- .,.!.!''.'- . , PROVINCIAL LI2RASY, VICTORIA, 3. C. i 191 ugoSI TnesfiTOffer i - 11 i , ; 11 ' CTUK'raettN amu central, uritimh oolumbia a mvvbpafkh M(la Speaks Out On $ IT mtion Of Palestine mm n-F SUCESS (CP) Canada today told the WAR WORDS ARE HEARD Security Council Debate Between Russia and Western Powers More Bitter LAKE SUCCESS The security council debate on the Communist coup In Czechoslovakia Is developing Into full-blown war words between Russia and the western powers. Beaten back In efforts to block discussion of the case, the So ?B nf the future of Palestine. The Dominion j (u spfuniv uunvjii uua uiiter civn war Published at Canada's Most Strategic Pacific Port "Prince Rupert, the Key to the Great Northwest." VOL. XXXVII, No. 71. ' PRINCE RUPERT, B. C., WEDNESDAY, MARCH 24, 1948 PRICE FIVE CENTS iLnt in the strife-torn Holy Land unless the U Vations decide upon a concrete plan for the P1 .1.. ;.lrlln -- - ,j (rf peace w "ie w , lrf... Bulletins .ffled quartern SITUATION QUIET BUT MENACING ROME (CP) Yugoslavia backed out yesterday from its offer to trade Trieste for the Italian city of Gorizia. The YugoSlav foreign ministry voiced regret over the "apparent assumption abroad" that ' Yugoslavia would insist on obtaining Gorizia in exchange for Trieste. At the same time a ministry spokesman hinted that Yugoslavia might consider some other swap' for the grea't Adriatic Sea port which is now free territory. Meantime the situation re United States iwu uc- l j.i. rpnuest for a spe- viet Union, apparently, intends to make the most of the opportunity to fling counter charges Nations Assemoty. ( ,j l..t ni.rVlt that k - r . i-' r. Austin, cmci unuej delegate, 'oum propuac at the west, principally the Unl td States. arfTtabbeF by convicts hat the United Nations council call such a ses- shortly before the Coun-, however, the American announced that no would be introduced KINGSTON P' The Kingston Whig-Standard said in a news it was announced ime Llem that a provisional page story yesterday that two guards were attacked and stabbed by convicts In Kingston Penitentiary at the week-end. The paper said that penitentiary officials refused to comment on ovemment will be set lt Holy Land May 16, the a Britain gives up Us In the Holy Land May minister Srobar; minister of social welfare Erban; vice-premier Bapotocky; premier Gottwald; Slovak vice-premier Siroky and vice-piernier Lausman. Backs, to the camera (left to right: minister of interior Nosek; Imance minister Dolansky; minister of education Nejedly; minister of information Kopecky, and minister of cgriculture Duris. item representatives of FIRST SESSION OP NEW COMMUNIST -DOMINATED CABINET OP CZECHOSLOVAKIA This photo made at the first session of Hie new Communist-dominated cabinet of Czechoslovakia at Prague, shows some of the members who are now reported planning slave labor camps for persons purged from the government. Facing camera arc (left' to righti: Defence Undersecretary Sevcik, Defence Minister Svoboda; unification of laws s 600.000 Jews made luncement last night af- mained quiet but tense in Trieste today, predicted, Communist demonstrations against the suggestion that the city be returned to Italy "failing to materialize. ' . More Allied troops have been dispatched to the frontier to bolster up the civilian police against the possibility of trouble with Yugoslav forces. the report. One guard is said to have received a stab wound In the chest near the heart. Other guards came to the assistance of the two men and ,3l conference In the all- ity of Tel Aviv of mem-the Jewish Agency and CANNOT HANDLE PRODUCE OTTAWA Canadian Fruit Wholesalers' ' Association, representing 95 percent of Canadian fruit and vegetable importers, announced today it could' no longer Import cabbage and frrots from the United State at present ceiling prices. CIO LEADER ARRESTED TORONTO Reid Robinson, eastern vice-president of the Mine, Mill & Smelter Workers' Union (CIO), was arreted at Timmina, Ontario, on a deportation order. Me was released on $5000 bait He is charged under the Immigration Art which forbids entry of Alien communists. U.S. TAXES CUT WASHINGTON The House of Representatives today passed the $4,800,000,000 tax-slashing bill, nending It to President Truman. The measure cuts taxes for all 52,000.000 income taxpayers and drops 7,400,000 low income tax perrons from tax rolls altogether. TWO SURVIVE CRASH WOODLANTT, Wash Eight bodies were found last night inalhe shattered wreckage of a (47 transport that crashed in the mountains Sunday with ten men aboard. Two men who survived struggled 16 miles down the mountainside to this town and are 'now in hospital at Vancouver, Washington. One sorvrVnf Is ' Pilot Major John R. Harding, who has a broken leg. , subdued the convicts who are National Council. They the plan to establish INFORMATION MEET OPENS Mr. Dudoward, on Dundas Is. Unworried by "Outside News" :;ne trusteeship, as sug-by the United States. URGES CURB ON SPENDING ' Inflation is Problem for Each Canadian to Deal With now reported to be In solitary confinement. MUST HALT COMMUNISM LAKE SUCCESS, 4 Great a brief period. " idon last night the Br'.t- of Commons passed G F.N EVA -"We are litre to fornc a minhty new weapon for peace," declared the chief Phil- THE WEATHER which calls for Britain BRING AIR RAID SHELTER TO DATE LONDON, PiThe government was asked In the House . of Commons yesterday to bring its wartime air raid shelter to Holy Land mandate Britain's chief delegate to the ippine delegate as he was cl- Prince Rupert, Queen Char News travels slowly on tidal currents. Aboard an American President Lines ship, bound from an American port to Shanghai, someone placed a news bulletin in a bottle and dropped it over United Nations Security Coun- ccted yesterday to the presidency TORONTO Donald Gordon, deputy governor of the Bank of Canada .speaking here yesterday, declared that inflation was a personal problem for each The bill now goes to m of Lords. lestine itself Jerusalem. of the international conference cil said the advance of commun lottes and North Coast Overcast with showers of mixed rai and snow, becoming cloudy this afternoon. Overcast tonight with ism must be promptly halted. on freedom of information. Reference was made of the failure id Tel Aviv were virtual policy up to date for use at short notice. Canadian to deal with. Every side. Charles Dudoward of Port of the old processes of democ ids today. Arab lr-atUcked a fortress-like f. mixed rain and snow commen- citizen should keep a close check r;u:y to piesiive nii nuuuiiai i " - cina; late Thursday morning relations on cordial and ne naa picKea u pine www, peace- U M wlnds loday and 50Uth. out unnecessary articles until stronghold six miles ' Jerusalem today and FINED $25 FOR DISTURBANCE Clifford Pettiplcce was fined lul oasis and ine lack oi lnior- pastPrtv (n m n.h.i Thursdav. prices come down. . recently. He was undwturbed , .... ' . i,v,. v.:i... lew are known to have THREE ARE FINED FOR SUPPLYING Milder. Lows tonight and highs Thursday At Port Hardy 36 and .a mation which the most o the people of Hie world has on present conditions. f. troops moved out of Broadcast Of 42, Massett 35 tind 42, Prince k in Jerusalem toward Thiw hundred delegates lo $25 or J4 days in Jail when he appeared before Magistrate W. D. Vance yesterday on a charge of creating a disturbance in a public place. Rupert 33 and 40, ' Thi-ru nipti U'hn tilr'arfpfl' crtiilf.v m settlement of Neve by what he read. According to the latest news fiaiiics . received aboard the President Polk, Shanghai -bound on September 2, 1940, trouble was brewing on several fronts, including Shanghai. . In Shanghai, Chinese nationalists had completed purchase of 'tore Army snurrcs salt! Stanley Cup " Arabs were' attickln to separate charges of supplying liquor to Indians, received fines totalling $200 while two others, similarly charged had their cases adiourned bv Maeistrate W. D. the conference represent fifty nations. There wa's disaui'mnciil at the oulet j.s to who should be admitted as members, objection being taken to Yugoslavia, Albania and-Outer Mongolia. iiert'for "iu'ty Two ar' I SENIOR CHAMPS- As a result of special dis pensation which the Canadian Broadcasting a quantity of American war sur-J Corporation Vance in police court yesterday ars, enroule to relieve 'ov, were Immobilized s tire, Palestine police CO-OPS WIN SECOND GAME OF FINALS TO TAKE HOOP TROPHY Co-op 42, Savoys 33 COOLER, CUSTOMERS STEAL CHAIRS VANCOUVER. (P Some unidentified customers were "loaded" when they left a local bev-eraee room licrn rppenl.lv unri PDS DOWN plus equipment ana tne oeai was giving the Chinese communists the jitters. In Moscow, General Gregorie Semenov was hanged for bearing arms against Soviet Rhssia and spying for the Japanese and Isvestla expressed the dour opinion that the cruise of the aircraft carrier Roosevelt to Medi terranean waters was "far from states involves definite extra expense, the Stanley ' Cup hockey play-offs . are to be emitted from the national network through station CFPR of Prince Rupert, the Prince Rupert Chamber of Commerce and the local station were advised today. The first game to be broadcast from the station here will be Saturday evening. P0. 0-Flood a:.l...r Coach Cicorire Hawe's Co-op basketball squad are the manager is out of pocket. following a busy week-end by the city police. Harold Burgoyne was finied $100 plus $3.50 costs with an option of three months in jail on a supplying charge. John Ralkelus and Eric Home were each fined $50 and $3.50 costs with an optional month in jail. John Morrison and Joseph Robson, each of whom had been remanded for sentence last week on charges of vagrancy, ap- 1 i ' .1 OI'I'FR. TO MI.NL'KS NAN A I. MO Through Mayor George Muii the Canadian -Collieries has extended a new wa,! ol.'er to 1300 striking miners. The company would increase wages $1.40 per day, making it 60c a day extra if Z'i tons per day production per man is achieved. The average production is now 1.7 tons. The miners have been asking for a $3 per day increase. NOT TO VANCOUVER CALGARY It was announced last night that Barbara Ann Scott will be unable to visit Vancouver. Her schedule for the next two months is entirely booked up. She returns East fy.m Calgary after competing in the Dominion figure skating championships here. I to recede today as cool ,fi over soiii.hu-pi.r,i shopping for silver polish today to wipe the year- They carried a chromium, leath- ft ti-nnViv flmMflm prette chair valued at $15 from the premises. 1w Ottawa Valley and Eastern Townships mpant rivers since last of the city senior "A" division championship, which they won last night by defeating Savoys 42 to 33 in bring a goodwill tour." i rff!w?slTiifei I In London it was announce! 'ad taken four lives and tne second game of the best-oi-tfiree unai series. I J ' I that valets ofKing George II of Eidor Anderson, First Avenue, Mions of dollars dam- Mr. Howe's lads literally won i while engaged In work of coal ed ln court in sections of rich top- Vrom the scorinu standpoint. sacking at the Philpott, Evitt niricd away. Almost day on supplying charges. Both pleaded not guilty and had their cases adjourned. Seven other police court cases. Co. Ltd. plant on the waterfront, suffered a broken hand at the end of the week. As a result, he will have, to be off for the next couple o weeks. re in the flood zones N fields spelled deling of spring farm- 5 AND ANTI- aftermath of the week-end, re- IN RIOTS :: TODAY'S STOCKS : : " Courtesy S. D. Johnston Co. Ltd. f-police In Milan rc- the symbolic 'Statuary in the fourth quarter of one of the hardest fought (rallies in a season that has seen themselves and Savoys leading competitors in the three-team league rise to great heights in the point-getting scramble. Breaking away from a 27-27 tic at the end of the third quarter, the fishmcn scored 15 points before the final whistle called a halt to organized senior "A" league play. During the same period, Savoy's scored six points. The game put the victory sign on the Co-op team which Saturday night had squeezed a narrow 42-41 triumph over the hard fighting hotclmcn in the first game of the final series. 0 "ie use of i P , V to DUt rimi-n i a f mmj between communists ciimuni.sls. Toronto sr ( 1 P'OCK, Out. Greece were already packing for the return trip from exile to Athens while at Sofia there were hints that the Bulgarian Royal family were packing to join the Italian King m exile in Egypt. In Toykyo. visiting American congressional military committee members, after a view of the Siberian " coast, called for strcngthning of the U.S. position in the Pacific because of the "immediate danger of another Pearl Harbor." At Paris, Soviet Foreign Minister Mololov left the peace conference for Moscow to talk things over with Sfalin There were hints that Mololov was to bo replaced at the peace conference. In New Delhi, Indian Moslems were under ofTTers to hoist black flags over their homes and business places as a symbol of "Moslem contempt at the installation in office of the Hindu Congress and its satellites. According to latest, advices from the President Polk, things seemed to be a bit touchy in the world capitals but Mr. Dudoward fount! things "peaceful enougn on his Dundas Island trap line. (f Tlie recently ptlucatlon lucre; suited as follows: Violet Price, fined' $10 and costs or five days in jail on a charge of drunkeness under the Indian Act. Edward Horton, charged with drdhkeness' under the Government Liquor Act, fined $10 or five days. Mrs. Joe White, charged under the Indian Act, fined $10 or five days for drunkeness. Howard Ryan, charged with possession of liquor under the Indian Act, fined $25 or one month in jail. Helen Wilson, charged with drunkenness under the Indian Act, fined $30 or one month. James Ewart, fined $10 or five days on a cBarge of intoxication under the 1 Government Liquor Act. Lawrence Bennett, charged ases from Sinn i.i .hers' salaries, retro-a- . 1048, at a regu- meeting here. Vancouver Bralornc 8.75 B.R. Con 03 B.R.X 08 Cariboo Quartz 1.50 Grull Wihks'ne .05 Vi Hedley Mascot' 63 Minto .02 Pend Oreillo 2.75 Pioneer .... 2.75 Premier Border .03V2 Privateer 20 Reeves McDonald 1.40 Atliona 06 Aumaque 18 Beattie 62 Bevcotirt 36 Bobjo , .- .12 Buffalo Canadian .08 ConsoH Smelters 95.75 Conwest .80 Donalda- .'. 70 Eldona V73 Elder 51 Giant .YeUowknife 4.05 God's Lake 56 Hardrock 15'4 Harricana 05'-!4 Heva 11 '2 N ONE GROUPS FNTFPFD FOR the game developed into a aVl between marksmen Jack Lindsay of Co-op and Joe Davis of Savoy, each of which marked up 17 points for their respective teams. Lindsay was In rara shooting form, as was attested by the fact that out of five free throws he scored five points. He scored 12 points on field baskets. Davis had a similar number of points on field goals and free throws but missed one free throw in the first quarter, a basket that would have given him a one-point lead over Lindsay m the game scoring. With the two Holkeslad brothers and Davis finding the mark, Savoy emerged from the first quarter with a 13-12 advantage over Co-op. a margin that they increased to 23-19 by half-time. Lindsay,; Macphee and Iley-non brought Co-op's score to 27 in the third quarter, tying the game. In tlie fourth quarter. Lindsay scored five points, Klu-teu four and Macphee, Cieuone and Beynon each two. Savoy's scoring was- done by four players, Joe Davis, with 17, Mel and Rupert Holkcstad, who in a brotherly way, scored seven points each, and Ted Arncy, who marked up two. Co-op's scoring was led by Lindsay with 17, fol lowed by Macphee with 9, Beynon with 8 and Clccone and Flatcn with four each. Co-op-Lindsay 17, Macphee 9, Flaten 4. Beynon 8, Fitch, Clccone 4. Menzles. SavoyM. Holkcstad 7. Davis 17, R. Holkestad 7, S. Alexander, S. Dominato, H. Morgan, Arncy 2, Murray, McClymont. 'C AND DRAMA FESTIVAL HERE "ty-Ollrj i" Ri'oups have signified their intention !( ,.: ATOMIC RESEARCH -An atomic energy development rated as second only to the splitting of the atom was announced by the radiation laboratory at tlie University of California for the US. Atomic Energy Commission. The announcement revealed that mesons nuclear particles heretofore found only in cosmic rays, and thought by some nuclear scientists to be tlie force which holds atomic nuclei together-have been produced in abundance by the university's giant 4,0U0-ton cyclotron. Credit for tlie development was given to Dr. C. M. G. Latles of Brazil (shown above at the cyclotron), and Dr. Eugene Gardner, 35, a research physicist at the University of California. .YPdUhjr , u p..!- ; n,11),.f. Music- and festival .08 .17'2 1.03 .45 .03-4 .Ofx .(13 .15 .40 Renq .' Salmon Gold Sheep Creek Taku River Congress Pacific Eastern Hedley Amalgamated Spud Valley Silbak Premier tin lu'ld early in According , si ui;irt of tu. program committee, who rv,-o a rim,, ..I i , i . .. , i i sevn.,1 1 u 1,10 genera coinnuuee uisi with vagrancy was remanded for hearing, v . '.WWAWAV.S'VWAW. Basketball Finals TONIGHT 6:30 Junior, 65 vs. Stone's 7:15--Girls, Peoples vs. Bo-Me-Hl 8:30 Int., Fashion vs. Bo-Me-Hl liviiju t'Ji tries win taKe part m uiv i. in- i in. 1 1.... 1 1 r bp,... .. " "wvai- LOCAL TiDES Thursday, March 25, 1948 High 1:31 22.3 feet 13:49 22.5 feet Low 7:40 2.6 feet 19:58 2.1 feet Oils A.P. Con. Calmont C. & E. .. Home .13'- .42 4.00 6.10 Jacknife 05 Joliet Quebec 36 Luke Rowan 10 Lapaska 06 Little Long Lac 1.00 Lynr 08','2 Madsen Red Lake 2.75 MeKenzie Red Lake 04 McLeod Cockshutt 1.10 Moneta 31 Negus !. 2.12 Noranda 45.50 Louvicourt 56 Pickle Crow 1.95 Regcourt OH San Antonio 4.05 Senator Rouyn .. .43 Sherrit Gordon 1.75 Steep Rock- 2.05 Sturgeon River 18 Silver Miller 31 'ES DRUGS JiV POPULAR DEMAND Ketchikan and Premier from implementing their .original intention of entering the festival but despite the lack of outside groups, the festival committee, under E. E. Hyndman, felt that the response from the schools, churches and the Little Theatre was very encouraging and would provide a full program of en-talnment and education. King Edward School will be represented by five groups ln- RETURN ENGAGEMENT ABlue QQSTfln " rn Cab s LAlAiiliVllliimiiAiiii CMAVCTHIAVABZE TICKETS AT CIVIC CENTRE GOOU FRIDAY AFTERNOON 2:30 O'CLOCK E 81 Tickets at Ormes and Civic Centre Completely Different Program (Continued on Page Six)