jttnce Uupert Daii? J2euia Thursday, September 23, 1948 NOTED PAINTINGS , BRIGHT COLORS UitD TO HAKE BANK ATTRACHVt Reminiscences By W.K anJ Reflections CANADA LACKS I NATIONAL DISH CALGARY Canada's hom economists, in conference here, say they think the Canadian p...H.;,if rrr somewhat liHlIffercr.i ? lo where or what they eat They fet-l there is no national """" I 111 i mm Householders. Ua drinkers a moment s notice, entertaln- ment from the ends or the and others In England complain dish, nor is there a demand for original food. "Outside of Quebec's pea soup," said a delegate! "we have no of the increasing shortage of eartn. caucers. This krowing scarcity j is found most annoying. Pos-, it's been a popular summer sibly the missing saucers are for beauty contests. Down east, the ones seen flying over Can- in the south, out west and as ada and the United States last far north as Prince Rupert year, and are taking their time : competition has been brisk, and ? Outstanding Quality Delicious Vlavn.y. nh.mirw hnmp ! attention snaru. miu . with the excitement an over, it national dish." "And Western Canada," remarked another, "i less dC-crimlnating than the east. Westerners have only Chinese dishes good, but at that mostly concocted in the States, if they want something different." But she hastened to say Alberta has the world's best beef " .'&. is discovered that the girls, wherever they were, once it was Whalemeat Is losing Its charm. Somebody, months ago, when 'there was a shortage of honest chow, such as beef and known who the winners were, all felt the same plenty of restful slumber, and then, a mutton, said referring to whale "m' an bee' line for home. meat "eat it and like it." So, under compulsion, the con- STUDENTS! - Just Arrived - Further Shipment of the Popular tfUsined Aflverus.ng Pays' Whalemeat Gets Little Demand VANCOUVER, (1 British Columbia whalemeat, retailing at about half the price of high-cot Umd meat, has little mar Following the announcement by the National Gallery of Canada that the Bank of Montreal has arranged to purchase quantities of the gallery's silk screen prints, screen prints, the bank's Prince Rupert office has now received a selection of the pictures. Full color reproductions of interesting subjects strike umption of monsters from the ,ea was large. Consumers even icknowledged liking the stuff. 3ut now, with butchers in white iprons again on duty, the whale narket is on the skids. People must enjoy being ordered around sometimes. FRANKFURTERS Better with ket value in Vancouver. For some weeks no whalemeat has been on the market here, 1 1 1 r Loose Leaf Binder a new note in bank decoration i ... . Radios are panned plenty and will make t)i office more pleasant for both customers a: all although plenty is available. Western Whaling Corporation has, however, shipped some to 4"k HOLES Now and then, the panning is performed b disgruntled per- sian. 1 Rupert residents will soon drop in and see the new prints. The bank has been redecorated in light shades of green, the standard colors of the Bank of Montreal. sois who, feeling liverish must II I" prepared Cr-bMUSTARD Of the four prints now in the B of M's Prince Rupert office, perhaps the most. FOR SCHOOL SUPPLIES See take it out on somebody or some thing. But if the instrument is ever laid up for re- 1XL II I' ! striking is that entitled "Wild Seattle, Portland and Sacramento. Vancouver butchers have declined to handle the product, which some consumers have difficulty distinguishing from beef Iwlien cooked. One reason given is that its j status, from the government I inspection standpoint, has not i been clarified. A feature of the moderniza- j pairs, no one will miss it i tv octn-niiehmpnt. of er nr lament its absence more Geese," and original design for the silk screen process by the noted Canadian artist, Thoreau liUll IO 1.11- , j self-controlled savings depart- loudly than you. One had got ment, streamlined to economize j away from becoming accust-.i . .,!! Thic fpafiirj'nmed to dull dead silence and nr uwiurud.cwu. TO ESCAPE Mrs. ivpaaovna Kasen- MacDonald. This vivid protrayal of birds in flight against a dramatic sky was an overwhelming public favorite when is being well received, Blackaby said. r,i-r first interview Mr. general- flatness, its a pnvu- r j K " J ; jege to have brought to you, at ' j leaped from the window of the So- WEATHER HITS GOLF OPEN Ji.'e ill New York, is 1 I ' I j &- THERE 7L . ! .1 ( THE COOKIE JAR L ixc2y t 1 i' , . i b- IS FILLED -THAT J?"Jt 3 . M tkl BfeXEP" . 1 t SHOULD LAST FJ this series of silk screen prints was exhibited by the B of M in Montreal. The two pleasing compositions, "Indian Children" and "Eve- VANCOUVER After two days in series of candid j:rom hrr Roosevelt d. she told mem- ing, N i p i g 0 n River," are by press that she i escape, not to kill Yvonne MctC. Hou.sser, RC A, well-known for her portrayal m-n Kf-rifi shows of Canadian scenes In the of steady rain, the Canadian! Open golf championship is out of the hands of the golfers and into the hands of the weatherman. The practice rounds yesterday, over soggy fairways and semi-flooded greens, was largely face. But some of the con-testants and all die-hard tators, look the weather in fourth picture, " The Waiting Ones," the artist. Harold Bea ' 1 OniiKrr ' sur i .;' ment, has portrayed an Ekimo family group against a majestic. Arctic background. In the sitk screen process, bv i:rlly the range of iid experience she j her dramatic tftf press. Excitement tir . . . and finally .4 is evident in the ;4;4ce 'of the school t tifr, 1 wants to spend i9i. ; years in a land y. X stride. Today 150 registered which these pictures were made, r "1 ( M-M-M-I SMELL) ET" ' I ST f?- I l a series of silk stencils is used. pollers started out in three-fumcs -over the par 72 layout Tourney ends Saturday. Through these, color patterns In oil paint are, impressed dir ectly upon paper. The resulting print has a fees h nets and brightness difficult to obtain by other methods, and ideal for business offices. Though many duplications may be made by this process, the prints are not reproductions in the ordinary 1 sense. t In desipnin'j: this series c' pictures, the artists worked directly for the silk screen process, and most of the prints sponsored by the National Gallery are original works . for this medium. In the rare cases e. P V rNij, ivwiN 1 1 cut- --v 1 a 11 - WELL MEND tJUHVW.' T -, ;4 ME THE COOKIE JAF? S i FS?r ( HONEST, MAMA.' Z . , , i ' :V ....... ...' -.v..- V;-' v.-' W-' Nj-" l where the pictures have been adapted from other originals, the unique possibilities of silk screen reproductions have been fully exploited. The resulting changes in treatment-give th.: prints an individual character. II. O. McCurry, tlfrector of Canada's National Gallery, says the bank's plan to supply these pictures to its branches froi, coast to coast "will have far-reaching effect on some phases of the work the OaUery is tr- 1 g j r 1 I " ( I'LL BOOST VOU THRU pjlf " S 1 - t ZM . (THE UPSTAIRS WINDOW . . w iaO -R. M; (rTCI C7Z:. 'T , and sou get it V;A!fS lOV Oil WE'LL TAKE WITn0UT MAMA A'! 1 1 jQK I VC i " y 1 y Ij ( TME COOKIE JAR t SEEING VOU - K r ' v t VTO E BAKERy J ' ' ' vlyv fcgt 7 crr'il'v ' (pilled for mamaS .gL ' insi to do." O. R. S. Blackaby, manager of the H of Ms loca. branch, is pleased that his office has been included in this scheme. He hopes tiiat Prince .4 fright in iiiscwpi r-. , , 7 WTZ 1 I rrr J I f.J IWllI -I 1 JRf'S 1 ALL YOU DO Place 3 rounded teaspoons fefanf Chocolate iri cup. Pour on hot milk (or milk and water) and stir. I OTHER GRAND USES I MAKES AN INSTANT CHOCOLATE SYRUP I I A QUICK CHOCOLATE ICING I I A CREAM Y FUDGE I THAr OFRCE t lm, (a lex an def?T N " .4 ..-j - jf ' UND THISI RECIPES ' 1 'HE TINI I r . . ' t yjTir li n . lilt It FLIGHT OF MERCY Suf- (mm Elaucoma, 11- V XX 'zt W . I INNOCENT ONE" . ; trcne" McDermot, I 4.V - X4f 1!. ,N THE CROWD J 11 h:MH t Victoria, jj""--- , v. mn her. Mrs. McDcrm6t. aUer their i"teat at t l ip LOS mis'-"" Children's H o s P t a l The Canadian National Institute : xu uiinH f nanced the 1 infant in an at tempt to save her life. NEST IN TUNNELS Kingfishers generally nest tunnds in earth banks.