Prince Rupert Daily News Saturday, November 18, 1950 HOTEL ARRIVALS BChudia Services W HOME IMPROVEMENTS Prince Rupert M. Oliver and son. Ouesnel: Miss V. Falrbairn. Oueen Char DOES OWN FINANCING DAUPHIN, MAN. Since 1934 this town has done its financing locally. A total of $259,000 n debentures has been subscribed by Dauphin citizens without any assistance from outside bond dealers. ' SUMMER LINGERS STEWIACKE, N.S. P) Murray Frank and. Arnold Rainforth found a batch of pussy willows, dandelions and buttercups blooming In a field near here as November opened. The plants were as fresh as in the spring. DIRECTORY SATURDAY SERMON lotte City; J. S. Stokes, Victoria; F. F. Brown, L. Connor, Mr and Mrs. Morrison and C W Bourne. Berried In all ctiorchea at 11 a.m. nil 7:30 p.m.; Rundav School at 12:1 5 nrtpt aa anown. Vancouver; C W. Ooldsburger, opoKane; J. B. Johnston. Ter jour home. used rooms, I attic with Proof Wall 1 ., loot wrp; . jIL. Takei anf race; W. Tocher, Port Edward; Mr. McArthur, Port Edward. AKGMCAN CATHEDRAL 4th Ave. W. at Dunnmulr Bt Holy Communion 8.30 a.m. Sunday School 2 00 p.m. Canon BaU 8. Prockter, B.A., B.D. Rector: (Blue 733) Fashion Craft PIONEER RAILWAY Canada's first steam rallwav began operation in 1836 frorr Laprairie to St. Johns, Que. SPIRITUAL PRACTICE - By REV. E. SOILAND, pastor St. Paul's Lutheran Church Theme: "Growing Christians," based on Colossians 1:9-14 The apostle Paul prays for the Christians in the congregation at Colosse,.a community in Asia Minor. In that prayer he gives to the Christians at large some ideas that are beneficial for universal practice. If we will take the time to study the thought in that prayer we will find ideas for helping us to grow as 'Dlritual beings. For it is as we FIRST BAPTIST 6th Are. E at Young Bt Mli.utw: Rev. Fred Antronua (Green 812) r First Presbyterian Church pR ALL BUILDERS NEEDS, PHONI 116 or 117 l & McCAFFERY LTD. FIRST PRESBYTERIAN 4th Avenue Eaat Rev. E. A. Wright. D.D. (Green B82) FIRST UNITED (38 6th Ave. West Rev. U. G. SleWr (Green 613) presents... TOWNSMAN Suits from fabrics in the tradition of 'excellenco. The WORSTEDS from which TOWNSMAN Suits are tailored, are of brilliant fabric achievement from the Empire's finest mills. TOWNSMAN brings you a suit that bespeaks all that is fine in fit, comfort and good exe.clse ourselves In the practice we shall never have too little or A Christian virtues that be be be too late In the battle of life rriJ. OOSPEL TABERNACLE 202 6th Ave. West Pastor: C. Fawcett Services 11 a.m. and 7.30 p m. Sunday School 12.16. (Green 331) STEP When we stand in our own might we lose. When we fight with Christ's power we cannot lose. So if we are wise we will draw upon His power and fight the good fight of faith. We will successfully wage a war against the powers of darkness. Then note the result. Patience and joy become the possession of I Cash for old gold. Bulger's come mature as the chlldien of God. First we must learn to know God's will. This knowledge is acquired by study. God's Word must become familiar to us so that we are sure we know what God wants us to do. Wisdom s a product of knowing what God wants us to do. This knowledge of God's will requires effort on . . a new conception , In a word of value. Dance at the Valhalla Hall i;rr Saturday night, from 9 to 12. BAIVATIOV ARMY Praaer Btteet CO.! Capt. W. Poulton utrectory Class 2 :30 p.m. Sunday School 8:00 p.m. (Black 269) $55-00 85-00 5 Wf l A T 5 231 Fourth Ave. East the Christian. These qualities Minister: Rev. E. A. Wright. D.D. K SHOPPE ia j Music by Mike Colussl. (It) I W David Chappie has neturneJ I to Vancouver after a visit with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. W.' E. Chappie, and his brother-in-law ! and sister, Mr. and Mrs. J. W. 1 Rosedale. Dance at the Valhalla Ha'.l M PAl'L'B LI'THERAN . 6th Ave. at McBrlde Bt .Pastor: B. Boll fan d . : (Black 610 3rd Ave. W. our part. We do not absorb it by lazy day dreaming. We must study the Bible. Real study is a labor that is difficult, but it is also a labor that brings in rich rewards. The second idea is that we practise In our daily life the c are priceless. They can be had only by using the opportunity God gives to exercise the virtues of the Christian life. Notice how they enrich the life of the one who has them. Other things promise passing pleasure but these toys lve the kind of peace to the human soul that passes human analysis. A man who has gained these Organists: Mrs. E. J. Smith, John Currie. . November 19, 1950 Morninr Vorsh:p 11 o'clock. Sunday School 12:15 Evenh.g Service 7.30. "Remember the Sabbath Day to Keep it Holy." We extend a cordial invitation to visitors to worship with us. BT. FfcTER'B ANGLICAN - Seal Cove Sunday Schoc: 11 KM) a.m Evenlns Prayer 7:30 p.m. (Blue S27) GLO I teachings of our Christian faith. This may seem self-evident and unnecessary to mention. But is ' RKtU'LAR BAPTIST 629 6th Ave. E. Blue 803 Pastor: Rev. Lmiuard A. Thorpi qualities will be thankful. It will Hiah Gloss it? Just how often do we not tonight from 9 to 12. Music by Mike Colussl. (it) Swan Peterson, pioneer longshoreman foreman, who was injured when struck by a car a few months ago, is back in the General Hspltal for further attention. $6.75 buys a case of Pacific milk and 10c buys a 15-ounce tin of choice golden corn or a HOLLYWOOD CAFE fcutiful tints find that in our every day llto we forget the very Ideas which Christ explained in the Sermon on the Mount. If we are united oe the natural thing to turn to God and say "Thank You." For he will realize how g -eat is the liberty that is found In serving Christ. Being delivered from the pcoroting. ELKS CRiING FliRl United Church C36 Sixth Avenue West - Prince Rupert. B.C. Rev. Lawrence O. Sieber We Specialize in terrors of darkness, and being tin of Nabob pork and beans at PSON translated into the kingdom of light, he has much for which to Any and all former members with Christ by faith we should reveal that fact by our dally lives. Christ should shine through us in our conduct so that others might know we possess Him. This Is usually the result of liv DISHES LTD CO. of Prince Rupert lodge No. 46 B.P.O. Elks are invited to at be thankful. Let us grow as Christians In the practice of the Christian virtues. SHEARDOWNS. (tf) J. D. McRae, MLA fcr Prince Rupert, returned to the city yesterday afternoon cn the Chll-cotin from the south. Mr. . Mc tend an informal meeting In CHOP SUEY CHOW ME1N 11:00 a.m. Morning Worship Sermon: "Fighting God" Children's Story: "It's Contag ious." ing as a Christian over the years. 'he Civic Centre on Sunday afternoon. November 19, at Seldom is it seen in a person as Vnr Outside Orders FllONt Hi lm;. Crating a sudden change. Allow God to Rae attended the meeting of the executive of the British Columbia An anthem by the Junior Choir lead you in your daily life and fd Grnoral il Storage OPEN FROM 7:30 P.M. to 3:30 A.M. 3:30 o'clock to. discuss the matter of having the "Elks" back In the City. Any others who may be interested rest- you will walk worthy of a Chris tlan. 7:30 p.m. Evening Worship A Film Sermon. "Walking With Cold Veather Hits Logging Rpports from along the coast Liberal Association in Victoria this week and also visited at Duncan, Vancouver Island, with h's parents, Mr. and Mrs. p. C. McRae. Regular meeting of Deep Sea dents of the City, and former Elks or not, are also cordially Another item that should not be overlooked is the spiritual power available ) the Christian. Invited to this meeting. Jie and Effi- agents lor i. Air Co. Lta., : jient CARTAGfc and all indicate that the spells of cold Our warfare against sin and its God" - . . Ladies' Chorus: "The Lord is My Shepherd" ; SUNDAY SCHOOLS at First Church: all at 12:15; at Conrad United Hall: all at 1 p.m. EVERYONE WELCOME ; P. A. MIQUELON, D.O.O., Electric Blankets weather, still prevailing are af Fishermen's Union, Sunday, Nov. 19. 2 p.m. Members please at Hotel Prince . Rupert. ' tend. (It) GENERAL t LIMITED consequences la spiritual, we need spiritual strength. It is at our disposal. God can supply all that we ,need for a successful battle.. The reserve supply is there. . Let us draw upon it and fecting employment In logging camps. This is noted on the Queen Charlotte Islands where some of the camps have closed down. ELECTRIC LECTRIC 59-50 ) L.MA Park Avenues t "DUAL CONTROL" GO and 68 1 Meeting Second .Union of Op-, erating Engineers Local 115, Sunday, Nov. 19, Carpenters Hall, 2:30 p.m. ltc) I See Empire Folk Dances by local children. I.O.D.E. Fall Bazaar. Bill Scuby's Fur Fashion. ODens 2 D.m. Thursday, Nov. 23,' Heating Pads Sfeo mer REGULAR BAPTIST CHURCH (FUNDAMENTALIST) V 629 East Sixth Avenue s- M 00 Y0Un v 1 'M CKiniQTMAG , SHOPPING 9-50 GENERAL ELECTRIC GE H l.S FOR Civic Centre Auditorium. (269) A letter from a "Teen-Ager," intended as a reply to "Ancient's" letter in Thursday's paper has been received at the Daily News 12-00 12.oo WAFFLE IRONS COMBINATION WAFFLE IRONS and SANDWICH TOASTER OUVER 4 Pastor: REV. L. A. THORPE Sunday, November 19, 1950 f' 11:00 a m. Morning Worship 12:15 p.m. Sunday School 7:30 p.m. Special Guest Speaker REV. B. I. CARPENTER OF FIRST BAPTIST CHURCH, KETCHIKAN, ALASKA COME AND HEAR THIS MAN OF GOD who is being signally blessed in his work in that city pediale Ports NORTHERN B. C. POWER CO. Thursdoy '15 p.m. TCHIKAN - f ficc but enly the nom-de ' plume is attached. For publication, a letter must have the signature of the writer although not necessarily for. publication. .We knew at the office, for instance, who was the writer of "Ancient's" letter. ' j , Moose weekly whist drive, STEWART. B. C PRINCE RUPERT W MIDNIGHT PHONE 210 Kescrvauons Ue or Call ' Ratnrrtau n cht in tne MDU8C P OK JJKPOT lent, EATON'S Temple at 8 o'clock. Members please attend and bring your friends. (269) OFFICE ;NCE RUPERT, B.C. Canadian A Annual mpptinff. NEW MIDSEAGON Cancer society, weuncauaj, oa at a -an n m.. Common Lounge,! FIRST BAPTIST CHURCH SUNDAY, NOVEMBER 19 lla.m. Morning Service. Dedication of our new Church School building, will be held in the building itself. 12:15 p.m. Sunday School. Our School now meets In three departments, beginning with a Nursery, for the smallest children, with a class for every age, right up to our Bible Class for fathers and mothers. Bring the who'.e family to Sunday School. We will pick up children aaywaere m the city, and transport them to and from the School. Phone the pastor at CATALOGUE of' Civic Centre. Election of of-1 fleers, delegate's report showing of film. Any interested person is 278' welcome. a Tno ffpneral meeting of the Diamond Price Boost All Diamond wholesalers were notified of a 15 to 20 increase in prices as of October 15, 1950. Manson's Jewellers were very fortunate in purchasing a real large selection two days before this Increase and all rings now in stock will be sold at the old prices. We have now on hand over 200 rings, giving you by far the largest selection in styling and prices offered in town Come in today. Easy Credit Terms Available AVOID THE "CHRISTMAS RUSH" SHOP Green 812, if you would like us to call. v" While slocks ar plentiful. . HALL'S Prince Rupert Local United Fishermen and Allied Workers Union will be held Thursday,' Nov 23 7:30 p.m., in the Metro-pole Hall. Classes in public sneflkimz will be held Monday, 1:30 D.m. Evening Service. Message, "Treasure and Pearl.' FINISHING ;ak Ca.v.oru le-UD. (It) Nov. 20. Nents for all if Service is at lis best. Early delivery means plenty ol time for gift wrapping and re-mailing. And for easy, enjoyable Christmas shopping, see EATON'S New Midseason Catalogue. 100 pages packed with gift suggestions and timely, cold-weather values. Check your copy today and mail your order as soon MANSON'S JEWELLERY MANSON'S JEWELLERY pas. f-4 Kodachrome 9 Arriving m ten days A car-lload of famous Smithers potatoes cooking quality absolutely ' guaranteed. Price $3.50 per sac from car. All orders must be U TOYS -- TOYS TOYS :im. Printing and as possible. Catalogue tree on jvrrj. h bv Rat.irriav. NovemDer a larging. (275) SHEARDOWN'S. H Ave, W. cT EATON CI 'limitio ANNOUNCEMENTS St. Andrews Ca:hcdral W.A. I I lfl WtVViWW Fall Sale, Nov. 18. 1 y&rtt&ili !J 13 WP w 70.00 w Canadian Legion cara rri.j. SHOP EARLY Choose them now from our huge selection !B a Nov. 22. I piffle .m rjgrjgjiJ"-w iM'iaaJ I.O.D.E. Fall Bazaar Novemoe. 23. TOKEN OF LOVE diamonds ! - Fort Edward Anglican Bazaai at Community Hall, November 23 2:30 p.m. . Nurses' Annual Ball, Nov. 24 Lutheran Church Lutefish and fishcake dinner. Sat., Nov. CHRISTMAS DECORATIONS! Holly Wreaths CHOOSE HER RING NOW! 9 ssfruTffia THE SPORT SHOP 151 I We will lay it away for Christmas. SINNING Annunciation Home ana scnuu, Association bake sale, Lyons Cor-nrr Nov 25. i dance at Navy Dance-Public SEE OUR BEAUTIFUL SELECTION TODAY Token of Love DIAMONDS Lights Xmas Rope Tinsel Bells Candles ithe Navy Drill Han, i . - wilding epairiNG 'II 363 ceeds to children s m nnft,r riannlni? 10 to Scoli McLaren, B.A.C.A. Announces the opening of an office to practice as a CHARTERED ACCOUNTANT in the JAMES BLOCK, 608 THIRD AVENUE WEST PRINCE RUPERT. B.C. P.O. Box 374 Telephone 847 (269c) 3 u IS ; u ! r I w ; iss i o ! i 03 z i CHER 300.00 - Are all guaranteed with Free Insurance and registered for your protection. MANSON'S Your Friendly Jeweller mm llce (276c)i I I..O B.A. Bazaar Dec. 1. ; Job's Daughters Bake sa.e, Overwaitea, Dec. 2. Port Edward Anglican Bazaar !at Community Hall, December I 5 at 2:30 p.m. ! United Church Fall Bazaar, i n..nnmKir 7 IE FTED MANSON'S JEWELLERY MANSON'S JEWELLERY Conti factors ' Rod and Gun 'Novelty Dance December 15.