j outpointed ij-should b the 'l print Knpffl Dan? He; Wednesday, August 10. !&&. Sport Shots V 1 r'tPOEis Soccer Schedule ..7 j DICK LETOUNEAU IS LEADING (Mobley Cup) CITY BASEBALL PIICHtKi Montreal's Johnny Greco is the most unpredictable fighter in tne ranks of the world's top professionals. Time after time the clever Greco has disappointed the loyal Montrealers who have wagered hundreds on hint. Two years ago he was the betting favorite against Beau Jack in Montreal. Beau Jack wqn. Laurent Dauthuille's fifth-round knockout of the Canadian Aug. 12 Canadian Legion General Motors. An?. 15 Canadian Legion vs Heavy Battery. Aug. 19 Heavy Battery vs. General Motors. Aue. 22 General Motors vs. BASEBALL SCOhES American Philadelphia 8, Washington 3 St. Louis 2, Cleveland 9 New York 3. Boston 6 Chicago 5, Detroit 11 National Boston 3. New York 4 Brooklyn 8, Philadelphia 1 Cincinnati 1, St. Louis 4 Pittsburgh 8, Chicago 3 Pacific Coa'it Oakland 6, Seattle 2 Sacramento 11, Los Angles 4 Hollywood 6, Portland 2 San Diego at San Francisco postponed Western International Yakima 18, Tacoma 7 Vancouver 5-5, Wcnatchee 2-'i Victoria 10, Spokane 6 Salem 7, Bremerton 6 10 innings i f '.'A v . -'i i r . I -- ! f :' . a i I - t . ' ifAi ; i' 3, cr ' . -. . , With the weatherman doing hU best to Interfere with the baseball schedule the official scarer has had an opportunity to get up tq date on pitching records, and the facts reveal some controversial points. Wqrkhorse" Dick Letourneau has the most wins, four, but at the same time has the greatest number of losses, along with Rosedale. In winning only one league game Rosedale haj the best earned run average -among pitchers ita a substantial number of inning to their credit. The earned run average is judged on the number of earned runs scored against the pitcher ou the basis of a nine inning game. In this respect Lindsay Is at the bottom of the list with a figure oi 4 runs per game, this iu spite of a record of 18 strike-outs in one game. Maundrell has the distinction of having won and lost a game without having an earned run scored against him. PITCHING RECORDS TO PATE wAtis;. 25 Heavy Battery vs Canadian Legion. (Stuart fchieldl ,Aug. 29 Stuart Shield Competition- First Round. Sept. 1 -Stuart Shield Final (Mobley Cup) w t Iterweight champion last week followed the greatest buildup ever given a fight in-Montreal. A lot of money went down with Greco for once again 1 Montreal had made him the ' favorite. , One wonders why Dauthuille, who only last spring ft IP ER H BB SO W 10 2.3 Dahl i Mi Heavy Batiery. Sept. 9 Canadian Les;ion vs. General Motors. J?ept. 12 Heavy Battery vs Canadian Legion. W.W.W.VAVW.VWW JUNIOR BASEBALL Lambie 'M 8 Bill ' Si 35 w 0 1 7 7 19 0 Lloyd Mangrum In Tam-Shanter Win CHICAGO ? Lloyd Mangrum i Virginia, Arkansas. Florida, Indiana, Georgia, Ohio and New Jersey. Others enjoying a sea breez vacation on the Prince Rupert are Mr. and Mrs. John C. Busch, Oregon City, Oregon, where the former is a well known furniture merchant, and H. H. Rath, Mon ERA 0 1 12 1 80 274 4 50 0 260 342 2 02 L 0 0 1 1 2 1 r 5 5 23 38 14 0 0' 9 2 10 t 16 9 14 12 11 30 20 42 a 19 45 47 Sharpe Si Lindsay S Maundrell M .. 25 23 33 9 ?5 60 58 FORMER CUB HURLS FOR WESTERN CANADA TEAiI-Bu.se- ball interest in western Canada is at an all-time high and teams are outbidding each other for top-notch batteries and slugging outfielders in an effort to win the lion's share of the more than $50,000 being offered in tournaments across the country. One of the big reasons for the bise'oa'.i boom in Saskatchewan was the arrival of former big league pitcher Mart Cooper, 1943 world series star, who has joined up with Moose Jaw Purity-Canucks. Cooper was released from Chicago Cubs this spring after developing arm trouble, but the 6'2" hurler still has plenty on the ball and continues to fill the parks out west. Here Mort Is seen riant with George W. Smailwood. Purity-Canuck president. CARDS vs. BRAVES I won the Tarn O' Shanter golf tournament yesterday with a 13 sub-par 276-stroke triumph. Sam TO-NIGHT at 6:30 Toews iM-C 27 23 S Letourneau 'Ci 55 13 21 Rosedale iMi 49 11 ) Bnead finished one stroke pe- Only pitchers with official wan-lost record listed. hind Mangrum. PLAN TO ATTEND IP Innings pitched; ER Earned runs against; H Hits off; BB Bases on balls off; SO Struck out by; ERA Earned runs against average on basis of nine inning game. Lost for Merchants. Terrace and District Civic Q GOVERNMENT LIQUOR ACT" (bK'tton 25) NotU-e For Application For a ( lub l.irMl NOTICE Is hereby given that on her weekly voyage as far north Labor Day Prog! HEREFROM the 13th day if Sept-mbr next the ! DEEP SOUTH I ! Barbecue Loggers' Sports CI Sports Carnival Games Bi w Drawling accents from tho as Ketchikan and return. The Prince Rupert, commanded by Capt. William Ecclts, arrived lit port at noon and will sail north at midnight. Among the 200 passengers are members of Browneli Tours, Birmingham, Alabama, representing the states of Louisiana, DANCE in Evening: Frank Gavaiu southern United States are being heard aboard the Canadian Na " 1 W: t Jf tional cruise steamer Prince Rupert which is In port today on undcrslned. LOYAL ORDER Of MOOSE. PRINCE RUPERT LODGE NUMBER 1051. Intends to apply to the Llqurjr Control Board for & Club License in respect of the premises situate at Second Avenue West. City of Prince Rupert, Province of British Columbia, upon lands described as Lots 3 and 4. Block 214. Section 1. Map 923. Prince Rupert Land Registration District. In the Province of British Columbia, to entitle each member of the said Club to keep on the premises a reasonable quantity of liquor for personal consumption on the premises, and entitling the Club to purchase liquor from a vendor and to sell by the glass the liquor su purchased to Its members and guests for consumption on the Club prembs , In accordance Hh the provisions of the "Government Liquor Act" and the reirula- . ..irrw,-, i -- y 1..i..n. ,-ift .j-Ti f Pro fessional ami Bw K 3 r.vrv 1 1 DR. GAE1 . iions promulgated thereunder DATED at the City of Prince Ru- pert, in the Pro-lnce of British Col- MONTI DEN DR. P.M. CHENEY DENTIST SUITE S, SMITH BLOCK Phone 7C5 P.O. Box 1401 i umbla. this 5th day of August, A D. THEYXL DON GLOVES ON SEPTEMBER 14 It's merely a handshake now but come Sept. 14 Charley Fusari (seated left) and Rocky Graziano t seated right i, former middleweight-king, will shake fists at each other in the New York ring. The two middle eights have signed for a bout at the Polo Grounds for that date. Others seen with boxers are: Jim Norris. president of the International Boxing Club, centre. Vic Marsillo, left, Fus-uri's manager; Al Weill, matchmaker, and Irving Cohen, Graz-iano's manager. . . , Suite 7, E J Phone 525 LOYAL ORDER OP MOOSE PRINCE RUPERT LODGE NUMBER 1051 H. T. Muncey. Secretary. (213) Tklt AvtitlMMtiil to not publttkfd et 4pUyd by At Liquof Contool 8ofd of t bi tb Oemnl oi Brltiib Cslmibl. SPENCE d wwv" PAINTERS & r Brush i Steamship Mrovementi QUALITY REPAIRS For Downtrodden Heels and Worn Soles MAC SHOE HOSPITAL Box 774 Second Ave. COTTAGE CHEESE , New Creamed Fresh Made' VALENTIN DAIRY ! Your Dally ! ALL-WEATHER SERVICE ' FreeE. Phone 215 GREER & BRIDDEN CONTRACTORS AND BUILDERS For Vancouver Tuesday ss. Camosun, I:?,0 p.m. Thursday--ss. Frlnce Rupert, 11:15 p.m. 10 a.m. ! For Alice Arm and Stewart Sunday ss. Camosun, 11 pm From Alice Arm and Stewart ""ur.sday ss. Camosun, a.m. From Ocean Falls Wednesday ss. Prince Rupert 10 a.m. for Ocean Fat.s Thursday ss. Prince Rupert. 11:15 p.m. For Alaska Wednesday ss. Prince Rupert midnight. From Alaska Thursday ss. Prince Rupert You Saw It In The News! PIANO n Tuning, Vote MIKE C Phone B: 972 1C WRATIIALL'S PnOTO FINISHING Uevelopine, Printing Enlarging QUICK SERVICE Amateur and Professional Supplies FOR YOUR POCK & CONCRETE WORK CALL BLUE 939 M. J. SAUNDERS New, Modern Equipment All Work Guaranteed j Friday ss. Catala, 5 p.m. From Vancor,rr J Sunday si- Camosun, 11 pm Wednesday ss Prince Rupert. i ' CONSTRUCTION 5 ON I PROTECT J ALTERATIONS HEL REPAIRS BEAUTfl A. P. GARDNER & Co.1 I CHARTERED ACCOUNTANTS Permane; Beauty Cu S t Its brJ 1118 Melville Street VANCOUVER - BC. 204 4 th Street FLOOR SANDINQ A SPECIALTY ShirM yttnrcar from farnj IcorS Oct fret b, compounded HlM IMulor Oil frortf any ( hero (,un Station For extra engine prutt-cliuu, it BROADWAY ll'iMli't'llj'i'ttlifi'HI'iU'Mllll.JI'l WELLS ( CAFE RED 561 P.O. BOX 721 i f ; UNSURPASSED H. S. Wha Complete M 1 f f t . MARGARET McLEOD ' OPTOMETRIST Room 10 ATONE BUIDJNCt Crating -Packl BLUE 780 NOW AVAILABLE .SMITH & ELK1NS i i it - t. M. ' PHONE BLUE 593 P.O. BOX 1184 HAND HOME S GENERAL Cl BEST FOOD BEST COOKING f PLUMBING AND HEATING Phone 174 T.O. Box 274 Chinese Dishes A Specialty Building and t bill Salt Lake Ferry Daily Service Except Monday SCHEDULES Tuesday Leave Cow Bay Float 4, 5, 7 and 8 p.m. Wednesday, Thursday and Friday Leave Cow Bay Floats 2:30, 4, 5, 7 and 8 p.m. Saturday Every hour starting at 11 a.m. Sundays Continuous service commencing 11 a.m. Last boat leaving Salt Lake at 10 p.m. Phone GREEN 391 or BLACK 926 nnnFS 4 w v OIL Bl' GEORGE L. RORIE Public Accountant, Auditor Income Tax Returns Compiled Besner Block Phone 387 PHC1 FOR TAKE-HOME ORDER3 HIONE 200 , Hours 7 a.m. to 1 a.m. SOMETHING DIFFERENT! Try Our -TENDERIZED COMBINATION STEAK FOR DINNER TODAY Black 687 P.O. B' LOOK FOR THE NEW RED AND WHITE GOLD SEAL LABEL MATT3 EBY & SONS Contractors REPAIRS - REMODELLING FOUNDATIONS Let us help you plan that new home under the N.ILA. Phone Green 883 Box 586 UPHOLSl B. & W. TRANSFER DRY FIR KINDLING WOOD 50c Per Sack pelivered PHONE GREEN 188 PhnnP Blue H8 CHANDLER'S PORTRAIT STUDIO Film Finishing Enlarging Flash Photo? Taken at Home Phone Green 389 316 4th St PRINCE RUPERT, B.C. PARACHUTE ATTACK While glider troops were seizing a bridge across the Peace River during Exercise Eagle, paratroopers of the Princess Pat's started their end of the combined attack capture of an airfield at Fort St. John, B. C. This Canadian Army phoo shows them bailing out of R.C.A.F. Dakotas near the base. (C. P. Photo) 330 Seconl Prince RW 5 ' HOLLYWOOD cafe KEN'S RADIO CLINIC For Satisfactory Service CALL 53 718 Second Avenue West SAVOY I MOST UP-TO-DATE CAFE IN THE CITY BYTOWN i won Agents lor J CUMMINS DIES Bales Service ' Boat owners m dustrlal Engine ... -umlfttKllI (Commodore Cafe "Better Th-n Ever" , Moving, Packing, Cratin; Shipping and General Cartage and Starage For Complete, Reliable and Efficient Service, call Lindsay's Cartage & Storage Limited Cor. 2nd and Park Avenuej Established 1910 Phones 60 and 68 PRINCE RUPERT ROWLING ALLEY OPEN DAILY FROM 3:30 P.M. TO 11 P.M. Saturdays 12 Noon to 12 Midnight PIIONE RED 70S "BOWL FOR HEALTH" FREE INSTRUCTION OPEN FROM 11:30 A.M. Tu 3:33 A.M. We Specialize In Chinese Dishes CHOP SUEY CHOW MEIN 5 Best Pood and Service In City W. L. WOODS, Prop. PIIONE 37 P.O. BOX 1397 FRASER STREET PRINCE RUPERT TRAIN SCHEDULE For the East-Monday, Wednesday, Friday. 8:00 jl.m. From the East Tuesday, Thursday, Saturday 10:30 p.m. to Our oi'"-- t various engin equipment pro" For Outside Orders PHONE 133 JPbone 17 for Send-Out Orders J Third Ave. David Chow, Mgr.