!1 . ( f p t 1 I. I ptince Uuuctt Dailp rectos Wednesday, January 12, 1919 FRANCOIS LAKE lt-rained during the night until the early hours on Thursday morning when it turned to snow which did not let up until noon. Depth of snow was eighteen indies. The snow lodged on everything and the branches were heavy with it and the countryside was beautiful but people were far too busy shovelling snow from paths and roofs and grumbling about the state of the roads to appreciate the beauty of the scenery. Water was dripping from the roofs but by night the temperature started to drop and soon it was sub-zero. The snow plough came out as COMMITTEES OF CHAMBER (1. It. S. Itlarkaby Makes His Scire lions for Year Prince Rupert Chamber of Commerce committees for the year have been appointed as follows by President O. R. S. Blackaby: Alaska F. J. . Skinner. 0. R. Brett, J. C. GUker, O. C. Mitchell. Constitution and Bylaws J. T. Harvey, E. T. Applcwhaitc, A. Brooksbank. Entertainment R. McKay, IT'S THE TALK OF THE TOWN! WALLACE'S Affteir Xinraas SALE! FINE CONCERT i AT GREENVILLE Sum of $11)0 Added to Fund for Band's New I'niforms GREENVILLE Over $400 was collected for the new uniform fund vkliich has now reached $1700 when the Greenville Conceit Band staged an ambitious concert in the Community Hall recently. The uniforms, which it is estimated will cost between $3000 and $4000, are now on older from an eastern clothing firm. With all but three of the members home for the winter, the band has been having a very successful season and Bandmaster Fred McKay Is well pleased with the degree of proficiency which has been obtained. The band has already started on the second term of winter practice and will hold another concert in early spring. -' .V;. Krr tlt -, I , - - - , i - far as the ferry wharf to allow the traffic to get to town. IT'S THE TALK OF THE TOWN! Mrs. N. E. Arnold, N. P. Baker. W. F. Stone. Finance M. C. Brydgc.s, A. J. Dominato, D. W. G. Stewart. Fisheries H. S. Whalcn, P. K. Dcane, II. Hansen, E. J. Mr. and Mrs. Wallace Antilla moved into the forestry residence at Southbank on Thursday. Mr. Antilla is forest range r. Smith. of Dceks-McBride Ltd. in the 1000 block on Main Street. The fire is believed to have been caused by a short circuit. Damage has not yet Ivm estimated. Freight Rates G. G. Withers, F. Dibb, R. K. Elklns, A. Mackenzie. Grain and Peace River A. J. OUT BRIEF CANuU primitive nma viln, 6l fire couldn't l,,, , stricken than B-m-u, beth B'irclus as she the flame of the csC away the last hours Bonnie is only c.j..j.. Vancouver; Plant Is Fire-Damaged VANCOUVER (f One of Vancouver's leading suppliers of building supplies will be lied up lor at least two day." as a result of a fire which ripped through its False CreeiC p-.int last night. Flames shot 75 feet into the air The January Women's Institute meeting which should have! been held at Mrs. Lec Cooper's j home on Thursday has beenj postponed as the roads were Dominato, E. Gordon, R. G. Band President Leonard Douglas made a speech anc the program of the recent concert was as follows: March "Sarafand" (O. H. Will-cocks) . Hopkins, A. D. Ritchie., Highways J. Gurvich, G. D. SW1NTON, Eng., (P Plate-licking by dons has been banned at the Civic Restaurant as "un- Frizzell, H. P. Kraupner, A. D. I old so she has no on Everead Hlckcy missed coining! offer of 1943. Ritchie. from a mixer plant conveyor belt" nygenic." Immigration W. M. Watts. for the Noralec, Clcmretta and Colleymount mail for the first TRAIN SCIlKl) SEVEN DIE IN CHINESE BANK STAMPEDE Trying to exchange inflated paper currency for gold bullion and silver dollars, some 200.000 Chinese stormed government banks. At least seven persons were killed and hundreds injured in the riots. This scene at the Bank of Communications in Shanghai shows police, supported by a armored car, striving to maintain order. C. A. Berner. J. J. T. Collart, S. Darton. Labor P. M. Ray, J. II. M. Brwmner, B. Morgan, G. G. Withers. Lumber N. G. Kingston, R. E. Montador, W. R. MacAfce, time for more than twenty-live or the Kast years this week. He started to! Monday, Wnlucvj come but only travelled a mile' 8:00 p.m. when he found that it was quite l roni the ! i t impossible tj get through until Tuesday, Tlmuijy the road was ploughed out. j 10:45 p.m. i r I!H SKU TON j, Timely Topics from Terrace Mrs. C. H. Dc Kerjjonnneaux, Terrace Reporter TODAY 7 P.M. - 9 P.M. U , I I tr 'A SOUTHERN YAM G. II. Stanbridge. Municipal R. Parker, C. Ab-trciouibie, J. E. Boudie, P. II. Liney. Membership M. F.- Stewart, G. J. Dawes, E. D. Forward, W. J. McLean. YOUNC.STEKS TO HAVE SKATINC KINK WELL KNOWN BUSINESS PROPERTY SOLI) March "Sussex by the Sea ' (W. Ward-Higgsl. Overture "William Tell"' (O. Rossini i. March "Manhattan Beach" J. P. Sousa. March "Old Comrades" (C. Teikc. Waltz "Old Timers" M. L. Lake i. , March "Imperial Echoes" (Arnold Safronl'. Overture "Semiramide" (G. Rossini i. March "Sons of the Brave" (T. Bidgood). Overture "Poet aid Peasant" iFr v. Suppe). Cornet solo, "Honeysuckle Polka" by Joshua McKay. Vocal solo. "The Holy City," by George Lcesoiv Clarinet s-olo, "Long. Long Ago',' by Rufus McNeil. March "The Geat Little Army ' (Kenneth J. Alford'. March "Marching Thro' Georgia" G. Miller). Selection "Reminiscences of Scotland" (Fred Godfrey). W hr knlhnf dnw Kmfr Kmp ntth the (jrmfnt f - J -- 7-0 p in. x2lI3 I Mining G. G. Mitchell, L. W. LcFlur, A. Murray. T. N. Youngs. National Affairs W. D. Lam-bie, S. A. Cheesoman, R. E. Mortimer, J. W. Rogerson. Port and Marine N. Oerrard, A. Brooksbank. W. Cruickshank, J. Shortill. Publicity A. E. Smith. E. T. It was just a year ago on Sunday morning that the Catholic Church here was badly damaged by fire. Whereas it was the floor that was wrecked there, the floor of the United Church in Sunday morning's fire was not damaged at all. C. Michiel has started an outdoor skating rink for the youngsters of Terrace on the cement foundation of an old army building near the power house. Co-operating are Art Kennedy. H. Blain, H. Larsen and the B. C. Power Commission and the municipality offering to donate the use of hose and water. 4 BIG DAYS -WED. TO SAT. Id MILLIONAIRE COP TO WED The engagement of Elliott Luc'lington Lambcr., heir to the Lambert Pharmacal millions, now a probationary cop on the St. Louis police force, to Nancy Niedringhaus, daughter of the millionaire head of a transcontinental truckling li'ie has been announced. The 24-year Lambert stands to Inherit a big chunk of the Listerine millions but he itends to go right on pounding a police beat. Lambert quit Williams' College several months ago to don the blue uniform. His bride- to-be is 19, an heiress in her own right, and they will be married next June. Applcwhaitc. Mrs. N. E. Arnold, R. G. Hopkins, G. A. Hunter. Public Utilities -H. A. Breen, W. A. Armstrong, T. B. Black, A. Murray. " Radio - G. J. Dawes. J. II. Black, M. C. Brydgcs. J. D. Mc-Rae. Resolutions for Associated Marion Miller came up from Prince Rupert on Monday's train and returned on Tuesday with her mother. Mrs. Martin Miller, who has been a patient at the local hospital and who is going to her daughter's homo to convalesce. Word has been received in Terrace the Jimmy Wong, who is visiting in his old home in China, has recently been married there. ' Classified Ads Bring Results! Advertise In the Daiiy News! j s w f 2: o: There is no official word yet on the opening of the military Mrs. Norah Olson lefl at the A ,,,.,.,, . - ' ' . ' ' week-end for Prince Rupert IZT ' " "' where she will have dental at-' Door Mats Heavy RubU'r and Wire Coiislnnliw Sixe 14x22 1.85 Size 21x-'51 ... " 16x27 2.fi3 " 21x:;n SPECIAL SIZES AND SHAPES MADE TO nil'-Price 1.15 per square foot Coco Fibre Mats Size 16x27 1.2,') Size 2f.v;o . . . nospnai as nn institution although several applications have been received for the job of en Retail II. J. Marchant. P. tcntion. - Ganiuia. COOK O. W. Murray, J. D. gineer recently advertised. fcmltr ELECTRICALLY and ENJOY THE DIFFERENCE George Dover, who has b'-Cii quite ill at his home for the past few weeks, left on Tuesday's train accompanied by Mrs. Dover for Prince Rupert where The block of stores comprising the Empire Meat .Market, H.uigland's Barber Shop and McRac. Trade and Commerce - J. T. Harvey, S. D. Johnston, G. W. Nickerson. W. J. Scott. Transportation - A. S. Nickerson (rail i. R. G. Large (motor vehicle!, O. C. Mitchell (shlp-pln;i, T. N. Youngs lain. Johnstone and Michiel's fur he will have further medical niture store has icccnuy been I attention sold to E-. T. Kenncy Ltd., by - 1 PRINCE RUPERT SUPPLY the former owner, George Little Fit1 712 Second Ave. Getting Deaf? Mrs. Aiseneau and children left on Ratnrrlnv for Prinre 1 li'iiisiimN iic,kii., Un-re l no r ' x, , , r. ' ,. ' l-ilM- ftir M IOllE llrMlnc kill Mir i Rupeit and. after disposing of r uViK A h,.,,z nm r ..mm- FOLK-DANCING COMPETITION NEW GLASGOW, NS. (r-A special new feature added to the 11th annual Music Festival here next May will be competition in the folk dances of Scotland, Eng his household furniture. Merman Arscnau will leave to reside at the coast city. lirurhia (Irvlif has Ikjii H-rli- trrl In Hip uri-i.t ..iilili KsmIIo liiltiirxlin-lps w hllllil- wi ran In iih- II ihii Im-"nl In tun fur in-liny fi-w lrial. Hrailv to i-;ir. no IihIivIcIii.iI mini: lllri'sar. An cpli-il lit I he Aiiiith a.l land, Ireland and the United At Sunday morning's fire Mi-llu-al ",h i.u ion. ruHiirii mi I'lit-j states CH1R0PRM John F. E. lluclics. f 21-22 BcmhtB Phone , III-I E Appoinlmfn' IIUI H 10 80 III. Ui 13 V 1 2 to 5 r ni.MM'1 M'Hiduy mill I rl'l.iy. thoiH1 llllHllll' t' r,1",f tlay. im Kl'1 ION1ST when I hp Knnv TTnitnrf m-mrr-li Mini tin In nr. I mm. nut ,,r iii.ii Moving, racking, Crating Shipping and General Cartage and Storage For Complete, Reliable and Elliclent Service, call Lindsay's Cartage & Storage Limited Cor. 2nd and Park Avenues Established 1910 I'boncs 60 and 68 tturni n hili-uir. Urilc Imhit fur filtll was badly damaged ilclaiN In .rnilli llaiMu riirnuiiilliiii 1 Lambly served free Coffee,; miaila. I.lil., Im-iI. ;sx t anuila if-im ".mn w !. ran am 1 f. P ! My t M .a Irilm iriist mil.. tUnclM.r. Onliirlu. Maijr lit llir inakrr-i uf mirlil-luiniili-.rnilli Itailliik. TrlHl tifrrr aviiilabli- ,,n dinct nu)i-y. by Zenith Itailio Corporulioii of Canada, Ltd doughnuts and cookies to all the volunteer firemen and helpers. The temperature being below zero the coffee was a happy thought and much appreciated by the chilled fire fighters. Greer & B ridden CONTRACTORS and BUILDERS COTTARE CHEESE New Creamed Fresh Made VALENTIN DAIRY ! I Your Dally ! ALL-WEATHER SERVICE Prince Rupert Florists 300 3rd Ave. 3ox516 Tel. 777 Flowers lor All Occasions and Check Up Oh Enjoy the dependability of cool, electric cooking ... cren Heat that ou can set to any required temperature ... no constant watching or adjustment of fire to increase or reduce heat. A snap of a awitchi and the heat is m controlled heat 'catered beat that does riot Your cur a tr bralinu in wini r. HV from wor.H' bv l';ivm: keen it greased imff CONSTRUCTION ALTERATIONS REPAIRS fT j.. i . L r.5.5. PRINCE' RUPERT SAILS FOR VANCOUVER AND INTERMEDIATE POUTS EACH THURSDAY at 11:15 p.m. For KETCHIKAN WEDNESDAY MIDNIGHT BOB PARKER'S UPTOWN SERVICE STAT lT&'h Floor Sanding A Specialty blacken pots or range. Electric cooking requires less water, which means a conservation of food goodness, less vitarnw-losft and greater flavour, 2nd and Mt Bride OR RED 561 P.O. BOX 721 3 i 4-1 '' Alt. ill It's the For Reservations Write or Call, CITY OR DEPOT UFHCE PRINCE RUPERT. B.C. An Extra Room or two where the attic used to be added accommodations will greatly increase the value of your house. MITCHELL & CURR1E LIMITED UuilUers and Contractors PHONE 33 Rex Cafe ... for Tasty Meals Chop Suoy Chow Mein pi iOHU H. BULGER OPTOMETRIST John Bulger Ltd. Third Avenue Chinese Dishes a Spetialiy Gecond Avenue opposite Prince Rupf't t. 7:00 a.m. to 3:30 a.m. Phone 173 for OuW Outride Hotel I I i"4 -- . lilKLS lOATS by Judy Gould (JAIJARDINE RAINCOATS Ufjr. $16J5 To Clear Rcjr. ZVM Tt Clear .... $10.!) WOOL DRESSES LADIES' WINTER COATS- Err Reg.$21.95 To Clear $0.05 ONE-THIRD OFF 1U!UV inese are a lew or ine bargains, eonie In an a see all the others be'inr offered at