6 Prince Rupert Daily News TODAY Tuesday, August 22, 1953 Rosalind rW.ll: RADIO DIAL 79 1 1 If 1 CFPR 1 Hi Kilocycles p.m. 'TELL IT TO The KCgi:E2EC:cSC33i:BISIBIIEBIIIIBIIIIIia s Come One! Come All! s m f..., I RUPERT MEN'S AND EOYS' STOR Sale of Men's Suits -Coals -Rainwear KENAN VTNN JGAN DAVIS m?i r L L -t) - h ' y - And Many Other Items mm HEM'S AND BOYS' STORE j LAKLY ADVWt i i.Sl.iCJ cui'Y If) (Subject lo Change) TUESbAT r.M. 4:00 M( t-t Circle 4:15 Stock Quotation and Ink 4:Ji- 1 .ai: io If'oik 4:45-Wei;U-rn Five 5.00 Geo. C. Rowe and Oich. t: S--1) hi t D own 5:45 Lyrical Lady 5:55 CBC Hews 8:00 Supier Serenade 8:15 Sammy Kaye and Orch. 6:30-Muslcal Varieties 7:00 CBC Nc ":15-CBC New-, Roundup 7:30 l-elce.stJ-r Square ij Broodvav ' 8:00 Science Reporter 8:15 Preacher's IXaiy 8:30 Record a:ijiiiii 9:00 lion. Brooke t'la::t.n and "vV. A. Curtis 9:15 Tim", Spats and Eciioi l,; Themes 9:30 -Jake and the Kid 10:00 CBC News 10:10 CBC News 10:15 Miscellany 10:30 Presenting Charles Boyer 11:00 Weather Report 11.C4 Sign Ofr V.TUJNESVI -A M. 7:03 Musical Clock 8:00 CBC News 8:10 Here's BUI Good Kofui COFFEE C T 3 (ounsfs r.raire FLAKY COFFEE (jr Stahl 2 af-iTcam.Jii, These toiliMme Flaky 0fTi e Ckei are m sample of ihe superb ttsut y,ru net wilh new Hciwh-mann's Koyal last Hising Dry V'easl 1 No more anxiety alxiui yeasi rakii iliac nale and wrak-en ! Heiwhmann'i new Dry Yeat keepj full urtHRtb, fmi-Miing without refrigeration get a Coronation Impressive Carnival Queen Flying to Vancouver for "Miss PNE" Contest Following a parade from the Post Office to the Civic Centre, "bAlLOKS AND FLOOZIES" This painting caused an uproar ln Toronto's civic circles. The dispute started when it was decided that "Sailoie and Floozies," painted.by New York artist Paul Cadmus, would be hung in the Canadian National Exhibition's art gallery. The C.N.E.'s fine art committee says it is an excellent work of the realistic school. A section of city council plus churchmen demanded it be banned to protect the city's well-being. . (CP Photo) lioi u-iiii,,: nw te I Mranwlulr.,,,.,-! gnimilaud ..,pr;i "Ioik; Hn I. . nionin l supply I Local Gardens . Local gardens are at their best i?t now' and the handsome flower beds and lawns at the CNR. Park, and the homes of C. A. Bcmer, Pacific Place, and G. F. Forbes, Second Avenue, drew the admiring attention of numerous tourists coining up town from the liner Prince George which arrived from Vancouver Sunday morning. They had most of the day In town. The steamer, bound north, did not sail until late afternoon. RiMM,; liy ytw. U J i Carnival Queen Lorraine Young- ft A.I.I .".InhrriB,.,, ur in Jwrll-(lle, 1 i c. oikc ,j i,,,, until uno.ih. Hurt , (aUtii) omr iihni ,a kti.a.l on tiehii. ,.,. man and her attendants and the 2:30-Records at Random 2:43 Coriily Our Children 3:00 The Music Box 3:15 B"rnie Braflen Tells A Story 3:30 International Comty. until sin.ithan.ltUBt ! junior King and Queen were; ! played to the dias by the Shrine ' Clu& band, led by Peter Lien, for ' jthe Coronation ceremony last' evening. 10:30 Melody Time' 10:45 Invitation to the Waltz 11:00 A Man and His Music 11:15 Roundup Time 11:30 Weather Report 11:31 Message Period 11:33 Recorded Interlude ' 11:45 Scandinavian Melodies P. Hi 12:00 Mid-Day Melodies 1:15 CBC News 12:25 Program Resume 12:30 B .C. Farm Broadcast 12:55 Recorded Interlude 1:00 The Concert Hour Ki.av.i ik.wi ami Pm liiniuli. inAr ami - .. i.a fier liom dnurt j 8:15 Morning Song 8:30 Music for Moderns 8:45 Little Concert 9:00 BBC News & Comty. 9:15 Morning Devotions 9:30 Sunrise Serenade 9:45 Famous Voices 9:59 Time Signal 10:00 Morning Visit unui u.Kiiiin m bull (, II an iilatid r - 7 t 'l cinnaiiMiti; ijmj Trained Dogs Are Crowd Pleasers ... .nu iiinminm wm Kniilc iIohbIi mm! Marching in state up the aisle of the auditorium, the royal ! party made an impressive ent- ranee. With the Junior King! Teddy Arnev flnrl inn i or nnonM PHONE 79 PHONE 79 liom and nirri out 'j emio ptcparrd boanl U 10:15 Morning Melodies iMore than 200 children and nn Lynn,ThomPson at her, mm a U' "juatr. lolit.. lo fioni aii.Mt.im oil.ir. ki-ai mllinW, .1 mure tnn, rw:n liKlilly if it beromau r.lljr of l.iMnl daufk parents wery delighted yester-i V ueel rraine Youngman day afternoon with the Todd and ' W8f J0? ned by her sister. N'"a-Pluto show. The greatest thrill I n ,11 absenc of last 'car' Queen Discover How Good a! in a Rn-avil V iq,w J of all was when Pluto himself i""5 lnomPS-camc-boundir:;; on t3 the stage.;' Looking lovely in her . royal 'Harry Todri and his -ut.nt ! cosume. Qen Lorraine prom- a. nu pat ihii (i. hi ik lop liKlitlv ami p, liaUes Hrll into th SpiinLlr rimaitiint J IJimnuary Miw Donna H.mt, put on a solid d her bcst ln the Van" ha-r Hour's rnPment tt ?UV,erconte5t- She tanked her 1 31 .v.. .. . loyal attenrUnts anH tw f. Iced Tea Can Be! Make tea double strength and while still hot pour into glasses filled with cracked ice . . . Add sugar and lemon to taste. "i" )u-'Uiu audience thor- ," H ,nthZ 7 r" ul" ousrhly hanrv all the timp Mr I .. ure wuij mey naa aone Speaking after Her Majesty. Mr. Forward said the Queen was to leave by today's plane for Van- Todd s'e-'ert the ball roiling with dleieht-of-hand and juggling tricks and trrn called on his first 'Mi Wit liil r'ff iiniunion mixture mi,, lit'al M-iort.l p.inii mine a hrl mm (a l I ri- until di!.W i IVile in a mxlrrattmr I'. mini., lulrnraii luwiiiif rii; umim for 5 mini.. I c. paniliK I V Riatnl oiirnt e. tdittrr ot nurjinirB otaiiuc juirr. OukIIi i ivrup out the 2 panu ul. anil ImIp ukn , mini. ItHiger. Stand hai-on cakr ccK.lm for 5 . then bnm filgn ihakc from pain. HOURS . Weekday 9 a.m. to V p.m. Sunday 12 Noon ro 2 p.m. 7 p.m. o 9 p.m. SIXTH STREET AND THIRD AVENU ranine performer The fluffy' 10 eruer tne Miss PNE roodle.Ra-i:-MoppSeem.dstaee"te,st- Tn3fe she w'd have struck and w-uld not iumn ! S.P ' prize money 'rom throueh his pirns. However the , conte- Second and third next dog on the stase did a dance P i. lnners would receive $50 around the sta- wHh her mal' a"d fVtUvely. he said, to ter. near but. nnf t isPend the carnival. TEA But topping the dos was the' aPPreciative audience last one on stage. Pluto. He was ntf? "tT the tv i, , , tnrouen their heartv inninu on his forenawsrm Torino ha,:" 1)01,1 the coronation and as and remained balanced there. He 1 re4'red back down the hall did .this from several direction. 1 Four. S00"1 attended th; on about five nrcasmn. ryal Partv- NOTICE WATSON ISLAND STAGES LIMITED ANNOUNCE THAT BUS SERVICE TO TERRACE IS NOW IN OPERATION The Queen was dressed in Then Todd called on his kitten 'who turned nut h green taffeta with an ermine MUs Hiint for another act. She ca,pe- 8he carried a bouquet of "v? a well executed dance. mlxea Prm5 ?n(l summer flow-When shp c?;f.(i on her pet. er!L 'i.to. Pinto rm rlancina onto ThfPnpces.s. Miss Joyce Tat-AftP- bc naH amu.sei t lr-?aU and Mlss Norma PRrr" .hftinhilrlren of th- ?nd!enr for (Terrace. wore white organdi" whf'e in th aisl- he r-.i-npl ! an, VP,I!; nv'on net--o thp r., to An rt'ffPnit Junif"" Queen Donna" Thnmp- BLQNDIE A Trusting Friendship. , By CHIC l! I WANT My " I V WOfrr QVE VOUI? LMOWteV PI!?ST LtT WE TU C6AS0N WCV i LAWN MOWEP-.0 VOUP LAWN UNTIL ITM "AND 1 RMA'N J l 1 . 4 i yOU'VZHAolS CmMOu (f UNTIL MOUf?ETUl?N MAND ST-V ON My 9UCM GOOD r ; ucfeT-f (tT " OU BOCfJOwEO ,.C?1MV. fl? OslJC!! That? v-J ) WEEK'S '-) C,V V TrVr-'U 7 F(?OMM6 W8PELLA ) IjJ "r UNrefKTANOj V? U, 'i fetish ;:; 2JCy :. Ar srfe Leave Prince Rupert 11. 30 a.m. Arrive Terrace .4.00 p.m. Leave Terrace "...V." 5.30 p.m. Arrive Prince Rupert 10.00 p.m. n "ore plnK organdie with "rnbpM on w-th Mi,c Hurt ar ermine cape. eri the rh?w. DEPOTS: Prince Rupert, 3rd Ave. at 7th St. (tjervlce C.tb: Phone 555 All crrried bouquets of m'XT flowers. Miss Nina Y-ungman wore for the coronation cerrmonv. r fewn of raw blue Wet. She carried no flowers. Terrace, Silver Tip Cafe. ? ' ' I n .... . m ... , , -. ,, . ' I I' ! .1 ' 4 , CARNIVAL ATTRACTION -liarry Tocid and trained dogs. 1 DW;T t a f ; The story of Cotuinro W in a 38-mhuite fuU-elr film entitle,!, "A" iS '.,ttli ISLAM)." Available free- requests to Cominco, r",, 800 tons of coal and coke over 3,000 gallons off oil thin id the daily fuel requirementa of The Consolidated Mining and Smelting Company's plant at Trail, B.C. Furnace, sintering mnchinea. melting krtllea, all consume, lame qunntilie or soli.l or liquid fuels in their steady year 'round priMeKHing of ores anil concentrates into rrfineil metals. Cominco'l chemical fertilizer industry also consumes its share of these fuels. The fuel industry therefore becomes an important partner In production at Cominco as one of the many supply industries upon which the Company depends. Cominco'l fuel bill amounts to many millions of dollars year and is an important contribution to employment in that industry, paying the wages of many of its employees. The relationship of these two industries is but one eiample of how in our Canadian economy, no one organization can stand alone. Each is dependent on the services or requirements of other industries for its most effective operation. Co-operation between industries is essential to provide the progress and expansion necessary for the important goal of maximum employment. , , VICKERS' If OISIIUID IN CANADA OS A WO OUTtllUTiO tvCalVfTl I ' i rhw a.lverdsemcnt is no' published or div J by tlie Liquor Control Board oi ' Eiayrd the Government 0 British Columbia, j ' . ' sS The Consolidated Mining & Smelting Company of Canada, lj