1 provincial"! DISPATCHED TTJ LIB Pi A r PROVINCIAL LIS'ASY, 113 onr.s drugs VlCIQJilA, 2. C. DmJxJhlivory NORTHERN AND CENTRAL BRITISH COLUMBIA'8 NEWSPAPER vrUbvvhed 0t Conado' Most Strategic Pacific Port "Prince Rupert, the Key to the Great Northwest' PHOIIE l ---- - -r -( 4 I V J UIJ X J. 0tJJ PRICE FIVE CENTS .taffs TPS-a i7srL.. Snn nnn nnn . Ichers Named i 'Arnold Leighfon int Accommodation I STRIKE FRONT QUIET Just Like Sunday as ; i--. Protests Hold Emergency Session of . y ; A Ball Play-Od Parliament is Called L, Problem Funeral Is Held Lfl of school trusters Rupert disinci imi . . - Island." 4 A protect by Watson t on tnc sian )(-anres h,io! year beginning ever a play nt first base when Railway Tie-up Starts Funeral services for .mold Leighton, who met his death through accidental drowning re- rpntlv worm IipM fmm firen- they were leading the baseball) fcentcmber 5, but ai femed over another game o-i ouuuay lias maae posi- 1 j ponement of ne piay-o:i game List of obtaining hous- It was quieter than Sunday on the railway strike ;vi;e court funeral chapel r j between Commercials and Abel To Deal with Crisis AH Night Negotiations End With No Settlement of Dispute OTTAWA. Following failure of mediation 0 modatlon oarticularly 3 cieswitn front here today. With the strike in effect after the;J& RMrB w' TsZ', t . . . , ..... ' ' ' '.. M J" ill A ii 1 1 ! s , oi uauwes romgni necessary. ! . nru . . I ianure oi a seiuemem. aiier nignt-long negotiations organist. in Ottawa hotween railwav anrl unJnn V,norla tuJ Hymns Plavcd wr. 'Unto the . Lve been nine changes at first base, when a balk was called on the pitcher. 'Watson f of Booth Memorial . . 7 . . VJ V "v i Hills" and "Abide With Me Island claims the ,..v ball "" was uu out v of ( A, . . , ., ... 1 . , . , rr b Senior High School, i , . ieuerai mediator, scheduled employees were off the job as from 6 a.m. Along the wharves and in the irad Street, one eacn Street anrl King Etl-at Port Edward, two play when their player was , me nauonai railway siriKe wnicn weni into eiiecr; tagged out at first base Man- throughout the Dominion at 6 a.m., Prime Minister ager Danny Daswell entered a . , , ' . , . protest at th.? time and the ' L. S. St. Laurent today called a special session of. nroLlnished the Bame under Parliament to consider the crisis. No date for the Lssington and one at yards, offices snd shops were i closed. (The steamer. Coqultlam was being handled by special arrangement). No pickets had made their appearance up to I a protest hoard is being set emergency session was set but it will be held as soon I lLVi-J 5 will be as foiiows:-morial t High School Born at Metlakatla, Mr. Lclgh-ton lived his entire life in this district. He was active in the Young Men's Benevolent Association and was well known on the waterfront here. He was captain of the cannery tender In-vercan at the time of his death. . Surviving are his mother, Mrs. Alice Lelghton; two brothers,) Matt and Robert, both of Metla- . katla; and tr.ree sisters- Mrs.! Cecil Ryan, Metlakatla; Misi! Victoria Lelghton, Prince Rupert and Mrs. CJ. Delgren, Phelan, up tooay to seme tne issue. i j ag arrangements can be made t9 hrinir t.hp 2S9 members of the st (principal . R. H. vice-principal , John nets Wright, John R. lh Stella Sawchuck, avaller, Frank Moore, e, Leslie Matthews, AWAITING CALL E. T. Applelewhaite, M.P., poised to Jeave for Ottawa on railway crisis. Applewhaite Hew Communist Drive Is Halted By Americans In Counter-Attack TOKYO The new Communist drive directed House of Commons and 90 memi bers of the Senate to Ottawa,.' The minister of defence was as signed to organize the transport by planes of Trans-Canada Air I Lines, Canadian Pacific Ay-Lines and Royal Canadian Ail tn Watson, Miss Yol- B. C. lie, Frederick Hubcr, km, Jack Evans, Miss Interment was at Metlakatla kfnzic, Miss Marjorle towards Taegu and Ptisan has been checked and Am- Force. Friday. mtd-mornlng. The railway police was making a regular patrol. All was peace and quiet. The strike Involves freight shed and office workers, shops, carmen, section men. Supervisors such as foremen, express and ticket agents are not involved In the strike nor are the city ticket office work era. THROUGH THE NIGHT All evening and Into (he night Divisional Superintendent C. A. Berner remained in his office awaiting word of a possible settlement which would have resulted in dispatching the regular train for the East. It failed to come and this morning, as shops Miss Isabel Rogers. A. Miss En ItT Ball, and erican forces regained ground which they had lost JeXiz serTes of " S during the past twenty-four hours in which time their . inet meetings. There was no hint Standing By Local MP. Awaiting Official Instructions About Special Session Dougall. nard R. O. Moore, seoe, 0. E. Freeman, positiop appeared to be more serious again. rnamneynt0lmS Cve w The 21st Infantry ' was reported late yesterday tc but British united Press said i have been cut off by Communist 1 that there would be a proposal , GENERAL MURDERED TOKYO Intelligence has pieced together the stories of the fate of General Dea.w;, missing since July 23 in action in Korea. It now appears that he was stabbed , to death by Communists while he lay wounded. , . ENGINE FELL OFF EAGLE, Colorado An air lines transport, with 52 passengers and crew of five, made an emergency landing here when one of the engines fell off. One passenger died of heart failure. The plane was bound from Los Angeles to Chicago. CHANNEL SWIMMERS DOVER Twenty-four swim Death Sentence For Jap Officer LOS NEOROS, Admiralty Islands (Reuters) The Australian War Crimes Court vesterdav sen aldwell, Audrey Fat-rgaret Talt. Patricia Mrs. B. Andrews. "Just waiting for word," said infiltration. Increasing their (that ine railways ana me un-. pressure, the Communists were ions reach a compromise to caD Street - T. O. Bate- E. T. Applewhaite, M.P. for Skeena, when asked this afternoon as to whether he had been Strike Notes ipali, John Jenkins, reported then to be only 37 miles ' oif the siriKe. Mr. St. Laurent admitted that west of Pusan. tenced Inachl Mlyamota, former ' ftdvised officially of the emerg sse, Mrs. lima Dunn, Douglas. Miss N. Irv- a "serious emergency naa aris VANCOUVER Sixty employees Jananese naval officer, to death , ency session of Parliament at fcss Muriel Barclay. for ordering a sick Australian Ottawa to consider the railway i doffed their uniforms and start- reet School John S. crisis. ed to picket the Hotel Vancouver soldier "shot like a dog.' hncipali, 8. A. Cheese- j Mr. Applewhaite is standing bv this morning after the railway en and that the government would have to act. The Prime Minister made it clear that the railway employees had broken no law applicable I to the case. They had always BASEBALL SCOKES TODAY American New York 13- Detroit 6 ready to proceed by air to ! strike commenced. Four cashiers Ottawa. and porter staff were allowed to - Postal Delivery Xere Is Surveyed Norrie Stanley, Post Office Doris Cobb, Misses ith, Yvonne Larson, Hard, and Mrs. K. P. ngton Miss Annie -a Annie Isaak. were quiet and men oil the job, it was estimated that it might take up to eight hours following calling of the men , after a strike settlement to get trains moving again. Therefore, there could be no train leave for the East before tonight at the very earliest. In fact, it Is now likely that there would be no train before that . regularly wheduled for - .to morrow evening as inbound equipment is also tied up. With railway section men In shown themselves to be "respon work until the hotel had been evacuated. SHIPS LEAVE DOCKS He would have attended the annual convention of the Associated Boards of Trade of Cen VANCOUVER Nine Canadian tral British Columbia at Prince Inspector, Is a visitor In the city Pacific coastal ships left the dock nn nmia hiisineja He arrived I George but, like some of the ard-Mrs. McCorris--I f Mrs. George Watts. sible'' and "public spirited" citizens.. Dr. W. A. Macintosh, who had been appointed mediator,'' said he was "bitterly disappointed'' at his failure to bring about a rmm the south on Ihe Coauit- t otherlocal delegates, was unable Hand - Mrs. Marv to get there on account of the raUway strike. rwn-Miss Jane Com- today and moved to anchor In English Bay. They were moved to eliminate fire hazard at the dock. Pursers, freight clerks, assistant wireless operators and stewards were not aboard. LUNCHEON CALLED OFF VANCOUVER With the Vancouver Hotel tied up by the railway strike, a formal luncheon in connection with the opening of the Pacific National Exposition was cancelled today. The Ex Steamers ' Massef Boy Is Robbed In South settlement. With the calling of the strike, he said, his work had been brought to an end. Latest reported concession In the negotiations was last night when it was stated that the railways had offered to Institute the 40-hour week in October of next year with an increase of pay of 4 percent at once and a cost of living bonus. - ' Apparently, this offer was volved in the strike, the line Is now unpatrolled. This situation might further delay a recommencement of service following a strike settlement as It would be necessary to go over the line before trains moved. FREIGHT Final freight trains arrived last evening, completing the runs from Pacific, but, except for perishables which were delivered straight to the dealers, lam Sunday evening. Mr. Stanley, while here, is making a survey of the possibility of instituting a mall delivery service In the city, something that local public bodies have been advocating for a long time. ; Leonard Winner Of Golf Title MONTREAL ft Stan Leonard, Vancouver Marine Drive Club, ip Running MONDAY National Brooklyn 3, Pittsburgh 2 Philadelphia 4, New York 0 " St. Louis 9, Boston 2 " - ' American Detroit 7, St. Louis 1 SATURDAY Pacific Coast Portland 5, San Diego 4 Los Angeles 9, Hollywood 7 San Francisco 11, Oakland 4 Seattle 8, Sacramento 5 SUNDAY Seattle 4-8, Sacramento 3-6 Los Angeles 6-3, Hollywood 4-4 San Diego 5-1, Portland 4-0 San Francisco 11-1, Oakland 9-5 Western International SATURDAY Tacoma 8, Salem 3 Yakima 12-8, Spokane 2-1 Trl-City 2-6, Wenatchee 1-5 Victoria 6-4, Vancouver 1-3 SUNDAY Tacoma 7-1, Salem 5-0 ; Yakima 10, Spokane 2 Tri-City 27, Wenatchee 2 position will open as scheduled I "amshlp Co. and the "rhouse freight line tomorrow. maintain service be j unacceptable to the unions. A. R. Mosher, president jof the mers participated in a big English Channel swim race. Six finished. The best time was 10 hours and 52 minutes. C "CONTROL "GRANTED " WASHINGTON The L'nited States Senate today, by a vote of 85 to 3, conferred authority on President Truman to control wages and prices. TO CHALLENGE ANSCOMB? KELOWNA W. A. C. Bennett, Coalition member of ihe Legislature, stated here that he has been asked to challenge the reign of Herbert Ansromb as leader of the rrngressive-Conservative party in British Columbia. He did not say who had "exerted pressure" and asked him to rv.-i for the leadership... He would make a statement later, he said LEADERS WIN NEW YORK Diir.y Trout pitched his seventh straight victory of the season yesterday as the Detroit Tigers defeated St. Louis Browns 7 to 1 and made their leadership margin 3Vi games over New-York Yankees. Curt Simmons pitched his sixteenth win for the National League Phils, who wc.1 over New York Giants 4 to 0. The Thils' margin over Brooklyn is now 5Hi games. aver and Prince Ru- Billy Dick- who hails from Ma&set, Is on Ins way home after having had what should, no doubt, be a memorable trip to Vancouver. He is aged fourteen and told police that his wallet and tickets were stolen while he sat in a downtown theatre. Fifteen dollars had been taken. Detectives Al Stavert and Bill f at the railway strike the shipment were held up since offices were closed and tha ' mat Canadian Na- pndian Pacific Rail- freight checkers were out. yesterday won the 1950 Canadian Professional Golfers' Association spending services. 1 TELEGRAPHS rnU are being made I Telegraph, service .both rail Tuna Landings Are Mounting Tuna landings up to last night at Prince Rupert were 1756,000 lb. Seventy-seven thousand pounds were landed yesterday. Fisheries officials are of the opinion Canadian Congress of Labor, came out of the conference at 5 a.m. saying: "That is all, there is. no settlement." Frank Hall said he knew of no further negotiations and he was going to bed. A. J t Thus began the first general railway strike In the history ;pf Canada. nd Watcrhouse ves- championship with a two over Hendry arranged for his fare par 212 for the 54-hole medal north with the steamship corn-competition. BUI Kerr, Montreal Par,y and saw nlm on is way. f t. the government w Rt.rlk-tle1 CNR they twiallv tie nn Beaconsville, and J ules . Huot a Carnival Dance Laval-sur-Lac, flntshed in tie for second place with 214. the warm weather of the past '1 arrangement, the ,f"iitlnm. southbound rt lo Vancouver. iand- i Draws Out 200 "i-m National dock week and more has brought the fish 'in. They prefer warmer water. Tuna fishing had slowed down considerably for two days way and commercial, is suspended. As from yesterday night letters had been refused and, as the evening advanced, only rush messages were being taken for clearing before regular closing hours. Such messages as had not been delivered jtp to the btrlke deadline were Dclng sent out by special delivery mail. TELEPHONE With the telegraph tie-up, pressure on the long distance telephone service became Intensified and., even before 9 o'clock Continued on i page 5) Russia To Build Huge Hydro Plant ! A fine dance was h"ld last niebt at the close of the Civic Centre. Merry makers from all sections gathered to dance to ) the strains of the Blue Star or-ohestra. The floor was never 'crowded, but there were cnoucr WlA'fHfcR forecast but Monday morning catches i were improving again, particu- i larly off Marble Island on the j West Queen Charlottes. Although trolling cohoe salmos 1 In this district has not been so most Seetlnnn n( Vio Ndy and cooler wca- Tonight at the Carnival 7 p.m. Doors open Midway Outdoor rides Industrial and Photo Exhibits. nd tomorrow. MOSCOW CT The Coimctl of to make the dance Interesting Ministers has announced It in- Aboot 200 in jiII were there tends to build within the next! five years one of the largest1 Mr. and Mrs. L. Ogllvle, whe hydro-electric power stations in have been visiting their son-ln- 1 In Berry Patches; Bruins In Various Parts Of City ithe world. To be constructed on law and daughter, Mr. and Mrs. the Volga in the Kuibyshev Arthur Ogilvie- are sailing by I region, work will start? next year, the Coquitlani this afternoon on i the announcement said. their return to Vancouver. 7.30 11.30 Todd and Pluto Stage Show. Todd and Pluto Stage Show and p.m. p.m. " Wick got more than she hnrcainpd for Thursday even- :ood, it Is reported better In the Bella-! Bella area and fishing Is fair in GrenviUe and Principe Channels and in the Butedale area. The outlook for pinks In the Queen Charlottes Is hopeful. G. E. Moore, senior fisheries officer,, has gone there to look Into the situation. Some chums are being caught In cohoe nets. Only definite reports In so far on sockeye spawning is from Eabine Lake fat the head of the Skeena- whera over 200.000 fish had been counted August 17 passing through. This is considered good with reference to the poor fishing year. SEE MOVIE COLONY he was confronted by a bear on the sidewalk In front Dancing till 1 a.m. . Home Cooking Show entries received ' ttt hub Ambrose. Job's Daughters lr was first spotted In the afternoon between the at the corner of Sijth and Ambrose and the home m MrS. Victor Norbefe Hnao Rivth Avpnue east. It was -NIGHTLY DOOR PRIZE of Prince Hollywood p Patch. Police mum nr.fifio4 onH rirnvo thp animal "turned In the evening Rupert Feted at PRaln drove the bear away that night but did not kill "Pie were around It was considered dangerous to Tomorrow - -at the Fk bears have also been reported in recent days In l-eitielir i .... ..... ... . .armvai BOOZE IN JUVENILES VANCOUVER Police have taken steps to stop the use of liquor at juvenile outings on PohcMi Island. Nine cases are receiving attention. NO PRINCE RUPERT As no railway strike settlement w,is reached, the regular Monday eveninj sailing from Vancouver of the ss. Prince Ruperi, for this port, due here Wednesday, did not take place. 8,000 ENLISTED OTTAWA There has been a total enlistment of about eight thousand for service in the special force, prepared to perform duties for the United Nations. This would be 5,000 for military foices, end three thousand for replacements. BRITONS FOR KOREA HONG KONG Two crack British haUalic-n it the Argyll and Sutherland Highlanders and Middlesex Regiments today were reported packing up to loin the U. N. forces In Korea. Official sources named the units 1,500 strong after General Sir John Harding announced In Singapore that a British infantry force would be sent to Korea Immediately. j mm m me oirt Valentin uatry west, m Park. 2-5 p.m. Explanation In regard to a statement In this column yesterday afternoon suggesting that the local longshoremen might refuse to handle cargo during the railway strike, it was denied that there was any such threat. A correction of such suggestion was psked. 7 p.m. URGENT (By Alex Mitchell) HOLLYWOOD (Special to Daily News) Hollywood saw Prince Rupert's Job's Daughters Monday. Agnes Smith was the "winner for a day" on the radio welcome to Hollywood program and won a beautiful silver wrist watch as a result. She also won a beautiful lady's vanity set for the funniest incident. Laura Mitchell won an electric t roller reducing machine as an publicized over this program as audience star. , i Donna McArthur was also ln- Bobby Mitchell won a fishing troduced as honored queen, reel for audience participation. The girls were guests as a Alex. Mitchell, on stage with ! -'Queen for a Day" program and Agnes Smith, won two tickets visited Paramount Studios later, for a dinner and all the trim-; The whole party left Burbank, mings at Hollywood's choice California, at six o'clock Monday night spot. fr home and are due back on Prince Rupert has been well the Camosum Friday. Outdoor rides Train and Chair-o-plane Industrial and Photo Exhibits. Doors open Midway Outdoor rides Industrial and Photo Exhibits. Todd and Pluto Stage Show. Todd and Pluto Stage Show and Dancing till 1 a.m. I Of hdation with two or more bedrooms 7.30 11.30 p.m. p.m. FJ immoJ:-i-l.. r I A Wednesday, August 23, 1950 i tuiuteiy ror v ice-r rincipui unu crs Phone Red 442, School Board Office. High 10:30 18.1 feeti ! NIGHTLY DOOR PRIZE 22:00 19.3 feet less 1 I Low 3:51 . 4.9 feet " "uanon available the Hign scnooi will be wtihout Teachers) 196c 15:53 9.8 test