'-'I prince ITupetl Dang JSrtoa Wednesday, August 10, 1949. Stewart General Hospital, expressed the appreciation ef the entire board for the active interest displayed, both by Mrs. ARE HONORED AT STEWART STEWART NEWS Ixttestfrom Portland Canal Mining Centre HEW ROYAL STEWART A social evening was held in the Club Rooms of the Canadian Legion last Fri- ;Mooe Lodce EntertaimP rmir Mine If HOTEL Gradually Re.uming-Other Mining Activity '"JT tag with the Constable 'at the! piano. Auld Lang Syne ended the proceedings. Whist was played In the early part of the evening. Mrs. V. f'lsher of Hyder won the ladled first prize with Mrs. Ann Geddes taking the consolation. Comrade George Anderson was first in the men's section with Comrade Casey Williams consolation. It was a big evening. and Constable Nelson in the affairs of the Hospital. Casey Williams for Hyder, Alaska residents wished the Nelsons hap-i piness In their new home. Mrs. Betty Barwise, president of. the Canadian Legion W. A., spoke of the excellent work of both Constable and Mrs. Nelson and on behalf of all those present, presented them with a More men are being put to work, on who are leaving for West-every day. The policy of the view. Apart from his official company i to put all available duties here Constable Nelson A Home Away From Home 50 Rooms Hot and Cold water , Portland Canal Moose Lodge held a whist drive and dance In the Moose Hall on . Saturday. Mrs. C. E. Gibson wai first lp the ladies' section with Mr. Ann Geddes taking the consolation prize. W. R. Tooth won the men's first prize and W. U local men to work before bring- has been very active in the social Ing In men from the outside. affairs of the community. He - I was an active member of the Alphonse Thomas brought In Btewart Branch, a member of a sample of ore from his prop- the Stewart Hospital Board, i you're absolutely right, H Is vacation time now . . . but In a few months cold weather will be here attain and PRINCE RUPERT, B.C. beautiful electric kettle. An excellent supper was served followed by community sing- IPh Phone 281 P.O. Box 18b Newell ran off with the consola Advertise in the Pally News! erty on August Mountain which head of the Legion Rifle Club, ran 1.88 oz. In gold Work on the in charge of the manual classes vou want to be prepared wun a sare ' sTrt n.mnlll fill n orm .n-K V1UK ..jiMa ouuuijf. bni,i Pi to wry if tion prize. A bed lamp, which was drawn for, was won by Bill Kearns of Hyder, Alaska. The fiance was a very enjoyable one It's so different today PHILPOTT, ' EVITT & CO. LIMITED I I - . 13 George Enterprise continues for boys, and projectionist for with fair results. Open-cutting the Parent Teachers' Associa-is going on at the Silver Tip tion. Group In the upper Salmo River Mrg NeiSOn served on the area. Bill Tooth just returned Hospital Board, Women's Aux-Irora the mine and says that illary of tne Board women's everything U going along fine. Auxmary of tne Legion. and was Lumber Building Supplies and was kept up until the small hours of the morning An excellent supper was served by the Women of the Moose. Music was supplied by Mrs. Jean Stewart and Mrs. Marge Woodford In charge of the Sunday School for St. Mark's Anglican Church. J. Wolstenholme, president of PETER MAC.NUSSOX, TEKRACE, DIES at the piano, with Bobby Hutching and Bill Boedekker at the drums. Radio Dial the Legion, paid a tribute to 10:00 Joan Greenwood 10:15 Morning Melodlei 10:30 Roundup Time 0:45 Scand!nvlai Ml'llef ll:00-8trlke Up the Band 11:15 Songs of Yesterday ' IMOKl'xyc'61 . TERRACE Funeral services fde rk A. Hudgman, district forester and his family God speed from Ketchikan, was a guest of n - V f v. v.- " ' 77, who died Sunday in the Red Cross Hospital, were conducted in Terrace on Tuesday. Rev. P. Mrs. C. E. Gibson, on behalf of St. Mark's Woman's Auxiliary, the Stewart Branch of the Canadian Legion at the soqial eve ning in honor; of Comrade 11:30 -Weather Report 11:81 Message Period 11:33 Recorded Interlude 11:45- Medlodia P.M. 12:0Q Mid-Day Melodies 13 15 CBC News ja:25--Program Resume George Ndson. Mr. Hodgman, a past commander of the Ketch- jKan uigion Fost, extended a Mallett officiating. Interment expressed tne appreciation oi took place in the Kalum Ceme- tne W.A. for the excellent work tery. Pallbearers were W. Chap-' Irs- Nelson and wished them man, H. Fisher, Carl Klausen, J. happiness In their new sur-Olson, F. Green and Ford Jack-, roundlngs. son. " j Mrs. L. A. Behnsen, on behalf Deceased was well known In of the Parent Teachers' Assac-the district having homestead- lation, thanked Constable Nel- cordial invitation to the mem 12:30 B.C. Farm Broadcast bers of the Stewart Branch to visit the Post at any tjme they should happen to be In Ketchi Yet Post'i Crape-Nut Flaket provide tueful," quantities of carbohydrates, proteins, mineral! and other food essentials to start the busy day -:: right. Made with two trains wheat and harlt-y - to eive yoa that glorious Crape-Nuts Savor ist : eriiip, golden flake form. Ask your grocer for" 12:55 Recorded Interlude Time was no object to Cleopatra when her lave attendant! lerred breakfast, The Cleo of today muet be quirk off the mark. So po wander Mother praises the served-ina-jiffy, eaten -on-light Pot Grape-Nutt Flake. They're ot oolj eonvmient but deliriooi and nourishing, loo. ed at Kltselas over twenty-five son for his splendid work In kan. He wished Comrade Nelson success In his new home. , BiiJen TThIU a . Quotations and :ude ;Stit fjfvorites ,.s lur.Sanciy On Hiirade Accuin and His r.g Clinkers t Varieties $ Serenade ,iy Kaye and ri'.ra al Varieties News Putts Look at .da Brunei. Violinist diaii ArtisU Trio riiomas Mure : Btory years ago. He was unmarried connection with Association and apd a native of Sweden. In later wished him happiness and suc- Post's Crape-Nuts Flakx I Mr. Hodgman Is here In connection with trail work In the llyder area. years he was a saw-filer for cess in his new home. Little, Haugland Kerr. I Charles Lake, on behalf of the 1 00 Summer Symphony 2:00 In a Lighter Mood 2:30 Musical Program 2:45 Commentary Books 3:00 Musical Program 3:15 Serenade 3 :30 Commentary Divertimento HE: CKHTlFICAni Of- TITLE NO the gilbak Premier Work, at Mine, Is proceeding apace. - ' I I " r" rr. " " ' I IfJ 'S3f-V' BUT THESE WCMEN " -'Z . . i - ' ; J RELAX, A LLV f 6NTEI?TAIN SO T'T. LONDIE mtMk x ni s WH'J-I TO MIT TWENTV-KJUK Better English By D. C. WILLIAMS (341. Bl-OOK TWJSNTY-HINB Utf) tiKCTION BIX (81. IMTV OK I'KIMH KUPKHT. MAP W.I 1. What la wrong with this sentence? "His house Is equally WHEKEA8 ttll:,(uul,rr proof of Urn ol the alxive (rl;fut of Title .bt-r Music NrWS Sews as good as yours." taunt In the umue of Unit Minlnn In a tx'rn ll)d In thu ullic. notice I. What is the correct pro Writer Today U hereby n''"'l tlmt I shall at the nunciation of "projectile"? ripirstlun ol one month from Die '3. Which one of these words on Studio Concert .to and Fish cIhUi tit the firm publication hereof Issue ProvUloiiiU Ortlflcate of .als Title In llvu uf suits lost Certificate. is ihi.Vijk;ir-u I uuuiuuk, UUUIUI, du tiu u.s. 4. What does the word "circumvention" mean? 5. What Is a word beginning unlma In the nit'iiitllme valid ob-Jertlon be miute to me In wrltlnn. DATED at tlut UinU lU-glHtry Ofllce. Hrlnce Rupert. B C, this IKth day of July. lWtt. A 1) ANDHEW THOMHHON, Deputy HKlsUf of Titles (164) with ab that means "voluntary hSUAl-AM. al Ciixk Net) Song i lor Moderns Concert Ires and Com'ty Devotioim i Serenade forbearance"? ANSWERS 1. Say, "His house is as good o. ra- rszy&y&s . rw .. i. ivw fe. . as yours, or, "His house and "it LrA ;,7".C l T, - XJ3 I L.I II .1 r,H n 5 Prince Rupert Fit .W-Rat J.r r eUs .... ,teirfir rr , yours are equally good." 8. Pro W0 3rdAv. Box 610 Tel. Tel. 777) Time f lower- tw AU Occasions sloni nounce last syllable ki till, pot as tile. S. Duteous. 4. Act of 6!gnil surrounding, as by stratagem. 'They soon discovered that cir cumvention was futile." 5. Ab- Uinence. - 1 1 ' - ,i l . . - -I i rrr" ii r i . nihiintltti(! I i ii Mi li l l ' KillillllwifflW'limiliiiBiitiiwiinmiminniiimfflin II ju i; :, i ' 1 'i : iii! i! t .1 K 1 , ; I'! ; 11 i i 'i l t ---- . i t n r. : iitllllH,IUI(t!HIIWlltliilit)iUilikllliiiltli4iUllliHUiltttiUll!ISIUillllll'l Your House is an Asset I t CO KXiJvWIlH' 1 MAve EVEI?VrMING( j TWEPE'S NOTHING ) d-' - ,, I A S OafirW. DEAH? Vil V UNltK lUjiKU. ,A V 60 USELESS AS p? VTjkW " ' ' W specialize in 1 " 'I high quality VANCOl'VER VICTORIA Diamond rings. SEATTLE Tuesday, 1:30 p.m., Camosun Friday, 5 p m., Catala Sunday, 10 p.m., Coquitlam ALICE ARM, STEWART ANI TORT SIMPSON Sunday, 11 p.m. umond fjuaran-rftct. See our MAINTAIN ITS VALl'E . . . MAKE NEEDED REPAIRS NOW! p of moderately r psn rp-i TlFfsTTMl I" "LAV-V -"T v,-" I :; ' "g ond get a dflt!x. FOR SOUTH Ql KEN CHARLOTTE ISLANDS s s. Coquitlam, August 12 and 26 FOR NORTH Ql'EEN CHARLOTTE ISLANDS s.s. Coquitlam, August 19 and 31 For Estimates and Supplies PHONE 2G3 MITCHELL & CURRIE LTD, Builder and Contractors FRANK J. SKINNER Prince Rupert Agent Third Avenue Phone 568 Bill FEEL LANDING MATS I r- " 1 I rT-. ( I GUESS IT'S SAFE ) ' v. I f ' I 1 ... J (SBss. ( I'VE NEVER BEEN SO INSULTED j.- , K- FOR ME TO COME ' I 1 , TttlT'l I 'i fW'-t . 1 i" i" ' in"rv 1 1 si 1 tn H Ml ' I liTTTTl r I 1 ( i, , - r-. XT t' ' Jj, f" ' Copr! 1-M9, KFffnilifiitt. Inc., 'l l riU KKrvfd. s'':''.'S'vt ,.,u ' i .1. ??oor 1 1 -mir WW linfiivwoauiu fc VOL! HANS UPj LATAkTOWnT ' ltf) ,WV Wp , ' s 5 I I A SIGN FOR J oTstWF THE ) tykr-? fniA n. y . 1" thick Sizes 3'xl2' . Suitable for Fences, Skylight Troteetors, Reinforcing, Kad Uuilding:, Cattle Guards, Dyking. Priced to Sell. Write for Blue Prints and Full Particulars ChIC ATLAS IRON & METALS Ltd, 250 Prior St., Vancouver Wagner, stein & greene co. PRlMr 1832 Store St' Victoria . . .,t Si E rERT SUPPLY HOUSE 712 2nd Ave., Trlnce Rupert