Prince Rupert Daily News Wednesday, November 1, 1950 Called To Settle Campus Dispute L. M. Felsenthal, who left on today's plane for the south, is ANNOUNCEMENTS Moose Bazaar, Nov. 2 and 3. Canadian Legion Card Party, Nov. 6. Cards' tournament, Catholic Hall, Thursday, Nov. 2, 8 p.m. , Legion Auxiliary Fall Bazaar November 8. for numt wwrnu v cMt NTS MEXICAN SUGAR Mexico will have at least 50.000 tons of cane sugar for export next year FAMOUS .EXPLORER Alexander Mackenzie reachei the Pacific Ocean by land in 1793. Ross Holton sails tomorrow home. Lrnfc Vur, night on the Prince George for on an unusual mission. He has Uel unused rooms, Vancouver where he will entrain1 been calied upon to act as ar- th -.nt or attic wi for his home at Montreal for a biter of an odd dispute between Get Your . . . r - P,,f Wall Men's Tea, two college fraternities. United Church Thursday, Nov. 9. One fraternity at the Univer sity of Washington had been occupying a house owned by an- d nail. "ily L Will no' warP' :tzf Cards omer. Notice had been given to vacate, supposedly for the reason that the building was to be demolished. The occupying fra II. Takef nf 4 4 4-4- 4- U oof wtl jldecora'10"' ternity, under t he circum Presbyterian Fall Sale, Nov. 16. Eastern 8tar Ball, Nov. 17. St. Andrew's Cathedral W.A. Fall Sale, Nov: 18. I.O.D.E. Fall Bazaar November 23- . Nurses' Annual Ball, Nov. 24. Lutheran Church Lutefish and fishcake dinner, Sat., Nov. 25. Annunciation Home and School Association bake sale, Lyons Cor- Hut's a frte Sthdion ajj stances, proceeded to have a FOR ALL BUILDERS' NEEDS. PHONI Miss J. Husoy returned by ah-Monday from a vacation in Vancouver and other points. Prince Rupert Football Association general meeting Wednesday, Nov. 1, Canadian' Legion Hall, 8 p.m. All players and supporters invited. (255) Mr. and Mrs. Robert Walberg ana iittie uaughter ;ean have moved to Cow Bay from North Pacific Cannery. Mrs. W. J. Crawford and daughter. Miss Jeananne Crawford, of Stewart were passengers aboard the Camosun Tuesday going through on a trip to Vancouver. About 60 people enjoyed themselves at the Valhalla Lodge dance Saturday night. Music was by Mike Colussl and during the evening there were two square dances to liven things up. Supper was served by the committee. "M. O. Kullanaer. assistant, dis n CHRISTMAS GREETINGS 0; 116orll7 ALBERT & McCAFFERY LTD. "wrecking" party and, apparently, a good Job was made of the wrecking. The owning fraternity has claimed $2500 in damages. The occupying fraternity has offer ed to restore the building by its ner, Nov. 25.. month's visit. Mrs. Rita Watson, and daughter, Marion have returned from a three weeks' holiday at Vancouver where they visited Mrs. Watson's brother, Walter Brent-zen. Moose Lodge and Chapter bazaar and dance, November 2 and 3. Bazaar commences at 2:30 p.m. In Moose Temple. Dance at Civic Centre on Friday, November 3. Door prizes now on display In Jones Family Market window where tickets are obtainable. (257c) Mrs. Elizabeth Blair plans to leave Monday to visit her son-in-law and daughter, Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Bickerton at Winnipeg. Mrs. Bickerton, who has been visiting here, returned to Winnipeg last week. D. C. Stevenson, administrator of the Prince Rupert General Hospital, returned to the city on Monday afternoon's plane after an absence of two weeks during which he attended a conference of hospital executives in Winnipeg and the annual meeting of the British Columbia Hospital 4 own worK. The parties have been unable to come together and Mr. Fel-senthal was asked to so to Seat Phone 234 3rd Street Prinr. I?.... L.O.B.A. Bazaar Dec. 1. United- Church Fall Bazaar, December 7. : ... PRINTERS STATIONERS OFFICE SUPPLIES Hospital Ass'n And Government Conflict of Opinion tle to assist, If possible, In mak-1 ALL ROUGH il-GLO ;.;s5 6 High Gloss, -y beautiful tints -erior decorating. JCK DRYING ing a settlement. Mr. Felsenthal, although a graduate of an eastern university, is a member of the same fraternity which had the wrecking party at Seattle. trict forester, was the speaker today at the regular weekiv inn. PHONE 79 PHONE 79 . Australians plan four kinds of football soccer -with 11 men, Rugby Union; 15; Rugby.League; 13; and Australian rules 18. cheon of the Prince Runert. flvrn Club, accompanying his talk with uispiay or moving pictures. THOMPSON HOTEL ARRIVALS rrcsiaeni a. j. Dominate was In uie cnair.- pWARE CO. LTD. At Convention-Local Administrator Back D. C. Stevenson returned by air yesterday from Winnipeg and Vancouver, where he attended the Dominion convention of hospital administrators and the B.C. 1 Hospital Association convention respectively. ; At Winnipeg it was all work. However he did have time to visit St. Vital, Norwood and King's Row, where flood damage was extensive. Many people -are not allar? Special joint meeting and social (Prince Rupert) W. G. Kelsey and E. K. Yost,! nf Mr' 0, association in Vancouver ter members in hon- Mr. and Mrs. George Wood of visitina District EX FLO - cock of Sooke, Vancouver Is Winnipeg; J. F. Dunlop, Smith-ers; R. Berryman, Sandsplt; Mr. and Mrs. W. D. Cameron, Victoria; R. Forgie, B. J. McCaus-land, H. M. Semmens, T. E. As O TAILORING for Ladies and Gentlemen LING the TAILOR Deputy Supreme Governor to be held Wednesday, Nov. 1, at" 9 p.m. in the Temple. Members please attend. Presentation of 25-year pins to eligible brothers. (255c) ton and G. Burns, Vancouver;! Mrs. M. R. Monrean, Ketchikan; j S. T. Strimbold, Burns Lake; W.1 land, arrived In the city on the Prince George this morning from the south. They are making the round trip to Ketchikan. Mr. Woodcock Is gathering material for a travel book on British Columbia which he is writing for a British publishing con ...Bottles REPLACEMENTS Exclusively at J". Rea, Leaside, Ont. 220 Sixth St. Phone 649 I back in their houses yet and I have little hope of getting back j In for some time to come. Gangs I of men and trucks are still working carrying away the debris. I The Red River now is five feet ! higher than normal and people j are panicky lest there be a repetition of last year's deluge. The St. Boniface hospital building HAPPY STENOGRAPHER ' STOCKHOLM Miss Dithy HOURS Weekdays 9 a.m. fo 9 p.m. Sundays 12 Noon to 2 p.m. 7 p.m. to 9 p.m. SIXTH STREET AND THIRD AVENUE Grundstrom, 18, won top honors STORK SHOPPE Gov't Employees To Attend Meet Miss Eveiyn (Rivett, forestry branch; Armine Boas, Prince Rupert Health Unit, and K. Kiefer, Terrace, sailed today ort th; cern. I , Harold P. Johns, director of education and vocational guidance for the Department of Education, arrived In the city among 6,000 entrants In a typing and calculating contest and tor 303 3rd Ave. W. a reward is getting an air trip to Rio de Janeiro with a week's holi i i i on the Prince George this morn day in the Brazilian capital. " PORTRAITS Films Developed arid Printed ' PROMPT SERVICE i HANDLER'S STUDIO 21 4th Street Box 645 Phone Green 389 - Prince Rupert ing from Victoria and will pro-teed by the evening train to , Faokinjr, Crating ipin; ami General Prince George where he will at L:ii;t and Storage camosun for Vancouver to attend the seventh annual meeting of the B C. Government Employees' Association at Vancouver. The two day session at. tho Hotel Goergia will be on November 3 and 4. Delegates from all over the province will attend tend a convention of teachers of that area. Mr. Johns visited the program has been held up because of the uncertainty. Dyke work is going on continuously and stronger structures are emerging, Mr. Stevenson said one of the troubles last spring was that during the years people have been throwing cinders, ashes, etc., on the dykes and that water seeped into them as they would into a sponge. Other persons from Prince Rupert attending the B.C. Hospital Association convention were C. Hh.- High- School this afternoon and later Is to meet local teachers at Give lour Battery A Break! . Reliaole and Effi-:v;cc. Also anonls for ". Liquid Air Co. Lta., 'n, Acetylene and all mpplies. fl a dinner In the Civic Centre. iVTien dining out INSURE YOUR HOME askforthe n SAY'S CARTAGE DRAGE LIMITED Water Engineer For City Here W". R. Bonnycastle, Vancouver chterpion Ketchup L and Park Avenues rim-ifs fifl and 6S Is your battery tired? Sluggish? Don't ask it to take on the added load of your heater, and give extra power for those cold winter starts, unless you "treat It properly. - We'll check and recharge It as needed. Drive up. hydro and electric engineer, retained by the city to survey the local 'water supply system and recommend thereupon, arrived O. Ham, chairman of the board of directors; Lady Superintendent Miss Elizabeth L. Clement, and Mrs. J! Vlunthe," delegate to the Women's Auxiliary convention, who also sat in on some of the association sessions. I fiury Steamer 1Mb Ittwikn; ILM by plane this afternoon from the south for another visit to conduct a final examination. While here during the next few day3 it is expected he will go into session witti the city council. mMI; K GEORGE 17' v2 ; fi .i.'y-jr " rva.'w V h. JC f . N DM 20 AGAINST THE COLD For Furnace Repairs . and Renewals Phone BLACK 884 SAILS FOR : I HOSPITAL INSURANCE ! British Columbia Hospital In- surance Service officials, Mr. , Stevenson said, had many com-; plaints. They were worried about ', the rising costs of hospltallza-j tion. Another complaint was the increase In patient day stays in hospital, which they claimed had risen in the provincial average PCOUVER REAL ESTATE , INSURANCE INCOME TAX RETURNS PREPARED 4 Inltrnifdiate Ports Each Thursday t 11:15 p.m. IVI one day. The public, they said, were demanding more services for which there was not the KETCHIKAN R. E. Mortimer Extra comfort and less work for you with a Coleman Oil Heater Low in Cost Efficient in Operation Available now at 'FM)Y MIDNIGHT ! monev t0 Pav- Tncy also sald 324 2nd Ave. (Near CFFR) SHEET METAL LTD. I puuiic were aDusing me pmvih.bc Always Prompt ana Courteous j ;v.v.v.sw.v.v,vavwavW.v,v Fur kesmuuons Write or Cull COT OK DEPOT OFFICE We're Here to Serve YOU under tnc scneme. The hospital association charged the government with promising many things but not giving the hospitals the money Commodore Cafe ! PIONEER CANADIAN LAUNDRIES BOY SHOT Glen (Teddy) Rose, 10, was found dead in bush south of Ontario's Algonquin Park with a bullet In his head after he had been missing for more than two days. Search party of 300 included troops and a helicopter. Police are holding a 13-year-old companion who said the two of them had been partridge shooting and Terry had not wanted to come home with him. (CP PHOTO) PRINCE RUPERT. I t0 do them- Mr- Stevenson said g q line association cnsncu ure b- ernmeni was uhiuk me suueme w t 'Hospitality and, Uood Food" rhone 17 for Send-Out Orders I'd Ave. Da via Chow. Mgr HAVE INSTALLED LEATHER EQUIPMENT for Cleaning and Re-dyeing Leather and Suede Jackets, Purses, Shoes, Etc. a political football. The association also said the government had been lax in making collections Thov mintf-fi 61.000 as the McBride Street. Phone 311 numDer wno naa regisiicu uuo had not paid their premiums at the end of 1949. The association Phone 8 For Information Phone 118 (255) claimed that, if the delinquents YOUR ALL AROUND SERVICE were forced to pay. it would re duce the burden on the remain P FINISHING der. Government officials said If the Increased services were to be given. It would be necessary HOLLYWOOD CAFE The Answer To Your Parcel Problem! We have the answer to your problem of Christmas shipping BUY OVERSEAS CARTONS 5 and 11 Jb. sizes 10cond20c 7 to cut down hospital expenses or Increase premiums. K'Klak camera i Llnc-up, '"Mhments for all Cameras. ' anl Kodachrome Film. K. Printing and Enlacing. We Specialize in The association, Mr. Stevenson said, said the government was n n MfSkf encroaching on the local auton WS V SHtS omy of hospitals. The association felt people on the spot had ' Ave, w a better knowledge of what the TMI CHOP SUEY CHOW MEIN "Kr"6"ts5eofJer9PMONE requirements were. The convention decided tO appoint a public relations officer to keep the public Informed of what hospitals were doing. Of the 11 hospitals In British' OPEN FROM 7:30 PJW. to 3:30 A.M. STAND NEXT TO NEW LIQUOR STORE Columbia, 60 were represented at the convention. There were In all 200 representatives from hospitals. NEW FAST SAILINGS Effective Nov. 1st Please Note v FUR SALE Putting Down Of Revolution Inning Gilding 'H Aihance In Times Vancouver Service: RSPAIRNG 6 Prince Rupert j KEEP .WARM!! Qp O Mitts Wool, Leather and the ever-popular f Doms Department Store SEE OUR COMPLETE STOCK ' ' " AND SELECT YOUk WINTER COAT AT CQll 363 BTCHELI SAN JUAN. Puerto Rico National Guard planes and infantry launched a strafing and i ground attack today on two towns held by the United States-hating Nationalists who Monday launched a . revolt in ten Puerto Rico cities. Toll of the rebellion, worst m the island's history. Is 28 dead i and 22 wounded. Lv. Pr. Rupert Tue. 12:00 Noon Ar. Vancouver inu. a. " 100 r.M. ue. " Sun. 8:00 P.M. Ar. Pr. Rupert M. 1:00 P M Ar. Lv. Vancouver Wed. 8:00 P.M. 8.00 P.M. - " Sun. Prl. -8:00 PM. Ar. K)K I'OKT MMPHOX. Al.U K ARM. STKWART: Lv pr, Rupert every Sun. H.'OO P.M. H)K M ASSKTT IM.KT (NORTH QI KKX " K",T, 1S ): Lv. Pr. Rupert Prl. (Nov. 10 and 24 at 0:00 P.M. ()K SKII.KCiATK AMI IMHHKWA IM.KTS rilARI.OTTK IS): . IS. Ol'KKX ( and 17) at 9:00 PM. L ir Rupert Prl. (Nov. por tickets, information, copy of new sa'ltng schedule, please enquire Third Ave.. Plimie ! IKXVK t SKINMK. Prlnre Rupert AKen(. BILL SCUBY FURS ICUMHE Phone 974 Box 1362 Prince Rupert "''TED , 4(ftc Reach Every Home By Ads!