1 .:t Vouchers John Ewart, John , . . . n T ft j- r-, I SAP FLOUiv, SUCCEED IN' f! i r '4 CONRAD P:-Ti. V 1 ARI0 Wetifcesday. January 12, 1948 ' FIRST AID SEEKS LARGER r urness, iwiu ivit-i-caii. . - Certificates-John C. Franks, j Norman S. McGia.shan, John I Michiluk, Kenneth Ro.a Slater, j George Rorvik. Edward Mooie.i William Timms pnd Freri Wocrt- 1 house. ' "mis -on MerTt L - " ;1 "vn to make spin; Loeal Candidates Win Label. Mc-lallion, Vouchers, Certificates Fourteen candidates from first aid classes which were held here durr!r th fall with R. E. Eyolf- SCHOUL UKUUNtfilh : V Need for greater playground ' space at Conrad Street element- j ff ary School was described asivy HOM iollow 'poison" The death rate it. 'ari'f. from influenza has fallen SI per cent curing the past 20 years. urgent" by the Conrad parent-' J? for suicidal P.jr3. weipons. Teachers' Association at its v son as instructor have been successful in their t4sts for labeia, medallions, vouchers and eurlifi- monthly meeting last night and a. delegation will present the group's case to the Prince Rupert School Board at an early date. cates awarded by tne St. jona Ambulance Association and tfn j of them are continuing in the i i. -K. i. . (Vi "w. '.3 SCIENCE DESIGNS SEED BOX TO START PLANTS AT HOME The organization wiU seek to have four city-owned lots ati the corner of Ninth Avenue andj rinrad Street, adioinine the fVf" r t industrial Classen which have Juet opened and will continue into spring. The successful candidates were: Labels Norman Randolph Christiansen, Conrad Stordul. Medallion - Donald Llewellyn. Modern Etiquette Ey EOBFRTA LEX 40 WATT FL0UR.r"3CENT LIGHT WITH REFLECTOR. SUSPENDED 17 INCHES APE FLAT school, set aside for playground purposes to augment the "inadequate" area now provided. School Principal' T. G. Bute-man and H.T.A. President M. F. 'i HOCKS TO HOLD FIAT ArWE fan Fill flat AiTH POROUS Till TA Ik.'iTU'kl GLAiS FI6EW M.HMCX TW Q What is the order of pro- j cedure when introducing a group i of three women and three men?; Oft CLOTHti jLI MS WICK iA jf , x 9 Vrt COVER WITH LAYER OF SPHAGNUM MOSS r A. First introduce the women1 I to the women, then the women J -f" , EXTRA VX ADVHT Inexpensive Equipment Will Insure Ample Light and Water To Your Plants, and Protect Them From Disease to the men. and lust the men j to the men. J Q. Would it be correct for a woman to sign her name to a letter as "Miss Mary Wilson"? A. No. If necessary to use the prefix, it should be wnelosed in parentheses, as "iMissi Mary Wilson." Q. What is the correct way to eat artichokes? A. A leaf at a time .should be pulled away, clipped into the sauce', then bitten off. CANADA'S FIRST -First' baoy born in Canada In 1949 is the son of Mr. and Mrs. Curtis Anderson of Belleisle Creek, N.B., shown' in the arms of his mother in St. Joseph's Hospital at Saint John. Born at 12:20 a.m. Atlantic Standard Time, New Year's Day', Baby Anderson came into the world 40 minutes before the old year had departed in. the Eastern time zone. (CPi Stuart pointed out a lack of recreational facilities at the school. Mr. Batsman told the meeting that basement facilities were too limited to acoom-modate the children during the recess and noon hour periods and urged that greater playground space be provided during the spring. A letter explaining the need will be sent to the Board and to Trustee A. J. Dominato, Conrad Street School representative. A delegation will consist of M. F. Stuart, R. Ferguson, W. D. Griffiths and H. H. Thorn. The Association also decided to enlist the support of other P.T.A. groups in the city to try and have red lights installed above outdoor fire alarm boxes in the interests of public safety. The lights, members felt, would make for easier identification of the alarm stations at night. Members re - affirmed an earlier decision to give all possible support to the Conrad Street School children who will be taking part in this year's music and drama festival. Need for such support was .stressed by Mr. Bateman. The meeting was informed vices is probably wick watering, which is as simple as an oil lamp. A wick, preferably of fibre glass is passed through a hole centered in the bottom of the box. The top of the wick is imbedded in . the soil, the bottom drops into a pan below the box, and as long as there is water in the pan. the soil will be kept moist. With a large enough pan you can leave the box for days without attention. Sphagnum moss will not allow Grandfather'- methods of sowing garden seeds in a box to grow in ihe kiuhen window during the winter have been subjected by experiment stations to a series of rigid tests. Sometimes grandpa succeeded, and some-tirr s he failed; without knowing exactly why. . Science demands first to know wh., and then seeks a way to prevent failure. If all the pro-tec uve measures which have beft-.i recommended in the last few years were applied to a sin-le seed box isee illustration) her? is what it would have: EARLY ADVERTISING COPY WILL BE APPRECIATED plant fungi' to develop. By . j , j j )r 6fcCAUS(f j ( ??fjC (well-: I fr- WQMfcM THAT -J. .Jn e) tZZ. a r' drAk. OH K S ' GIVING VO-J W'!frf 'V SLT ao. ZZSS f I fftti DEi A CAGWCCC- ) -i fJT-i J- PFACMX ) (THIS ESPOM5lBLE ) iV VaI,w B iV?? 1 Ir 5i k J "2 5 aaa new mail ordcc ) rL' XT ?'7.??' CHId YOUNG- (OyJ T) J ' spreading a layer of moss on top of the soil, sowing the seeds in it, and covering lightly with more moss, germination will be quick, and loss by disease nil. But the moss will not take up water from below, and if wick-watering is used, it must be watered from I Automatic, watering, by i the wick method, to make sure J the soil never dried out. j 2. A layer of sphagnum mossj on top of the soil, in which the j seeds were sown, to prevent di-j seases, especially "damping off," i 'I " t - above until the seedlings grow that rhythm band instruments for Grades One and Two, pur chased with P.T.A. funds, had arrived. The treasurer's reDort was roots which reach the soil. Artificial lighting is not necessary, where a south window unshaded by outside trees or building, is available. But where which cannot develop in the' ar.L' biotic mos: ! . 3. A lamp, preferably flour-escent, suspended a foot above the box, so it can be turned on to supplement the daylight. read by Mrs. H. H, Thorn and a report on the activities of the it is not, if a floureseent lamp " ( I PtjT AN AD B.PE ) vw A I LL. Be T x ' " j , T I CAMT VylT TJ TELU W l f di C ""OR E-iHfr KEVJ ( ON HAND J v 7 OnOIF TkE GOJD NEA A (i"S ILJ rr ., WANT VOOTO J , SY. Jf lTHU?G ) S- N UPE ' T&L ' ijN ' P.T.A. Council was given by Mrs. D. Gomez, Conrad Street delegate. Membership chairman Mrs. Victor Pick reported' that the Conrad Street group now has a paid-up membership of 98. whenever light is needed. With this" equipment, none of which is expensive, any amateur gardener ought to be able to sow seeds of flowers or vegetables in an indoor -box, and is hung over the box, ,as indicated by the diagram, and kept lighted all night, the plants will get enough light. It will not be needed until they sprout. Mazda lights may be used, but they should be hung higher, so that the night temperature of the box does not rise above 65 bring the seedling plants up To transplanting size without disas' 'ler. .... Most important of these de P F D D Radio l)iaI V I I ! 1240 KllocyC M taubject to Change) WEDNESDAY P.M. 10:10-CBC News 10:15 Dr. G. G. Sedgwick 10:30 Biltmore Hotel Orch. . 11:00 Weather Forecast and Sign Off THURiSDAT! AM 7:00 Musical Clock 8:00 CBC News 8:15 Morning Song 8:30 Music for Moderns 8:45 Little Concert 9:00 BBC News and Comtry 9:15 Morning Devotions 9:30 Morning Concert 3:59 Time Signal 10:00 Ellen Harris. 16:15 Morning Melodies 1C: 30 Roundup Time 10:45 Scandinavian Melodies 11:00 Musical "Varieties 11:15 Songs of Today 11:30 Weather Forecast 11:31 Message Period U-.33 Recorded Interlude AND I GET A NSW iHS ( OH, Q(M?LINS, ) "J I ( I STA TOmoCCW sT S V r.?d r jCrfi i) voupe-A . ev iMTecviewiNG ' !"n i oPFice with My Tt5N V' eight name omthe r(b r W (woNoegFuc J . (eight &iaj5 foet Llf y , GiaS?) IC" '"'' !""" f i think: I'll put my JL-va Ve ! 1 I 7 TFT . : . DESK IN THE CENTER J f I I S , fci f ' POO- MOO v O C' - HtS I ano have tmem sit i' ) . 1 boo-hoo .'AN A OSCLE AtOUNO lVfl SjsrK V. 3o V-J? -1 4:00 Eomunct fcrocBxiurg 4:15 Stock Quotations and Int. 4:30 Maggie Muggins 4:45 Easy Listening 5:00 Rendezvous Room 5:30 Musical Cocktails 5:45 Supper Varieties' 6:00 Supper Serenade 6:15 Sammy Kaye 6:30 Musical Varieties 6:45 Plantation House Party 7:00 CBC News 7:15 CEC News Roundup 7:30 Rcital :00 The Well of English 8:30 Griller String Quartet 9:00-The Well of the Saints A. MacKENZIE FURNITURE LTD. "A Good Place to Buy" January Bedding Special consisting of 2" Steel Tubing Bedstead Steel - Ribbon Slat Spring Sprir,; - Filled Mattress in 33", 4', 4'6" ALL FOR $59.25 ALSO SPRING-FILLED MATTRESS SPECIALS 11:45 Lst's Waltz P.M. 12:00 Mid-Day Melodies 12:15 CBC News 12:25 Program Resume 12:30 B.C. Farm Broadcast 10:00 CBC, News 2v al York, panelled $S1.50 al York, plain .... S29.50 ' i Ladies who Knit- WILL BE PLEASED BY THE LARGE SELECTION OF FINE WOOLS NOW AVAILABLE AT VARIETY Sani -Filled $27.50 I I VTHetQmf H ,v 'f SULTAN - ! n ai forme? riiJiXj ilThl jt iu-A, All above have high-. tempered coil springs. ALL "SPECIALS" CASH FREE DELIVERY Phone 775 327 3rd Ave. MLSS CANADA BEEHIVE BOl'Ql ET NEWLAND'S CROY COSY AND WHITE LILAC FROM ENGLAND i ill ii 1 1 n ti i y-i 't i ii iiiii -' t i .vf i i i fcL.. ' ' j , i : Z Wrap : 'UBifr JT H IBS, jr.-w P nOW AVAILABLE 518 3rd Ave. W. Phone Red 400 I T .' 1 Us ' ' 71 1 ' ' l -r-C,. t : pmr r "T H 1 r whatever gave ) U v' -: FOR ALL TYPES OF PRINTING - mmmr I've' got i'P- Ji ?J S voU the idea f G-p- O rsz- 3 JErrp W HI'S iT",, f-: I f hh, n feivA tm-T OFFICE SUPPLIES HOME STATIONERY GREETING CARDS PENS AND PENCILS SEE Dilib Frisitiiig Co. LOOK FOR THE NEW RED AND WHITE GOLD SEAL LABEL Besner Block Phone 234 ; " ; ..S&f IH ,! I i' ' l. ' fifv., " x .. - 7 ' .