r On last, nltrht's triln fr., , . . CITV COFNCtX (Continued From Page 1) Prince. Rupert Daily News Saturday, November 1959 ; vsra,, Vancouver Snow i Nova Scotia, i. . Mrs. Melo. living n, UP flVV KlriflPv current ratp, with assessments on the same basis as other houses. In reply to a quesUon from Mr. Thain, Mr. Brown believed that property owners who wished to build under the commission would be credited with the value of his property on the applicant's Avenue in thp ni ?"! i" Dominion and provincial governments, Mr. Brown said. Mr. Brown made it clear that government and city must agree on plans. The commissioner asked for common understand CHRISTMAS IS COMING! S was too much to be expected I from the working man," Aid.' Casey said. Mr. Stone pointed out that this price was being asked by owners of wartime houses that were originally bought for a little more than $1,000. j The council agreed that they had missed out on "that good ! business" which Mr. Stone re-' ferred to. , . the junction, whose husband follows fishine. has h.n in v,. A snow blizzard at Vancouver this mornine delayed the de- DartUTP flf tho lianHinlf. nloni pital for th past few days re- celvlng treatment fnr fro,., from Sea TsionH oir tn. LET US PHONE 1 HEATING tnrert oiKm., u ,1 U, . 7, " " " ing mg between oeiween the me three inree levels leveis ui of i down uown payment. payment,, when !h, !lie!lUl' 0f,a fall!lri"tlt expected the day. government-city, provincial and LOVVEK INCOME CHANCE BAKE : -hu u.i me ice. "-""it wm ue tompieiea. lffiOP!1l W f atnno rnr,nnna tu Thp mnncntin. i ! your order mm sow 643 - - - viiiin,iuie UlUIltT 1111:11 "Your survey of names is use-' Chamber of Commerce, asked at its Best Prince Rupert left, as usual, during the noon hour for Sand- ful," saW Mr. Brown, referring i Mr. Brown If It was possible to' CAKE . CJJ spit ami Is awaiting the arrival The commissioner said that ! he felt $40 to $50 was a fair! rental price and that they would ; do all they could to curtail costs. ! A vote of thanks, moved by to the list of applicants already i uiid within the low income prepared by the city clerk. Mr. ; brackets. He felt that a subsidy CHAND oi me Vancouver plane there. RUPERT BAKERY LTD. 1) i With shortening days it is I Thain reported that these names (would be needed on building rE HEATERS ilivenient, materials, since the average now necessary under regulations i are being screened to find bona ' , . AI1. - H- F- Glassey and seconded j s-.s;5i9.s.5is1s.r,r.stsis.s.a,a,s,,xxsi-a,ai9iiS13ii Vomica Vnn ti - nMn.itiJ 1 ft rrf Looking Ahead with JOHN T. FOWLE i iuu.ic uric tail aiuuiui ai ii.iiiiii . . fide applicants. in building costs, he deved"-';' ex" I v,m Cnnn tended to the commissioner. nnomlral , h mechanical mat th Prince Rupert flight is completed by 4:30 p.m. This is the season when overnight delays may occur at ESTABLISH NEED Besides legitimate applicants nnn r;: " r ul ..rr.-ir The Chamber of Commerce was ' dency. V 'Mr. Brown said that the other EX hn;' represented by L M Felsenthal in in thQf that price. na ti,. The building ' , d w W F" Stone- prices of Prince Rupert were'and main Information he would need to assure the construction of ren- "Life aftminLncc?"said a fnn higher than in most places. Mr. , i of mine tha other day, "Death otic Burners saving in heating: i. ANOTHER Trior Firs! ! THOft AUTOMAGIC SINK tal homes would be facts on the i Stone lelt. i amount of crowding within I Mr. Brown replied that no de- 1 nlnA r..nA.4. .1 1 ! i U l ; . . , , I t-RMS ARRANGED Biwurance is more like It." Thla casual remark gave me a chiinc to put across an important point about the hiiHinxaa Ernest Unwin returned to the city en Thursday afternoon's plane from a trip to Vancouver, it was a rough flight up the coast and there was six inches of snow and a raw wind at Sandspit ah' strip. PRINCE RUPERT DRY DOCK AND SHIPYARD SHIPBUILDERS AND ENGINEERS it am in. lilli&Elkins I told him- lif m1irinri trm I 1 1 concerned with life rather than LIMITED I ae&in, its chief Job was to de- i-iiiicv xvuici v uiu iicai.iii kjli j imiLe corisLruunoii iigures couiu dltlons. "We must- be sure of j be quoted until tenders were not over-supplying," he said. i called depending upon the var-This information could be giv- i iable cost prices. But he said he en immediately by Dr. Duncan; was aware of the difficulty of Black, director of the Prince Ru- unstable prices. It was a gamble pert and "District Health Unit, the government took, lt was said. "We agre-ed that $40 to $45 or "The federar government will!50 a month was what the work-not acceDt our recommendation I inS man could afford," said Aid. Jmbing and Heatinj AIR PASSENGERS 1 P.CX Box 274 Iron and Brass Castings Electric and Acetylene Welding I From Sandspit (Friday) Miss Fairbs.irn, E. S. Love, J. Haines, unless we have the facts In black Geoge Casey to Mr. Brown, re- j and white." affirmed Mr. Brown. ' erring to tneir conversation at I j. uer nus, H. Thomas, Mr. Bae- dore, n. Berthelet, Mr. Thorn. Friday Vancouver (Fridav) J Nelson recently. SPECIALISTS ON SAWMILL and MINING MACHINERY "Seventy dollars a month rent rea u consequences of death by making a normal life possible for those left behirid. I told him of homes held together by the proceeds, of insurance policies; of widows saved from poverty; of old folks living out their lives in dignity and comfort; of children getting a good start in life with a college education; of farms and businesses saved to provide a means of livelihood for a growing family. These things are made possible every day by life assurance. Through life aumirance a man reaches beyond death and continues to bless and enrich the lives of thou he loved. Yes, it is indeed life assurance. John T. Fowle "It must also be shown us that, if we built 50 houses for sale that it would not be encroaching upon private enterprises; not taking away the market from the builders," warned Mr. Brown. "But this would not be so for houses H. Shumka. L. Welch, Mr. White, Mr. Erridge. To Vancouver (today) J. Stokes, Edward Coughlin, A. E. Enridge, W. A. Gale, C. Golds- BROADWAY CAFE Durgh, K. F. Harris, A. B. Cost ospifality and ley. a'. Masher, J E Brown H I for rent- "tnat would be under J. Shumka, W. J Smith j' Rjlhe authority of Prince Rupert I Good Food" Lt is Our First Aim liptif 17 for Orders To Take Out citizens. They would have tot form a responsible board of dir- j ectors, like a school board, and i have a manager. Tenants Willi be selected based on the need, until homes were filled, Mr. Brown explained. i In reply to. questions from Aid.! T. B. Black, Mr. Brown said that I Finest Cooking Foster, F. Kvale, W. C. Johnstone, A. Young. To Sandspit (today) B. H. Craft. To Port Hardy (today) T. H. MacClary, M. E. Enrid. To Masset (today) Mr. and Mrs. A. Bell and son, Mr. and Mrs. Parnell, S. Parnell, Mrs. G. Llndsey. SUN LIFE OF CANADA : Saanich Plumbing & Heating Corner 4th Avenue and McBride Modore Cafe Hours: 7 a.m. to I a.m. For take home orders Phone 200 142 5th Ave. East I the city will receive taxes at the WipillIjllfllllll'illlillilfllllHIf 'Lliii'iJiiniiiilii.tuiUiiiiiimJililimiiilii! IIIIIIIIllNi . . . sttME eiipaimdinimg wittfla ttflae girDwnimg DacarttDi xix"1 ' ' I M WRAPPED IN CELLOPHANE they all enjoy MARGENE First and Finest O I) The Canada Packers Family Includes all "Maple Leaf" and "York" Brand Products. Bringing You the Nation's Finest In Packing House Products V v 5 1 I t Thanks (YORK YORK. 1 I mi Thanks to You the merchants and consumers of Prince Rupert and District for your' growing demand of our products. X HWMDnrninrT Listen To fry' 4 When You Buy ... BUY THE BEST York fancy cream corn and york choice cream corn YORK FANCY PEAS and YORK CHOICE PEAS YORK CHOICE CUT GREEN BEANS . YORK TOMATOES and YORK TOMATO JUICE YORK STRAWBERRIES and YORK RASPBERRIES Ask your Dealer for These Fine Foods NOW! OUR MAPLE LEAF SOAP PROGRAM "Melody Time" 10:30 a.m. Monday Through Saturday CFPR iMAUHG RESUUI SEAL MAPLE LEAF ECOMMY FOR THE NATION'S FINEST SPECIFY "MAPLE LEAF" AND 'YORK" FOOD PRODUCTS P.O. Box 1338 Phone 340 PR1HCE RUPERT, B.C. ' "i:iin iiiiiiiiimiiiiHiiiiiiiiiiiiiiimiiimiiHfflmiiiH m i in MiimiiiiiiiMiP !s::!iitiH:i!!Uiiin:! ii!iri: iini'ifiniuiiiHi in i Illllll llli!llUyil!IIUii!!!ll!liUlii!!U!Uill!i!IUiiiillliiM;.iluUliiiii;ili iiiiiiiiuiuiiiiiiiiuiiiuiiiiiiiiiiiuuiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiuiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiuiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii