i'hOVJNClAU LIBRARY J viz: onr.iEs DRUGS ml Daily Delivery NORTHERN AND CENTRAL. BRITISH COLUMBIA'S NKWSPAPKH IvcABS vn,bUS lv,at Canada'8 Mo8t Strategic Pacific Port-'Trince Kupert, the Key to the Great Northwest." r phoiie si UU XXVI". No. 188. PRINCE RUPERT. B. C, WEDNESDAY, AUGUST 10, 1949 , PRICE FIVE CENTS mmo d.ity Freight Rates T o Get riike r( r- T S KJf D I O 3J . i i TINY HALIBUT LANDED HERE f - " t ' ent September 1 L'VER ((T) Freight rates on nearly m4 from Kastern Canada to Vancouver !wn five and thirty percent September vase is the third in a year-and-a-half for 'w "m ! t 1 1 f, I ,3. Aluminum Plant Site At Kitimaat, Dean Channel Formal Application Being Made for Nechako River Power Head ' The Aluminum Co. of Canada is definitely going ahead with its plans for the development of the great hydro-electric power potential near the headwaters of the Nechako River for utilization in connection with a huge aluminum manufacturing plant on the Desolation of Ecuador Pillaging by Indians Adds Further to Terror QUITO, Ecuador (P New earth tremors and pillaging by unruly Indians spread fear and panic among thousands of survivors left homeless by Ecuador's destructive earthquake. Official government estimates of the death toll In Friday's quake rose to 6000. Fresh tremors yesterday tumbled weakened walls In Am- .j(fev -cijmmo(lty rates. tllCnil till " UK 1 1 rtL.-i, iuiiiiikmiilv niwM,n Vfssf iron, Prince Rupert boasts of its big halibut, but one appeared today which probably will rank among the smallest ever caught. It was a four-inch specimen, brought to the Daily News office by Joe Feller, to whom it was given by a fish worker at the Atlin Fisheries dock. Mr. Feller did not know where It came from, but he believed that It had been part of the diet of a larger fish which was being processed on the fish floor. ' The lish was completely formed, was about two Inches wide hswt Cm INDUSTRIALISTS DUE TOMORROW ; coast. I A site on Dean Channel, fur- n-' - ' 4 bato and other cities, adding to HIVES the terror of some 150,000 home REDS NEARING CANTON CITY CANTON, 0 The commun ther down the coast, is now being considered in addition to Kitimaat as the location of the plant. Legal advertisements appearing in the Dally News todny r V . - 5 . t V i and four Inches long. Fnur .bbed fS 'iw f1 and his wife of Collapse Of On her sixth regular 10-day Alaska crul.se of the current summer season, C.N.S.S. fla-;-shlp Prince George, Is due in p.irt tomorrow morning with 2i;0 first class passengers for Hkagway and return. Hailing from all parts of Canada and the United States, the passenger list Includes the following prominent people: I. H. Larkln, general superintendent. Billed Motor Company, Flint, Mich., and Mm. I.arkin; II. P. lietisimw, vle-presldent Chesapeake & OJifo less. Groups of workers, attempting to dis their way through the blocked highway to Pelileo, 100 miles south of Quito, are leported to have been burled under a landslide loosed by new tremors. Shoot to kill orders have been Issued troops guarding Pelileo against looting by the wild tribe of Salasaca Indians. In an effort to stay the spread of dtsea.se In wrecked cities, arc 'ii'. il the in NOT WANTED IN BRITAIN Ousted by the British government for reported 'Communist affiliations," Louis Ooldblatt (right), 3. secretary-treasurer of the C.I.O, International Longshoremen's and Warehousemen's Union, and John Maletta, 43, a member of the National Maritime Union executive committee are shown during a press conference in Paris. The ouster of the two men followed the ending of London's dock strike. ists today threw fresh forces make application for water ii- into the fierce battle on the ap-I cences on the Nechako River proaches to this nationalist above the Orand Canyon. capital, as the Kiangsi provin- 0ne propo,ed power plant site ' cial government Tied Kanh3ien,'ls on the Kemano River This only 215 miles from Canton. woum gllpply a Kitimaat Rlum- The big battle raged north- lnum plant wlth powpr west of Kanhslen in south-cen- .. , . I The alternative power site is tral Kiangsi province, perhaps .. .,. .. , on tlie Kimsquit River and would as - near as 50 an or sn 60 miles fromi.. , ... tie in with a Dean Channel ;(!ii in for a f reward, n? al'in? believed. Err arrived Mine Strike rumors said he the an'iiieiitinty SYDNEY, Australia O Aus tralia's striking coal miners wi! ,r thieves are rc- be ordered to resume work next manufacturing plant. water filters and siiiinlies of lo return. R R., and wife, of Huntington, 1 j-, week, R. Hamilton, acting presi are being rushed in by arc barked wit II Estimates here were that would continue as the nationalist capital lor another dent of the Miners' Federation First Woman Doctor May I lave Memorial HASTINGS, Eng. (Reuters) Antiquarians want to save the home of Britain's first woman plane. MOTHER KILLS CHILDREN IN SUICIDE PACT announced today. He said Union FEDERAL AID leaders will issue the order Fri three to six weeks. Under present plans the seat of government will be re-transferred to west Virginia; Mr. and Mrs.' Gordon Inee, of Toronto, where Mr.Ince Is vice-president and Reneral manager, Toronto' Hardware Company; William t.yon. publicity representative, I Metro-Ootdwyn Mayer Studios.! aniciiiU to i:u!d tind I! 'i the imintif day. This announcement followed TO HIGHWAY Chungking, but the reins will be doctor, Dr. Elizabeth Biuekwell, J MAKINAK, ,,ALrrviAir Man. fl A w mur who worked here for 30 years i der-uctde pact betwsen a country-wide rejection on a vote FIFTEEN DIE IN BUS CRASH held by Chiang Kai-Shek at sm Jeweller.. of two to one by the strikers ol ACROSS CANADA jnrchi .nj them Taipeh, the capital of the re doubt of Formosa. a request by their communist- and died in 1910. On the Re-1 year old woman and her four gency building, damaged by ! young sons which yesterday re-bomblng, is a tablet which suited In a shucking multiple reads: -Here lived and worked killing is believed to have been dominated national council for a mandate to renew negotiation? OTTAWA first session of the new parliament, due to begin September 15, will bs asked to ratify legislation ' provlrli-t? BLOOMINOTON, Indiana Fifteen charred bodies were recovered after dawn today from the wreckage of a grey- TO REPORT with the federal and New South I Wales! Bfivprnmentj , HIS for 30 vcars Dr. Elizabeth Black- , Pimpled by the mother s de- Culver' City. California; D. W. Gossard. sales manager, White River Lumber Company, Enum-rlaw, Washington, also piesi-cli nt. West Coast Lumbermen's Association, Portland, Oregon, ai-companlcd by Mrs: Go.ssiiPt. Travelling with them are Mr and Mrs. R. A. Tracey, of Bis well. Born at Bristol. 182L Died ; Mi-nted JanKlety to save her "' - -" ' r;.l, l,l..rt ifm f rwrn m4Ut bH -wlitoh exploded and I burned early In the morning at Hastings, 1910! The first wo- -'"'"' ... , 'nounced earlier that they woulc- nLU man to graduate in medicine in' " . uraa- wiiig uie mu.up.e n(H Uate wltn the miMis d slaying in small farmhouse the lnited States in New York, a British near this northwestern Mani- ada highway, it was learned to-WASHINGTON, O.C. Vh Am- oay bassador John Leighton Stuart arrives today from China to give Reconstruction Minister Wln-a first-hand report on what the said in an Interview that United States is confronted with tne legislation will provide for S3 worn a id n a cLi. Mr-nc 1849. The first woman to be . u .. w - ' Min i Mi.Tr. ivi 1 1 r marck, North Dakota, where Mr. Tracey Is a representative of Mr. Gossard's company. after hitting a bridge abutment near here.. None of the dead have as yet been identified. Driver Wayne Cramer of Ind-iHi.apolis, one of the survivors, raid a front tire may have 1 placed on the British .Medical l"UA ,'"rt' "'eJ ml3' V , T. Wal' Kenneth and Gordon 12-j To, , ancmiver- H. -ihlckeU -C7 Register, 1859." The house, over-: ;ii.(h,En.in,ani;i .,as' W Identical twins, Lud-W. Webb. Mrs. E. Richards and there. He will talk directly with a federal financial contribution f , . , lien, 8 and Leon, 4. I child; N. Cook, O. S. Reade, O. .' tnwnrri mnltl-mlUlnn riollir ' ' ' ' towar" a a muiw minion aouar been Unoccupied for 20 years. , , . , ,' T ,', ,. I President Truman and Secre- Dl"' R' L' Gnau. , district Graham. I. McDonald, W. C of this nature. . The The antiauarlans antiquarians hone nope some some move move' "ean Acheson. Acheson project said lnat crudely-writ- Osborne. J. Wrixon. A. J. Fors- taIy 0l.5tate Advised Spinsters, Now Deserts Them '7 U'day appears : lor disturbing ft result of the by kis-i n K djjer-''i the bat lie of e workmumon's ihour.Tr.d rental ! 15 nnt an ' thrwish thi i:-.matior.al WooH- for preservation, cosines any-i. ten suicide ... nolle, o apparently ; j t.er cr n n w H iitin. Hawkins Mr. Mrs n D u H I fctuaris report. louowing puu- No financlai agreement has b;- w n out, causing him to lose nr.trol of thp bus. After striking the abutment down the winding highway and the vehicle skidded 150 feet Hawkins. ' Mrs I Cassie't. Miss ! Nation of the Truman admin- yet been reached with the prov- thing they may themselves do, I may come from British and j United States medical societies.! WASHINGTON P r e 1 1 y, red-haired Jean Van Evera, th" to rest on Its left side, ilrl who wrote "How to B.'!"8"10 ,i blocking the door. ii. ...... iio.ii ei,,-i i ..i., i emergency '""" mnoc tran", o mces. Mr. vviniers esumaiei pected to have an importani that the federal contribution bearing on the development of will run between $150,003,000 new American policies towards and $200,000,000. The total cost China. The white paper wrote of laying down the 5,000 mile 1 off the Nationalist Chinese gov- hard surfaced highway is ex- ernment as a failure. pected to run about $400,000,000. dictated to one of the boys by his mother who could not write, said: "I am rorry to have to do this to the children but if I didn't they would be in Ihe fire in a few days." The note was signed "Mary." Dr. Genreau said Mrs. Walz had been mentally ill for six months and he had advised her husband to take her to a mental home. This suggestion had been turned down. NEW DOCTOR FOR TORBRIT HOSPITAL ALICE ARM Dr. Buschlen V. M. Cassiet, K. Exelby, R. J. Myhre. To SandspitD. S. Woods. From Vancouver G. Wing, F. H. Hill, Mrs. I. Centro, F. Mc-Rae, S. Akrigg, A. L. Gordon, A. Forster, C. Huyck, W. Mulroy, A. G. Boas, A. Tucker, I. Cos-tello, H. O. Livingstone, H. Oldham. From Sandsplt W. K. Etk-ert. (Q.C.A.) . . To Masset Mrs. G. Hill, Miss be married, her friends say. Miss Van Evera, a former Kansas City newspaper woman and now a free-lance writer here, wouldn't say yes and she wouldn't say no. But friends ray she'll say yes before long. The day her book was published, Mis Van Evera told reporters: "I have nothing against FT Anifrtca i cel. i, "wd by the U-ccnt an " or 'aec partial industry. r presented the-;; submitted t(i board jre.--t.er- tmr,;jy hearing ivjournerl lmiii a the union J( opei atiii S' rt.- Thursday, High August 11. 1949 . 2:38 20.4 feet 15:16 19.6 feet Low 9:01 3.2 feet 21:19 5 8 feet arrived last week from Toronto' te assume the position of company doctor for the Torbrit Silver Mines. Dr. Buschlen replaces Dr. T. GroRzman who has resigned to go into consulting practice in Vancouver. Also Kathleen Hill, L. W. Lefler, Mrs. -.1 R. W. Colllnson, Miss Bernice Collinson, R. Edgar. THE WEATHER Synopsis A weak disturbance lying over northern Vancouver Island Is moving slowly southward along last week, the new X-ray unit for the hospital was installed which, with the enlarging of the hospital laboratory, makes for better and modern facilities to the coast. Cool unsettled take care of those in need of weather is evoected over most i'&m .Cai 'JKN. Pft ixkfc t-v V1 1 kk?ua xi 3 Vampire Executed Perpetrator of Ghastly Killings In England Pays With Life - medical help. , , 0f the province for the next two days. Forecast North Coast RegionCloudy with occasional light rain today and tomorrow. Little change in temperature. Wind Once Doomed Boy Recovers Health Jut ' that ! I:'!arul point,, Ws.t tnwns ,,f LONDON W) John -V George XV f v0 ' ' , Heigh, self-confessed vampl amptre. VANCOUVER f Ten-year-old Alice Philin Rnreess. doomed to death 1 1,Hht becoming westerly (15 slayer of nine persons, Arm be ill 'Vi(T Will ho by a kidney disease a year ago,!"111"1 b thls afternoon. Lows hanged today at Wandsworth' is now a hannv. active, member ana nl&ns ""oorrow-,Prison. At Massett and Prince Rupert th annua ciim-ltle A.v,i)ciat,eri ""'Central Bri-"rt week by th- of the neightborhood "gang." He hovered between life and death for eight months in hospital, victim of nephritis. lie Juni ll(Jf Chamber The handsome 39 - year - old business executive was convicted July 19 of murdering a well-to-do widow, Mrs. Olivia Dur-and-Deacon, for her money. The jury rejected a defence plea of Insanity and sentenced 50 and fiO, Port Hardy 50 and 60. IIASEDALL SCORES " TODAY American New York 3 Boston 2 would lie in bed dreaming of a bicycle of his own. "But I j guess it's silly to even thnk j k I" line wir, i? over pas, ;-ft Buard ;,' tM so has r-;tUc " Ratine t - ' M C -ts - tV..vr y - .'A Haigh to be hanged. about it" he said to nurses.- "I couldn't ride it anyway." Today ', l he has a blcyclq and has chalk-j NgW HdZe tOn CAFE At the 10-day trial cution introduced a statement hti t '.t 11 ' ' .- ' ' J ,uIft Chamb. to the fc- ' - -X , , i-i .3 in which Haigh confessed ed up 1,149 miles in three months. the Assoeiat " it win ce attentli ion of fie (Next to New Hazelton Hotel) Under New Management GEORGE 1.EONG, Manager HIGH CLASS COOK Open from 7 a.m. to 10 p.m. Short Orders Fast Service Soda Fountain Ice Cream MODERATE PRICES (189) police that he had killed eight other persons Besides Mrs. Dur-and-Deacon and drank their blood. After drinking the blood of his victims, Haigh told the police that he dissolved the bodies in bubbling-acld baths. The dapper killer did not testify in his own defence. nonty lo He runs as fast as other children ' on the street and can scramble up apple trees with the best of them. Doctors who thought there was no hope for the lad worked tirelessly In the effort to save him. and were rewarded last Christmas when he took a turn for the better and finally recovered. AID FOR "INJURED" A realistic part of Exercise Eagle was played by medical and chaplaincy corps In looking after both real and simulated casualties during Exercise Eagle in the Peace River district as Canada's largest peacetime manoeuvres were conducted. This Canadian Army photo shows Pte. G. S. O'Grady of Halifax, a make-believe casualty, receiving attention from Maj. A. G. McLaren, of Viking, Alta., left, and Capt. J. E. Levoie of Montreal, right, while Staff Sgt. S. Johnson of Edmonton looks on. (C. P. Photo ""'iracts. Jlllm . . MEET MISS TORONTO, 1949 Tjlo of beauties are the winners In Miss Toronto contest. Irene Mclnnes, centre, 22, wearing her crown and robe, was named Miss Toronto. At left Is Thelma Brewls, 17. who came second, and at right. Bette-Jane Pike, third in judging. Irene will compete in the Miss Canada contest In . " a that - '"Ice hp n,-, :;chanou;: I Hamilton, Ont. OVIC CEgTOEgAMiyAL, AUGUST 13; 2,0