If you want to sell It, Advertise 4 I Jack Ewai l Is i it. News clasifieds. ; M 6j. tiotic Pool Bar Writt tor mi BROCHURE Hollywood, Ulif. IN THE Art Club Model rr ?J t . -v. Brai mrm am - I m ii C S At Thursday's Art Club meeting the obliging model was jack Ewert who donned his fireman's helmet and coat and stood for nearly an hour wielding an axe that seemed to get Increasingly heavy. Everyone drew him aj quickly as possible and then paused for a coffeee interval. After this rest another quick drawing was done, this time of Mr. Ewart in a relaxed position smoking and reading. 'Some of the drawings were left at the Civic Centre to be displayed in the show case. With people in the city beginning to help the club by acting as models, it is going to be possible to meet oftener. The nxt meeting will be on November 30 when Duncan DeKergemoux will Tonight at the Civic Centre but in mv ooinion it. is th-ir m- Doc Montgomery will again pit 'ability to acclimatize themselves youth against experience when, to the faster senior pace, ihe sends his young charges! For the sake of those wh against Co-op for the second, flick the turnstiles, tonight jtime this season. In the first 'should see a 'determined crw ! meeting, .even though only ten j battling the league leading fish ; points divided the two teams, i packers. If that determination The Pioneer Druggists DAILY DELIVERY Phone 81 g&Zt v? ) fix ' i something was witnessed which ,isn"t in evidence there could be was lacking in the Gordon & serious consequences in the form Anderson crew. This was the of a dropping off of attendane hustle usually required in com- at the games. Jim Flaten and petitive sport to assure victory. Rupe Holkestad, who have ben If corrected this should make a , called upon to shoulder auite a be responsible for finding a I model. J Tickets for the draw on the ! Gel Your . . . preat difference to outcome of the league. load, havsn't been showing up to advantage so far and Platen's effort in trying to stop Ray It could be that awkward ape Jean Cameron picture were Issued to members, a linoleum cut of the picture being printed on that Is slc-Aing down youngster isorine a week aeo was a bit like Marshall, Dumas, Gill, etc.. ' i 'short of the necessary. I am not 4 Xmas Cards How! i 'irflftlrtiilWrir, I CTIDTC Til iuibii I Ml away from a magnificent effor; on the part of the agile Ma Spring but our James jusi wuzn't here he ought to be 4 Hut's a LM J yiM2$KOND5i i s u 2Hf SUtdion of iwhen most of Ray's shots were j getting away. You've jut gotta CHRISTMAS GREETINGS be there Jim! I'd also like to see m i3 A traditional as a Silv,r Anni ltiirlon tjpe AK- U. toast fit I lirrinini di ....,. a I I tha front of each book of tickets. The draw will be on December I H, the last meeting before Christmas. It vas mentioned what excellent artistic material there would re for a noter on "Does Prinze Rupert Wish to Join the Alaska Music Trail?" It is hoped that a poster contest could be run through the schools and city on such a vital cultural topic. bench has suddenly developed a Jckyll and Hyde per-onality p.nd was fit to be tied at msny points in last Tuesday's terrific struggle between Co-op and Brcwn-woods. Alex Bill, plaving coach of Brownwoods, had his moments also and at one point when Ms Rupe Holkestad back in his centre spot but then I nev,r won i we'll let the ecad d jctor lc:;k af- jter that item. WE, i M B 1 M t 1 ' J l.i - . x " ,- iiiiin io pn W l im l MT) li r' for it.x m.li.n Kayhi from Ketchikan is due jhere early in December for the r i annual meeting with Bo-Me-Hi fhnour a true rxprosimi Phonic 234 PRINTERS 3rd Street STATIONERS Prince Rupert OFFICE SUPPLIES j FEEL BETTER PAST! f liospitulity. and it seems there may be a weakness on our squad if soma of the lads don't get in there and study. Of course the faculty is getting all the blame from the team members but, fortunately. MAI'1 bds Just didn't seem to be doinf? there are few who see it that way and it is a little early in life for j hey were supnosed to do. any of those youngsters to fe! I pleclea siage a snooting ais-that their team is more import-! Plav f ar"und fpntre that ai was nothing short of sensation-little That ant than studies. come.s I believe it wculd be mucn later bovs and you'll just ' handier If the hauo tn njait Rn far rpr-rts r.n backboards were BURTON the Ketchikan team are hard to i removed as they always seem to find but it is expected that ths ! "r Jn, lne wnf " Ale lneJ Alaskans will aLso have few sen- his balcony shots At that though classified Advertising is payable In advance. Please refrain from telephoning. Classifieds, 3c per ord per Insertion, minimum charge 50c. Birth Notices 50c. Cards of Thanks, Death Notices. Fun eral Notices, Marriage and Engagement Announcements $2.00. SPECIAL DISPLAY. DOUBLE PRICE srs5 titefei. , FOR FREE HOME DCIIV PHONE 654 ENGAGEMENT NOTICE FOR SALE Tnc Personaoie Aiex seems to n iors back this season. j through to the spectators some-Don Forward reports thai how. negotiations have broken down u there anyone In town tnat with the famous Chicago Red- I n tell youne Bill Sunberg what heads who were to present them- is wront! '1,h his basketball? selves here later in the season I BlU- to most of us. seems and it looks as though the ir!s to have n the rpauisites of a will not show after! all. Gjbei'Tine athlete and nroved it thU Trotters and Caroll cS'.lege, how- I vear in baseball Yet he cannot to lnt0 stride with the ever, are still slated tvvWt ns!wem REAL ESTATE COAST BREWERIES L I M The engagement is announced FOR SALE In first class condi- kfk thpsi; Hnuv? tion. Maico hearing aid. cost '9th East 4 rnnm Wari.i Also manufacturer of. the fntpitliir hrnml, 1.1 CM' IW.l.K B j.w iot Han piite. man a ( DiocK to scnooi. Dus and stores. VANCOUVER NEW WESTMINSTER Via ..ay uiuc auii sie n. worn , uooa conaition. immediate oc-twice, $30.00. Three suits Eng-t cupancv. 52000 will handle lish wool combinations, size- small balanpp Q. rent ui ncne mora oniv daughter of Mrs. Peter Wikdal and the late ! Chris Paulsen, to Mr. Otto Mo-i stad. .son of Mr. and Mrs Oluf i Mostad of Prince Rupert BC ! The wedding to take place De-! cember 2. 1950. in St. Paul's Lutheran Church. (Up)' and, with the usual I invcaion tSLP "?"!?: 7th EMt-Verv smart four-roon Tiiis advertisement i$ not publir,htd or dispLived by the Liqot Central E or by the Government of British Columbia. lfiaw. ni:cr it, IU.UU. rilUllK hnma K .1 Brrwnwcods club and is ettii a bit disgusted with 'himself. Keep at it fella! ART MURRAY. Green 789. (269p) snea. garden. lenced. Furni FOR SALE ture optional. Occupancy one from Alaska, we are in for some interesting games before spring. Angus Macphee wino heretofore as always been known as a settled scrt of soul on the coaches wees, uwner leaving town Priced to sell. Miss Betty Stordal leaves on the Chilcotln on a two i FOR SALE 1 chesterfield suite, j 2 end tables. 2 trilight lamps, 1 standing lamp, 1 bedroom suite all in good condition. Red 911. (270p) NATION ALLY KNOWN NAMES Linr-belt Sneeder Shovels; granf s: Draglines: Adams th East Near Conrad 5 room Pi Business and house plus 3 room rented suite. AUCTION BALK Timlier Kiilr Xlii!''5 There will be offered for ale at Public Auction at 10:30 m. on KEPAIRS ivyau vjiaucrs: Liiwerora Bros. Plastered; modern cabinet months' trip to the south. Also leaving on the same boat are J. A. Davie and E. C. Mapson. llL.R-MainAena,nc,1? FOR SALE 1941 Bulck five-pas- WATCH Keoairs Dromut effl cient service. Georee Cook Jeweller. Satisfaction Kitcnen and many other features. Terms. For inspection of these and other properties call ARMSTRONG AGENCIES Phone 342 (Red. Green 297 Bucets and RnVt rS. senEer coupe- Rod condition. T I, Smfth ffirt?tti ri0- heater- B00d tires- Best' Clark Frklift Trikt Ninri offer- Aod1v 315 Seventh St. Bucket Loa!leVsTrforkStoNckDile Phone 108. Bob Cook. (273) . tfcfeSCentdfu"arP:nmuf-PNr FOR SALE-McClarv "Duchess-: tloSaflXRS;; nH' range, wick burner, cobper For DownN OIL BURNER SPECIALIST-Stove Service & Repairs. G. D Ronson Black 503 . tti and Wot R.ickPt..!- NiQiiVmaT iT"cTnoi! n.. Rraies ior reconversion A. P. GARDNER & CO. CHARTERED ACCOUNTANTS A. P. GARDNER. CA. A. L. BELL, CA. 324 Second Avenue Box 203 Phone 88 (271) FOR SALE 5 room house full basement, furnace on Summit Ave. AdpIv 636 Taylor St. or phone Green 831. (271p) Green 944. (tf) M pi me u'. Gasoline Hoists: National iLui!Z- Rorie, Thursdity. November 30th, 1950. In the office of the Forest Ranker at ' Ocean Fallt. B C. the Licence X10225 . to cut 5.340.000 f b m. of Hemlock. , Balsam. CednT and Spruce on an area comprising of vacant Crown land attuuted on the north westerly portion of Lake Island, Range 8, Count Land District. Three years will toe allowed for removal of timber. "Provided anyone unable to attend ' the auction In person may submit tender to be opened at the p"r of auction and treated as one bid." Further particulars may be obtained from the Deputy Minister of Forests, Victoria. B.C., or the District Forester. Prince Rupert, B.C. (H) j Portable Sawmills: National mr? cur ti,v,nu , .ovT Rotarv Screens and Convevors lnBS. including new axminster i Box 774 rug. Blue 909. (274p) Full information from Na-! tional Machinery Co. Limited.! Vancouvar. B.C. (tf) LOST FOR SALE 1950 miles. Apply 525 after 5 p.m. Herman St. LOST One tan gabardine over (272p) f.oat on Legion premises. Sat .303 BRITISH calibre Remington, Savaee and Winchester Buy the Nov. 11. Anvbodv knowine whereabouts kindly phone i i ELECTRi fniin with9fihlrL?p0Irrvt"iFOR SALE Used "doors. 2'" x ine rules with 26' barrel. Ex- " t-aii poii 629 9Q 5th ith upot West. Phone Phnno' , cellent condition including! nicely finished walnut stocks: i . ! HELEN'S BEAUTY SHOP Permanent Wavln Beauty Culture In all Its branches ?04 4th Street Phone 655 luauancr Ldnaaian Legion 269p) Cleaner Small supply A B. W.q TOUR CAR 1 IKIEP select Quality proof-tested. FOR SALE 1950 Meteor custom FOR SALE 5 room house full nce oniv J27.50. If not satis- sedan exceptionallv low mile- basement, furnace, newly' dec-tied, return nfle at our ex-, age. Phone Blue 305. 171p) , orated, glassed-in front and pense for full refund. Imme- 1 back porch 102(5 Bth Fast diate deliverv. will send COD. FRESH Oolichan grease for sale.: Black 394 (270ni Write for catalogue. Canada's! See B.C. Furniture. (tfc) i ... ""! Mail Order House. Box 852, - - -'FOR SALE Furnished house. Authorte ALL WINTER PH0N3 VANCOUVER VICTORIA Sunday, 8 p.m., Chilcotln Tuesday, 12 Noon Camosun ALICE ARM, STEWART AND PORT SIMPSON Sunday, Comosun, 11 p.m. FOR- NORTH Ql'EEN CHARLOTTE ISLANDS ss. Chilcotln, Nov. 10 and 24 9 p.m. FOR SOUTH Ql'EEN CHARLOTTE ISLANDS ss. Chilcotln, Nov. 17, 9 p.m. FRANK J. SKINNER Prince Rupert Agent Third Avenue Phone 5Co uuana. uiil. Ill) onic uuu-jnerm on njo nays (JOVe Ave (269D) heater. Phone Red 809. 270p) ' LAND ACT ! NOTICE OK INTENTION TO I APPLY TO LEASE LAND j In Land Recording District of Prtnc 1 Rupert, B.C.. and situate adjacent to Lot 1983, Range 5. Coast District. I TAKE NOTICE thnt Armour Salvage (1949) Ltd., of Prince Rupert.! B.C.. Intends to apply for a lease of 1 the following described lands: j Commencing at a post planted at Northerly point of Lot 1983. Range I 6. Coast District, thence North 10 chains; thence East 10 chains: thence ! South 20 chains: thence West 10 ! chains; thence Northward along shore i to point of commencement, and talnlng 20 acres, more or less i Get this cotmm WANTED FOR SALE New chesterfield beds: b;ds comnlete; un aint-ed chest of drawers: sewine Contact al SERVICE & COLUSSI'S MUSIC STORE Agents for the finest in Musical Instruments PIANOS TUNED AND RECONDITIONED 210 4th St. Ph. Black 389 WORK WANTED rs'hrrh-" rr&PP t S,' ' DRESSMAKING, ladies' tailor-end tahlei" lnK als0 children's clothes, ena taoios, hPrt-inm Docuoom suites, t yhone pv-mna Red ph 872. .o-jr. i270p i . scores of other useful f urni-' WANTED TOP MARKET PRICES PAID for scrao iron steel, brass, conoer. lead, etc Honest eradir. Promot payment made. Atlas Iron & Metals Ltd.. 250 Prior St.. Vancouver. B.C. Phone Pacific 6357. (tf) MARGARET Lllir 'ai, (UWt'fti, IJI C5Ce CVy. I Furniture. Black 324. (If) 1 PERSONAL OPTOMfl Date of staking October 6th, 1950. 1 ARMOUR SALVAGE (1949) LTD. I "J. M. Fields." 1 UNWANTED HAIR Permanently eradicated with Saca-Peio. The most remarkbale discovery of the age. Saca-Peio is FOR SALE Vivian 12-14 h.p heavy duty gas enuine with' propeller. -No reasonable offer j refused. Anplv Prince Rupert I Fishermen's Credit Union or boat "Aurora." New Floats (270p) Boom STONE Bl WANTED .30 or .35 calibre Newton rifle, with or without ammunition. Give details to Box 834. Daily News. Uf-nc) RORIE & LAIRD ACCOUNTANTS & AUDITORS Besner Block Phone 387 P.O. Box 130 guaranteed to kill the roots: of any hair and contains no: drugs or chemicals. LorBeer i wanted td -rpmt tTr,f,i Lab.679 Granville. Vancou- WS2S, 5E XoT Vnli"5: a ii ii miiiw" ver. SEVERAL USED vacuum cleaners, tank tvnc for sale In HERE'S THE WAY BLUE i WANTED Urgent 2 or 3 room rru.-n . suite splf-ennlainorl fiimkh. cluding Elertrolux General , PHONE YOUR Fuller I Electric. Pnillln. etc. 603 Havs. Dealer between 5 and 6:30 cm P.O.: ed. 'Phone Mrs. Couvelier, Royal Hotel. (270p Cove Circle. Phone R. W. Col-i at Black 990 for demonstra- lins 451 or Green 279. (269c) j tion of our Christmas specials.! (281p) j SERVICE FOR RAT V. RtrnmViorir Corlmn WANTED 3 unfurnished rooms. Quiet, considerate couple Phone Green 528. (271pi TO For BUY Less HANDYMAN HOME SERVICE GENERAL CONTRACTORS Building and Repairs of U kinds ROOFS - CHIMNEYS OIL BURNERS all wave table model with CASH for scrap cast, brass, cop-changer and 33 1:i attachment. : ner batteries and radiators. 12-inch extra speaker in large Phone 543 -call 629 6th W., baffle. $100 00. Call 1002 6th i City. (tf) East, evenings, or phone 431,1 9 to 5. (Up.! FOR RENT ACCOUNTANTS With the punishing months of winter ahead, our Cemplet 5-WAY Winterizing will assure you of protection all winter long. Our expert servicemen use factory-approved equipment, factory-approved methods and Genuine Ford Parts. FOR SALE 6-tube radio com-' FOR RENT One double (slngls Prepare For WINTER! Check your Furance and Chimney Now! We have the most modern vacuum equipment for cleaning furnaces and chimneys. PHONE 884 TEHIQftA SHEET METAL LTD. CHECK YOUR FURNACE PUBLIC ACCOUNTANT. Incomf Tax sneclalist. S. G. Furk Stone Building. Red 593 (20m) pinauon. simne piaver. $4U.uo. j beds) and one sinele newlv SIDNEY G OPTOMA Complete OFFICE" : 9 a.m-w Mezzun"1' Geo. Co Telepl""' 802 Borden St. after furnished bedrooms Rrpalr CALL RED656 5 p.m. (nc) fast if desired. Phone Red 800 PHONES Black 334 Red 89 P. O. Box 1670 Cooling System Fuel System Ignition System Electrical System Lubricants (ORDER NOW BUILDERS & CONTRACTORS PLUMBING and Heattn Sheet Metal work. Tar an. Gravel Roofinnr. Call 629 6tfc West. Phone 543. Letourneat, and Sons. ;tf, i 9 FROM PhnUwiLCD chair?'otc,' , F9R RENT Comfortable sleep-Phone Black 338. (270p) ine room. Blue 433. (269c) FOR SALE Hohner piano ac-! fJ.'fJ?1"'!-J2 bass- Reasonable. 1 FOR RENT 2 room aoartmept 1052 Cth East. (269p llth Ave. Phone Red 272 FOR SALE Small Duo-Therm ' 2Mr oil burning heater. As new.; FOR RENT Sleeping room at MODERN Paintine and Decor ating Snence and Matuik Boh Parker Lid MATTSON'S UPHOLSTERING Phone Blue 818. P.O. Box 520 330 Second Avenue, Prince Rupert. B.C. i-none BiacK 215. evenings or D g S GROCERY soo.uu. vai 6ia Ave. w. iziiapi 4tn Ave. East. Private en-i nil BOBII noon nour. f.o. Box llll. (tf) 1 raQ"e Red 297. (270c) FOR SALEMuskrat coat, fairly fond condition. Reasonable. HOUSEKEEPING room for rent Phone 747. (2G9c) Phone Blue 727. (Up) New COMPLETE builders suDDlies fast service. Island Citv Build-inir SuDnlies. Blue 820- (18m) I II l-All supplied ervic S' . j -tnves ana Hittonal sa satis"1" fert ,erv TRAIN bCHEDULE For the East-Monday. Wednesday, FrWay 8:00 p.m. from the East-Tuesday, Thursday Saturdaj 10:15 p.m. TOES