INVERNESS WAS Local News Items . . . Prince tlupctt Dailtj J3rtus( Friday, January 21, 1949 GET-TOGETHER OF VILLAGES Supper and Concert In Kispiox Hall $90,000 School at Kispiox . . BEAUTY . . . UTILITY ... ECONOMY I) Vi I T II S.O.N. Whist Dance, refreshments, Friday 21. (17) lilliiiiJiliiiluiilUlliiiliiilliUiliiliLliuM For Sale Fur Coat in very good condition. Call up Black 511 after 6 p.m. (tf) E. C. Williams, local agent for Canadian Pacific Airlines, left kVAPLY WEATHERBOARD on today's plane for a brief home, Fourth Avenue East, business trip to Vancouver. I The Annual General Meet-Oliver Adams of Massett Is! ins of the Prince Runert Liberal ioknes-ses of this Douglas Fir I'lywo odin stock front 1-5 10 ice lur cany uciiTCFJ BERT & McCAFFERY LTD. L LUMBER BUILDING SUPPLIES I PHONE 116 W.A. served refreshments were Mrs.' J. Andrew, Mrs. J. S. Black, Mrs. J. Gllll.s, Mrs. Bodgcr, Mrs. W. Rothwcll and Mrs. A. Wallin. BRITONS LIKE . IRISH HOLDAYS DUBLIN Visitors from England like to come here. Big (juicy steaks, silk stockings in FIRST CANNERY Widespread distribution of the colorful publicity folder on the Prince Rupert district published last year has had some interesting reactions in far-off places, as attested to by a query received recently by Secretary E. T. Applewhaite of the Pnhlii- Relations Council. From Inverness, Scotland, came a letter asking how Inverness' Cannery on the Skeena River had got its name. The inquirer had seen the name on a map which forms part of the pamphlet. Mr. Applewhaite's research finally led him to pass the question on to J. H. Todd and Sons, Vickria, owners of the cannery who responded witn the following bit of tantalizing history from the records of the Hudson's Bay Co. "The Otter (pioneer Hudson's Bay steamer) landed at Wood-' cock's Landing, September, 1875 and had on board Col. Lane who, the following spring, purchased Woodcock's righis and built the first cannery on the Skeena, renaming it Inverness." The information was passed along to the interested person in Inverness, Scotland. Prince Rupert Mr. and Mrs. M. Matheson, Ottawa; J. Brinskoe, Barrett Lake; A. Fisk, Prince George; Mrs. MaLette, St. Boniface, Manitoba; L. Roff, Juneau; M Stewart, Vancouver. BETTER AIMING "George, are you spitting the fish bowl?" "No mother, but I'm coming close." Deluxe Delivery Prompt Service On Wheels PHONE 383 stores, Irish whiskey flowing what more can a Briton on a holiday want? Trices are a little higher than in austerity-saddened England but the quality and quantity of the food is incomparably better.- Louis Astoria, sr., well known and esteemed pioneer, of the city, is quite seriously ill at his Aiwn. will be held in the Ladies' Lounge of the Civic Centre at 8 p.m. Friday, Jan. 21, 1949. General Business and Election of Officers. The attendance of all members and supporters is desired. (17) Mr. and Mrs. G. S. Mayer of Port Clements is sailing tonight on the Coquitlam to return to their home. SALE! Dcane's Quality Clean ers offer 20 discount on all dry cleaning orders of $2.50 and over. Time Jan. 10 to Jan. 22. Don't miss this chance to get $2.50 value for $2.00. Call 283 and our driver will call and de liver daily. (13) Wilson Hunt, district gover nor of Gyro International, and Mrs. Hunt left by the Prince Rupert last night on their return to their home in Penticton after having been here for the installation of officers of the local club. Last night before their departure Mr. and Mrs. Orme Stuart entertained at a farewell gathering at their 'home on Atlin Avenue. Attention to all my good friends and customers. I wish to thank you for your kindness and support in the past 6 years of my business as Fuller Brush Dealer. As I am now closing out my business, I will put all my present stock of Fuller Brush goods on in a clearance sale at 40 reduction while they last. Also a new white enamel Easy Washer. Please Phone Green 873 or call at No. 1 Cabin back of 721 Fraser. St. Miss Pat Gal loway. (It) AIR PASSENGERS For Vancouver Miss N. Watson, Kee Wong, J. S. Irvine, A. D. Livingstone, E. C, Williams, M. McDonald and A. V. Burns. For Sandspit R. Fallis, A Pearson, A. W. Hallard, G. Kir-by and R. Slater. PILE SIFFERKRS THAT ESKIMOS BUY REFRIGERATORS PHILADELPHIA -A local corporation has been handing out bouquets to their agent in Fairbanks, Alaska, for having added Eskimos to his list of customers. One report reads: "He recently sold a refrigerator when the mercury registered 43 below zero. He delivered it the same day, even though the truck delivering it, froze up on the way to the house." Daily ews Classified Ads get Quick Results! Announcements . All kdvertueiifMia n tnia column will be charged for fc i ill montb at 26 centa a wurd Conrad P.-T.A. Card Party January 21, school basement 8 p.m. Bridge Party, Civic Centre, Fri. Jan. 21, 8 p.m. Booth P.T.A. tea and musical, Thursday, January 27. Burns Banquet, Presbyterian Church Hall, Thurs. Jan. 27. Salvation Army Native Girls Hostel Birthday Tea and Home Cooking Sale, January 27, 3-6. Cribbage, Whist, Bridge at Cath olic School Hail, Jan. 27, 8 p.m. Old Time Scotch Dance, sponsored by Job's Daughters, January 28, Oddfellows' Hall. The Shrine Club Band will hold a concert at the Civic Centre January 31. Cambrai Chapter I. O. D. E. Valentine Tea and Home Cook ing Feb. 10. Lutheran Church Valentine Tea and Home Cooking, Feb. 12. The United Church Valentine Tea at the home of Mrs. A. J Dominato, Feb. 17. Duchess of Edinburgh Chap ter, I.O.D.E., Tea and Home Cooking. Home of Mrs. Jens Munthe, March 10. March 17, Tea, Catholic Hall Tiie United Church Spring Sale, May 5. F No KISPIOX-A fine spirit of CO- operation between villages resulted in the sum of $254 being added to the United Church building fund here when a contingent Of over fortv frnm Skeena Crossing, as well as guest3 irom iiazelton and Glen" Vowell, attended a supper and concert In Kispiox hall Saturday eve ning. , Two hundred sat down to an excellent repast prepared and served by the ladles of the congregation. The program, ably directed by Alfred . Hillis, included offerings by the choir, led by Jeff Harris and Moses Morrison. Spirituals and ballads by Jonathan Johnson, Walter Skulsh, A. Hillis and Stephen Morrison were Included in the solo numbers. Leading speancrs were Chief Councillors Charles Clifford, uazeiton; Ram Wesley, Skccna Crossing; Silas Johnson, Kispiox; Councillor J. Woods, Glen Vowell; and Indian Superintendent J. V. Boys. It was expected that 1949 promised to be a mile-stone In the long march toward equal status for the native people. Thanks in large part to the leadership of the Native Brotherhood, sweeping changes In the Indian Act might be made by rariiament. The building of a $30,000 six-room public and high school in Hazclton for native and white children alike would be watched by all Canada. It put the Upper Skeena well out in front In pro gressive education. Gratitude to the ratepayers of Hazelton and to Mr. Boys was expressed for their part in making this new policy a reality.ln this area. The Skeena Crossing visitors were billeted overnight. . Among these was veteran native lay preacher Alfred McDames who preached at the morning service in the hall. The struggle had been long, he said. The road toward good was opening up as never before, yet the road to evil remained. He implored the younger peopl to not betray their church and Brotherhood and to prepare themselves for the greater privileges and re sponslbllities ahead. In thff evening the Skeena ( V i V Qm. whet tewj. ttj Less than HALF PRICE sailing tonight on the Coquitlam to return to his home at Massett. Mrs. H. Gray of Massett will fall this evening on the Coquit lam to return home after a visit to the city. Ed Couglan, district director of social welfare, is leaving on tonight's train for Smithers on business. Norman Nelson of Nelson Bros. Fisheries, accompanied by Harry Robins, manager of the company's Port Edward plant and M. Olson, manager oi the River's Inlet cannery, will sail tonight on the Coquitlam on a business trip to Massett. Annette Mansell announces a new shipment of Gotham Gold Stripe and Super-silk Hose in all the new spring shades. Ladies, don't miss seeing them you will be delighted. Annette Man sell Dress Salon, 525 3rd Ave West. (18) W. S. Drury, well known pio neer businessman of White-horse, and Mrs. Drury were pas sengers aboard the Princess Norah yesterday 'afternoon go ing through to Vancouver, Spring Suit Samples have arrived, including bright shades in Gabardine, Worsted and Standard Serges. Fleet Street Cloth by Tip Top Tailors. Pete Cravetto. Phone Blue 418 for appointments (19) Stephen Bremncr, after spending a lew days visiting here with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. John Bremncr, sailed by the Princess Norah last evening on his return to Victoria. The Masses in the Annunciation Church tomorrow 8:00 and 9:00 a.m. uti Crossing Epworth League, led by its band, paraded the village and packed the hall. The ser vices were in charge of Elder Peter Mark, assisted by Messrs.. Eddie Benson, Ed Wesley, Fred Sumparc. Arthur McDanics, Sun Wesley und a score of Skccnu f, ., , i trussing young men. in open- Ing, Eddie Benson said that they I had ii.irf . .,!.. . ii r i come not only to help fin - 1 anclally but spiritually. Ed Wes - I !cv ty told tuiu how now, as 'in a 1 small mivill Doy. ,: his father had brought him up I river over the ice by sleigh for meetings such as this. Camp ing by night, . they thought nothing of the cold and hard ship then and the Kispiox people would make the return journey for the sake of Christian brotherhood. Now, he said, there were roads and cars. Yet the villages did not support jeach other as they used to. He hoped Uu'y would stand together in the future. Following the service, refreshments were again served by the hostesses and the visitors ;ot started home by midnight. IT'S NECESSARY Creatures which jump from tree to tree could not survive if they did not have stereoscopic vision. m i 518 3rd Ave. W. I M.llhrw , ... In.. j Mr. T. i. Stockly. Tlmmins. writes:! "I had heard of your PYLTONE I'm Lclllnir von our rintp tomorrow night!" veffaMls AND Work Pants G.W.G. IRON MAN PANTS $5.20 PAIR G.W. G. IRON MAN PANTS Pre-Shrunk S5.60 PAIR G.W.G. WAIST OVERALLS 3.65 33.75 4.25 PAIR PEABODY WAIST OVERALLS $3.50 3.75 PAIR KHAKI PANTS In heavy weight fine American drill S5.50 PAIR FOR YOUR 'CHICKEN IN THE ROUGH CALL RED 705 CIVIC CENTRE DINING ROOM Prince Rupert Florists 300 3rd Ave. Sox 516 Tel. 777 Flowers for All Occasions ANNE'S Opposite Health Unit HOME-MADE CANDY Phone BLUE 389 210 FOURTH STREET cir.'u I l-t I. Special DeLuxe $41.95 wSHcMy UplMliltrM ..FwllwTeucIl Spring )w twlnl W1mn V.Hi4 and tt Bk.k. Clirm rntr ana Fitting rtennrttM. I. C-Ctft - !krrrhier Hutftnjn I MX b) Mcllriile Street PHONE 311 IF ir is Plumbing or Healing Call SMITH & ELKINS Phone 171 Box 274 PARTY of criiibage and two iSt were in play at n Legion Women's 1:d party he!d in the ;ast night. Convener f ceremonies at the Mrs. J. Andrew. mners were: ladies - rUnyt .ens, I VulllIC vuai k- V. Hanley; men O. K. Olscn. E. Whist: ladies Mrs ,cy, Miss Dorothy d j. Mostad, Mr. iittee members who THIS AND W ' TV I....... 4 thm o If you want, but was for Simply plain Mail of Crown Tacsimuej 3. B e ccitain your f 1 fo 'ai6.ADri! APr" ' 5- received, to mail e :nch .. "'Willi x r .i - " " ' o r" '"en b nni;r,.j i h like "". based on the i merit WU DETERMINE THIS BEST ? I IIW J" from jh" "m Mb. Tin 'mm Cln Ta. Ti. ' from 5 lb. Ti 'Li? T0TI" Tin FINAL REDUCTIONS FOR IMMEDIATE CLEARANCE Wool Dresses $8.00 Group Formerly Selling at $16.95 Crepe Dresses $6.00oroup Formerly Selling at $13.95 0 $8.00 Formerly Selling at $10.95 THESE ARE TREMENDOUS VALUES AND THERE ARE MANY OTHER GREAT REDUCTIONS YOU SHOULDN'T MISS! Use Sweet Sixteen Personalized BUDGET PLAN. Interest No Carrying Charges. CONTEST TOPATIIPIUT Wirt 1 l . til a month ago. My work is cold "llrl ''"'"P a"a 1 lost 8 lot of time I fool fine now and work steady. I i,avc told a lot of other men about H etc " H'" ls Just one of thous- ads back at work and feeling fine aBM. 811d he wm, becau4 tm. tw' pvltone treatment re- movs Inside . cause of piles. No mnU(.r whll. vnl. h... H(m f. fh, before, we guarantee the first bottle sniisfies you or the price Is refunded.. PYLTONE (a liquid taken by mouth Is different. It works and results are lasting. $1 75 at all druggists, or have hlin order for you. Commodore Cafe COMPLETELY RENOVATED "Better Than Ever" Best Food and Service In City Phone 17 for Send-out Orders Third Ave. David Chow, Mgr. BABIES' WEAR BLANKETS PILLOWS CRIB SHEETS DRESSES DIAPERS SHIRTS and TRAINING PANTIES as well as many other items mother needs to keep baby comfortable " and happy. Phone Red 400 print your notne and address on any sheet of paper. this, together with a label from a 5 lb. tin Brand Corn Syrup (or reasonable to: the CROWN I (UNO CONTEST Slilin "H" MimIimI. entry has sufficient postage. cuter ik Crew Irani CMftsf. New, Wi Pcizrrinnin8 Pf'tedi. Jm. IS-Feb. 15, Feb. 16-Morch 15, entries received will be valid onlv for ih. mik ; wi. arly and mail entries for each contest month. -.Ml l j . .. . win urn nrawn irnm m. mm - n. RUPERT MARINE REALTY (J. CLAUSEN & SON) We Take Listings of , BOATS FOR SALE OR CHARTER BROKERS IN BOATS, MARINE AND FISHING EQUIPMENT TRY-RUPERT MARINE REALTY FOR QUICK SALES OR CHARTERS (Just East of Lipsett's, Waterfront) Box 548 Phone Green 975 7 ...... ..v.tuu. ih i persons . . Oor:tandyc;r;,Sa;la,ked 10 iYin ,h'" of the replies, the 154. prizes will be awarded as follows, fftci mota (aa6. euiaf. Ia46a - WHICH nr TUT Tuorr notr ni?r imr.. . ... ....... .r LETTER WILL THEN BE AWARDED THE . . . UllH hill II, tf It, I,l,m, pMacu. KODAKS CAMERAS TO SUIT EVERY NEED Ruby Brownie Special $3.47 Brownie Target Six-20 S.4I Brownie Target Six-10 ? $7.28 Kodak Duaflex Camera $11.5(i Flash Attachment for Kodak Duaflex $3.25 Kodak Vigilant Junior Six-20 .: $20.41 Kodak Vigilant Six-20, 18.8 Lens $33.88 Kodak Vigilant Six-20, f0.3 Lens $42.56 Kodak Vigilant Six-'JO, f4.5 Lens $61.00 Kodak 35 f3.5 Lens with Range Finder $107.00 Flash Attachment for Above Four Cameras 12.00 Argus 35f3.5 Lens with Case and Flashgun $120.00 Wrathall's Photo Finishing HOLLYWOOD cafe Most Up-to-Date Cafe in the City Open from 8 p.m. to 4 a.m. If no labnl, top or carton It enclosed the Grand Prize will be $1,000. The Crown Brand - Contest It open to all Canadians except employees and their families of The Conoda Starch Company and ih advertising agency. Hidges' decision will be final. All entiiei lecome the property of The Canada Starch Csrnpany. m THE CONTEST FOR EVERYBODY BECAUSE IT iEASY AND EVERY MEMBER OF THE MMIU MNWIN! WRITE NOW - AND WRITE OFTEN! Mere the chance for Junior to get his bike, for Mm to get those new clothes, for Dad to get thithings he's always wanted. Enter now you ntof be one of the winners. TNI CAIADA fTMCH COMPANY UMITID MONT l I. TOIONTO IS 1 lobtli from Btnten'i Ctrn Starch t lobe-It frni Conocta Crn Starch 1 Silver Clou Cortont EES I Unit Carlcni We Specialize in Chinese Dishes . CHOP SUEY CHOW MEIN FOR OUTSIDE ORDERS PHONE 135 i j