ti .. Mill t J (IWU i U1 '4 .what is rril3 Jr. .ir? 21 VA'i PRINCE RUPERT YEARS AGO HOME ilfffl IT PAYS TO JKXl YOUR OWN without a ! - '' '7 7 - Tweiv-Fre Tun Pr".i'ie'.i'j of tiff-!) he pr.r - h o-rt forestry district m :9C3 exceeded a."7 former yir by a great margin, of'xial report ;-rJ. "Hi tot-si for ee j fir was lS2t7Mf Sird it-' WANT A GREENHOUSE? HERE'S NEXT BEST AT LESS COST Cigarette Tobacco VIRGINIA MUD, SWEET, IMGHT r.T .uef mat.--- candidates ei-e ..;.d ej for tH f.jrthsom-in one e'.iorw &"d there ih or rar.dsd&t fr the school ,arl A.cermamc nominees -r Arthur Br-v t-ban. Geo B Cxvey. P. J. Fuller. Elizabeth. K-rr'r-it and Alexander ; MatKeruie, Henry Smith wai r.jrir.ir.jf ! r vhoot ird. j can be xeea there a.td -a; ),, there i.r.tt: ' C. W, A'i. , ' on Vf jn.iay K..;rrar i ter a 10 a, JS. Tm?c( Topics rom 7 errace Mrs. C. R De Kerg ommeaux. Terrace Repricr f EM9KCE3 SOIL X . mrT lett th dry d.vk Jor the j hk.-h t:m h av.fr, Cx'in OxSc k.ii ft now , nsUH nettrfe neatm Cabk With Ttrmta! n fctx-i ICY WINDS SWEEP TOWN-STREETS CLARE (F K K-ADELA HALCLAND IS HONORED tort.i ,f t-.drar, gr!t fpra'' iurti.r Macro of Pnnce George , I.'v i.ri.U s-est Terrace late can L. Many of th? advantaf-s of a of itjs cost, may be enjoyed by YIL LtlllKC Du::c..r. ... u w.lv nir, :ter a' Ul take place this evening. : L Mix.. tr.e and Mrs. ! town at , Kr.,.-t .rrtfe '.Mr. AUce CaatpbeU of j out Now that e'r h-r. I'm wtrf yo-j li talk y- j Thtrt f-Fttt Year I Tr.e VA'iftvint ere nominat-t . tfff. jre- eti eieetijti. For Mayor: S M Seton ar-.d T. D. Pit'uUo; !'r atdermen: A- H. hlifon Vsc'or Baw-Bert. L. the amateur garcer.er r.o equ:ps c:i fra-T-.e xitr: e'.-'.r:? heatir.s cabie. Cab! and trwr-mostau are no tAtairtaWe at than the coal ut a towr-s- DANCE PROFIT Appointment of Oire-tr at Terrace Deferred I .c.-! ., w,nrtrtj. on !H Fisher were joint hostesses. t rr44.te ue-,.;. : ! Ths'Z.''av and""dving down ' Contests, for which prizes were j manager cf of the eve-; He u to be sar: !-omew hat -awards evening. Thi given, were part i sheet ning's entertainment. An um-.A-ea Hau?.,r.3 it! Terrace roads are like a faffic oreiia, aecora.ea mun ( a 'of !-,.iv ana pedestrian - Webster. " Hamilton" man of suitable manure, er John Dybhavn, John he abie to find tl. TERRACE -The sum of S126 k nrM4 at the Civic Ct-ntre and green frills and set up-ydt- down in a stand, held the gifts' Terrace for the bride-to-be. who was at the f r.f.- :?..:. showered with confetti from' Uval In May. T burst baiioons suspended be- tenng severe r hiad her chair. FoUowing the; and it is expect; ; t was at a miiumum all day on ; Thursday. Coal orders for that j day were very heavy with s-.jp-t piies d iiid'ang to nothm be-! fore the afternoun was wvU advanced. Current used fw lieaung de- yeafj. ye Cabaret a;:fr pend uixn the Insulation ; aa acfralti8 ;iCC0unt5 were paii. the frame, ar.d how early in th u J announced by the trexs-sprtr.g heat U turned on. but it r . Korrir.eton at Wed- E Dyer, James Hampton, G. W Kerr, Ge rfe Lk. T R. Mait-.and. Thomas Mcdymont, W H Moritomery. D. W. Morris-sey. George R. Narien. Frank Sailer aftti Fred Shaa : for jfh'il tni.'tees: P. W Anrter-.vn. Dr. W. T. Kergin .widom adds an Important . ; r.iahl s meetinz of the : display of presents, refresh- j Centre Drarr. C.i-menu were served. Those pres- a P'ay. anii M. ; nt incinrfinp thos w ho ere i several of h-r pi amount to the Hght biU. Ad- of directori of the Civk- i j nhht. al the) (! '.Vt- !. raitages are many. There U a;Ccnlre A-ssociatson. Lioyrj John-1 the absence ' Head, president of j h,A at'tirf hut who sent' The Terrace Ksr.c- nome f yn much more even heat, which w;,.(,n. oresiried in beneficial to aH plants and vital mrough ijiness. of the press- the G.rl Guide Associauon.j gtfu tw0 hostesses I 'nS an Ama to those that chitl easily. It.den, rwiify g. Littie. ih re were six enrolled as Ten- d a of Mrs. j an' 10. Mrs. C. L. Munroe and her rr..ther, Mrs. Dmeen, sailed for New York enroute to England. f elves a lonirer erowine Derioo.i rk .m-i n.ir nroduce d'rf.xX Guides by Mrs. iG. Haugland. Mrs. C. Haugland. , " ' " ' , u.-...- r ; smee the heat does not becomej ano t he r entertainment in nedy. urown uai. taps. tu Mrs A Hund, Mrs p exhausted, as does heat from. March and a certain sum of t- y and Li. Clifford were pre-1 by Mr$ D Q Tjltje. Mrs. C. manure, which sometimes faHv money will be granted to the eni -un uie wno.e company u j Holden. Mrs. Harold Smith. before the outside temperature' Terrace and District Civic Cen-; oout 30 Guides Refreshments Mrs Wiiliarn Mauson jr. and Elms-ley Raiey sailed on the Princes May for New Westminster tx atU:rd Columbian Ciheve. F. Jackson, Mrs. F. Fisher. D- Kerr. Miss Merie West. .served and community is safe. tre Orchestra for musical score were Mrs for ! A f.ame Is constructed in the for that production and which were Lorna Melvin usual pattern, as used for both; The school w ill be using the .j. ..j , w... .... .... ... i infi. r nt? .MAriivu uc rvri - iioi-oeus ana coiu uanu, uuv auditorium lor practices lor an ; s - t Mrs H. S;encer Ls i.ow pro thf-rp is nn r,Al In nrcnaw a t A ihih the rhi'iiirm i"a.,cu Mi' Better English By D. C. WILLIAMS r C CHIEFTAIN M J. (:-;.:. national leader of the CCF. party, who will c.ref-t tit-, party members a. a. ft-;, the for H'rf-oming ses-M.-,ri of the 20th Parliament. CP Photo i gressing favorably at the hx'.il hospital. 'deep pit such as is necessaiy sponsored by the PTA. wiil HEAD SfiOCIAI, CREDITORS ; Boion Low, natK.nal Wader , of the Social Credit prty, i who i busy on his party's . plans for the coming w--Af.n j ,of the 2Hh ParUament. j . CP I'.iosOf i r..!lrd were Mrs. Frank McGil-very, Annette. Yvonne and Flor-en;e Normandeau, Vicki Hipp A. MacKEj g5g5STS"ag ; when manure Is used to supply produce in the early spfing 1. What is wrong with this heat. i Due to a shortage of funds, sentence? We generally attend The frame is sunk in the the executive decided to church on Sunday." . ! ground about six inches. Soil is pone for two months the ap- n ; iiu. nr.rntf nrn. ' removed within it to an pona.1 nointine of a director for the and Marion B'.ssonnctte. Dudley G. Little entered hjs- pital for penicillin treatments The home of Xirs. G. Haug-; Monday evening. FURNIT nunciation of "pumpkin?" depth, and the cable is arranged Civic Centre. In the meantime land was the setting on Mon- LTD "A Good Piac Mrs. G. Dover has received rw.: V, . c alArdc IKa KAtlm in Keit f irvfO A ARHPrSnn 300 iii I OHl" v'J vC.ililti iw-Tfc lui a j y ril. I UI Jv Ol i,i t w vi vi -j ui si wvvuim ai vypo, u viMit i-- Shower" for Miss Adela Haug-.word from frmee Kiipert mai janwf Dover is dtiing as well a. ! is misspelled? Loquacious, longi- heat will be evenly distributed, clair have purchased the re-; irtinal. lorsrhete. Tlie supply.' wire and cable ?are! maining stock and will oper- and. whose marriaee to Dun- Mr. Bedding H a whsi rfiiM the wora ores- rxnn connec-ieft to a tnermostat. . "' " ' " ' which can be set at the desired ; bowling alleys until the end ui cient" mean? BUSINESS AND PROFESSIONAL 4- I 4 7? 5. What is a word beginning ' mir-.imum temperature, so that March. coni-'.r. Z" Sterl Tukmj Steel - Ril.lt, S, with "do" that means "disposed as soon as the thermometer falls : All the loc-J organization.-, to be taught; tractable?" . Answers to that point heat is turned on.l which have not paid their iy When temperature rises a. few' Civic Centre dues will be asked 1. Say, "We usually attend degrees above the Minimum, heat' to do so before the annua A. P. GARDNER & CO. CHARTERED ACCOUNTANTS 475 Howe Street VANCOUVER-B.C, PA 9545 ; church on Sunday. 2. iro-i in ZT i.l ALL FUK 15YT0WN MACHINE WORKS A-ents for SIMPLEX GAS and CUMMIN'S DIESEL ENGINES Sales, Service and Parts is shut off. and the variation meeting in March, otherwise between maximum and mini-their vote wiii tx- furieit.-d ul mum temperatures is much less' ,nat meeting. ! nounce as speiied, pump-kin, jsnd not pung-kin. 3. Lorg-I ...j-fo a Havlntr knowledge ALSO M'RIM.1 than with the old fashioned hot- " " " bed. j TK kvn4!. .UU . 11.. Boat Owners and users of In-I PRINCE RUl'ERT dustrial Engines are invited to POTTLE COLLECTOR . ktA. , M- T - O " " (J I of coming events; foreseeing. '. "Henry had shown himself I as sensible, and almost presci-i ent, of this event."-Bacon. 5. S Docile. a lie uraung t-auic i unuaiij covered with four to six inches)' BASKETBALL TIME-TABLE our Miowrooin lo new uur ian- M.TTI: SS Sf Royal York, jaw Koval Yurk, piui: Sani-Kiilrd All abivc hit temjv-r'-ii roil AND MESSENGER of soil. It Is a good idea to place ous engines and talk over equipment problems. - NKW AIR CADET PILOT BADGE This plloT badge wirfbe Air Cadets in 1949. The wing seen on tunics of Royal Canadian iwelf I Itaht blue, w.:.h a gold maple leaf in the centre and the letters RCA C. 'Roy! Canadian Air Cadetsi are J color. The crown is in gold, with a red background. The badge, Mt denned. Is. to be swarded to cadets having successfully rompVied pilot train.i under the RCA F 's flying .scholarship seheme. Actual pi.t inMruction is given at Royal Canadian riy- ' mg CJubs under Air Force sponsorship, and training was given to -...t,. ...mm.'.r tK,. third vcar the plan has been In op- Beer, Soda. Perfex and Ginger Ale Bottles PHONE RED 751 a sheet of fine meshed poultry wire an infch above the cable, with soil between. Another EARLY TRAINING January 22 Hih School and Rupert Hotel, Doms and Miller Bay, Bo-Me-Hi and Brown- in A baby chirk, peeping in iU meitmi is to grow planU Al l. "SI'K Ml' flats, which are placed on a WOOds.. Hieh School and Fa- iihf.ll before hatcWnK. will be i km nai Phone 775 2 ciucic e'b j "- " smon. t the hen's teaming , ' 'trail. First presentations are expected to be made next April. :qmeW MATTSON'S UPHOLSTERING AND FURNITURE REPAIRS Custom-built Chesterfield Suites and Occasional Chairs Spring-filled Mattresses Repaired Drapes - - Curtains caDie, wrucn is not. Durica in v January 24 Stones and Mor- MARGARET McLEOD OPTOMETRIST ROOM 10, STONE BUILDINO soil, and thus is always open tojpanS; Globetrotter series. Inspection. To improve insula-, January 2! Merchants and Fashion, Globetrotters series. January 29 Rupert Hole! tion and reduce current consumption, the frame should be banked with cinders, which are covered with soil, to within a few inches of the lop. Phone Blue 818 P.O. Box 526 330 Second Avenue Prince Rujiert, B.C. 1 " " ',( ; , 'n - -- '"tvf Y" f 1 "ft PHONE BLUE r,!t:5 P.O. Box 1184 4 7 il , ' i and Kinsmen. Uiah School mid Merchants. Bniwnwoods an'! Savoy, Miller Bay and IIii'.li School. February 1 - Ilifrh School and North Star, 'Doms and peoples, Fashion and Stones, Bo-Me-Hi and Co-op. February 5 North Star and Rupert Hotel, Peoples and Miller Bay, Co-op and Brown woods. 1 Like modern archiU'tture, tnc newer ideas In garden design ! are functional. First consider : the use you will make of a gar GEORGE L. RORIE Public Accountant, Auditor, etc. Income Tax Returns ComplM Besner Block Phone 387 V, HELEN'S BEAUTY SHOP Permanent Waving Beauty Culture in all lLi branches den, then plan It in tne way that will best further this use, Naturalistic design, which seeks HOME A to produce an effect as nearly Morgans and High School February 8 Kinsmen ;ind 204 4th Street Phone 655 PAPER HANGING AND WOOD FINISHING Latest Shades, Styles and Colors J. P. MOLLER Phone BLUE 155 A OARAGE like nature as possible, does not often serve a functional purpose. High School, High School and Doms, Stones riad Merchants, Savoy and Bo-Me-Hi. February 12 Rupert Hotel and High School, Morgans and Fashion, Brownwoods and Bo-Me-Hi, Miller Bay and Doms. HANDYMAN HOME SERVICE GENERAL CONTRACTORS " MAINTAIN Of Y 0 1' B 1 ROTKCTINC THE ELEME' S F V MITCHE! DR. P. J. CHENEY DENTIST SUITE 5, SMITH BLOCK Phone 7G5 P.O. Box 1401 Annual flowers have been Improved by plant breeders more than any other group of plants. The fact that a new generation grows each year is responsible for quicker improvement than. Is possible with slower growing perennials. Classified witei using Pays! Cl'RR Building and repairs of all kinds Roofs, Chimneys OH Burners LIMIT" February 15 Kinsmen and North Star, High School and Peoples, High School a n d Stones, Savoy and Co-op. - February 19 North Star and High School, Peoples and Doms, Co-op and Bo-Me-Hi, Merch PIMlNS PHONES PRACTICE MAKES PERFECT-Alzear Boudrean of Petit de Grat, N.S., sets a crankshaft in a new engine Mock at the Nova Scotia fishery school. The classes were started three yeyars ago in in effort to Improve fishermen's knowledge and have been continued at the request of the flahermen. Watching Al.ear are Willie, Roy and Francis Boudreau, making it a family affair. NOW AVAl Black 687 Red 894 evenings f .0. Box 1670 I PIANO TECHNICIAN Tuning, Voicing and Repairs MIKE COLUSSI Phone BLACK 756 972 10th East By CHICK YOUNG BLONDIE Ych, Yon Asked For It! ants and Morgans. February 22 Kinsmen and Rupert HoteE, High School and Miller Bay, Fashion and High School, Savoy and Brownwopds. C ' ' 11 M 1 II ' 0 "IITT , 'ilMPlinif::' ,; n Uiiitiiilj f-OR YOUR R0Ck; and CONCRETE WORE CALL BLUE 939 n. J. SAUNDERS Jftw, Modern Equipment All Work Guaranteed " ft 4 I CAM'T Wells Cartage Ltd. Complete Movinj Service fralirig Parking Cartage ISLt'E 7K0 BLUE t)8 tJNPl.PSIAMP IT- I , Tm? PAI.M OF" MV WANp HA' , HfTM j. , 1 1 CM I Mb ALL " riTTTTn ! 1 1 nilHUUH a I iliiH!!'!ii ' Jf3 I - I i M i - i l I ' i i 1 1 1 ' 1 1 ( ' i . -v- l-N ' cv3oor J-L r 1 1 s1 VOU'PE LUCKV DCA(?- ( . SHOLILC)N'T ) xf-St-,. S. WILL vou kJF..,V J ,-T7 (TlifV SAV TMAT MEANS S WAWS&SdV f-? P,FTV JK T ) ?ry TMti CxjJ. VXyf A ';A ' i'p if laiasff wm ,fy . t '"iz' " ' '" " .t l n 1 ' luiii'M4,,to JOHN H. BULGER OPTOME7R 1ST John Bulger Lid. Third Avenue 1 LOOK NEW RES QUALITY REPAIRS For Downtrodden Heela and Worn Sole TRAIN SCHEDULE r For the East Monday, Wednesday, Friday, 8:00 p m. From the F.asl Tuesday, Thursday, r.aturrJa: MAC SHOE HOSPITAL I iiox 174 Second Ave. G0J)P m: 4a p.m. w-n-'r