval. PRICED AT $6.50 88.50 rorTJlSn.JSl" Ununcnt liquor inspector, who n-aii'M. iuncs.s privileges if required. Close in has been in the city for the last Phune lii'd (02) J f . Avenue, two doors from CFPR. week, left today by air to return opposite Borden St. School. Phone Black 258 or inquire at oiD coraen ai. (til to sew lessons. learn easy You can in eight to Victoria. An American oil barge, appar Jobs Daughters Scotch Dance Oddfellows' Hall, March 19, 8 to 12. Rebekah Fashion Show, Mar. Garage, FOR RENT Green 698. phone (63) : ED Have a artime and vou are sell-n let us Rive our property . 'Asenries. iC7) ently damaged off the Alaska coast, was reported today to be HELP WAN JED 23, Oddfellows' Hall. Presbyterian Tea, Church Hall March 24. ENROLL NOW AT YOUR SINGER n house and nts. 3 lots in i street. Will WANTED Apprentice to Marine Fitter Trade gas. dieseLs, etc. Apply to Box 490 Daily News, stating age, name, address, education, also when available. (tf) Prince Rupert Symphony Or UNWANTED HAIR 1 1 liuunti'ri liair eradicated from the human ImmI.v with Smu-rt-lo 5 niiitiiM-nt. the remarkable di-( emery of the use. haio-l'ehi kills (lie met el any hair! (H) S ti!) t.ranville St.. Vancouver, B.C. me in Prince Benson. Mas- chestra concert in support ot heading for Prince Rupert for repairs under tow of two tugs. She is expected to arrive here some time Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Douglas K, Wilson will be leaving towards the end of this month for Albcrni, Vancouver Island, to take up future residence. Mr. Wilson, who S10.00 I i Prince Rupert Film Council, March 25. (70) (06 1 iriviriz Hair- SEWING CENTRE (61) Dates . SUNDAY Sports PJvl. 2:00 Adult Badminton 7:00 City Rep. Basketball Team Special P.M. 2:00 Fishermen's Co-op . MONDAY Sports A.M. 9:00 Bo Me Hi Gym Class P.M. 4:00 Girls Organized Gaines Hour 8:00 Rup - Rec Women BASKETBALL PRACTICES . ... 1 4:00 10:00 Special P.M. 3:30 Jr. Boys Crafts 7 -.30 I.O.D.E. HMCS Haida j 7 ,30 Kinsmen Executive j 7 :30 Mixed Beginners . I Leathercraft j 8:P0 Band Practice Commencing March 28-two , ,s at burns quipped shop ish sail-. Ap WANTED A reliable man to sell Rawlcigh Products in Prince Rupert and surround-ini! district. No experience needed to start. Write today. Rawleigh's Dept. W. Q., C-16G-18U, Winnipeg, Man. (H) weeks University Home Fur-1 mm .... nishings course. Afternoon and evening sessions, tiegister mci Centre. I plies. Decker i (iii furnished 4 id location. (00) has been identified with Ormes Drugs here for the past year or so is taking over a drug business BUILDING LITTLE! KEN'S RADIO CLINIC For Satisfactory Service Call 53 . 718 Second Avenue West SALESMEN WANTED AGENTS FOR STETSON AND MALLORY HATS at Alberiii. SPECIALTY SELLERS A BIG: - BUILDING mm Wartime Frank Watcrhouse freighter ikc and Bcn- Operetta, Borocn St. School,', at Civic Centre, March 31 and! April 1. I Women of the Moose spring! tea, April 7, at Ms'- J- P- Mol-j ler's, 124 Fourth Avenue East. Orange Spring Sale, April 13, 1. jnc Blue 140. Bout holm docked at Port Edward (00) this morning to unload supplies for Nelson Bros, cannery as well Furnished 4 i WHICHEVER IT IS YOU'LL GET SATISFACTION WHEN YOU DEAL WITH US CONSTRUCTION IS OUR BUSINESS i Kedec- i p.s equipment and building sup iui out. Fenced i I :ern furniture 1 fc u condition, f (01 double barrelled sales oppor-1 tvmitv in Palco Products. (1) BENZO. different, non-soap, non-inflammable, all purpose household and industrial cleaner. (2) FYRFOE. no extinguisher, but preventive by fireproofing cioihing, other fabrics. Both products sq different competition is nil. Widest consumer fields homes, stores, industries. Income builders of Inchest order. Get easy start plan. Palco Division, Palcoseel Co. Ltd., Cornwall. Ont. (H WANTED BRASS, Copper, Car Radiotors, and Batteries. -Good prices Motorists. While attending Civic Centre activities, leave your car with us. WE'LL SERVICE IT WHILE YOU HAVE FUN! Drive in tonight plies and 400 cases of dynamite for the Columbia Cellulose project at Watson Island. Capt. Walter llolmberg is in command of the vessel, which came north via the west coast of Vancouver Island. The Southolm, which also I Alio. 30 ft. iiiac 981. (00) ie House with l Pmuott Av- hath, 4 bed-I went on I'i' urnishcel and ( 2 to 5 p.m.,. Oddlellows Hall.. Queen Mary tI-O.D.E. Tea, April 18. Presbyterian Spring Sale, April 21. Anglican Spring Sale, Saturday April 23. Legion Auxiliary Spring Sale, April 27. The United Church Spring Sale, May 5. C.C.F. Spring Sale, May 7, Sons of Norway Hall. Eastern Star Tea, May 10, Mrs. L. W. Kergin. ' Sonia Ladies Tea May 28. AIR PASSENGERS j To Vancouver R. E. Blake.Dr. J. D. Galbraith, Mrs. H. Stevens. W. A. Bruce, H. S. Wlialen. To Sandspit A. M. Craig, II ! J. Jodgins. j From Vancouver W. Col- dough, S. J. Hunter, A. Iaatt. j hai general cargo for Prince Rupert, will proceed from here to Alice Arm and, going south next paid. B.C. FURNITURE UU. (tf) :!. Terms can i f .'' near schools! week, will load. 100,000 feet of lumber from Massett. Black 324. WORK W ANTED MITCHELL & CURRIE LTD. Huililcrs and Contractors PHONE 363 Service Hours. Weekdays 8:30 a.m. to 12 p.m. Sundays 10 a.m. to 10 p.m. BOB PARKER'S UPTOWN SERVICE STATION East. $2,850.00 j Gth Avenue j ;tveet. $2,500. inuimed. W. (61) Phone (67 Gardener, p.m. Experienced 544 after 7 TOPS FOR 1,000 YEARS Paris was the largest city in the world for 1,000 years. FOl'ND lll!l!ll!i!!!!!ii!!!!Hili'!li Classified Ads Bring Results' PHONE 7!)l Second and McBridc or FOUND Keys in gas cap. Owner may have same by calling at the Daily News and paying for this ad. ") e. 5 Rooms Hot Water (l. Situated 'l lot. nn 9th I? "f $3700.00. irtinie. House. FOUND Watch near Summit Ou ner miiv have same bv lay- iim fur this ad. Phone Red Glassware and Kitchen Utensils FULL LINE OF PYREX wok Street. 832. 61) SCHOOLS AND COLLEGES if Iteall v i;0. I 'ftn 'Ml CIVIL SERVICE FX AM! NATIONS PREPARE NOW for Spring mil ofcrspcmWjq Examinations. Write M.C.C. .School. 301 Endcrton Bide.. Winnhieir. Man. h) ! '"field suit,. ?''. iilniost. tiiw Tumblers, Cookie Jars Salt and Pepper Shakers Cream and Sugar Sets Water Pitchers, Butter Poxes Cups and Saucers 518 3rd Ave. W. Phone Kcd 400 V UD i YOU CAN RUN A HOME Kinder garten with our help. Canad ; cnnmel Balh- ian Kindergarten Institute, pl' Water Tank 1 Uimn Blocks. 301 Endcrton Bldg., Winnipeg. 5AUTY PAITS , S,I Radios lerwnnrl Tvi. Manitoba. 4 0? flairs. Oil Kit- mumw WW PERSONAL $010 IY tSHU WEUJ MUJ a(i scores of :rli;'cs t the FURNITURE. . (tf) (I Fresh Eggs. ' ' I'honc Bine (62) " -t wjl PERSONAL DRUG SUNDRIES (rubber goods twelve samples for 50c postpaid in plain sealed wrapper, catalogue included. General Novelty Co., Dept. 'PR', 71 Major St.. Toronto, Ont. (791 12: '"T Aiiioma-i '111(1 Rpt.niithnr I METAL i CiCK l"nUlete with )..,'' ''t'I'i'ic motor, i Punl ui.i-i,,.. ; - - M 111 U n:1 . ''Ulniihil oi77i"' iRwm Suite. 3- PLUMBING Installations anJ Repairs. SHEET MET A I , WORK. Tar and Gravel Roof-ifiK. Letouriieaw & Sons, bf- Sixth West. Phone543. MAC1UNEKY FOh SALE .O SAW . Detter lumber more economically use the modern and up-to-date tvne National ;. "".! Coffee Expert Repairs nW. (621 Hold Down That DUST . . . Use Genuine Dustbane and Dustbane Products Paper Towels Brooms Mops Soap Wax Rags and all good JANITOR SUPPLIES Sold to Industry in Prince Rupert at Vancouver Prices By -. . PRINCE RUPERT SUPPLY HOUSE TO ALL MAKES OF srib'ke, ncces-ween 812 (li4) x Peking, ,,. Poker- tin?) Moving, Packing, Crating Shipping and General Cartage and Storage For Complete, Reliable and Efficient Service, call Lindsay's Cartage & Storage Limited Cor. 2nd and Park Avenues Established 1910 Phones 60 and 68 Portable Sawmills manuiai.-tured bv National Machinery Company Limited. Vancouyej, B.C. Adding Machines Washers T.S.S. PRINCE RUPERT SAILS FOR VANCOUVER AND INTERMEDIATE l'OKTS EACH THURSDAY at 11:15 p.m. For KETCHIKAN WEDNESDAY MIDNIGHT Typewriters Sewing Machines I (03) COOLERS IMPERATIVE Without cabin coolers in jet . i sirin -Ury , ... lvcn. in n. Anniv 'u.. , and rocket nlanes the seat m- Phone 632 -"".I OcliUl- ' . i65) side the planes would rise to P.O. Box 772 712 Second Ave. New Portable Typewriters For Rent J'Wc rhT ' Hi desrees at 1,000 miles per mi hour. TED W A Tor Reservations Write or Call C ITY OK DEFOT OFFICE PRINCE RUPERT. B.C. Chandler & Cowgill PORTRAIT STUDIO Film I'inishinK EHargiiife' Flash Photos Taken at Home Phone Green 38!) 216 4th St. PRINCE RUPERT, B.C. WOOD CAFE G C PHONE Al PLICATIONS WILL BE ACCEPTED FOR THE FOLLOWING POSITIONS FOR 1919: CAMP MANAGERS BOAT CREWS . ONE SKIPPER J. CLAL'SEN & SON '? 8 . to 4 a.ra. I COTTAGE CHEESE ! New Creamed Fresh Made VALENTIN DAIRY Your Dally i ALL-WEATHER SERVICE RUPERT MARINE REALTY SopSS in Chinese Dishes 'i0K,LY - CHOW MEIN Prince Rupert, B.C. Box 518 DAILY NEWS PAYS! IN THE 1 "ISIUE ORDERS PHONE 13S CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING