) 1 DISPATCHED PROVING! A P?.0VI::2IAL LIEF.ASr, 113 111. gjj VICTORIA, E. C. J x 0 NORTHERN AND CENTRAL BRITISH COLUMBIA'S NEWSPAPER Published ot Canada's Most Strategic Pacific Port "Prince Rupert, the Key to the Great Northwest" Phone 81 PRINCE RUPERT, B.C., SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 18, 1950 PRICE FIVE CENTS Daily Delivery cabs Canada To Pool Ships mm Contention In U.N. On Peace Proposal weather " jlllffft MULWi I I Used In ' t$ASC, , ilPT ea War . --8 - mm.- y S One Hundred Vessels Will Be Available to Pact Nations If War Comes OTTAWA Canada will contribute 100 or more ships to the new wartime merchant shipping pool of the North Atlantic Fact nations. Plans of the Canadian government are to make available to the pool, set up in Washington, Canadian-owned vessels which has been transferred to the British flag under an agreement made a year ago with the United Kingdom government. NEW YORK (CP) Andrei Vishinsky, Russia's foreign commissar, assailed "Trygve Lie's 20-year peace plan today on the ground that it was dictated Vi Lead I'nited lurces Into rap I I in li n m 1 X - 2.'i'. V jmfllJrftfc .' j"Q i?".fU n i I by Washington. He also blasted Lie personally and warned the United Nations that it is useless to talk CpiCornmumst re- iporatcd today ahead lllllll v- -W 11 of peace through the United Nations if Russian peace Nations forces siog-h new snow In north- peace proposals are ignored Vishinsky agreed with Lie's Idea for high level meetings of fcrea but on the west-( the 250-mile front Jirean and Chinese t are reported digging mountain defence line t ,e Yalu Elver interna-fcr sites on the Wheat King Drives Engine TORONTO Thirteen-year-old Rickey Sharpe, the world's champion wheat king of Munson, Alberta, today piloted the Canadian National Railway's crack "Continental Limited" Into. Toronto on the last leg of its long i trip from western Canada. I when tVio vnnncr wheat kir.c City Council Talks Housing Government Plan Essentially VlllMlllTlr""'' northJjIIIIIIamerica a r '' Great Circl Distances j Jj irw,s ' I. U.l.A. Km fc twu tfc. ,, (,. o..jk. m O.K. wl " C ' MtCTIC V v ' A. t Ht. rt uHwnliilwur dun torn Nw Yarfc M Imlr fpfr 'ff'THlHIuilt V ... Hm.tafrwImioM nkum cSiHl IllWlU 1 I ' - ANTARCTIC the Security Council but tacked on a condition not acceptable to the United States that Communist China must sit on the council. The assembly is awaiting the arrival of a nine-man delegation from Peiping. Vishinsky charges that United For Low Income "Worker I . . . NY.U.VA. M k.W '' ' I jfcWttlwUTHl AMERICA the United Nations ahead undv?r harrass-higher mountain gaps States was the aggressor in Stressing that the new federal worin ivorea ana tmn me as- learned he was to travel over a inrtheast where they sembly Is afraid to hear repre K d down by bitter cold ihe end of snowbound sentatives of the North Koreans thousand miles to attend the Royal Agricultural Winter. Fair, his one desire was to see the IfS. provincial housing project is for the low Income worker, J. E. Brown, housing commissioner for the province of British Columbia, addressed the city council yesterday afternoon. "Flashy frills will be left off, AMERICAN WORLD VIEW Maps InHuence political thinking; and maps can be misleading. It will never be known how much traditional American isolationism owed to the conventional world maps In Mercator projection, which created a false impression of an "Isolated" America, safe and sheltered behind two oceans. The map above (based on an Oblique Me.-cator projection computed by the late Arthur Hinks, i'.R.S.) centred on the United States illustrates the interdependence, in the air age, of the United States and couni-ies on the opposite shores of the North Atlantic and North Pacific. It explains the background to modern American strategic thinking and justifies the view of most of her leaders that Europe is not only geographically America's nearest neighbor, but also strategically her most exposed and vulnerable flank. horse show. Rickey has a special love for horses and for him, it was the dream of a life to stand Says Canada Slavia behind the controls of a 330-ton but good liveable houses are Has Curtain what are built under this scheme," emphasized Mr. Brown. "But there should be sufficient concentration of the homes to achieve certain savings," he "Iron Horse" while veteran engineer Fred Culverson of Toronto, explained the intricate controls. The Continental Limited made a special stop at Oriole and Rick- I Crisis But It Is Hatred and Not Iron, Declares Professor Brother Bills To Reorganize P. A. Miquelon of Edmonton WARSAW Dr. Leopold In- May Call For HOUSING BADLY NEEDED Public Meeting Hears Government's Scheme Poland ev raced irom nis coacn to me feld, who returnned to He said that for those who bey Aid To Help cab of the giant locomotive. Life Sentence For Sex Killer BRUNSWICK, Germany Oi A Oerman court Friday sentenced husky Rudolf Pleil to a life term in prison after he had said he killed nine women and a man to obtain "sexual satisfaction." It With W est last summer after 11 years ,as professor at the University of where fireman Ben Cookson and Fred Culverson helped him i'GTON, D.C. (CP), wanted more costly homes they could have them built upon the same rate of savings under the National Housing Scheme. City Toronto, told the Communist- Truman has called for . aninion grand organizer for t Eenevolent and Protective Or'ier of lks, told the DaUy News today that he is meeting sponsored world peace conference today that he has found no aboard. After the twenty-six mile ride into Toronto, Rickey was undecided as to whether he would remain a top notch ,far- pcy action to keep Clerk H. D. Thain said that some "Iron curtain" In Poland but I ppled Yugoslavia and of the applicants were of this there was one in Canada. It was Solid, substantial stock model houses with foundations and furnaces but without frills IjI armed force from j higher Income type. There Is not a death penalty In West Germany. not one of iron "but of hatred1 of him and criticism of his at titude he told 3000 delegates. k into the Moscow y he may ask Con jean be made available under the federal-provinc;:! "i irery favorable response in the matter of re-establishing ' i lodge, in the city. He ex's confidence about the pii i.ci of reinstituting a. lodge ariOi new charter membership of at least one hundred within the next two weeks. An Informal mer or become a locor ' e engineer. ."'"" . Tiw boy was acconr " ' the fair by his mother a an dthe family had a bu ule awaiting them. Tl e Infeld, who was naturalized in Although aldermen believed that some homes might be built in Westview, it was emphasized that, the more concentrated the homes could be, the cheaper the I service and costs. The commis ine $85,000,000 to fur- Canada, is described as one of scheme to'provide housing for rental and purchar in communities where an emergency exists and where the local authorities take the initiative in establish- tJthen the morahe of Pleil. 28-year-old blacksmith, first killed a Russian soldier, he confessed. His two accomplices. Karri Hoffman and Konrad Schues-sler, were also sentenced to life terms. the world's outstanding mathe maticians. met at the station by I .n i against starvation he Tito regime from sioner felt Westview was a sais meeting or former members as well as others interested will be - : 1 ing the need, J. E. Brown, hous- m m m Mm. ine commissioner for British factory building site. Mention was made ol the ne ooiuxiium, wiu ias afternoon. and uncle and Colonel T. L. lon-nedy, minister of agriculture for Ontario, and amid the F"7?nS of flash .bulbs and questioning reporters he flashed a big smile and took the proceedings palm-' cessity of building sewers for meeting last nigni in uie From Alert TODAY'S STOCKS (Courtesy 8. D. Johnston Co Ltd.) new! homes in Westview, but Mr. man bunmaii Kills Five H. L. McGlinchy, Mission ( BroWn pointed out thai with Resources Minister - Looking To Northwest plumber and a son of Hugh Mc ly. v-: v. . . f ' aiive Meet Rickey has come to tne agri Centre. The keen Interest, that exists In the problem of providing more adequate housing for the city was amply demonstrated by the fact that the common lounge was filled to capacity wit the crowd overflowing Into the corridors. Brotherhood of British rental homes this money could be paid out of government local Improvement taxes. The city would not be liable for losses that might accrue over rental units; they would be paid by ' (Continued on page 5) Glinchy, who was an early-day police officer in Prince Rupert, is back in the city of his childhood. He Is in charge of plumbing installations for the Fraser Valley Construction Co. In the new liquor store here. executive officers, at cultural show to personally receive the Canadian National Railways 'trophy, emblematic of the world's wheat growing cham- ' pionship. The boy will also re it Alert Bavdurine the VANCOUVER Bayonne 0134 Bralorne . 6.35 B. R. Con .02 B. R. X - .04 Cariboo Quartz 100 Congress , .10 Hedley Mascot 40 Pacific Eastern -. 05 Pend Oreille 8.10 Pioneer 190 F carefully scrutinized Under the joint governmental scheme, Mr. Brown said there t amending Bill No. ceive an engraved silver tray pm? some parts and and a cheque for $100. will be no custom built "picture S others. Then a new prenared for suhnnls. BOSTON tt Canadian Minister of National Resources Winters said yesterday that the days of discovery in Canada's vast Northwest Territories "are by no means past." Mr. Winters said there were numerous rich prospects in the north which was once considered a barren, desolate and worthless wasteland. p government. Amon? Trout Hatchey In District Planned By Rod and Gun Club Grim Tragedy in New Jersey Village Family Slayings VINELAND, New Jersey (CP) A beserk man about 26 years old machine-gunned to death five people last night including three of his estranged wife's family and his uncle. At least six others were reported wounded in tragic shootings in Piney Hollow In the farm section of south Jersey. The gunman was identified as Ernest Ingenlto. He killed the victims in the homes of his estranged wife and her father and then escaped in a green four-door sedan through a police houses." They will be well constructed stock models designed to meet the needs of people who find it impossible In any other manner to obtain homes. The quality would be more substan- the natives seek '! franchise without Pedestrian Is Hit By Truck Running from the rear of a Columbia Cellulose lorry parked 'v and further de- f they be permitted to "'r ordinal rights In Premier Border .0534 Privateer .07 ft Reeves Mcbonald 3.90 Reno 02 Sheep Creek 128 Silbak Premier 31 Taku River .06 Vananda - -09 Salmon Oold 02 SDud Vallev 04 he full responsibilities hip. P nell of Port Simoson, pood vice-president, nr- at Seveiur. nd McBride. Kiner Lynum, 252 Nintli Avenue East, Old Country :: Football :: iht tS!!. Prin RuPert Rod and Gun Club is considering is intended in no manner to en- ( the establishment of a trout hatchery in the Prince Steb?uSPetltl0n Pri" I Rupert area and this was one of the principal items Mr. Brown explained that it 0f discussion last night when the club had a general reveisaof gove'nS cT-operT-, meeting- at the Civic Centre with 33 members in at- tion the federal government atendance and President Douglas Kerr in the chair-providing 75 per cent of the cost,' . , , . 25 As a preliminary step, It is the provincial government per 1ITTFRc wanted WANTED WOLF cent, and the municipal govern- hoped to have a biologist visit HTERf dragnet. Police said that gunmen sped n city on the Chll-'"lav after attend'ns? se?4ions and is ' home from here bv ' He reports that a to another rural district ana wounded several persons. was struck by a dairy panel truck at 5:18 p.m. yesterday. Injuries are reported not serious by the attending physician. The milk panel, driven by R. Thorlakson, 1256 Park, wa3 proceeding from McBride onto Seventh Avenue. "I saw the man get out of the lorry so I slowed down into sec Among the wounded were In-trenlto's wife, Tessie, 23, and a '.coast bv the mlnlr h'D and Indian affairs Scottish League, "A" Division Aberdeen 5, Falkirk 1 Airdrieonians 2, Celtic 4 Clyde 1, Morton 1 (tie) East Fife 1, Hibernian 2 ment taking the initiative, es- ne aov se . - - of P soon. taDiisning tabuing me u neea, UCBu, locating u k "f, w """2 oh nt w "' nredatorv r.Ht.nr animals animals nine-year-old girl, Jean Ploppie. All are reported to be in critical in located ntment was expressed ure of Rev. Dr Petr necessary lana ana assuming tne ; A." ! .his area due to the increasing condition. lrktal manncrpmpn. siirh ns de iimitds. vv a i bcots " , . , - Heart of Midlothian 3, Mother number of wolves i ii i nnnrtltlnns arniilH h involved Silver Standard 2.30 Western Uranium 1-05 Oils-Anglo Canadian 5.00 A. P. Con - 30 Atlantic 2.30 Calmont 83 Central Leduc 2.20 Home Oil 13 75 Mercury 1 Okalta 185 Pacific Pete 7.30 Princess I-60 Royal Canadian lO'a Royalite - : 1250 TORONTO Athona 8 Aumaque, - Reattle 55 which are to become r tf the orlncipal 84- ond gear," explained Mr. Thor-laksen. "My right fender brush terminmg muse " . r r "T;.. ... T:.. 1 Miislno the deer titled to tenancy, ana 1uaK.1u.5- v. "... . . . " j . ' 'an Indian rights, to r meetinsr. scarcer and scarcer every year. well 3 Rangers 4, Raith Rovers 1 St. Mirren 2, Patrick Thistle 1 Third Lanark 2, Dundee 0. Cilder, MLA for Atlin. struction of the hatchery and operate it in the interests of better angling hereabouts. Strike Is All Over Game Warden Ed Martin was present and suggested the Idea of a game preservation pledge the collections. SCHEME OUTLINED Mr. Brown, called upon here, has onnn r.n to by It was suggested that the bi ed the man, but I believe he was hurt mostly in his fall into the ditch," said the milk driver. City police, who were driving behind the dairy truck, saw the accident and report no charge3 are laid. Concussion, superficial cuts to the scalp, and bruising were the Mayor G. W. Rudderham, who ; ologist' might be brought here presided, briefly outlined the,as a featured speaker at the such as in the United States. The club is working on the designing of a crest. A dance is to be held December 8. F weather VANCOUVER 0) Shipyard workers at Vancouver's Pacific Drv Dock returned to work late English League, First Division Aston Villa 4, Chelsea 2 Blackpool 3, Huddersf ield Town 1 Bolton Wanderers 0, Middlesbrough 2 scheme in eeneral terms and a annual banquet in January or February. question-and-answer . period 1 , fol Synopsis alti Which has hppn lowed. Bevcourt 5. Incidentally,- the banquet will The meetinir enjoyed the .14 Bob jo unless mere was a minimum De attended f or the first time by I snowinB of &T sporting subject of 25 houses, not much would "'"i.,. a..Cu vl larilps ladies who a are hpln being admltted admitted available bv the uthward over British ' 'or the tlnst ffitir lava fllm made torn.. . u " wwji. Prince Rupert Film Council. injuries found upon examination of Mr. Lynum. Mr. Lynum Is recovering in hospital. The injured man was taken to Prince Rupert General Hospital in the city ambulance driven by W. H. (Buster) Hill- The over w"l remain A Charlton Athletic 2, West Bromwich Albion 3 Derby County 1, Burney 1 (tie) Fulham 4, Sheffield Wednesday 2 Liverpool 1; Arsenal 3 Manchester United 0, Stoke today following an eight-hour walk-out over a holiday clause in their strike settlement. The men returned to work after an all-day session between company and union representa- tiV6S Officials said an agreement had been reached. The men returned after a month-long strike for more Buffalo Canadian -24 C. M. & S 123 50 Conwest '-95 . Donalda r? Eldona - -26 East Sullivan Giant Yellowknife 6.40 Hardrock 4 Harricana as memDers or tne ciud. By Christmas it is expected the club's .22-calibre rifle range at the Civic Centre basement will be ready. Ned McLeod has been in charge of the organization of the rifle range. Manitoba Oil Find be achieved in the way of savings, Mr. Brown said. The process was to determine the quantity of units required, call for public tender, and then proceed with construction. Rent was based on the cost of the house say 70 cents per month per $100 which would make the monthly rental of a $6000 house $42. There should be a "fair degree of concentration" in the location of the houses. To scatter City 0 (tie) j . w. Sunderland 0, Portsmouth 0i Outsider Wins north Pacific and is ex- mixed rain and ine coastal region to-Forecast p,35' region, southern 'L'oudv u,iiv. o .1U-2 wages yesterday dus stagea a sltdown strike over the holiday (tie) Tottenham Hotspur 7, Newcastle United 0 Wolverhampton Wanderers 4, Everton 0 Heva - Kosco Jackknife Joliet Quebec T Q ra clro .05 Vt .0514 1.05 .05 WINNIPEG ffi Provincial Resources Minister J. McDiarmid announced today that oil had been found in Manitoba. He said Fiery Red Is Retiring Rain ir. . Nov. Handicap MANCHESTER (CPI Colt-bridsc today won the one-and-a-half mile Manchester November Handicap. North Capr was second and Belsay CasUe third. The winner was a 100 to 6 outsider in a 37-horse field. them tended to defeat the pur-(Continued on page 6) that oil, not yet In commercial quantity, had been discovered at farm "uiui.uw. n '"eru tomorrow. Lows krtv tBhs tomorrow. -ht 3 and 40. P J of region Clear inland t.nria i v - Little Long Lac " Lynx Madsen Red Lake McLeod Cockshutt f Ifnnofn . 4 LONDON m Willie Gallacher, chairman of Britain's Commu the Sourls Valley Oil Co's Downey No. 1 well, seven miles south of Melita. He commented that nist party, will not again seek clause. POWDER-CARRYING YOUTHS REBUKED VANCOUVER "You should have your heads examined and work done on other parts of your anatomy," said a Vancouver magistrate yesterday in passing sentence on three youths in whose possession in. a car dynamite was found Hallowe'en night. They were sentenced to three days In jail and fined $100 each. muitcta Negus election to Parliament, It was the find was "encouraging but . -83 74.00 r Cloudy with showers, 5, and rain tomorrow. I "tier tomorrow. Winds not spectacular." ji aiiuv Louvlcourt ' HOCKEY SCORES PACIFIC COAST Seattle 1, Victoria 3." Tacoma 2, Vancouver 5. MAINLINE-OKANAGAN Spokane 9, Kerrisdale 7. Vernon 3. Nelson 2. BASKETBALL TONIGHT Junior 6:45: Intermediate 7.30 8:45: Co-Op vs Gordon & Ai.aerson .20 Sunday, November 19, 1950 High 9:57 19.2 feet 22:23 17.4 feet .. J-o Pickle Crow announced Friday. For many years he was the only Communist member. "The fiery Communist was defeated In West FUe last .05V! COMPULSORY BENEFITS .... A social security system in 0. Inmn.nn... Regicourt Wld kiT 'uw' i,uws r,? hl8hs tomorrow 3:31 7.3 ieet 19:21 7 0 feet 30 force in Venezuela since 1944 Is Low ompulsory for most workers. I Sherrltt Gordon Steep Rock , 6 Silver Miller -HB an(l 35, Prince Ru- f 37,