MM ORf.lES DRUGS Daily Delivyer PHONE 81 , . NORTHERN AND CENTRAL BRITISH COLUMBIA'S NEWSPAPER Published at Canada's Most Strategic Pacific Port "Prince Rupert, the Key to the Great Northwest." VOL. XXXVUI. No. 9. PKh(.'E RUPERT, b. C ..WEDNESDAY, JANUARY 12, 1949 PRICE FIVE CENTS D, DATE i ENDED Over Alar Widespread Search On phi ItcMiHs in rnioii (or I in Vancouver , JUVKR, (P -San Jen-f-ate o tlie Martime Police Spreading Net Vancouver's Kidnap-Counterfeit Gang r fM r s Mr - "A C U .U7-i K'-f . : :': l? 'if .'4 Pa estin and Boilermakers in , S Slispt liuu lUi uuv the Vancouver Labor jrCLi last night. VANCOUVER Search lor an alleged kidnap and counterfeit ring last night spread across Canada as the Royal Canadian Mounted Police stepped Into the hunt for a gang ehareed with .ension uiosc irom a WORLD PEACE WAGE INCREASE u lie tin A two weeks ago with k o r a, Intel national ,.t-s of America dele- nuijority of delegates the suspension which Jenkins. SAID JUSTIFIED THREATENED . I;--' ilOUll OTTAWA, The Canadian Congress of Labor said yesterday that it considered a general keeping a 6G-year-old engraver prisoner for five days. Ernest W. Conduit, who came here from Toronto In June, was the victim. He was held In chains and shackled for four days to a bed in an upstairs room of a Dunbar district bungalow and then removed to a cell-like ciosel In an unhealed basement. m at 1 Ti l WFATHFP i 1 KW I fir '.V 5C r I . -i :X-. 'I British Foreign Office Denies Bevin Resignation Over Palestine LONDON The British Foreign Office, in a. statement yesterday, declared that recent developments in Palestine constituted a serious threat to world peace. Saying that the United Nations security council was losing control of the situation, the statement asserted that the wage increase for Canadian ! workers to be justified by pres- eiit conditions. The Congress issued its statement to this ef-iect after its executive council Iiad discussed the wage question. The amount of increases to be asked will be determined by individual unions in the light of conditions in their industries ilier is unusually .set-Kiili U Columbia broad band of high across the province nl arras of the Pally niildr weather Is into the MiuUiein Still shaken by the experience, the elderly engraver was considered too weak last night to Rive reporters a first account of the ordeal. He had given his wife a fragmentary account DENSE FOG IN VANCOUVER VANCOUVER First ciense fog since November enveloped Vancouver today. At the same time ice and frost covered the streets and endangered traffic. Automobiles and street cars were delayed or tied up. Ships had to move with caution in the harbor. Aircraft departures and arrivals were delayed. " BATTLE OF TIENTSIN SHANGHAI Radio reports from the great North China industrial city, of Tientsin said that the garrison of 00,00') nationalist troops had rejected communist demand for surrender. Chinese officiate at Nanking, immediately threatened by Communists, have already writttn off th city as lost. Although there is and plants. c cloudiness m me ;he interior ami over present crisis was the result of Jewish aggression. Reports current yesterday that Foreign Secretary Ernest Bevin had submitted his resign nation to Prime Minister Clement Attlee on account of plo- , icy in Palestine were denied. .; Pennsylvania Miner Crushed to Death ers there is still no of widespread rains. Forecast i ist and Queen Char- earlier yesterday at their home. Inspector R. F. Wilson of the Vancouver cl.y police criminal Investigation bureau said last nicht that the Royal Canadian Mounted Police entered the mystery thriller case in connection with the counterfeiting operations of the alleged kidnapping uang. CAIRNBROOK, Pa.-A band Overcast, occasional ! J ti 1t-'FI" iv and intermittent of miners worked more than thirteen hours in one-man relays early today to rescue a fellow worker but he died shortly afterwards in hospital. Wil kht and tomorrow. Some British newspapers, discussing the shooting down of , British planes by Israeli, question why British planes, pilots and prestige should be risked in independent reconnaissances instead of in co-operation with i Search for the suspects is being aided by bulletins dis liam Wallace. 27. was crushed s. little chithgc in s. Lows toniyht and rrow: Port Hardy 32 it 35 and . 40, under a 20-ton rockslide yesterday in the Cairnbrook mine patched across the Dominion Police found Conduit Monday of the Loyal Hanna Coal Co. He was unconscious when freed. night chained to a heavy Iron United Nations observers. " CHARGES DENIED A Foreign Office spokesman SLIPPERY MOTORINO - Traffic crawled across Lions Gate Bridge in Vancouver as ice coated the traffic lanes on the busy bridge. By using extreme care, all got over without accident. A thaw after a heavy snow and freeze-up made all B C. highways dangerous. (CP Photo) chest. He was alone in the J ; t 32 and 38. Wd for today denied Israeli charges house. Thirty Teet of chain and a padlock had been used to that Britain had supplied arms shackle both legs. Year's Sawlog to the Arab states in contraven- Conduit told the jiollce that ICE IN members of the gang, who at TODAY'S STOCKS .CASE (I'lHU'tcsy i i Johnston t'u, ) all times concealed their laces with Ku Klux Klan-llke hood.; and were heavily armed, tried -h force hlffrto tisr his engraving I rate; V'.V. 1). Vance Tuesday skill to produce bogus bank bills. tio nof the United Nations security council arms embargo. To the contrary, aa em-jargo had beea undertaken "on a massive scale" in the Interests of Israeli. ' "If there is a threat to peace resulting from the Palestine situation, this derives from persistent violations of the security truce by Iaraeli authoriUes." The British cabinet was called into session today to study the Palestine crisis. fc of OusUiv Etnal who 1 (ritllltr f.i 1... ..I...-,..,., i The gang consisted of five or k court after lie had been d up by city constables on COLLABORATOR ARRESTED WASHINGTON The United States Department of Justice today announced the arrest in Germany of a former Department of State employee accused of treasonous- wartime collaboration with the Nazis. He is Herbert John Burgman, aged 52, native of Hokah, Minnesota, who worked for twenty years in the United States embassy in Berlin as a clerk and economic statistician. PHYSCHIATR1STS SEE WAR NEW YORK Unless something is done about the growing emotions of "fear" and "greed," a third world war is inevitable, the American Physchiatric Association said today in a warning which was issued as an "objective medical document" rather than a "political criticism," NEW C.C.L. DEMANDS OTTAWA The Canadian Congress of Labor yesterday gave the nod to its unions to make new wage demands and suggested that efforts be made to have social security provisions inserted in new contracts with employers. In a prepared statement issued after the executive council had studied the wage question, the Congress said .that it considered "general wage increases for Canadian workers" to be "justified by the present conditions." CONSTRUCTION MOUNTS OTTAWA Canada's post-war industrial expansion was reflected today in a Bureau of Statistics report showing that value of construction had soared to an all-time high of $1,256,536,000 in 11)47 Figures on 1948 statistics have hot yet been six men who openly talked of their counterfeit plan, especially of making of $20 bills. d Avinnif following a theft 0 aii .(12 z .09 1.4.7 .0j - ,'.)U .07 5!M) 3 50 .uiil.i f r o in a downtown A neighbor became suspicious when he noticed that no one left called Kuilty to a Lake Ktnvau .O'i'i Lapa.ska . 10V: Little Lon Lac 1.00 Lynx - .14 Madsen Red Lake . . 2.74 McKenie K'd Lake . .43 McLcod Cocksliutt 1.12 Moneta 51 Negus 2.40 Noranda 57.50 Louvicourt 40', z Pickle Crow 2.32 Rcgcouil 05',4 San Antonio 4.10 Senator Rouyn ... .40!-i Sherrit Gordon 2.38 Steep Rock 1.05 Sturgeon River . .17 Silver Miller .: 37 the house for days and called shopliHing involving; the police. Th men burned some papers ( a lock fmru t lie Kaien Monday afternoon. was laid by Joe usscd the clock after visited the store a Output High ;' Sawlog scale hi the Trince Rupert forestry district last 'year was the greatest since 1944 and the second highest for the 10-year period, production figures provided by the office of District Forester M. V. Gormely reveal. Total sawlog scale in 1948 was 209,030,285 board feet. Only year to exceed that amount in the last decade was 1944 when production of sawlogs totalled 263,988,494.. However. 1948 production exceed that of 1947 by about a million board feet. Production during December, 1948 was 17,331,565, a drop of more than 9,000,000 under November and some 8,000,000 feet less than December, 1947. Pole and piling production last year was 3.100,804 lineal feet, slightly more than a million feet greater than, the previous year. Pole and piling cut in December was 167,965 lineal feet, more than double that of December, 1947. Railroad tie production last month was negligable. During the same period, only 64 ',z cords of fuel wood were cut. and lert the house Itlteen minutes before the arrival of the police. Conduit, who was In the cm-ploy of CIcJand-Kcnt Engraving Co., had gone to the house in s earlier, Lenal was CLAXTON WANTS WATERWAY SOON SAULT STE. MARIE Speaking here last night, Hon. Brooke Claxton, minister of national defence .expressed favor for an early start and speedy completion of the St. Lawrence waterway and power project in the interests of "national defence and international security." u Third Avenue near Vamoiiver Bayonne Bralorne B. R. Con B. 11. X. Cariboo Quartz Congress lledley .. Pacific Eastern... Ptnd Orcillo Pioneer Premier Bolder . Privateer ... Reeves McDonald Reno Sheep Creek . Silbak Premier Taku River Vanunda Salmon Gold Spud Valley Oils AiMilo Canadian . A. I. Con Atlantic Calmont C. & E ,. , . Central Leduc Home Oil Mercury Ok a 1 In raeific Pete ... Princess Royal Canadian . South Brazeuu Toronlo f I with a clock in his answer to an advertisement for an engraver. pleaded guilty Tues- 1 ajciiargr of wearing an ft-'rv. i.ian's laoel button iwut sliilioritv. .19 ' 3 or. .07 1 .55 .an .34 .38 .13 .08 4 Xj .24 8(1 .40 0.15 1 48 12:25 14',z 1 .00 2 75 .38 'z .11 .22 Twelve Children Burned to Death manded for sentence I'S. CHATEAU D'OEX, Switzer rMITISIl WOMAN ii iiai:i) today MANCHESTER. Eng. h Margaret Allan, 43-year-old spinster, who dressed like a man, was hanged today for the murder of a neighbor. She was the first woninn to he executed in England in twelve years. land O' Twelve children on a Hotel Clerk Is Beaten to Death WINNIPEG, Robert Mab-ley, aged 48, night clerk in a downtown hotel, was beaten to death Monday night and a beer mountain 1 ml may trip and a nurse died in a fire at Lcs LJCAL TIDES Snow Is Deep On Skcena Highway fliursilv. Jamiiirv i:i 1'H'i OiNillons children's camp early today. The boys and girls, from HO( Kl V M OKI'S Pacific Coast League Vancouver 4, Taconia 2. Fresno 5, New Westminster 2. San Diego 4, Oakland 3. seven to fourteen years of age, are believed to have been the parlor waiter in the same establishment was questioned by the police, Mabley was found Snow is deep on the Skeenaj Highway between Tyee andi Terrace, said Superintendent C. 0:32 12:0!. :o:i lil:Mi 17.7 feel 21.5 feel. 0.1 feel 2 .') led children of well-to-do parents i. t I e III J lail.'iiltH (' UMU IM'IH'VU. Hat ,1)111. H.I.... UMBMIMIMIIII-WIMWWPWT on tne fIoor of the hotel lobby-of A. Berner, speaking yesterday weather conditions along the j u"erlng from wounds. . ,1 H .iiawN"f Atliona i 1 13 I 3 - . 4 Au mui ue Beveourl Uohjo SCIENCE AND RAILROADS Buffalo Canadian , CohmjI. Smellers Con west river, it win, he expects, remain that way until spring is nearer and there is more reason to assume that winter is realiy over. So far this season, said Mr. Berner, the slides have been many .often sweeping right across the tracks, highway and well out into the Skeena. Doitalda Eldona Diversified Activities at New C.N.R. Research Lab Near Montreal East Sullivan Giant Yeilowknile God's Lake Hard rock Harricana Heva 1 Iosco Jacknif'e ... .12 -Ti II-'- M O N T R E A L Canada's continuing contribution to the science of railroading was spotlighted here today when R, C, Vaughan, C.M.O., chairman and president of the Canadian National Railways, officially inspected the new research and testing laboratories of the com- ISLAND TRAPPERS ARE INDIGNANT Defernfriit of Opening Date Washes Out Their Revenue n JOHNSON NLVV TRADE ENVOY OTTAWA ihU. M. Johnson, head of the external affairs department's far eastern and Ani-erican division, today was named Acting Canadian High Commissioner in Dublin. He replaces Hon. W. F. M. Turgeon, appointed chairman of the Roy id A1H foRCE MEN KECUED- Rescue efforts were litully 1 for the crew of the U.S. plane marooned for over two a Greenland icefield. Buffeted ,by a 100-mile-an-hoir Vy at Point Ste. Charles. MASSETT Queen Charlotte Island trappers are all but de- Designed primarily to evalu-prived of their winter livelihood ate the merits and qualities of the thousands of dollars worth the bv new regulations whereby the trapping season is deferred of materials and supplies pur-from January 1 to March 1 by chased dailyby the railway, to ' which time the skins are past discover new and better prod-their prime. Much is the indig- ucts and to check and revise nation among the trappers at specifications for the multiform the action. Muskrat is tne prin- requirements of the system and companies it has cipal skin here and a normal I18 anctiIlary I taken two years to bring the season often ti nets as much as g of the new labora. i ttuuil c-47 cracked uu on the lee at Narsarssuak, ureei- Navy's 10,000-ton escort carrier Salpan was 0 leave her base at Norfolk, Virginia and proceed U V ( " " - " I .... i- i 'V Br,:. Ttv 3" ffliii(tTnTT " -Ill I I nKfin . il 'i mnnmtw- m&M MWM Commission on national trans- P'fl to rescue the men from the icecap wim neucopieia. were dropped by parachute. Tris rescue plajie became portauoii "d to be marooned on the Greenland icecap when it was LINSLADE, Bucks, Eng., $000 m proceeds. The Change inuories mt0 fuU operation. INDONESIAN VS. HOLLAND IN U.N. COUN CIL Pictured here during a recess at the United Nations Security Council in Paris are Dr. J. H. Van Royen, Dutch delegate, left, and Indonesian republic representative L. M. Palar (cen tre, group at right t who is seen in earnest conversation with El Khouri Bey, the Syrian delegate. Paiar appta:ed for decisive United Nations action to halt the fighting. Van Royen defended the Netherlands' action. The United States pared to press a resolution calling for an immediate new truce in Indonesia. while attempting rescue of those already marooned Harrv Smith has won i.uuu pen a glider and crew of two men joined the two plane Accompanied by S. W. . Fair-tContlnued on Page 3) the opening date, it is said, will practically wash this out. puitin gfor hslp. The third attempt was successful and jrizes in 50 years wit Man raO lits. crews were taken to safety.