for pn JAVC'EES URGE (Continued from Pa'4e One) a ted Be ism. . t Prince Rwpm Daflp r3etos Wednesday, August 10, 1949. i Hon at smuw j' ands villages of Ma.-set. Port meeting 0f the I Ry Reflects ... . . . an Reininiscea Clements, Queen Charlotte City executive last J and Cumshewa Inlet centres . f . 1 tfXlfBEK Of CAJSADIAM PRESS -- AtDTT BCHEAU OP CIRCULATIONS CANADIAN DAILY NEWSPAPER ASSOCIATION AS Indrpentiem uUf urwapopet aetotoa o Te upDuiuung of Prises Rupert ud il eommuatUe comprising northern and ccntrml BrltlaH Columbia (AulkorUMd M Second Cltu MU. Post Office Department. Ottawa) Published every afternoon except Sunday by Prlcoa Rupert Dally News Ltd, Srd Avenue. Prince Rupert. British Columbia. O. A. HUNTER. Managing Editor. H. O PERRT. Managing Director. SUBSCRIPTION RATES fTi: Wty Carrter, Per Week. 20c: Per Month. 75c; Per Tear. B 00. KSSX- pfZ--By Mall. Per Month. 60c; Per Tear, 5 00 ' and that weekly service be "uve li. available to Stewart and Alice t0 the mt w Arm. " consists Uf Hi While it mentions no air line Prident, stuari sDecificallv. Quen Charlotte N'xon, Ed w.. J; -v . 1 i I ' ' ' -i. A Leave it to the Navy to think ' up the appropriate "touch." Not little old tumbledown church at long after the sloop-of-war Ame- one end. Carcrass! But wh thyst completed her dash to the ramble longer over ''that gieiil Air Ljpes have been operating Landon, Harry t sea. those aboard heard the band bie land, way ud yonder?" It pon-scheuuie service.' to those -ooieri ariL points and would be the logical Eacn member 0 choice in the granting of air tile Associated u. T??e To Be Cool of a certain cruiser briskly play- makes a fellow homesick, ing ' Rolling Down the River On ' . a Sunday afternoon." mail contracts. j five voting de The company presently oper- v Royal Canadian Navy men agree that Prince Rupert has a reputation as a first-rate port j f , -; S , ' With refreshing candor, a for Si! 5 ( ' i ' visit. This is a city where mer United States Secretary of to ates dally service to tlie queen Charlottes, but, because of the unpredictability of winter traffic, the Junior Chamber resolu 1 ! State and military man to boot hospitality blossoms like the rose-told Chiang Kai-Shek, that he and all enjoy the thought of was the world's worst Genera!, dropping anchor here. But they It seems the former secretary might drop it more than once felt annoyed when he discovered every year or so. some time ago that Washington aid for Nationalist China was The story of Saskatoon goes permitted to become the prop- back as far as the northwest re-erty of the Communists. Small bellion and that's 64 years ago. v- tion asks on;y liiree-timeg-a-week airmail deliveries. Weekly flights are made to Stewart and it was thought that air mail deliveries on that basis would amply supplement the weekly boat mall service which has been in effect for years. The resoiution recognizes trie 1J I ' wonder! It was time to suspend Founders of the city of the future PRICES wanted to establish a temperance the language of diplomacy granting of air mail contracts community. Liquor was forbid BUY H Ifi-,.... COLUMBIA timber operators, on the BRITISH one hand, the union loggers on the other, do not appear to be entering arbitration proceedings on the question of wage adjustments with much cordiality. Instead of entertaining any wage increase proposal, the operators would cut wages by thirteen percent. The I.W.A. dubs the proposal of the operators as preposterous. Meantime, the continued activity of the logging industry is seriously threatened. It would not take much, it seems now, to result in a general closing down of an industry which is currently employing many thousands of men, thereby causing a major economic reverse. The industry is in a shaky enough position as it is what with loss of foreign markets and the market situation none too stable, without being shakpn at this time by a major wage dispute. & is to be hoped that both sides will be reason-ablefcnd forbearing. It is no time for unreasonable obstjiiacy or ill-considered decisions along arbitrary lines; It is a time for both sides to keep cool and steady , I as a method of aiding the ex-I pansior. of civil aviation in Can It would be interesting to know how many lives were saved in Ecuador, thruugh the prumpt flying of plasma to that stricken ' T' - a ui,K rg $1.50NOW I ada us wtli providing convenient m;:ll service to points where frequent mail aeliveries are 'a'-i"ng. MEN'S )Ut,ss n . land. An earthquake's upheaval ! made blood flow out blood trans The resolution was approved, To $7.00 Now MEN S CABARm To 1J.5N0 SAVED BY SCIENCE Newest weapon of taxi drivers against holdup men, the two-way radio, was given a dramatic demonstration in Windsor, Ont., Saturday. Cabbie Norman Matte, 24. shews how he held the open mike between his knees while a thug pressed him back against the seat. The cab office, hearing Matte's life threatened contacted police who rushed to the scene, rescued Matte and arrested two Windsor youths. A third escaped but later surrendered to police. C. P. Photo) YOUN(i MKS'Sl fusion halted the fleeting vitality of helpless victims. Prince Rupert people, and all others with blood to spare, may well feel satisfied with the service given so freely a few day ago. The tragic story from another continent is an object lesson. den. Liquor, in every shape and form, was discouraged. At least, so the early legends read. The idea made no headway. Evidently the pioneers all 'had a healthy thirst. It was not until after the coming of the Barr colonists and railway activities were taking shape that the town was reckoned any more progressive than Its neighbors. Up to then, Saskatoon was Just another prairie small town. Boosters arrived. It was discovered that here was a natural distribution centre. More boosting and boosters. Real estate stiffened. Saskatoon went all-out for the provincial university and landed it, too. You would not know Saskatoon today. SLACKS-To (1 Now MEN'S SPOUT 4 and CAGES HOIST, SKIPS AERIAL TRAMWAYS II 1 1 bvii Washable To S Now MEN'S SPOUT v Washable To Now MEN'S CABAKIi D.B., Latest, ttt To $49.50 No ; MEN'S W0RSTI a It's not that Atlin is so far away, although the average Canadian, if he ever heard of the place, might think of a settlement away back of beyond somewhere between the Great Lakes I r i ASSUMES MINISTRY Rev. L. G. Sieber, for the past six years stationed at Revelstoke, has assumed the ministry of First United Church and preached his first sermon here Sunday morning. The induction wil take place in September. A 1933 graduate of University of Alberta and of St. Stephen's Union College at Edmonton, j and Dawson. But British Colum-! bia, where we know all about : D.B., All -Wool, Vi WESTERN BRIDGE l SUFFERED AGONIZING A? ' ea-il' STEti fabricators tTD VANCOUVER, 8 C ; To $47.50 Now MEN'S S0X-F.,i ! work. From, Pi: ! BOYS' SCHOOL To $l.?5-Now ' f rrr r l j Atlin, receives this road buikl-! ing news with solid satisfaction Whore's Atlin? Surely you kno but like enough you've never been there It's that way with so many. This lake of enchantment lies just over the coat range from Skagway and hard by the B.C. -Yukon border.; The train you quit at Carcwss carried you from Lynn Canal to TRANSCANADA HIGHWAY "T IS AN IMPORTANT and gratifying announce-u ivient which the minister of reconstruction, Hon. ftjrT. Winters, has made in Ottawa that the government is to call at the first session of the new Parliament for the authorization of between $150,000,000 and $300,000,000 as the federal share for a trans-CaTilda highway. This would provide fifty percent otXVie cost of the work which would be carried out by each of the provinces. Z Ottawa has been blamed for some time with failing to do something about the TransCanada High-way'question. Now it appears disposed to meet the issiw in a decisive and large scale way. With em- Nnritn Cvwlm. Iiolltnt tm tm ftm nM "Mr. Sieber commenced the BOYS' SPORT v To $2.25-Now tiMa. At iH amf nfta I. VANIA.J BOYS' ANKLE 4 A. MurKKNZIE FURMTUIJE LTD. A .OOI) PLACE TO BUY . SPKCIAL Continental Bed. Full Size. Kestniurpj flat rilihun sprinn full size. Ace spring fill mattress, full le S11.U0 See our carpets tist arrived Phone 77S 327 Srd Avenue To SOc Now jjiinistry in Alberta and Princ Rupert is his second charge in British Columbia. He has taken up residence in the parsonage with Mrs. Sieber and two follow the trail of. '98 and the BOYS' PASTM shores of Lake Bennett with the rhoise for sfhuJ ' ' sons. ployrYientln'the country generally showing igriS 5 (iood fit and From LADIES' ANiU To SOc Now, ft LADIES' STIKK To 55c Now 1 . I Wif IA .aafj. I. fill i VW.!W.".JJLi,rAv:5KW.V.T;..! miiKio . I t)fttropping off as industry finds it more difficult to .carry on, the construction of the TransCanada highway, which is timely in any case, might soon beKloubly welcome in stabilizing a possible era of falling employment. i art CHILD'S ANKi: To 40c Now .... JOHN H. BULGER 3PTOMETRIST John Bulger Ltd. Third Avenue rROFTDJ MSE SCHOOL VANCOUVER, B.C.,. I home economics voice production 111 i m FOUNDER BY THE MISSES GORDON, 196 ".I Cify Srhool in a Country Setting" : gymnastic V Wit Kcsi, li-mial and Dav School for CirU ""ediled liy ihe Department of Filuration g: Primary Classes to I niversity Enlrunce PRINCIPAL MISS ELLEN K BRYAN. M A. TEL KCRRISDA1E 4300 !'.:? An F.iluralmnal Trunt. ' dancing; riding uvf t e La ANYTIME IS TIME TO CLEAN YOUR CHIMNEY ... Let us inspect, repair and clean your chimney now Be prepared for Fall. We also specialize in repair of gutters, down pipe and roofing. COASTING ALONG CURVEYS HAVE SHOWN that the majority of O wage earners in Canada prefer comparatively iow-wages and security to drawing a far larger income but with the ever-present possibility of having the job suspend or cease. There are reasons. Some cannot forget the dismal thirties. Some con-emplate war its consequences and dire lessons. Others are worried pver the present economic outlook. And many fee a return of mass unemployment is not impossible. And others feel discouraged 6ver"' the "too old at forty" edict. They prefer to jog along until pension time, making the most of what they have and all for the good of the peace of ruind of themselves and families. The same out-tpok, it is said, prevails in Australia. Yet, it is an attitude that if supported long enough can lead to State control. ARRIVED Gas OiicrahM... EASY VACUUM INTERCITY CHIMNEY lit Free Estimates Phone Red 241 Reasons. Authorized Licensed Chimney Service. All WjJ CUP WASHER $206.50 EASY GYRATOR (GASOLINE) WASHER $196.50 All Tym SEE THE LATEST IN ... . J EFFICIENT, MODERN HEATING I I Quality I SUPPLIES FOR STATIONARY FtW THERE IS REALLY NO QUESTION ABOUT IT DO IT THE "EASY" WAY GREETING CA FULLY AUTOMATIC OIL HEAT AT LOW COST. Floor Models in Stock. Your Inspection Invited. PENS AND FKN THOM SHEET METAL LIMITED 5 DIBB PRINTING C I 853 FIRST AVENUE BLACK 884 ORM GETTING ROADS NORTHERN British Columbia, after long last, is gradually coming into its own in regard to lttads. Until after the building of the Grand Trunk Pacific Railway this half of the province was almost roadless, so far as an organized and comprehensive system of transfer was concerned, jj; But today, what have we? It's not so long ago that to be able to drive a car from Vancouver to Hazelton was considered quite a feat of skill, judgment and endurance. Today, the highways that follow the Skeena River that pass through the Cariboo region, that serve the sections of country irrentral British Columbia, the long road to Alaska, and now the announcement of a highway to Atlin, as well as what the Haines Cut-off will eyentually mean, all reflect the resolve to open up a! magnificent territory of fertile land, suitable for settlement, replete with industrial possibilities and with tourist attractions. ' Notice to Patrons Fargo Trucks AVAILABLE FOR IMMEDIATE DELIVERY THE DRVA DRUGS Civic Centre Dining Room will be closed from PRESCRIP1ION chemist: 2- Ton Chassis and Cab, 152" Wheelbase with reinforced frame & 2-speed rear axle. 3- Ton Chassis and Cab, 170" Wheelbase with reinforced frame & 2-speed rear axle. TO 9 STORE HOURS WEEK DAYS, 9 A.M. SUNDAYS AND HOLIDAYS 12 NOON TO 7 P.M. TO 9 P.M. AUGUST 11 TO AUGUST 28 (Inclusive) This will allow us to turn oyer our facilities to the Civic Centre Association during the Annual Carnival and will provide holiday time for our staff. NORM BAKER, Proprietor. Emergency till from 7 P"1 Dally car delivery service from 9 a.m. till 6 p.m. Rupert Motors Ltd. Phones: 866 Office, 566 Shop and Sund'': A CLASSIFIED AD IN THE DAILY NKW8 WILL BRING RESULTS niMittt .f rrf rlf nfr jjjj