KsOVlNCIAX. i PROVINCIAL VICTORIA, . C. !.AU 31,-49 (MIES DRUGS Daily Delivery NORTHERN AND CENTRAL BRITISH COLUMBIA'S NEWSPAPER Published at Canada's Most Strategic Pacific Port "Prince Rupert, the Key to the Great Northwest." PHOHE 81 VOL. XXXVIII, No. GO. PRINCE RUPERT, B. C, SATURDAY, MARCH 12, 1949 PRICE FIVE CENTS - i Ki Operation ueeesslfu cabs .AIM . I LEWIS CALLS MINE STRIKE yr: - In Protest Against Truman His Majesty's Condition Entirely Is Satisfactory LONDON (CP) The King yesterday underwent a successful operation to improve the circulation in his right leg, a Buckingham Palace statement said. It read: "His Majesty's condition is entirely satisfactory." . r. Doctors had said earlier that the operation was Appointment of Director of "j Mines Bureau WASHINGTON, D.C., ih I -V. .AT" . ' V ' ' v. "w John L. Lewis is preparing for another contract battle with the mine operators and has order-, ed a two weeks shutdown of not a dangerous one. It Is I; known as lumbar sympathectomy -cutting of a small nervj centre near the spine to allow the blood to flow more freely through leg arteries. SMUTS IS REJECTED j TEDIOUS- Siorm-weary railroad workers are silhouetted against a southern i ! as they trudge along a rail line hidden by heavy snows. The men have been BIG MONTREAL SNOW .MONTREAL Stranded cars littered Montreal streets today after a nine-inch ttnowfall had tied up traffic and 1,'rtcrfcred with air line operations. The eilv roads department sent out -1400 men and all its equipment on snow-removal jobs after wet, clinging snow had stalled ears, j STEVE BELLOISE WINS NEW YORK Steve Belloise, hard-hitting Bronx middleweight contender, stopped J. T. Ross, lanky San Jose, California youngster, In one minute and thirty seconds of the fifth round of a featured 10-rottndcr at Madison Square s i ur with shovels and snowplows for most of the winter to maintain rail con- United Stales coal mines east f the Mississippi, beginning Vlonday. The strike is in protest against President Truman's .lomination of James Boyd as director of the United States Bureau of Mines and a memorial for men killed and injured n mines. The order involves 400,000 ninors. Some localities have been cut of! for weeks from all communications. $ A tow ns. ELECTION IN Jl'NE? VANCOUVER The Vancouver News-IIejrld said today thai the British Voymbia el-c'Jon will be t held ; in mid-June MMf June 13 ir June 20.'ri-1said: "The favor, ite election day in British v Colambia iv Monday and the Mondays Closest to mid-June are 13 and 20. CONSERVATIVES READY OTTAWA George Drew yesterday told his weekly ptcss conference that his Progressive - Conservative parly Is ready for a general election at any time. He added that, if the party attained power, he would let private enterprise and not the Canadian Broadcasting Corporation develop television. The CBC, he said, was delaying this development and all the best wave-lengths were being swallowed up by the United States. Provincial Elections in South Africa Show Stronger Favor FATAL SEQUEL TO ROBBERY Vancouver Wants B. C. Rail Director For Segregation JOHANNESBURG, (r Prime Minister Daniel Malan's Nationalist forces gained the majority of seats in South Africa's provincial council elections fought on his "apartheid" policy of racial segregation. Final returns following voting Thursday show the Nation jed Sale of Margarine i Liquor Laws Demanded i IJ1A (CD Resolutions favoring the unit i.f margarine in British Columbia and : for its failure J e coalition government i m the liquor question were unanimous-Jnieht at a meeting of Victoria County tj: Association. ' ajt :i demanded' General Giraud of France Dies PARIS, 33 General Henri Honore Giraud, aged 70, French hero of two world wars, died last night in military hospital at Dijon. He had been stricken by food poisoning. Giraud was in command for the French in North Africa at the time of the fall of France in World War II and differed with Gen. Charles de Gaulle in carrying on the war, later giving away to Garden last night. Each weighed 157U pounds. Vancouver Board of Trade is thoroughly in sympathy" with I ' -he stand of the Prince. Rupert ; HARVEY MURPHY COLLAPSES VANCOUVER Harvey Mur alists won control of Transvaal Province from Jan Christian Smuts' United Party. They also MONTREAL, Police shot and killed an armed'bandit last night and1 today widened the search for three accomplice.5 who took $25,000 from east end tobacco wholesalers. The bandits were cornered in a lane after the A. Dubord Co. had been robbed. Ovila LaRo.se, 28-year old convict, died when he refused to surrender to the police. Living Cost Is Little Changed sharply cut Smuts' edge of ma-1 phy, regional director of the International I'nion of Mine, Mill and Smelter Woriter (CIO), rested at his home today after collapsing at the British Columbia district's sixth annual convention. His condition is not serious. e, -Litm be taken i , , I :i', ;HH'ir laws I i hi.-, of the jorily in Cape Province legis-. lature and strengthened their own hold in Orange Free State. PROSECUTE BAKERIES OTTAWA The federal government will open prosecutions against an alleged baking industry combine in the three far western provinces, Justice Minister Garson an Chamber of Comerce in seeking representation for British Col-jmbia on the board of directors of the Canadian National Railways. R. T. Rokp, executive secretary of the Vancouver Board of Trade, has so communicated with the local Chamber which recently sought Vancouver's support for the move to have a British Columbia member of the board. P.G.E. Survey Smuts was, as usual, strong in Natal. THE WEATHER Synopsis Two factors are influencing the weather over the province today. The southern edge of British Columbia Is covered iy bands of cloud moving up from the remnants of a storm off the California coast. All northern regions and as far south as the Cariboo are clear due to the ap- nounced yesterday. The court action will follow a December finding by the Combines Investigation commission that Is Starting OTTAWA. (Cost ot living in eight cities across Canada fol m BJIA Axis Sally is Now-Waiting Sentence lowed no consistent pattern dur Government Sustained Hon. Lionel Chevrier, minister of transport, recently advised the local Chamber that the west 11 .i Tenders to be Called in May For First 14 Miles Toward Prince George WASHINGTON. 0 Sentence ;S already represented on board S"rreiury proach of a large area of high expeetd to be passed, next IS by a Saskatchewan man (living fc-atirth Roval pressures from northern Cana- five baking companies and two trade associations had violated the anti-combine laws ot Saskatchewan, Alberta and British Columbia. POPE'S ANNIVERSARY VATICAN CITY Pope Pius JXII today celebrated the f Kiivia of (Hi- da. 4 w -n Mlp -rull--; Tlwre are still no indications .VigTORJA. (t Tenders will be called early in May for the construction of the first 14 miles of the Quesnel-Prince week on Mildred E. (Axis Sally t Gillars following her conviction lor treason. For having broadcast treasonable propaganda Accorded Three Favorable Pm Yesterday ' But One is Close OTTAWA, (r Division bells rang three times in the House ing January. The Bureau of Statistics reported yesterday that the index had dropped one-tenth of a point but, Mont real, and Winnipeg had Increases of one-tenth and two - lilt lis. respectively. Halifax, Toronto and Edmonton were down slightly. Saskatoon and Vancouver were unchanged. Vancouver today had an index of 1G0.8 on the 1930 bases of 100. against the United States over, George extension of the Pacific the German radio during the j Great Eastern Railway early in tenth anniversary of his cor onalion as spiritual ruler over I war, the 48-year old Miss Gillars, May Premier Byron Johnson an- in Toronto' and that there. wa at present no vacancy on the board. VETERANS WOULD TAKE TO LAND Half a doen local war veterans indicated their intention of taking- up land in British ejl&rlm a "day of really unsettled weather and .irkt eare." the forecast Is for variable if-. i the United cloudiness and a few showers In ! -i .': ... '. it has the extreme southern portions i 1 :t the Soviet of B.C. and mainly clear skies mi intention elsewhere. i pa4 agree-, Forecast , .ri: growing Queen Charlottes and North hi ic mutniry, It Coast-Clear today and tomor-j t: n .niifest pur- row. Light northerly winds.' Cold of Commons last night as the government beat off two Opposition motions of non-confidence and won .ts own bid for aclop-tio of the Throne Speech. The votes came this way: 1. 180 to 12 against a Social could be sentenced to deat.n liijnouncea rriaay. the electric chair or could get A survey party will begin off with five years in prison, a work next week of laying the $10,000 fine and loss of Ameri-j final stakes for this first" 14 can citizenship. ! miles of construction. the worlds Roman Catholics. Members of the diplomatic corps full of ceremonial dress gathered with members of the Pope's court and others for solemn pontifical mass in Rome's famous Sistine Chapel. Alaska People -: 1 1 p'Ksiblc con- at night. Lows tonight ana hlgns fl: t short of war tomorrow: Port- Hardy JU ana Here by flane rive us from 50, Massett Zt ana io, ruuee Rupert 28 and 50. An. Ellis Airlines plane brought two passengers here this morning from Ketchikan, returning to Its base early this' afternoon. The plane, a Grumman Goose, Old Country '"i that the lini- ! M imt and could ' -r rights nor . LOCAL TIDES Football 1949 Sunday, REVOTE FOR FAIRVIEW BREAKWATER IS ASSURED IN WORD FROM OTTAWA According to information received from Ottawa by Edward T. Applewhaite, local Liberal candidate-there will be included in the estimates of the Dominion Public Works Department for 1949-50 an item for the construction of a concrete and rock breakwater at Fairview Bay. Mr. Applewhaite points out that it Columbia yesterday when they Interviewed Walter Tennant of Kamloops, regional advisor "of the Veterans' Land Act Board and the Soldiers' Settlement Board, who was in session at the Canadian Legion rooms yesterday. Sitting with Mr. Tennant were George Anderson and Thor Sollien as local representatives. Mr. Tennant, who arrived in the city Thursday night left last night by train on his return to Kamloops. Credit motion to declare non-confidence because of "studied indifference" to use Social Credit theories to remedy economic ills. 2. 124 to 62 against a Progressive - Conservative motion which simply declared the. government had lost confidence of Parliament. 3. 97 to 89 to adopt the Throne Speech, signifying approval of the government's legislative program as outlined In it. The government . motion comparable to a vote of confi- High March 13, ... 0:28 12:29 ... 6:26 18:54 19.8 feet was piloted by Hugh E. Rams-22.0 feet dell of Ketchikan. The passen-5.7 feet gers were Ray C. Jones' and 1.5 feet Reed Burt, both of Ketchikan. 'Low "n$ 'Phone J Islands Scottish League Cup Final Rangers 2, Raith Rovers 0. Scottish League Division A Aberdeen 4, Albion Rovers 0. Clyde 4, Queen of South 0. Falkirk 1, Celtic 1 (tic). 1 the Prince !j9 "I Commerce is not yet known whether this Ha PRINCE RUPERT SHOULD BE SCENIC CAPITALOFCANADA : radiophone Hearts 2, Morton 4. item lias yet received the ap- CHKM1CALS FROM OIL tie nee went through and Prime Motherwell 3, Partlck Thistle 1Jrovul of tne Department of Fin It Is understood that the total project will Involve somewhere in the neighborhood of a quarter of a million dollars. The sum "'' Rupert 9 : -"''"He Island "f ! aml Queen ;i ' ive been refer- Half a million of known or- Minister St. Laurent was given ance, but he is confident that the ganic chemicals can be produc- j a loud ovation from, the Liberal cd from oil. benches. Item will go through and u.at,,lf $75,000 for this numose was St. Mirrcn 6, Dundee 1. Rangers vs. East Fife and Third Lanark vs. Hibernian, 1 ;ie federal I)e- Tr- 1 1 . aceonl- after approval by Parliament, plans for the work will shortly bo under way. Included in the supplementary estimates for 1048-49 but was not expended. "There is nothing comparable with it in North America," enthuses C. Lathic Lockhart of Tennessee over the scenery of the Skeena Itiver valley us viewed from the railway and highway in a letter to the Prince Rupert Chamber of Commerce. Even Jasper is inferior to its "incomparable beauty," says Mr. Lockhart. : : TOD A Y'S STOCKS : : (Courtesy S. U. Juliiiotou Co. Ltd.) postponed because of cup game. English League, First Division Arsenal 0, Preston North End j 0 (tic). Aston Villa 1, Manchester f nation rceived Wl.ai!,., sei-rr-Ury !'!"'i'. I mm the U l Chevrier. 1 Mr. Lockhart, who visiieu mis Vancouver City 0. Blackpool 2, Chelsea 1. Bolton Wandeders 4, Middles .06 Huynunc Bialorno 8.50 .03 U .10 B. R. Con. B. R brough 1. Derby County 3, Everton 2. Huddersfield Town 1, Burnley 0. district in 1946 ami 1948, sug-J gests that .suitable postcards j should be made on the Skeena River area, that the Canadian National Railways should run it-s trains by daylight along the river and that car and motor launch tours be organized out Cariboo Quartz 1.25 Liverpool 1 .Birmingham City , .03 "i .42 Congress lledley Mascot Pent! Oreillo 4 95 Beattie .49 BeVcourt 21Vz Bobjo 12 Buffalo Canadian IbYz Consul. Smelters 103.00 Conwest 1.27 ' Donalda .50 Eldona 56 Vi East Sullivan 2.77 Giant Yellowknifc .... 0.50 God's Lake 43 Hardrock 16',2 liarrieana "7'!s llcva .09 Vi Ilosco 25'2 Jacknife .04 Joliefc Quebec 36 Lake Rowan 08 Vi 3.10 .03'!i .19 Pioneer Premier Border Privateer - , , , : s- "' ' : V'. i " '' i '-..' !? - ' -'j.'--i.i.,,; y 0- Manchester United 3, Stoke City 0. Sheffield United 2, Charlton Athletic 0. Sunderland 1, Portsmouth 4. Wolverhampton Wanderers 3, Newcastle United 0. Second Division Barnsley 1, Coventry City 1 (tie). v- r 'w'i v. s' f 1 of Prince Rupert. More udrouatc accomodation for tourists here is also suggested. "Prince Rupert ought to be the scenic capital of Canada," asserts Mr. Lockhart whose interest and enthusiasm is being acknowledged by the local Chamber. Ireland Wins -In Rugby Game W . 4 v t Blackburn Rovers 1, Bury 2. Bradford 3. Leicester City 3 (tie). Cardiff City 4, West Ham United 0. Fulhain 2, Chesterfield 1. Grimsby Town 2, Sheffield Wednesday 0. Luton Town 2, Brentford I. Reeves McDonald 2.00 Reno 06 Sheep Creek 1.30 Rilbuk Premier 36 Taku River 30 , Vananda 31 .Salmon Gold 16 Spud Valley 07 Oils-Anglo Cunuttian 4.00 A. P. Con 23 Atlantic 70 Cahnont r .38 C. & E 4.80 Central Lcduc 1.08 Home Oil 10.75 Mercury 13 Okalla 1.60 Tacliic Pete 2.35 Princess .28 Royal Canadian Oil ... Toronto Athona 11 Aumaque .21 Vz SWANSEA, Wales, (I' - Ire-laud defeated Wales 5 to 0 today in an international rugby union match. -ff Jr. s i :.-..... -. Nottingham Forest 1, Lincoln Lapaska 06 V-i Little Long Lac 75 Lynx 13 Madsen Red Lake 2.75 McKcVizie Red Lake 3H McLeod Cocksliult 1.01 Moneta 42 Vi Negus .. 2.26 Noranda 54,-25 Louvicourt 26 Pickle Crow 2.10 Rcgcourt - .05 Sn Antonio 4.10 Senator Rouyu 42 Shcnit Gordon 2.23 Steop Rock 1.59 Sturgeon River 17 Silver Miller 43 NEW KlfJTlHn raluuil r. .,., " 0). City 1 (tie). 11 e arl.K-i r . . ..... uuin ioroiuo reigns as queen or me Plvmouth Aievle . 1. West 'We .sk, '"S un "CIS. , &ne succeeds senior singles champion "jU- Basketball Broniwieh Albion 2. Queen's Park Rangers 0, Tot tenham HotsDur 0 (tie). ':y '"f 'ho " hi Ui clominnted the Canadian scene since ','!' Siisi S!ls'i', s' 'he MiV1'"cned cii More a mink-coated crowd of SOURCE OF POWER LabraSor contains abundant sources of hydro power in the surging rivers that clot the Interior of the country. Many of these rivers are located near the Iron ore bodies. Largest river in Labrador is the Hamilton River with the famous Hamilton Falls, one of the largest in North America. This is a photo of an unidentified river coursing through a canyon in the southern section of the country. (C. P. Photo) 111 ,i , Ul0 Club til nitn.no r,-.r, cl-atnm Southampton 2, Leeds United u Lilies al www,,,,, gale UUbAUU ""v. - int lone , , e ln the two-day Canadian chain It - OUts rio" ..l-i - . 21-' TONIGHT 8 SO SAVOY ves. CO-OP .. . victory was wrapped up by Roger 1. Amateur International Wales 1, England 3. title title. rse entrv from Vancouver, who took