PKOVJNCIAL ! PROVINCIAL LIBRARY, 113 . nCTORIA. B. C. EAT 3150 - -r Oil HE. -' DRUGS Daily Delivery NORTHIRN AND CENTRAL BRITISH COLUMBIA'S KXWSPAPZS Published at Canada's Most Strategic Pacific Port "Prince Rupert, the Key to the Great Northwest." PHONE 81 VOL. XXXVHI, No. 264. PRINCE RUPERT, B. C, SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 12. 1949 - PRICE FIVE CENTS (IE fyCABS " T n n D Badly amaqed So atraimdisii UKurv miser Ship PilesUp Mexican Port PENITENT EX-SOLDIER GETS SIX MONTHS FOR 194? CHEQUE FRAUDS A penitent ex-soldier, recently released from San Quentin prison after serving part of a 14-year sentence for forgery and fraud, was sentenced to six months in Oakalla by Magistrate W. D. Vance after he had pleaded guilty to three two-year-old charges of issuing Worthless checks here. i'ULCO (CP) The luxurious cruise ship jimerly the private yacht J. Fierpont Mor-iuround on the rocks as she was leaving Aca- i,W early tdoay. About 15 passengers and SPEEDY ACTION Metlakatla Enfranchisement Special Board Which Sat Here This Week Favorable Speedy action in the matter of the enfranchisement of the Metlakatla band of Indians is expected to result from a report to be submitted by the enfranchisement board which met this week in Prince Rupert and Metlakatla. The Board, composed of Indian Commissioner W. t S. Arneil, Indian Superintendent De Coste mulcted the Prince Ru- F. E. Anfield and Peter Leighton pert branch of the Bank of Mon- of Metlakatla, concluded a ser'-s trcal of $100, the Royal Bank of 'of meetings late Thursday ana $59.75 and the Bank of Commerce are preparing thtir report for of $79.75 during his short stay in submission to the Indian Brancn the city in 1947. of the Department of Mines and He told the court that a Can-; Resoures. ,: , : , were taken off safely by a flotilla of small utling lifeboats. No loss of life or injuries are spree" of drinking, fraudulent check wriUng and forgery re sulted from an emotional disturb w a c;ijiii3 hole in ! tow. However, the , ,pt. lUrry Nedden of J ance when his fiance died in 1947 shortly before their Intended n-as able- to pull nr i William D'Aulnay De Costc, who admitted to the court that he left a trail of worthless checks and forgeries along the west coast in the summer of 1947, pleaded guilty in Magistrate's court Thursday morning to de-jrauding three local banks out oi utmost $240 in August of thai year. I Coste, who posed as a divinity student during his visit here,' later was sentenced to from one- Vets Celebrate Remembrance Day Banquet own power al-! was leak ins badly. aboard "' $3,000,- nifi lii"i't' was no 1 .SultetiU I NEW B.C. MINISTER OTTAWA A major cabinet shuffle is expected to follow a redistribution of functions of the' Department of Mines and Resources and the Department of Reconstruction and Supply. Mentioned as possible cabinet choices are James Sinclair (Liberal, Coast Capilano) and Ralph Campney (Liberal, Vancouver-Centre). . YUGOSLAV-ALBANIAN BREAK BELGRAD Yugoslavia today scrapped her treaty of friendship with Albania and charger! that country with acts of hostility which she said were provoked by Soviet Russia. It marks the first time that Premier Tito's independent communist government has taken the initiative in breaking of friendship pacta with comminform countries. RAIN IN VANCOUVER VANCOUVER Yesterday was one of the bleakest Armistice Days on record in Vancouver. However, 1500 members of the armed forces and thousands of citizens turned out in spite of drenching rain for the Remembrance proceedings which culminated wth a service at Victory Square. INTERIOR SECRETARY QUITS I WASHINGTON Secretary of the Interior Jos-1 eph Kru.f resigned suddenly yesterday. He is known to have been unhappy in his job and that President Truman was not satisfied. no great excite- marriage. He said that he had taken to liquor and deceit. . , "When I lost my fiance, I took off on a drinking spree," the short dapper - former school teacher and soldier said. "When I got to San Quentin, I took hold of myself and made an effort to correct this defect in my character." De Costa said that in the Cali- Mid Hie vessel ;s a fi w , minutes adian army pension of $38 a month had been used, during his incarceration in San Quentin, to inaice restitution for the baa cheques he had issued in the Un- te-14 years in San Quentin state prison in California for forgery and fraud. He was released after serving two years of the sentence As if taking a cue from the idea of Col. S. D. Johnston M.C. V.D., who spok,e on the Aristicc Day theme, the Canadian Legion banquet and smoking concert yesterday afternoon in the Armory took something the hi As a result of explanations given by the Board, an almost unanimous application for. enfranchisement has been made by ' the Board. - At Metlakatla Wednesday night Chief Councillor George n. Ryaif she ma.-, poing slowly Uirn In her bow. 1 li It the dock fornia prison, he had had psychi- Ked States. He promised the atric treatment, and had Joined , court that he would make similar and deported to British Columbia a month ago. He arrived here Wednesday to answer the three enarges of issuing worthless minutes piev- Alcoholics Anonymous and now form of a Highland Scottish funeral. Some two hundred and Paniic fruiso Lines, i-y vew 01 two woria wars ana checks. ' restitution. to the Prince Rupert and the Y.M.B.A. entertained the banks. j board, members of the ,-viJlat; He also said that there was a council and leading villagers at i matter of two worthless cheques banquet. Indian CommissroiM,. for about $70 each which he had i Arnl, who was guest of nonce he felt that he had "what it takes to make good." Posing as a divinity student. M an ail-Canadian wo oi me south Afri- .What De Coste termed was a comnund of Captr tan campaign turned out under I the leadership of Legion Presi issued in Victoria which he would was chief speaker. ded f: m Victoria n,'IU fames nicou ana, ailer re nt visiter cruise j vering the memories of the "like to have cleared up." .He pleaded for leniency M Tonight's Train 'COURTESY CORNER' GOOD IDEA BUT CONFUSING, PUBLIC FEELS Jit iunmi'-r she had c: . u I oionous Dead with prayer ! and silence, turned to thanks-, giving at their own good for- me Vancouver ana he had never been in trouble with 1 nuurs T.nurrPsvT.nmpr " Prinr-P Rimovt.' latest, tvj.f f in ,aw and Ulal nis Canadian a collision on th no Cd.ii . ' , , , Army record was good. He also I tT'Uit . . . . . ... National line in Sf;4-;iirhl innovation, is being met with apparent general ap- V," paW ,,hal he had lctterS to prove responsible onsibie .u-hoi va . tunc in, as the colonel put it, ...... I "still being here." Among the ll A 1 1 l "official guests at the head table JlllllmJ oera Mnvnr Nora Arnold and J proval although its restriction on uninterrupted pass- mat his conduct in San Qvienti-, a cro at t.ViP fivp-wav intpvKPptinn at. MpTU-irln Rirepf had been good. 40 minute delay In the aiiVl nl tonight's train from Jasp-.r. ttw I D McRae M L A. Rev Charles m up . . - J-, . . - j . .. . ... v.rH-peakx for iUolf whew- you DfflsTrthal Sifperffl'teriden; stf Jiuakid he bltikiing and Takttlg OvfcT City enu uiii-ii Avenue nas oeen causing some contusion were released after only two years reported this morning. Ti'- t will arrive at 5:05 Sunday ing. The collision, involvj St Wf Which IS gradually becoming composed. ,of a 14-year maximum sentence The confusion arises from " aC San . Quentin," Magistrate the fact that motorists ap- After people get used to it, it will Vance commented. "I am going v'nitcd Slates ' afJi htnest steel-'iTsir.i ( ion ind Ili after full justice had been done to a banquet spread, served under the direction of the Woman's Auxiliary, there was a program of speeches and musical entertainment. freight trains, occurred a 'fi."-kers, Sask., west of Saskatq 1, de Eric Moore Elected Mayor For Junior Citizens Day proaching from all directions WOrk fine." to BIve vou a "Gnt sentence, must stop before crossing the "Best thing in the world," said Eacn of tlle six-month sen-Intersection a previously tin- a pedestrian. "For years I've been ttmces imposed by the Magistrate heaid-of thing in these parts. afraid of a car sneaking up be- wil1 run concurrently. Anticipating a fifty-fifty split hinH mP whPn I cross McBride. Magistrate Vance that he Speakers were Col. ohnstotic, j laying traffic on the line." The Jasper-Prlnqp Rupert tram was held up pending the arrival from the east of the transcontinental train. ..'. um? t) terms with M V ji j:crs of Am-ajii..rt the coinpan-fi ih,.t their plants it'Xt Tuesday or Tiiis means the is practically over. Zone Representative J. S. Wil- ' . son, immediate Past president "Mayor" of Prince Rupert for one day will be Erie ln PInion bew motorists and had entered in the record, De Cltnrlpnte nf Now I've got a better chance to OLUUUILSj oi ; Dedestrians whose interminable .oo .Coste's promise to make restitu- Ralph smith, Mayor Arnold. Moore who won a decisive majority as the uwen mown was master oi cer- . . . . , , , Went to the polls on ; war is reaching an acute staee t on of the money obtained frauc pa.a s a:c expected ..... .nd ,hose contrloutlna liOOth MemOHal Illgn tocnooi to establish the in- j T,...;i" f tot..., here, a Dailv News reDorter set utnoiny orary Chaplain of the Forces here.thcn led In prayer, after which the gathering saUrf tnc hymn "O God Our Help in Asres Past." Si ) to the entertainment program Thursday to elect a Mayor -ana uuu,lL" y.., i.,, ....., .. tprspction as a "courtesy corner" . . . . .... III! , I II 1 ik 1)1111111. llllMIMiri null i.iu.s - ulcntly here. De Coste said that, he had been born in Prince Edward Island and that he had once held a u-m-p nrsif cs nimseir. j a. lenE n.. rii.. .... r-:;..,,. i.,., m..,.., - ' w was passed by city council months week. r, , r Ml ice in tie 11 J v nan on r utuiu vitivus uay vtiun Leonard Sykes, Mrs. Ralph . "f spltlcment tire .tf. ' rf ached a f.;w 3.B"ihi!;!1cm. Rcpub- u.'aco in recognition of the fact J . 1 -. TYn Mwif r.pictc lurnoil nnf it Ot: , . . . hi major steel com- human after all 11 lncreaslnB trainc, ooui pc-u- teacher s certincate, now rescina- es,rian ald venicular- has madc,ed. He followed the occupation "That has always been a bad Rev. Lawrence u. fcemer, minister of First United Church addressed the gathering on, the theme of Remembrance.' it,.i no his (vl llio nihllr.ul SK Hie compaoy- of clerk and bookkeeper now, he hWr.' the ror.u-:., Stella Chuprun, Robert ocr O. Wood, Bert Cameron and Lcs The election va. on a basis Parkes with Mrs. J. S. Black as similar to the Civic Elections and accompanist. "City Clerk" Mona Lykegard and Past President's badge was her assistant Benita Wlndle represented to Ralph Smith and port that a total of 373 ballots a bouquet of flowers to Mayor WPre cast during the day in the li ii.s.c.iuii e plan. corner and I'm glad to see that u,e """ ous' something has been done about it," said one driver who preferred The stop signs were installed to remain anonymous. "Now by the city engineer's department didates tor mayor and aldermen. Candidates for mayor were Chas. Forbes, Frank McFadden, Eric Moore and Irene Reekie. Alder-manic candidates were John Antrobus, Nadia Beketov, Carol said. Cenotaph Rite question "What Mean tThese . Stones?" Mr. Seiber compared the Cenotaph to a monument two polling booths. The "Mayoralty' mmo everybody has to stop and then Tuesday and came as a surprise the ordinary rules of the road to most drivers. apply. It's a good thing for drlv- . a still-common sight is that of candidates Brentzen, Irene Hanson, Iona Honors Heroes ers and pedestrians alike." a car bowling along Third Aven- Arnold. The Remembrance Day festivities continued into last night with a largely attended dance at the drill hall of II. M. C. S. Chatham under Legion auspices. j Hardy, Esther Harrison, Ray Hunter, Robert Jones, Arnold Ol-sen, Mnry McAfee, Janet, Rackow, Edna Ronald, Betty Prince. which had been erected by-tha 12 tribes of Israel with stones from the River Jordan and now it had been revered by the people as, a symbol of the sacrifices or their fathers. Peace, Mr. Seiber told the as- turned "If it was an ordinary four-way ue and coming to a skidding halt intersection, a traffic light would as the driver belatedly becomes be the ideal solution," said an- aware of the octagonal yellow Solemn Ceremonies Renewed On Bleak November Day standings were: Charles Forbes, 29 Frank McFaddcn, 76 Eric Moore, 195 Irene Reccie, 63 A total of 28 ballots were spoiled. "Aldermen" elected were John The election was conducted violation of which warn- I nlltor . lrwovar tliat ffHirt siirns " Il ;asy Victory rtoha rliTiii, f ! semblage, is a way of life to be Appreciative rfembranee like a regular civic election. Vol- " , ,' . ,. .. . . . Unnp rulpK nut t.rnffie liLThLs. mor n means trouble with police. ers cliecked their names on voters those who died in the First and pursued earnestly and not ta- provincial general election. At the latest summary, the govern- nimit. li:iH unn furtv spnls three Second World Wars was. paid ken for granted. "The wlfless- u l'remicr Doughs ' roalition government, ijvicliiry iiiTlniriduy's ARMY'S RADIO-TELETYPE IS NEW Carol BrenUcn. Irene less than it had in the last Legls- Antrobus, Hansen, Iona Hardy, Ray Hun latuic. The Opposition had nine i.T .... A...... .1.4 nioon lists posted throughout - the school. On Thursday between 9 a.m. and 3:30 students cast their ballots Willi a returning officer and his deputies in charge of th" polling. Several Jaycees were in at tendance at the polls on voting day. seats. Liberal-Progressives have wr. """''' 1 u'":!" and Janet Rackow Two of the 27 of the coalition seat and Pro- WLAiiihR by Prince Rupert Friday at traditional 'Remembrance Day services held at the Cenotaph and the soldier's plot, Falrview Cemetery. ' The Cenotaph service, one of, the best-attended in years, was conducted by the Canadian Ix- ness of those who had died to preserve our way of life is Itself a monument to be kept always In the consciousness," he declared. Almost a score of organizations and individuals, headed by the Canadian Legion, the COMMUNICATION INNOVATION HERE "Yr yr yr yr yr yr . . Van testing Van testing . .-. ' That garbled series of 'letters does not mean any- iViinrr fr 4 Inn ,ii'ovj no npvenn tVlPV plifW rvt.h miPilllv fjVe "Altlermanic canniaatcs wciu cressive-Conservatives, 10. ,i the Oppositionists are C.C.F. disqualified when it was found they would be "teachers" on Fu- '.! !! fl.wlnu (hp nsKPmn v was h l,""fc v"- " ' ' " Cloiiiiv Einht seats were still to be ac- tul citizens' Day and therefore gion members of which, with- Legion Women's Auxiliary, the the Women's Auxiliary, made a i.o.D.E. Chanters and Mayor demonstration of cheer leading i onto a sheet of teletype paper but to Lieut. M. J. Staple- y sr.i(! ,-,.rt .shower::' 'oi.nUd for last night, proper- not eligible to hold office. Ell iy lilje chango. tional representation system of a third ballot was cast to by five members of the Cheer Army Signal I circuitous march from the Can- Nora Arnold on behalf of the (on .on an and his jg staf staff at at the the Royal Royal Canadiat Canadian barracks here, they mean considerable. ".WfcmuslsRht. Lowj volint holding up the-final re-' choose a cheer leader for the Leadine Club. The eirls nattily acuan iegion w me i,uui v city piacea wreatnes at me ' House grounds shortly before base of the Cenotaph while Pi J ."'".ht Su-iday- at, turns. . school and Lcnora Faught was attired in their blue uniforms. .13u:!-i SaiH!.;iil I , ' , . iu the successful candidate. I gave out with several school yells. .I'm:,,, ,.... .., ,'.. J The C.C.F. won fewer wats, .... nrn u ,,.,.. ,rn ll a.m. The Shrine Club band, per William McKay played the led by Bandmaster Peter Lien, ' lament "Flowers of the Forest' lli.iii it had in the last House. parade of more headed the being arranged by the .Faught, Beth Astoria, Lcona Web They mean that somebody at Army Signals headquarters at Vancouver is pounding them out on a keyboard and that a type-aim In Prince Rupert is recording Biiviu . Then, sounded as "Reveille"' ' was by Bugler Ranee, the than 150. ster, Edna Ronald and Ann. Two former C.C.F member.?, Junior Chamber of Commerce At the Cenotaph, the massed flag was raised to full staff concluded Stromdahl. Three from this group were elected on Thursday who ran again in spite of the fact and will include every spnere oi that they had been expelled from business and professional life in Fearing to get lost In a labyi-i inth of technical terms, this reporter sought to have the thiiu explained as simply as possible That wasn't hard, because tin theory is simple. It's the application that becomes a bit involved On the teletype tiooic-up, ar Legion members were joined by again.. The service them on a roll of paper. It means leaders til . the city's I.O.D.E. with the singing of "God Save :'KEY frCOKKS 'V.V.V.V.VV.V 'H Toronto 2 J to act as school cheer leaders. the narty for criticizing the, At- Prince Rupert. Ian tic Pact, were among twelve , Bo-Mc-Hi students moved en' chapters, Sea Cadets and other The King." organizations. A crowd totalling The uniformed Cenotaph hundreds surrounded the Ceno- guard was headed by Regimen- candidates who lost their Uipos- masse to the Civic Centre one that radio-teletype "RTT" is in action. Radio-teletype is definitely no new innovation in communications It has been used in many operator, transmitting, works a'. Mrs. Knowles Dies Suddenly Death occurred suddenly early taph during the half-hour tal Sergeant Major D. E. Alvey, afternoon this week to hear their favorite candidates wage civic political battle for an hour and a a key board similar to that of al its. Duffcrin Rohlin, Progvesjive-Conservative, was a winner in service. , '. tormeriy or urenatuer guaras, typewriter. Inside the machine narts of the world for vears but A lead-grey sky and a chilly and consisted of Constable Len this afternoon at her home. it io i t,.i Tjrt h Inmulses. corresponding to the (half prior to the election. I Sponsored by the'Junior Cham Yvi.-ini.nxr Rimih This was a November wind covered the ci- Turner,' representing the pro- James apartments, of Mrs.' Jean consequently, of interest to a type Key pressed are cameu w i transmitter, wnicn senas out in ty during the re-dedication vincial police, Sydney Alexanrl-service as the multitude sang er and Pete Petersen, repre-"O'Cahada" and the order of senting the Navy, and Le-U Knowles, aged 29, wife of John Knowles, local taxi operator. Be code. A receiver at the other enc ber of Commerce and Introduced locally by Alf Worthington of the Daily News Staff, Future Citizens Day is promoting a keen gain from the C.C.F. However, Robliu will sit as a Conservative ' in Opposition. The C.C.F.' leader, E. A. Hans Daily News reporter who accepted an Invitation from Lieut. Stapleton to look it over. November 13, 1949 7;03 16.9 f et 1S;4l 17.5 f-et :25 6.4 f -el picks it up, converts the codi events proceeded. As Legion Parkes, Army. Bugler W. J. Ranee sounded the The Legion parade was dl- sides her husband, Mrs. Knowles is survived by one young child. She had resided hero two yeais Deceased was bom in Anyox. into an Impulse which is carried1 to the receiving teletype machine interest In civic affairs. The idea, ford, retained his seat in St. Boni Its use may be old stuff to communications men but to the layman, its fascination Is endless. 10.9 loet which has been successful in Vic face. A type bar hits the paper and a; Nnrrrr . toria. is to let Ute elected stud letter of the alphabet results. f !? Htfc. ABB I1 The idea of bending radio to ents take over the reins of civic "Cease Fire" call, the flag was rected by Parade Marshal J. S. lowered to half mast and the Wilson, assisted by Vic Duncan, commemorative two-minute si- During the service, the Shrine lence prevailed. The period of Club Band led in the singing silence was terminated with the of the national anthems and sounding of the "Last Post." the hymn. . Rev. Charles L. Lomas, Hon-, (ConUnued Page ) J. A. Varfeldt of Port Edward mans craftiness so that Its im- It's as simple as that tloALL i Mrs. Josephine Sykes left by government for a day, thus giving them an insight into admin, istrative functions of the city. A.M Hurst, introduced all ean- returned yesterday afternoon af - pulses will activate a glorified ter spending four weeks in Van-'typewriter over 500 miles is fas-eouver, California and Mexico. ' einating. air today to return to Vancouver Kivnriinir the last week What isn't so simple to over-j come is the complication of static; jNlGHT-S-iS ' o(,as vs. Bo-Mr .. visiting in the city.