Prince tlupert Daflp rSctas Wednesday, January 12, 1949 sy "AS. -- 1 I hilpott, Evitt and Co. Ltd. 71 YEARS MARRIED f KINGSTON. Ont. Mr. aid Mrs. R. W. Kimmerly celebrated ChrL"!tma3 Day and their 71st wedding anniversary together. Man and wife wiil be 93 next April and hope to reach 100 year. . 'I y 0 Wpiij) inn Winner t. Can Supply You With Bo-Me-Hi Is IMBER Including Fir, Cedar, etc. JANUARY Downed Savoys by One Point ney of atone s an Ole 81a tta or Margin Gii friay Nice Game Fashion. Both gave a good a-. FLOORING In Fir or Hemlock 46, Savoy's Senior Bo-Me-Hi 45. Fashion 32, Intermediate Morgan s 29. count of themselves during the jiame. Arney led the way In scoring with 18 points. His driving play kept Savoy close. Rtip Holkestad scored 10 points but was off his name. He has been playing poor ball for the last two game. Jim Flulen wa the playmak-er and driving force behind the Rainmakers attack. 8. Scherk arul M. Webster both played good ball. Don Scherk had a SIDING All Types SASH and DOOR and Famous FOOTHILLS ALBERTA COAL in all sizes phone c.-,i Ladies Horn's 26, High School 24. Junior Kinsmen 26, High School 11. , - I - a C ' ' - - I hard time gelling his shots j I- Three close and thrilling 1 basketball games were played Tuesday night before a good-j sized crowd which saw Bo-Me-Hi defeat Savoy for the second tuns this season by the score of 36 to 45. Fashion took a close one from Murgan's in the Intermediate League 32 to 29 and Dom s copped an overtime thrll- CLEARINGS! MEN'S WORK BOOTS ' $3.50 Now $6.50 MEN'S ALL WOOL WORK PANTS $7.50 Now $5.50 MEN'S DRESS AND SE!m-IRESS PANTS S4.25 to $7 MEN'S SOCKS fir Dress and Work -j 45c BOY'S LONG PANTS all sizes, from 2.75' BOY'S SPORT SHIRTS $1.75 BOY'S LACE RIBBEH BOOTS $1.95 BOY'S HELMETS', all shies, $1.25 Now bOc CHILDREN'S 2-PIECE ; SKI SUITS all wool. Regular $10 to $11 Now $6 LADIES' AND GIRLS' . UNDERWEAR At REAL REDUCTIONS away. Bo-Me -HI accuracy at the free-throw line, by far the best In the loop, helps them In every game. Savoy took 89 shot, scoring 19. They attempted 25 free throws and made 7. Bo-Me-Hi took 71 shots, scoring 16. Thy made 14 of 21 free shot)? attempted. . . U: lie pf mora per Insertion, minimum charse. soc. mrtii hoik CORONATION OF QUEEN OF ROSES AT PA SADENA A pretty tableau in Pasadena, Calif., as Haroid P. Schalfer, president of the tournam ,at 01 roses, piuces the crown on the head of Virginia Boer as tjueen of the New Years' Day tournament of roses. She presided over the traditional parade and the football game in the Rose Bowl. Standing around their queen are members of her maiesty's court. ' ler horn High -ochool 26 to 24 in the Ladles' League. ! In the Senior game Bo-Mr- Cards oi mans, witn Notices. Funeral Notice ' Marriage and Engagement Announcement: ta. fcPECJAL DISPLAY, DOUBLE PRICE ui liutw up a zone defence Advertising is payable lu advance. Piease relrain from telephoning. :. I ri , which stymied Savoy. Due to the KIR SALE, f OR KENT Kino or aeienee, the play was SCUBY'S CROWN WESTVIEW M. Flynn 134 155 D. Dlbb 108 50 A. Parker 147 115 g.LE General Electric a ii jwacmne. uooa con- basketball time-table "A" BOWLING sou, uu. ruuiie uiacK UIl Civic Centre . Dates . FOR RENT 2 room anartment. slow during the first quarter 221 5th East. Phone Red K07. : with both teams battling it out 12.' wilh long phots- The score was FOR RENT Single sleeping tied at the end of the quarter room lor quiet man, reason-: q a of Ravn. .,nt. th t, Savoys points, Ted Ar able. 244 5th Ave. West. UO'i f.LE-3 cylinder 52 ill'. 151 102 84 116 1(51 mi 1 160 110 114 77 259 30 730 Marine Diesel in excel-mdilion, and complete iaft, propellor and aux- ney popped -in seven. The second quarter saw Bo-Me-Hi drop the zone and check man-to- FOR RENT One t;iree-room I suite, nicely furnished. Pri- ' vate bath. Phone Biack 490. 1 P. Wallace 83 93 C. Thain 121 153 Totals MS tj3y MANSON'S T. Dell 203 111 B. Coweill 103 79 " "uririerham ....... 118 129 B. Manson , 88 125 u. Kuaoerham .' 19i; 93 HandicaD 30 30 Totals 764 507 DE JONG'S A. Pierce 12C 20.", E. Piche 152 224 ensme, pneea very, WITH TRIPLE Scuby's was the only team to make a' clean sweep in this week's session of the Ladies' "A" five pin bowling league, taking three games from Orange January 15 Rupert Hotel and North Star, Stones and High School, Brownwoods and Coop, Miller Bay and Peoples. January 18 North Star and Kinsmen, Peoples and High School, Morgans and Merchants, Co-op and Savoy. ible for casn. Bytown. THURSDAY Sports a.m. 9:00 Bo-Me-Hi Gym Class, p.m. 2:00 Adult Casual Badmin U4f ; ie Works. 117) man. The play speeded up with the teams breaking; fast and RENT- i run iaraae. 241 &M - 5th ili I E New and Used Fur- Ave. New British lnoia New Cups and Saucersj 4 lor $1.75: New House Hf-l.P WAXTEI) In the latter- part of the first league schedule postponed ovei the year-end holiday. A. Wrathall 99 147 J. Shenton 198 177 ton. 3:30 Jr. Girls Apparatus Class. 6:30 Bovs Organized, Games Hour. 8:00 Rup-Rec Women. 8:00 Teen Tournament Night. School Basketball Learue ?3'? ITS' New Bookcases, New n Ranges, New Hard-Sliehtly Used Radios, phones. 3 piece Ches-1. Oil Burner Ranees, 215 121 239 239, 104! 30 948 j 153! I wrathall 182 216 Handicap 30 30 WANTED omce Clerk with knowledge of book-keeping, typewriting and stenography. Apply in writina; giving qualifications, salary expected, etc. to Box 425, Daily News. tfi OFFICE HELP"" ra uired for lo- shooting on the run. Savoy fell a little off the scoring pace and dropped behind 3 points 20-17 as half time came. , Savoy came along fast in the third quarter and pounded in six points to take a 23-32 lead. That was all though. Bo-Me-Hi put their on-and-off zone defence in force again and their offence started to hit as Byd Hluh individual aenrine uas Totals . 787 1000 January 22 High School and Rupert Hotel, Dom and Miller Bay, Bo-Me-HI and Brown-1 woods High School and Fashion. January 24 Stones and Mor-pans, Globetrotter series. January 25 Merchants antf Fashion, Globetrotters series. 4:00 HiKh No. 1 and Hiuh No. ANNETTES - all kinds of other use-vifH at low prices. BC. Ii. ;TURE CO.. Black 324. at i accomplished by A. McMeekin of Annettes, who took both the single - game and three - game topspots. Her single game high score was 322 and her three-. 176 123 259 243 158 30 142 322 282 212 M. Montgomery 171 M. Windle 119 A. McMeekin 245 E. Smith 134 P. Dickens 209 Handicap 30 Totals 908 r Crib. ME -Steel K M m , - Apply 9i cal proiect. ConsiiitinK of Accountants. Clerks, Timekeepers. BtenoKiapher.s. Must be experienced. Applv only to Box 477 Daily News, (jiving lull details m first instance. ( 12 Last. 3(1 Scherk and Mickey Webster 989 1141 1 2. Basketball Practices 5:00 - 10:00. Special p.m. 2:00Women's Crafts and Bridge Club. . 2:15 Adult Art Class. 4:00 Booth Bible Class. 7:30 N.F.B. Film, children. 8:00 Co-op Members Rela tions. 8:30 N.F.B. Film, adults. L.E Lady's winter coat. game total was 82o, averaging 275. r Phone Red 924. UZi January 29 Rupprt Hotel and Kinsmen. High School and Merchants, Brownwoods and Savoy, Miller Bay , and High School. U.E - - Radio. Automatic WANTED Chaneer and 30 re- came through with several baskets apiece. Savoy began to break the zone and were cutting in but their sihots were hot dropping through thp basket. They fell far oil pace 34-24 as the quarter ended. Savoy Guitar, Eniilish Pram, Scuby's 3, Orange 0. 1 Tk 1 he I J P tr,",J lned Annette's 2, DrJong's 1. J Manson s 2, Westview 1. ror Violating Gordon and Anderson 2, Savoy . 'Tampering' Rule . Bis ara Ave. west. WANTED - Car batteries, car radiators, brass atid copper; navms uood pi:ces See B l. FURNITUI'E CO.. Black 321 i tli I ALBERTA FARM UNIONS JOIN t swingers l. Finely-appointed "Prine" s (teamen offer unexcelled ceommodttion and tempting . E Boat Buildina Shed, wharf, all carpenter Blacksmith Shoo and CINCINNATI P Leo Durocher -U V'r-rJ 7i.,nkD,S"aD a"d'tame up with a fourth quarter laft and O'Dowes 2, Variety manager of the New York Giants CALGARY Cf The pin t, hammering , the basket powerful store 1. BRADFIELD ST. GEORGE, Eng., ? A mine detector found) shrapnel in an ailing cow in this j Suffolk village. . if.iceivnne vyeiuma. DRESS MAKING Black 990. strike action when Done Phone 12 v.ith shots from all angles In an weapon of Hitt mpt to cui. down the big necessary" r a d malrrial as it .stands. 8i-nt nooition for mach-siiop. Sell cheap account lenvinsr the count rv C. today U in the grasp' 3 ?n(V 164 WANTED TO RENT I.ieht uo-me-rti leaa. They did niat of Alberta's new single farm D. Woods 168 S'preier Morgan , led the attacl union r-an amalgamation of the O. Van Meer .......... 120 L. Smith Iu4 JbergjP.O.. Massett, B.C. tl R SALE -Two pair skis and News. 13 1 ; scoring his -polnts in the last province's two major farm or- b. Uzick Z.'.' 147 1 and Freddie Fitzsimmons, form-y2i er Boston Braves coach, today 151 were fined $500 each by ball Commissioner A. B. Chand-156 tei- 10 The men were found guilty of 135 negotiating a ctmtract for 1943 iM while Fitzsimmons was still a !27 member of the Braves. j23 The New York club was fined 10 quarter. This rushing, forcing Hanoicap LOST AND FOUND loles.j never used. Phone fcreeti 6i0. 13 ' 148 208 135 13W 102 10 122 101 155 96 57 47 628 ORANGE F. Van riorn .. ganizations. Action to put "teeth" into the Droriosed constitution was" one meal (or a restful, comloct-abl trip south. PRINCE RUPERT SAILINGS Southbound ' , " THURSDAY, JAN. 20 :' THURSDAY, FEB. 3 . MONDAY, FEB. 14 :; For information and reservations contact D. II. E. Maclean, General Agent RSAI.F. Cabinet treadle! FOUND-At Post Office. Gold C. Willson Weddnm Rinff with tlirep Irwin machine. Apply Suite 94 130 109 70 125 47 of the first acta by more than 'J ySOn L;eds Apt. Phone Biack NEW ROYAL HOTEL A Home Away From Home so Rooms, Hot and Cold Water PRINCE RUPERT, B.C. Phone 291 P.O. Box 18 14. i (10 1 A. Lefler stones Owner mav have SHme bv calllns at the Dailv New., office and paving for this ad (tf) Handicap 47 $2,000 for violating the "tamp C66 Totals 581 MACHINERY FOK SALE . . METAL WORK SAW better lumber more sou delegates to ine joint, meeting of the Alberta Farmers' Union and the United Farmers of Alberta. The two groups have a combined membership of more than 55,000 farmers. Jrimoti irallv use the ' modern ering" rule which prohibits any club from dealing for the services of a player or coach while he is under contract to another team. TAFT & ODOWES J. Nowak 144 F. McKinnon 129 Nelson 1(U Maundrell 225 K. Reid 137 tame put the Rainmakers ofl heir game a bit and their passim; and shooting became wild With the score 46-43, Savoy's Nick Haugan dropped in a one-hander from the side and was fouled in the try. With a chance tj tie the score, his free shot ,ji:,t rimmed olf the basket With the hotel players all about them, the Rainmaktis were able to keep possession of the ball until the bell sounded. Savoy was without several iirst stringers iciuding Joe Davis who is away from town, and Mel Holkestad, . out with a PLUMBING Installations and f -pairs. SHEET MKTS! WORK. Tar and Gravel Roofing. Lelouiveau & Sons, t, ;o Sixth West. Phone ."43 Ui) m tn-to-date type National rtaLje Sawmills nianuiac-irwie bv National M;;rhinrrv 'imnkdiv Limited. Vancouver, Handicap 63 t. I (tfi 859 Totals 174 121 loo 143 163 63 830 204 1 221 1 89, 781 152 69 813 155 154 Y62 141 128 ii3 823 152 201 142 106 179 69 849 RSON'AL lA-NTf E STEWART wishes to f -;- 'ice to his manv fnenils WRONG HALIFAX HALIFAX ? Sergeant Edgar Malay of the city police force received a call from a woman in Brockton. Mass., who wanted to VARIETY I. Kristmansson 1. Lykegaard R. Ramsay R. Christenson . F. Cembella . Handicap Totals 120 162 173 154 155 69 833 get her daughttr In Halifax. She! sprained ankle. They brought Chief's Funeral For Famed Runner BRANTFORD Tom Longboat, Canada's greatest marathon runner and an Onondaga of the Six Nations Indians, was given a chief's funeral yesterday. Longboat, who won international fame in races nearly 40-years ago; died Sunday at the age of 62 and was buried in a white man's coffin. RUPERT MARINE REALTY (J, CLAUSEN & SON) We Take Listings of BOATS FOR SALE OR CHARTER BROKERS IN BOATS, MARINE AND FISHING EQUIPMENT TRY - RUPERT MARINE REALTY FOR QUICK SALES OR CHARTERS (Just East of Llpsett's, Waterfront) Box 548 Phone Green 975 had a wrong number. Her up two players from the Inter- u.stomers that he is ix'ratine 53 Taxi situ- rosd from the Rex Cafe, palronaue would oe v anpreciated For 24 ervice call 53 Taxi. (18i he ladv who had the Officer's Uniform tor a Morgan's Men's Wear contact , the. Daily if) daughter was in Halifax, Mass. mediate Leaaue Bill MeChes-, Si 1 SAVOY SWINGERS D. McPhee 195 127 158 E. Knutson 156 79 154 P. Menzies 179 190 93 L. Erlckson 153 160 170 McCallum 200 217 199 M T" IIVMI VT I lfl OR ( .SfK-1 Ion 28 ) "f Apiiltinilnii for Handicap 2 2 2 Totals 945 765 776! GORDON & ANDERSON ! 8. Ramsav 201 166 122 I. Garner 238 225 205 B. Smith 146 132 200 VV. Inm-am 67 97 47 C. Barrie 145 171 247 Handicap 12 12 12 Totals 809 803 833 dim l.h'em-e is hircby pivon that on the f Junuary, 1949. the tin-Canudtan I-Klon of the mir Kervlce Lengne. Prince si.Ksji:T nikiKid NOTICE Is hereby given that a Court of Revision under the provisions of the "Taxation Act" respecting the Assessment Rolls :or the Prince Rupert Assessment District for the year 1H4B. will be hold at the Court House, Prince Rupert, B C,. on Thursday. February 17. at 2 o'clock In the afternoon Dated at Prince Rupert, B.C., January 10th. 1949. . W. D VANCE Court of Revision. (It) pinmch Number 27 Intmids Rex Bowling Alley Open to general public Saturday and Sunday afternoons and evenings. Monday Tuesday and Thursday evo-hlngs after 9 o'clock. -tf Licence In re-spect of pre- r 9 uaic lit S12 Third Avenue the City of Prince Hutwrt 4 i in 1(serlbld as Lot Nu-nber SPECIAL KODAKS CAMERAS TO SUIT EVERY NEED V Baby Brownie Special $3.47 Brownie Target - Six-20 - $6.44 Brownie Target Six-16 $7-2 Kodak Duaflex Camera $14.56 Flash Attachnv-nt for Kodak Duaflex $3.25 Kodak Vigilant Junior Six-20 $20.41 Kodak Vigilant Six-20, f 8 8 Lens $33.8$ Kodak Vigilant Six-20, 16.3 Lens r $42.56 Kodak Vigilant Six-20, f4.5 Lens $61.68 Kodak 35 13.5 Lens with Range Finder $107.00 Flash Attachment for Above Four Cameras 12.00 Argus 35 f3.5 Lens with Case and Flashgun $120.00 WrathalPs'. Photo Finishing '1 0. Section 1. Mnp number Runcrt Land Registration iti the Province of BritiKh to entitle each member fl Club to keep on the pre-reiiNonable quantity of 11- pcrsoniil consumption on ises. and entitling the Club use liquor from a vendor 11 by the Rlsiss the liquor so I to Its members and quests imptlon on the Club pre- acctrrclHiice with the pro-f the "Government Liquor 1 the regulations promul-Teimder. this Twenty-First day of '. 1!48. IAN LRcnnw civ Tir nut. 11.50 cwt. 2" Common GALVANIZED NAILS ALSO ALL TYPES OF NAILS F.O.B. Vancouver CANADIAN SPECIALTY CO. 502 E. Hastings, Vancouver, B. C. (11) tlKMPlKE SERVICE LEAGUE r- It I! PERT BRANCH NtlM-7 (20) 'Nr REC.rSTRY ACT orate of Title No. 2R731-1 Of lrfit One Thoimmirt Thrpp A ' - .JA;' . in i . iffl'nBattMffliii-i inmiirrniifi si- vi - i St nlwd and Three (13031, t P've (51, Coast District. 'AH satisfactory proof .oi lie above Certificate of Title ' the name of Anthony "ko has been filed In this '"ice is hereby Riven that t the expiration of one BARGAINS for quick Sale 1941 Plymouth Club Coupe 1941 Dodge Station Wagon Roth vehicles In good general condition. Can be seen and demonstrated at Rupert Motors Ltd. Corner 2nd, 3rd and Park. Aves. PHONE 566. RUPERT MOTORS LTD. VANCOUVER VICTORIA SEATTLE Tuesday, 1:30 p.m., Camosun Sunday, 11 p.m., Coquitlam ALICE ARM, STEWART AND POUT SIMPSON Sunday, 11 p.m. . . FOR SOUTH QUEEN CHARLOTTE ISLANDS s.s. Coquitlam, Jan. 14 and 28, 10 p.m. J FOR NORTH QUEEN CHARLOTTE ISLANDS s.s. Cosuitlam, Jan. 7 and, 21, 10 p.m. FRANK J. SKINNER ' i Prince Rupert At;ent Third Ave. Phone, 863 'mm the date of the first. ''h hereof. tssil n Prfivis- SAVOY HOTEL Carl Zarolli, Prop. PnONE 37 P.O. Box 541 FRASER STREET PRINCE RUPERT X 'tiflcHte of Title In lieu of DOUBLE THREATS The Cudjoe twins, Lance (lett) and Lawrence, forwards on the Harlem Globetrotters hoop teams which will meet an all-star aggregation at the Civic Centre here on January 24 and 25, These identical brothers 5 ft. 5 inches 130 pounds-joined the Haiiemites in practice sessions at Chicago lust season and are the smallest players ever to wear the Globetrotters' siianics. From Seminole, Oklahoma, they were outstanding collegiate players before hitting the professional ranks Both are marvellous shots from the floor, tremendously fast and they have made a hit everywhere they have played because of their ability to out-manoeuvre men twice their size. ' r"rtlflcnte. unless in the ' vuliu objection ' be made ' writing. ' at the Land Registry Pnnee Rupert, B. C. this of December. IfMS. AD. URKW THOMPSON. l,lty Registrar of Titles. (18) This sdvtrtttcmcnt a sot published or iwUyta by h LiSjuSf Control Bod or : bf At Government of British Cslumbit.