EverythJnir 53rintt nupcrt iDaflj Jetof 3 Wednesday, August 10, 1949. - - ,..,. y mjiiiH MIW K.ull I, i in ii mi i , - v 1 ' A if if Important! Special General Meeting, Canadian Legion B.E.S.L. Branch No. 27, Legion Hall, Friday, Aug. 12 at casual for Building Lumber of all kind Muulding!i, Flooring, Siding, Cedar and A p h a 1 1 ' Shingles, Plasterboard, Wall-boards,' Fir, Cedar and Birch Plywood, Cement, Brick, Plas ter, etc. ALBKRT & McCAFFKRY LIMITED IIP A ' ' lit ? ,s i PHONE 118 NEW SCHOOL AT ! NEW HAZELTON Board Taking Steps-Teachers in Terrace Area Appointed TERRACE- After hearing George D. Parent, on behalf of the New Hazelton Citizens-League, set forth the need of a new school bulging at New Hazelton, the Terrace and District School Board, at a meeting last week, decided to commence action . by obtaining drawings and specifications from the Department of Education for consideration. Mr. Parent urged that, in view of the, likelihood of expansion of the Terrace district, any plans make provisions for addi-lons at a later, date. After many months of consideration another Important decision was reached, that plumbing and sewerage should be ln-lnstalled at the Terrace Elementary school. The Interior of the school Is also to be redecorated, which will be much appreciated by the teachers, and pupils, and should be a very-great improvement in the lighting, as light colors will be used Resignations of Mis "'Viautn. VERTISING IN THE DAILY NEWS PAYS! rim i M1''-.r' t .. ....rL. I ibM Is payable In pdvanrp. peam refrain from CijssiliMs. f pi-1 uiu ijci mad nun, minimum jrtli Notices ioc. uaras 01 i nanus, Death Notices, 108TH BIRTHDAY Mrs. Susan Partridge, who celebrated her 108th biithday in Hamilton General Hospital 4s believed to be one of tne oldest citizens of the province. Born in Moonstone, r.oar CoMwi ter, Ont., on August 6, 184126 years before ConfederationMrs. Partridge has lived In Hamilton for the past eight years. Miss Marian Squires of the hospital staff is shown with M". Partridge. ' (C. p. Photo) JJarriafie anu r.nnaBcuirit fiiuiuuucemenw; )i. WFC1AL rJISPLAY. DOUBLE PRICE VOLUNTEERS ARE BUILDING CHURCH TERRACE Working bees by the men of the Knox tTnitcd Church have been rebuilding the church which was badly damaged by fire last January. The floor and basement were not damaged and part of the walls still stand. A wing is being added to the old building which is being practically rebuilt. Cement for the foundation of this new wing was laid by the volunteers working by flood light to a late hour on several evenings last Week. H!"Mftnfiifti!ii!jii!ii!!i(iitMii(fiiiB.itir'niiiiiTiff!i-iir iiipiiiiu "'mi""iiiaMitf(ii(ttifaiiiiiiii,iiiiiifciiiilj STEAMSHIP PRINCE RUPERT SAILS FOR VANCOUVER and .Intermediate Ports Each Thursday at 11:15 p.m. For KETCHIKAN WEDNESDAY MIDNIGHT For Reservations Write or Call CITY OR DEPOT OFFICE PRINCE RUPERT, B.C. II k W 'it m I I . V.I U 11 ! k I I , "T, II . , rT $ II tSJ $ II r Bhx IM W7 I iK V I l I f Noli &P I SO CLEAN 7 gc I SO EASY TO USE I JZW'f Vouch JZeluif juit Vuxn Jjvtx! I "' Us Ordinary j? ,P.perB8- yWj Odod... I . I " " Z. McBride Street Phone 311 Paper Towels Deodorants - . . Green River ' Gabardine Shirts M'itn regular eol- . lar. Grey, Mar- oon and ; CO IT ;.. Brown .. VO.ZJ " G.W.G. Pure Wool Tartan: 1 Shirts. Heavy Sn'$9.00 vJl I jMllffil ' rHTlS ? 'sw Biiniiiiai HwTi ..; ll Glidden 0 paint8 VmX AU fflM PURPOSES 1 J I LH) SAANICH PLt'.MBING AND HEATING SHIRTSVV Fine Pure Wool Casual Shirts by Austin Kent. Brown, Wine, Blue and Grey Styled for comfort and SSSTV.. S10L50 - Paper Cups; Disinfectants PHONE 79 OF TASTY MEALS AT THE e Chinese Dishes a Specialty CHOW MEIN. I I Miss Larson and Mrs. Campbell irucners were accepted. The following appointments have been made: Wm. Bcrke, Terrace Hi"h School. Russell Havter. hhi.,i Hazelton Senior Hlgh-Elimen-tary school. Miss Kathleen Ma Division New Hazelton Elementary School. Miss K. Baker . Junior n;.,i - vuaii, LIVIP Ion, New Hazelion pi mon( 'i School. Miss Lcona Derk Primary division. Mr. Gerald lnini viin.j,,,.., School. Mrs. M. A. Hutchinson, Usk FOR RENT FOR RENT Comfortable room ...I unc or two girls sharing Kitchen privileges If required. Close in. Phone Black 258 or call at 895 Borden Street (188) FOR RENT Sleeping room, close in. Phone Oreen 937. (191) FOR RENT Housekeeping rooms at 960 First Ave. West. Apply 221 5th East. (187) FOR RENT Furnished cottages to rent at Francois Lake Landing near store and post office. Ideal holiday location. Boat for fishing. Phone or write Mrs. Harold Neave, Francois Lake.- Near Burns Lake, B. C. (It) FOR RENT Portable electric sewing machines. Immediate delivery. Phone 864. Singer Sewing Centre. 1 (1911 FOR RENT Modern sleeping room lor business gentleman. Apply Box 562, Daily News OUice. (188) BUSINESS OPFOR1TN1TIES FOR SALE Delivery business with two trucks. For information call 383. (tf ANNOUNCEMENTS Advrrtlm-nidita In tnw column will ba churircd tor full month t 25c per word Catholic Bazaar October 5 and 6. Sonja Ladles Bazaar. Oct. 28. Rebckah Bazaar, Oct. 26. St Peter's W. A. Fall Bazaar, Nov. S. Legion Auxiliary Bazaar, November 9. Presbyterian Fall Bazaar, Nov. 17. I.OD.E. Chapter's Fall Bazaar Nov. 24 St. Andrew's Cathedral Fall Bazaar, Not. 28. Saturday. BALAGNO Florist Phone Green 787 Box 1193 8:30 p.m. Subject: Matters 'concerning new premises. (188) Attention L. A. of the Canadian Legion. Members are requested to be at the Legion rooms at 2 p.m. Friday to attend the funeral of our late comrade Moya Thomas. ( 187) Boarding places and housekeeping rooms wil be required for teachers when school re- onpnfl in KrifoTYihii Will anv- jwie having available accomoda tion please phone Red 422 or call at the School Board office In the Besner Block. (187) Motorists who have oeen driving out the road report having noticed at least a couple of cars overturned. One was in the neighborhood of the incinerator, with wheels in the air, and the other, further along. School. Miss Irene Macaulay, South Hazelton School. Miss Elizabeth Forbes, Terrace Grades IV and part of V. Mrs. Ivy Kennedy, Pacific. Only two more teachers will be required to make up our full staff. Advertise in the Dally News! Your electric so easy Power Co. Ltd. BESNER BLOCK STEWART, B C. eDecftcncGaQD Canning any kind of cooking or baking is so much more enjoyable, so much cooler . . . with a modern electric range. H NOTICE -:rz,.. ... j:s tf.injki Ivar-, 0( Prince Hu nt i ; SALE , 2! foul piensiirt-wndition. Bl:ick (1871 ibrador retriever M 532. Phone (188 1 MmTno electric present address. t at a sacrifice , ,wd lurking equipment. am Otiicn ia a K saw post drill sarder (2 belts .sc cut of! saw. ai in new comll-jli attachments .alut is eil over il separately or o for S2.)U (10 ftrr Quick. B. C, Quill SUllHIII. (188i it pram, gexirl Applv i:s( ' ' I . (1831 3 piece Chester- leavms town. 385 (133 1 Used lumber Call 629 6th Ave. (tfi It trolling boat :"ar. R('P;il mm pr need for quick Agencies, (1831 H shinties sel- il 00 per bundle (18()i "lies, shutsnns, "k. ammuiuUun, latest folders ) Sales Co.. Ottawa, Out. (195) Troll i n k boat ''y equipped, 'teinens floats. U3tit e it , i.i ..' m c I-. ..... . outm CUSP.' wta 6 ft, show ' ''ss front and vecetabie or ; - leasonabie. : .ftjirhers. Phone i 3'. (186)' With frame! il near rft;md hob D, -'"".WU, f (J 'Mile Oreen 7)6. (187 1 uf d Furn- tan. Jl und : tric 'leWc press ; d saucers. ?!. new ,: fvv 3-piv :n. battle: at crs. etc. amtenan : M pi mshPl1 !on L?r.a.n's: y:r,'2' Mixers- ' aievai - BT u,K"lle Atonal K,rs d Wll'v Sa l"nai 'iUfr, "allf")a Conveyor. ?.(rv Co- p0m Ltd. Na-8.C (til Siurnl. "L 186 " Mr-Pi.. . - l'o , ? Ran 'IP nil burn, icr, '"k. '""" an nd lie 94!). 187) Chi ion 1424 (U.h I9ti) LOST AND FOUND L6ST Gruen wrist watch name Armand eiiRraved on back. Keward, leturn to Daily News. (185) LOST Watch In leather case In 112 Taxi or CN R. Station Olcl-lashioned keepsake. Re ward, riease return to 1414 Bin a. (1861 WANTEU Carpenter wants to rent light houscKceping room. Appiy hoom 2, Koyal Hotel or box am, Daily News. (190; WANTED TO RENT 2, 3 or 4-bedroom house. Will pay substantial rent. Please phone Keel 32o or 47). ( 1881 WANTED TO BUY-10 foot row-boat. Apply W. C. Johnston, P.O. Box. 1820. . (185i WANTED TO KKNi-ruriiisneu suite or housekeeping room. Christian ' couple. Box 560 Daily News. (189) WANTED-Sew'lnTTfairklndg. Apply suUeJJ, Uy Apts. 1 1911 WANTED-Room to share with working girl. Phone Red 693. (191) IIKLP WANTED WANTED Clerk. Apply Doms' Dept. Store. (1891 WANTED Cashier. Appiy Broadway Cale. (tf) WANTED Sten'otji-anher- ootiKKeeper. Apply ur. K. O. Larse. (tf) HELP WANTED Waitress, Uioadway Cafe. (tf) HELP WANTED Butcher go-int! on holiday, man wanted to relieve him. Apply Rupert Butchers. (tf) BOYS WANTED Rellaule boys desiring Dally News route should file their names at the Dailv News Office. (tf) HELP WANTED Man for lubrication work, preferably single. Bob Parker Ltd. (tf) HELP WANTED Girl 25 to 35 years of age with dressmaking experience. Apply at Sinner Sewing Centre. 188) WANTED Stenographer-secretary, duties will include taking dictation in shorthand, typing, nang and secretarial dunes. Musi have. at least a years experience, Age range 25 to 32 years, smg;e. Apply National Employment Service, order No. o9. ' (tf FOH tifcriT FOR RENT Tourrst accomodation. Red 471. (tf) FOR. RENT Lunch counter go-inis concern. Apply Central Lunch. (185) KF.AL hSTATE FOR SALE 4 suite apartment house close in. A good investment. Prince Rupert Realty Co. (188) FOR SALE 2 small houses on 1 lot. 525 6th West. $2500.00. Prince Rupert Realty Co. , (188) FOR SALE 5 room bungalow, 2 years old, Pembroke bath, 2 bedrooms, glassed in porch, furnished or unfurnished. Also seven-room house with basement, good location. Reasonably priced. See Armstrong Agencies, Phone 342 or - Gle1 291 'evenings). (185) EWAP-Will pay up to $500 with small wartime four in exchange for six-room house In good location, Black 213. (191) FOR SALE Four room wartime house new paint Job, fenced nnd all decorated inside. 1551 2nd Overlook alter 5 p.m. (191) TENDERS will be received by the undersigned up to noon of Monday, August 15th, 1949, tor the purchase of Block 9, Subdivision Block "A." Plan '265, District Lot 361, Plan wi. Village of Terrace, Range 5. Coast District, together y'ith improvements and contents. Arrangements to inspect this property may be made with the B C. Police, Terrace, B C HIGHEST or any tender not necessarily accepted. TERMS strictly cash.' G. P. FORBES, Official Administrator, Administrator Estate of George Porter, deceased, Court House, Prlnee Rurtert, " B. C. . . . (185) Results are far more satisfying, too, because "heat control" is a feature of cooking electrically. range has so many other advantages ... the beauty and smartness of its lines. Its gleaming white porcelain, to keep clean! No flame or soot to blacken pots or pans, making "cleaning up" far less trouble. Economical? Well, it costs but half a cent per meal per person to cook electrically. Come in and see the latest models. Genuine DUSTBANE Sweeping Compound. . ... J10PS BRUSHES BROOIS For Cleaning and Janitor Supplies see PRINCE RUPERT SUPPLY HOUSE Phone 632 712 Second Avenues HktUarr Ptarumnj i 11 ; HOURS Weekdays 9 a.m. to 0 p.m. Sundays 12 Noon to 2 p.m. 7 p.m. to 9 pan. SIXTH STREET and THIRD AVENUE Keep Cool - Live Electrically FOR ALL YOUR PRINTING REQUIREMENTS REGAL PRINTERS PHONE 24 222 Second Ave. Box 423 HOUSEHOLD STEP LADDERS CLOTHES DRYERS KrrCHEN UTENSILS CHIROPRACTOR John F. L. Hughes, DC, Ph.C. 21-22 Besner Block Phone BLUE 442 for Appointment WILL BE AWAY ON VACATION first Three Weeks in August NEEDS CLOTHES LINES IRONING BOARDS GALVANIZED WARES PAINTS Electric Fans $12.95 Electric Ranges $229.00 Electric Rangettes 69.00 Electric Ironers $129.50 Electric Floor Polishers ... ..j $59.50 Electric Washers $148.50 SATIN-GLO VARNISHES ENAMELS Northern B.C. PnONE 210 TRINCE RUPERT THOMPSON HARDWARE CO. LTD. Second Avenue opposite Prince Rupert Hotel 7:00 ajn. to 3:30 a.m. Phone 173 for Outside Order. t