Prince Rupert Daily News Saturday, November 18, 1950 Today 7 - 9:24 Blackwood On Bridge By Eosley Blackwood : Local Battery Waterfront Whiffs - - MOki lit. . belting Active With completion of alterations SUNDAY MIDNITE WILLIAM BISHOP VIRGINIA PATTON in "BLACK EAGLE" I know a player who has an odd weakness at the bridge table. He plays the cards magnificently and most of his bidding is excellent. -He is strong on humanics and gets the very best out of his partners. But he has an idea it is better to play a hand offensively than defensively. Nearly every time he Is ' pENlTENTlAR i to the local armory, the 120th ! H.A.A. Battery is now reorganiz- ing and recruiting. I Among recent recruits are two m 1 102nd Battery members, Robert a I A. Taylor and Robert W. Mont- gom.?ry, who served in the 102nd Biy in 1940, going overseas with i that unit. A. F. Everleigh, who J I served overseas with the Cape J Breton Highlanders, and George BW. McAfee, veteran of Canadian . Paratroopers are other recruits. Due to lost time while Improve- HOUSING (Continued From Page 1) n. fo Wed. WOMEN QNtfl pose or most, economical construction. The building authority acquired the property outright on a basis of fair valuation. Serviced property was re- win go ahead and try :cr game rather than double his opponents In a low contract. Both sides vulnerable. East dealer. North (Mr. AbH) 5 J 3 H K 3 D 6 5 3 C Q 8 7 4 3 2 Wt ' Kast S A K (, T 4 S 10 8 6 H Q J 8 4 H 10 5 D o 8 3 D A J 10 7 C 5 c A K 10 South (Mr. lal- 6- 4 2 11 A 9 7 6 2 D K Q 4 C J 6 Winter Gales Lash Fishing Waters Balsac in With Cod Northern Express In Northeasterly gales swept waters outside of Prince Rupert harbor during the past week, hampering such limited fishing operations as are still Toing on. Yesterday the local vessel Balsac, Capt. Ed Telseth, arrived in port with a load of 8000 pounds of black cod which was caught off the east coast of the Queen Charlottes in Hecate - Straits waters. The catch was dlsposed of to B c packers. Capt. Telseth and his men think J. E. Brown, housing commts- they have had enough now and sioner for British Coftimbla, who they are going to stay In port an-ived in the city on Thursday . until after the New Year. night's train from Quesnel, left j by today's plane on his return' Capt. Ben Cook and party to Vancouver after spending a 1 aboard, the halibutter Lois N. ments were being made to the nUire(j A A At t'ii MA.ilZ WM toy wffljmz Cam PrnnrJ r . k j.armory me oauery is now par-; Told that appiications for as. a ; ading Tuesday and Thursday sistance under Nati0nal Housing "venmt. Thursday is reauar been refused here because " 5nlngJ olght ,a"dJFuday, appropriations had been used NCO and Specialist Training, kit j up Mr Brown suggested that, issue and administration. , ln sucn cases there might be ' r mwm mm launiu Nevrlefort Un nlnyUntal ' Ti further communication with Na- ! ffSs tion Housing. That was the quarter, he felt, which should be approached by persons who, for instance, wanted to build a ;hirts by The bidding: Fast South t ID 1 H IS 2 S Pass 4 S M a m North Pass All pass couple of days here going into ' headed into the stormy west on GUA1ITY Tuesday for a hunting trip to the local housing situation. L-iri Mr. Dale Vfi the wise old duffer no. $9000 or $10,000 house and had $3000 or so to put up. Of course, ' he had no authority to speak on behalf of National Housing, Mr. Bi: AY the Queen Charlotte Islands. It was a family party consisting of members of the regular crew and their wives. Kill life who plays the people as well as the cards, knows this player, too. In fact, there's not much in the way of useful Information that escapes Mr. Dale. I saw him get awav with murder on! One new member was initiated into the Women of the Moose at their regular meeting this week with Mrs. Frank Parlette, senior regent, in the chair. Mrs. O. Tweed was the winner In a cup HP2PULM Brown made it clear. Aid. Casey suggested the idea of spreading the houses throughout, t.hp it.v Mnvnr Rnririprham price said there was no definite area ' the hand snown today and saucer raffle. Refreshments i ' AfnrrrHrn n tVta tout WAnl. V. were served. M Shirts by Tooke mean as always "the peak of shirt m performance" in style, ji quality and value for your J money. Tooke's reputation m for being the best in their field is faithfully guarded by the factory . .'. See the newest in Tooke shirts ? today. had no vulnerable overeall of one heart at all. He might have been murdered. But our friend as yet but there might be locations where groups of 50 or 60 houses could be put ln for Instance Westview which, however, was without sewers at Coasta; freighter Northern Express, Capt. Sorensen, will arrive in port Saturday afternoon from Vancouver. She has 44 tons of general cargo. Before leaving here for Port 8impson, 15,000 feet of lumber will be added to the 10,000 already aboard. Fifty tons of concentrates will be loaded at Alice Arm before she returns here to load salmon for Vancouver. Enroute south 110 tons of with the kine of hearts against who would rather play the hand j this hand if his partner hadn't than defend was sitting on Mr. I overcalled with one heart? May Dale's left. There was very lit- be, but I doubt It. Some day I would like to give you a series of articles on over- calls. They shouldn t be mage. THEY DON'T COST ANY MORE FROM ... A5Q- 4- Mr. Brown, answering a ques-1 tion, felt that, if a project were embarked upon here at the request of the city council by resolution, the paper work might be finished by January with the construction completed by next fall. r,lp. thpv havp srirne ntirnose. Ilsn meaI WIU "e loaaeo. BC BUte- But when they have a good pur-' dale- This advertisement is not published O) displayed by the Liquor Control Board of by the Government of British Colunbi. pose maKe them u you inins. ties byTOOKE; WOMEN uwniHun MEN MHrmJ M.H.O.'s CASE you can get by with it. It's valuable to know the playing habits of that fellow sitting at your left. Union steamer Chllcotln, Capt. Harry McLean, arrived in port at 2:30 Friday afternoon from Vancouver and waypolnts and sailed at 9 last nleht for south ue uKenrjood ox a double. LEADS KING OF HEARTS , Against -.the four spade contract, Mr. Abel in the North seat led the king of his partner's bid suit hearts. Mr. Dale flashed the nine spot and North continued with the three of hearts. Mr. Dale won with the ace and returned the seven of hearts and North trumped with the Jack of spades. Now there is no way for West to avert the loss of a diamond trick and he was down one. Do you think Mr. Abel would have been good enough to open You see, in bridge Humanics MATINEE WED. 2 P.M. WOMEN ONLY A strong case in support of the need for more adequate housing ln Prince Rupert was made out by Dr. Duncan Black, medical health officer. Many people, unable to find anything better, were being forced into inade- you are dealing not just with Queen Charlotte Island points the one person who is your part-1 whence she is due back here ner. You are also dealing with Sunday to sail at 8 p.m. for the the mental frills and foibles of.routh. The vessel brought in a n t Yes, I i 11 Tooke M tTies Z I f f 1 f with I -I I f " 1 Tooke t tr Shirts. ) i v I From people, your oppon- substantial freight cargo and jquate and unsanitary accommo two other ents. several passengers. says. dation. "Astonishingly poor living con ditions do exist here," Dr. Black For Clean, Courteous Service Late for Work ) CALL ftC Kiddies to School jO ; 1 asserted. "That is no Idle talk. DUE TO'1 YOUR CO-OPERATION Housing is badly needed FRESH, COLORFUL PAINT MAKES CHRISTMAS BRIGHTER There might be 150 cases of Eventually, Why Not Now J inadequate housing and some r- I YouH be surprised how a few tnese cases were really deplor dollars worth of paint can ablej ' , . Starting this year, members' patron smarten up your house interior. it. duck aescnoea now inadequate housing led to an Rupert Men's I mi Soys' Store : applied toward ft premium. age refund will be j their following yean increase In sickness and mor FINE PRINTING AT... 1 I egal Printers INSURANCE AT COST IRIKI tality, a decrease fn the expectation of life, spread of communicable diseases and increase in moral delinquency. Even in the jails men were found whose downfall might be traced back . to inadequate housing. . : ' 'i f-i ; 222 Sr.f0ND Alt rilONE 21 Prince Rupert Florists i Flowers for All Occasions "2;,'0 3rd Ave. Box 516 Tel. 777 2 and make it livelier for the coming Christmas season. With little or no color outside, you can re-create the pleasure of garden colors with your paint brush indoors. See your paint dealer for suggestions on how to add charm and freshness to walls and woodwork through proper selection of colors. They will enhance Christmas decorations and of cburse remain when these are taken down. If you prefer to have the work done for you, call in your painter and decorator for advice and service. Pacific Coast" Fishermen's Mutual Marino Insurance Co. Both Mayor RudderHam ' arid L. M. Felsenthal, president, of I VANCOUVER," B.C. j ! 627 ;MNMA STREET ' - Phone TA. 4944 .1 Extra comfort and less work you with a the Prince Rupert Chamber Of Commerce, expressed 'apprecia-tion of Mr. Brown's visit here, 'ine mayor assured the meeting that the council was most anxious to get action on the matter of getting a housing project going and there would be no 'delay. REAL ESTATE INSURANCE INCOME TAX HETURNS PREPARED Coleman Oil Heater Low in Cost EH'C'n,i" ; I If 1 1 Hi CO-OP SECURITY R. E. Mortimer 2nd Ave. (Near CFPR) Notice of Meeting The Semi-Annuol General Meeting of the Company will be held on Thursday, November 30th, 1950, at 2 p.m. in the Civic Centre, Prince Rupert, B.C. Operation Available now at Expert SIGN WRITING -v ! C 1 . A GOOD SIGN IS A SIGN OF A GOOD BUSINESS ANDREW WASEND Graduate of Detroit School Lettering riione 31 Mx-'Drldc Stri-ct. Pacific Coast Fishermen's Mutual Marine Insurance Co. 627 Denman Street BLUE 83 6 Phone TA 4944 Vancouver, B.C. I THE B.C PAINT CLUB 11 W. PlMw M. VlllMVM,l.e. SERVING THE B.C. COAST PORTRAITS Films Developed and Printed PROMPT SERVICE 'HANDLER'S STUDIO 2)8 - 4th Street Box 645 Phore Green 383 Prince RuDen and ... mnt QUEEN CHARLOTTE I5LAi IROM ntlNCE BITEKT J ; BLONDIE It Musta Been Sumpin He Ate! By CHIC YOUNG i I ir iiiiifr7n i8sr rTzzzsg "1 I UlimiW ' y v A i JU9T DREAMED 1 ATE V Nw TwAT 1 MADE -t3 f ( A BIG. BEAUTIPJL SANDWICH J SSzl TWAT 6ANPWICH, ) ' ' ' '''' 4 it r,i,L ' . ' ' 1 ' tUm. ImI tJ y j j Mr. Muskrutt's a Wolf! 'i r'.ii.iiiiiiiiiiiiiihiiiniii. 1 vMiiiiiwiiiiiiiii ' 1 rirrr i 11 1 l!!ii!lilllllli I lIF 1 " " iii i llillllllllllllllllo l TO: M ASSET PORT CLEMENTS JUSKATLA rlTJ 1-7.' XgSSfr I vtOX c CUMSHEWA I JOHN H. BULGER OPTOMETRIST ' John Bulger Ltd. Third Avenue Modern ttyling plut deluxe features uiually only found on I 9 her priced models. V'TAMIN SAVER BURNERS . VtSUH-CE OVEN . SIMMERSET VALVES . LIVI0E0 TOP CLEANQUICK SMOKELESS BROILER OTHER MODELS Irom $159.50 ... fi 1 LAVE: 1'n.tNCE RUPERT c,;,.','',v Suiw and Except Thursday FROM TRINCE BlTEB TO: ALICE ARM STEWART 91 LEAVE: PRINCE RUPERT THURSDAYS 0 LEAVE: STEWART FRIDAYS TICKETS INFORMATION 1! nJfionDNf.MwPpTV LAJ'N-?!5,) ' if ( POVEP 15 JUST) rM ' UmCH One ) I COMESTmRS MOSTT- ) I O'J-HT lS DPOP inj ) LIKE ONE OP V r S HE LIKE? ) ffir &H f$ "fM ift?!i'lJ O TAILORING for Ladies and Gentlemen Sea Iham today al OUEEN CHARLOTTE AIR11 LING, the TAILOR Rupert Radio & Electric xm$m 220 Sixth St Phone 649 Air Freight on oD -