I- t , . - ' " j '. ' - : ' r. "... v T- LUIHERANS IN 13rince Hupctt Dail? Jeto Wednesday, January 12, 1919 -Local News Items . . . . . BEAUTY . . i UTILITY ANNUAL MEET mmimHi.itiiitmillMi iii'iiHiHHiMMt'ittHiiimiHii'imi'1 illiiliiilllllillllliiiUiiluiUllilllltt iiUlilliiill.iililhiiiLluUililllil llllllllllllli . Trlnce Rupert Gyro Club was in regular monthly business session at its weekly luncheon j f j Make it a Must! Visit Northland Dairy today. We will show you around. 12 tod;iv uith President. O. G. QUEEN MARY CARD PARTY Under the general convenor-ship of the regent, Mrs. S. A. Keilback, a successful bridge and cribbuge party was held Monday night at the Civic Cen Nick Mazoni of B.C. Packers gluar in the chair. St. rams Luriiciaii cnurth held its annual business meeting Tuesday evening at the church when reports were presented regarding the successful work of the past year and plans formulated fc the coming year. Rev. Earl Soiland presented the congregational report. A work- arrived in tlie city tills morning I from Vancouver on a business Sheardowns' are carrying all WORK CLOTHING Waist Overalls Nnt( li 1 li wt fid i rr n rl unt ill ... ECONOMY l,U WITH I jfLVAPLY WEATHERBOARD Jmkiicssis ol lliis Douglas Fir I'lywu odin stuck is fruin 12 tu 40 feet available for early delivery ilBERT & McCAFFERY LTD. formerly re '" VIIIUIIU J VV IIV- tJ. v trip. Mr. Mazoni sided here. (12) in and buy a bottle. Douglas Fisher, C.N.R. con tre. There were 14 tables and SALE- Special Sale of Used Fir Floorina. Northwest Con ductor, returned to the city on ners were: lng budget of $4500 was submit- j ' ted by the treasurer, O. D. I , m mm Bridge Ladies first, Mrs. S the Prince Rupert this morning from a holiday trip to - LUMHER HUILDING SUPPLIES rilUNE 116 The annual general meeting' ! Haugen, as the amount needed for the operating expense for 1949. The matter of painting the exterior of the church was discussed a-nd referred to the church council. The choice of a delegate for of the Prince Rupert Fishing Currie; second Mrs. J. Stewart; men's first, T. W. Brown; second, Mrs. E. V. Whiting. Cribbagc ladies' first, Mrs. A. J. Croxford; second, 'Mrs. J. Delorme; men's first, J. De-Delorme, Mrs. George Rodger. Vessel Owners Mutual Protect struction, general contractors. Four doors west of Prince Rupert Hotel.- Phone 563. (12) C. A. Berner, C.N.R. divisional superintendent, is leaving on this evening's train for a routine inspection tour over the line as far as Jasper Park. NOTICE f rum January 10 to Jan. 22, the Pioneer Canadian ive Fund will be held In the com ;,(:; am railroads mon lounge. Civic Centre Sunday January 10th at 2:30 p.m. All ways being the biggest users in li d iroin rage i) ion. Mrs. Mattson ,with No. 165. the convention of the church at Canad of steel and iron, special members please attend. 12) J ln j machines and devices have been tice - president Duwt lor ine pnysicai testing of Laundries offer you $2.50 worth was the winner in the raffle of embroidered pillowslips. ' Mrs. Keilback was assisted by a committee consisting of Mrs. F. M. Kempton, Mrs. J. Stewart, Mrs. M. J. Keays, Mrs. W. J. and Jeans , Western Glove, Caribou, G. W.G. and Headlight. PAIR 32t) 10 $395 Bib Overalls! Western Glove, Headlight andG.W.G. PAIR $4.25, $4.35 ind $4.50 Carpenters' ' Overalls Western Glove and Headlight. PAIR $475 and $5.15 Coveralls Western Glove, Hickory Stripe CC 5fi San Francisco next May was also referred to the church council. Officers elected were Secretary, Bernhof Pedersen. Treasurer, Clarence Odland. Junior department of the Sun- metals used in track, motive of dry cleaning for $2.00. Any Victoria Lcighton, young Met-lakatla woman, was brought to hospital here for medical attention to a leg injury .which she thing over $2.50, 20 off. Water power and car equipment 1 research and defend A. D. MacPhcr-'er of tests and ma-rch, Mr. Vaughan yng of samples from !B of Canada and cf- 3' u bridges, shops and machine proofing and moth proofing at received at the nearby village a small extra charge. (12) tools. Technical methods have Lineham, Mrs H. A Breen, Mrs. G. E. Moore and Mrs. George yesterday. The injury was day school, Mrs. Lars Olson. -lie t Senior department, Rev. Earl sec Howe". thought to be a possible ankle j fracture. She was taken to hos- JANUARY CLEARANCE SALE SuiU, Overcoats, Shoes,, mis been devised to simulate ln a short time stresses and strains which would normally occur only after months or years of actual service. In this way, faults are discovered and cor cellaneous items. All sale goods at cost. Saie commences Mon HOTEL ARRIVALS Soiland. Council members Richard Giske, Julius Johnson, Anton Dybhavn, Martin Valderhaug, Arne Husoy, Alf Jensen, Erling Wick and Jacob Strand. Board of deacons Martin Val day, January 10. Prince Rupert pital in the city ambulance. Northland Dairy is contacting all Inquiries as soon as possible. If you wish tickets for Northland Dairy products phone 18 and a salesman will call or : bcinu Biade to develop and jd C: iiiiaii sources of sup- tpe company' necda. v jical section of the jfcboru.fli ics, located on the jRoor fif the four-storey pg formerly occupied by jt.R.S.lXC A., analyzes and i an efidless list of prod- Fishermen's Co-op. (HI Prince Rupert HAPPY SON OF HERO Emll Beaudry, Jr., five-year old son of Lleut.-Col. Emil Beaudry, hero pilot of the ski-equipped transport plane which rescued 12 U.S. air force fliers from a Greenland icecap, makes with the telephone for the benefit of photographers as he waits with his mother and sister at the Westover, Mass., airport for the arrival of Pop from his dangerous Arctic mission. Suit ANNETTE MANSI XL'S January Clearance of Dresses. 75 Dresses to clear at 2 for the derhaug (three years); Karl M. Dubcau, Terrace; D. Port Simpson; H. Vancouver. A. Spnak, Woodcock; Mr. and Mrs. G. Campbell, Kitkatla; Mr. and Mrs. G. tickets may be obtained at Sheardowns'. (12) Kjolbotn (two years) and Gus-tav Mostad (one year). Youth committee, Miss Curino Helte and Rudolph 6lsen. jy meads of test tubes, fur-I and! given accelerated Mr. and Mrs. Ian Dunbar re rected and formulate deter- J mined for different .alloys to provide greater strength and durability. The laboratories are also equipped to conduct special research. Inventions are being tested and new ideas are being proved. Some are the product of employees, others come frum the manufacturers of railroad supplies and equipment and some jcring ysts under extremes Lockaby, Edmonton; T. H. Anderson, Statesville, North Carolina; R. L. McLean, Vancouver; turned this morning on the Prince Rupert from Vancouver iht, neat ana saiv spray price of 1. You buy one and get one free. This .season's dresses, newest styles and fabrics. Call early for a better selection at 525 3rd Ave. West. Uf) SHEARDOWNS luive two 'phones 585 and 580. They also have a free delivery service. Use HOW CAN I ? Mrs. H. Philip and children, fails and coals are analyzed eat value. Lubricants and from a week's honeymoon trip following their . marriage here last Thursday. Caribou fiC A A Blue Denim.VJ.UV.Suit Headlight fl7 Off 1 Blue Drill V Suit Painters' Overalls and Smocks-' Western Glove -j Make fl "- Garment ' Work Shirts Priced from $1.75 10 $3.95 AIR PASSENGERS By ANNE ASHLEY Q. How can 1 remove I deodorizing and germ! rust Terrace; B. Hammer, Terrace; J. Whiting, Bella Coola; C. W. Harris, ' Chicago; J. Dunlop. Smithers. intl-Jfreeze and other from curtain pins? To Vancouver Mr. and Mrs them for your convenience. i kals all go through the are received from Individuals, A. To remedy this, let the pins stand for a few minuter in a cup of water to which a Norman Nelson of Nelson SALE! Deane's Quality Cleaners offer 20 discount on all dry I cleaning orders of $2.50 and over. Time Jan. 10 to Jan. 22. Don't miss this chance to get k procedures to determine jy ar effective appllca-; r.irr lilowinn. Dlaln and J. Miller, O. Anderson, M. Pos-tuk. From Vancouver J. Humphries; from Sandspit, Mrs. Fal-lis. Mrs. Kirbv. Mr. and Mrs. L. any suggestion likely to contribute to greater efficiency, more economical or safer transportation is examined. Smelter slag Bros. Fisheries Ltd. arrived in the city on the Prince Rupert is i c on ine premises Announcements All advertiseiituiiB mi tnm column wul be charged fur k I -ill montb at U6 ceou a word $2.50 value for $2.00. Call 283 and our driver will call and de let a'.l requirements. is being probed for use as rock ; Crozieri x PWers and E. Ej little ammonia has been added. Then take them out and rub well. ' Q. How can I improve the flavor of tea? this morning on a business trip to the company's Port Edward plant. 01 locusi ballast, the merits iprin- is are being made to t ttrmine the use of fcal t 'uets from sawdust versus maple Insulator pins on .. 1 -. 1 n V, 1 , f. ...... Cribbagc, Whist, Bridt liver daily. (13)' George Green, Imperial Oil Co. district representative, returned on the Prince Rupert this morning from a business , . Catholic School Hall, Jan tioncd, and a study is being lonit: aus bark to replace oral me veei in a mass jiu . nuu p.m. Booth P.T.A. lo:d dl.ncoai in dining maue oi me suiYuge vaiuc ui tea and musical, a small piece to the teapot before pouring in the boiling water, when makine tea. and see how it ' And for heating re-1 " uscd aboard motor vessels Thursday, January 27. trip to Ocean Falls. r s in winter, mere u,,u -. iw,ubiuii i pwbw vs-v m A improves the flavor. Bulns Banquet, Presbyterian Church Thurs. Jan. 27. Q. How can I obtain the best Hall, to identity ana 4. cornier zinc, po- n mn ai r Coast Purser's Cousin Promoted results; when eleitnlnir mirrors? The Shrine Club Band will A. Do not clean mirrors with (hold a concert at the Civic C I i Jiel, titanium and ft ti ats in materials and ivkl ualily control. There impuft testing, of chlna..- or dinfjig cars and hotels. Z.lualin of insulating ma-iy and the Investigation ol Centre January 31. Cambrai Chapter I. O. D. E. Valentine Tea and Home Cooking Feb. 10. ' Captain Cecil Hughes Hallett , soap and water. Rub them with R.N.. who commanded naval a paste of whiting and water, forces in the raid on Dieppe ln ( Wncn dry poli.sn witn a dry 1942, has been appointed to the chamois, rank of Rear Admiral, it has FOR YOUR 'CHICKEN IN THE ROUGH CALL RED 705 CIVIC CENTKE DINING ROOM Timely Reape Frozen Almond Custard Two-thirds cup evaporated milk '4 cup granulated sugar '4 cup cocoa ' Few grains salt 'a cup water made for damaged ship- PAUSE ami REFLECT been announced in London. Capt. Hughos-Hallett is a cousin of Percy Hughes-Hallett, assistant purser on the Canadian National steamer Prince Rupert. - niclallurgii-al .section is scimiiB various types ol 1 egg yh and costings for compo- i teaspoon vanilla extract tensiic, spring, iatigue M 'ill rear rai;stance. The rail- CilrMerchunls .This coat is one of (lie many amazing values Sued Sixlcn is ul'fcrini; (luting the January Clearance Sale i cup chopped unblanched almonds Chill evaporated milk In re HlCao ft: ri h t . A City merchants are asked in future to have ropy for all display advertisements into the Daily News office by 4 p.m. of the day previous to their publication. This co-operation will greatly assist the mechanical department in keeping to the regular hour for publication. mm r OF comfortable, satin interlined, wool gabardine, it is a coat you'll wear through Spring, Summer and Fall. If you are Interested in saving come and look at the sale values we are fcring on ; 1 . frigerator to Ice crystal stage. Combine sugar, cocoa, salt and water, and cook until thick, stirring constantly. Cool. Beat egg and add cooled syrup and flnvorinn. Whip evaporated milk until stiff; fold Into egg and cocoa mixture with chopped almonds. Pour into refrigerator tray, place in freezing compartment with control set at lowest temperature and freeze. Stir mixture occasionally. When firm, reset temperature control to normal. if winter's here-.. It is time to think about SI'ICING REPAIRS If your house gutters need attention, If your boat needs new tanks, see us; we have the equipmnet and experience ' to do anything in the Sheet Melal line. THOM SHEET METAL LTD. 253 East i'irsl Ave. l'liuue 1JLACK 881 ! Sli stuffy transient con-few drops of Va-tro-nul It quickly reduces con-tkes breathing euler In lives grand relief from tufly diEtres of head Irccttons ln the package. JATROKOL SWEET DREAMS. LITTLE PRINCE -Babies are just babies, whether they are born in palaces or in humble homes. They all like to sleep. Prince Charles Philip Arthur George of Edinburgh, son of Princess Elizabeth, is pretty good at it. He is royally snoozing here In the arms of Nurse Helen Maude Rowc, the midwife who attended the Princess. K COATS, I Tlv-TKIMMi n COATS VKNING DKESSKS ami SKIRTS HOLIDAY DKKSSI'S u k i'kei'e aiti;knoon SKIRTS ONE CENT . CANDY SALE JANUARY 10 -15 Makes about 1 pint. i!i.oisi;s lazi:rs ANNE'S Opposite Health Unit Take advantag" of these bargains. Uuy on Sweet Sixteen's Personalized BUDGET PLAN No Interest No Carrying Charges ou Will V ftouJ 4' IF and QieLly , ir si party dish )? MoA is numbing or Healing Cat! SMITH & ELK1NS! Hume 171 Bus 271 Pocket Knives Carving Sets IVOR beyond compare. Color g.y, PYREX DOUBLE BOILERS klciir. Consistency perfect. And this dvlooking party disli is remarkably easy Commodore Cafe Table Cutlery Casseroles "iioinieal to make with Jcll-O! f O tomliiitcs perfectly with so nuny fruits, "iidcrful desserts with vegetables, for Special Deluxe $41.95 THOMPSON HARDWARE CO. LTD. i'lful salads. 'l Icll-Os famous "lockeJ-in" flavors mean WMMMMflK HUM A A 4 VJ i 1 iiurrvhttt dishes plain, or attractively Ik My UhM4 FMHw-TetKh Ifrhit riat Wlnatt in countless ways. Look for the big red on the Icl -O Uv. t V Tu9 Ann" ,.i reu ,. . . .i,,- v J " are spveri famous Jell-O flavors y M . -Jm 1. It'll--' HOLLYWOOD cafe Most Up-lo-Date Cafe in the City Open from 8 p.m. to 4 a.m. COMIXETELV RENOVATED "Better Than Ever" Best Food and Service In City Vhoiie 17 fur Send-out Orders Third Ave. David Chow, Mgr. . mm mm . . mil w' Jell O il o lrod mnrk ownd by General Foods, limited We Specialize hi Chinese Dishes CHOP SUEY CHOW MEIN FOR OUTSIDE ORDERS PHONE 133 I'lIONE 311 Ik Bride street Classified Ads Bring Results! i