1" AIR FOPfE, OLD ( urtiss' JN 4 D's in World War I Prince Rupert Dai!p r3etos Lto. Friday, June 4, 1948 11 i . The Quality X -1 - . Se ea i L n COMMITTEE ; I LAYS PLANS FOR PORT DAY Plans for Prlr.ee Rupert's third post-war Port Day ' began to take shape last night at a meeting of the Port Day committee which elected officers and committee members. While no definite date was set, It will be held in late August during the an nual lull in the salmon season. Chairman of the committee this year is Junior Chamber of Commerce Secretary S. G. Furk, who replaced A. P. Crawley, chairman lor the last two years. Edward Mussallem Is secretary and Al Manson treasurer and finance committee chairman. Committees are: Program Harold Thorn, chairman; Lieut. John Quinn, ORANGE PEKOE sr Peace River Nurses Musi Be Versatile VANCOUVER, XP The mode of transportation has changed I rrrm u . for British Columbia's Peace River district nurses, but still they have to be everything from Capt. J. R. Elfert, Bill Bacon hTiS a -Spitfire Squadron, World War II MR FORC E, NEW- Sam Snldal, David ay, George midwife to lumberjack. Anderson, Don Esselmont, Oscar 1 Nurse Pauline YaholniUky, Giske, Fred Conrad and Wil- who onC had t hew and lay Ired Smith. . llo8's t0 rross B lnn-fo't suag- Flnance Al Manson, chair-;mlr nl tell school children to man; Harold Helgerson, Oddie 'asn tnelr hands before eating, Ociegard, Carlo Hansen, D. Pitt-. todav covers her 5,000-square Broolf , mile district by air. Publicity J. K. McLeod, But- ag sne 1 old the Canadian chairman; A. P. Crawley and R. Publlc lleallh AssociaUon here, G. Moore. she 81111 must deliver babies, Suggestions for sustaining brin8 wounded hunters out of public interest between major the bush by sleigh and horse-events during the day brought bark from airports to remote forth ideas for swimming and outposts. "It's hard work," she water acrobatic contests. A sail sald- "but mv rive nurses nd boat race, an event which has mys"1' love the north winds, the not been held for years, also is P&T linlnes and- above al. -he An Independent dally newspaper devoted to the upbuilding of Prince Rupert and all communities comprising northern and central BrltUh Columbia (Authorized as Second ulass Mall. Post Office Department, Ottawa) Published every afternoon except Sunday by Prince Rupert Dally News Ltd.. 3rd Avenue. Prince Rupert. British Columbia G. A. HUNTER. Managing Editor. H. O. PERRY. Managing Director. MEMBER OP CANADIAN PRESS AUDIT BUREAU OF CIRCULATIONS CANADIAN DAILY NEWSPAPER ASSOCIATION SUBSCRIPTION RATES WXk . City Carrier, per week. 15c; Per Month. 65c: Per Tear, S7.00; Sp& ".iSL By Mall, Per Month, 40c; Per Year, S4.Q0. The Doctors Speak OPINION in Prince Rupert appears to PUPLIC be definitely in favor of continuation of chlorination of the city's water supply. If anything was needed to clinch the case for chlorination, it was supplied by the very definite and very fair letter from the Prince Rfipert Medical Association which we published yesterday. The doctors collectively say that chlorination is needed in the city. This is not because the water at its source is impure or subject to any great danger of contamination but specifically because there is reason to believe that there is contamination in the distribution lines. Chlorination will reduce the dangers of epidemic-disease developing to a minimum and the doctors prescribe it as a "necessary health measure." Who are we to question such a professional declaration? In view of what the doctors have said, added to what appears to be a weight of public opinion, it would seem in order for the city council to reconsider its stand. If a mistaken decision has been . ' made, it should be rectified without delay. The matter is too serious a one to be determined by prejudice or obstinacy. The doctors suggest that the community health is at stake. It is assuming no little responsibility to fly in the face of their now publicly expressed advice on such an important ; matter. TIip editorial columns of the Daily News have never been particularly pro-chlorination, to say the least of it, but, particularly under conditions as they are now explained, it is difficult to justify opposition to it. So let the council at least reconsider and, if it decides that a change of mind is in order, act . accordingly at once. FAITH, HOPE, COURAGE AN HISTORICAL WRITER has pointed out that one of the secrets of national greatness of the Americas is the fact that in the beginning the optimists from all over the world came to this con-. , tinent. They had the courage to break old ties and launch into the unknown. They were not only willing to take a chance. They were actuated by faith ' and hope. They left the pessimists at home, afraid ; to go along on a great adventure. It is. well ta remember that heritage of ,faith and. hope. Great business structures arose because people were imbued with that soil of outlook. It is that kind of thing which wins successes. It was with this spirit that we became the strong, adaptable, aggressive and progressive people we ar. This is as true of communities as it is individuals. Communities are built through hope in the future, Inhabit nlanned wonderful wonderful people people who the northern Interior." As is customarly, Port Day will be held during the Civic Centre 4 4t R-tcoMic m wtllpap jm J cat that B-H f,.... carnival week-on a Thursday- STANDARDIZED IN 182 Cort Vtirt finnh dri quictl), ml Ptcti. Lowly colon, uiy ind mti to apcly. Ofic Quart covin atu ti 4 and the Mayor will be requested I T1"' eal'n. standard unit of to declare the day a public noli- measure for liquids in the Uni-day. Method of acquiring a Port ted Kingdom, underwent much Queen has not been decided, al- iteration until the present im- quwt lt. Sw qui color aid liuij t hough a proposal to have a perial gallon was fixed by AH of KinSmen May Queen reign over I George IV in 1824. the events is being investigated. 1 The next mee liner of the Port I Hlbernia was one of the old N-x A, Day committee has been called classical names for Ireland used by the Romans. for June 17. ft"? Upholstering Better English Bv D C. WILLIAMH FATHER'S DAY SUNDAY, JUNE 20 i r c id i 1. What Is wrong with this sentence? "The letter was dated from Detroit." 2. What is the correct pronunciation of "linguist"? FURNITURE REPAIR TRUCK AM) AUTO 3. Which one of these words is misspelled? Impetus, hiatus,! gratus. 4. What does the word ''clien-1 tele" mean? 5. What is a word beginning with sy that means "shapely, well-formed"? I ANSWERS 1 1. Say, "The letter was dated THORN BURY, Eng., (P The local council contended the Home Oflice "priSon without bars" experiment at Tortworth Reminiscences By W.J. and Reflections Court near here was a colossal failure and should be scrapped. CUSHIONS RECOVERED Ask for PLASTAHIDE . available NOW! Out-of town orders given special attention There have been 11 escapes In at Detroit. 2. Pronounce ling- i i recent months. iaith in our own impulses and abilities. Prints Rnnert, never hns hern down to this. Keen the city's It is faith, and hope, and COUrage Which do the harmed by flood and in aU likeli- water chlorinated and be safe. BRONZE AGE The Bronze Age, Is the name usually applied by archaelogists AND WHAT FOR FATIIfiK? The question is answered at once by a visit to our store. SI.E OI R FINE SHIRTS TIES PAJAMAS BELTS WALLETS and' other interesting and useful articles. Acmnie Clothing Store LO VI H'S constructive things in life. gwist, both i's as in it. and not , ling-gu-ist. 3. Gratis. 4. A body of customers, as of a theatre, hotel, etc. (Pronounce kli-en- ; tel. is as In lie, last syllable as j tell, accent last syllable). "The! ' clientele of the theatre was known for its culture." 5. Sym- : metrical. i hood never will be. Tins is one. man,, vAQcnc ,v,f tha ciiv' Hnn f ft m i n n t pfi U'fif'er can make the period when should go all out in giving aid a sorry time of it for anyone. The prehistoric (Next to CFPR) PHONE BU E 111 bronze was used in the produc and in urging all possible help to Modeler River is a narrow, wind- lion of weapons al general utensils. British Columbia's stricken ing stream in the .Kimberlr-y people. What is being endured region of South Africa. Once, in A oif Ar tillable! today Is no ordinary ordeal or wartime, oxen in a Boer laager misfortune. Many of the cases were hit by shells and the dece.y- Business and Professional i ' . J i t i t J. " i 1 ' 'I i i' I are literally crushing. MARGARET McLKOD OPTOMETRIST FOR YOUR ROCK AND CONCRETE WORK CALL BLUE 939 ' M. J. SAUNDERS New, Modern Equipment All Work Guaranteed ing carcasses dragged into the river. Weather was hot.Troops were warned not to touch the Modeler below the point where the rotting bodies lay. Bui, there was carelessness where an almost permanent thirst prevailed and fever swept the forces. Dozens of blanket-wrapped army men awaited burial and convalescents loafed anc! grouched until they felt better. That doughty veteran of lh'; coast, the SS. Prince Rupert sailed again last evening on routine duties. She reminds one of an old sea-dog who could spin great yarns and all of them true. The Priruee Rupert in mileage, In New Offices ROOM 10 STONE BUILDING LESSON OF JUNEAU JUNEAU, capital city of Alaska, has advantages as a townsite. The thing that strikes a stranger is the narrowness of streets and sidewalks, and ' the general feeling of being cramped. Juneau has a number of fine buildings, but all are not set off as well as they might be, although possibly an exception can be made where the Territorial Block is concerned. And now comes an exacting official, charging Juneau with having the worst slums in Alaska which is not a happy advertisement for the official headquarters of a vast territory. There is a lesson here for Prince Rupert. This city, by no means as old as Juneau, with ample room everywhere, and spacious streets and sidewalks, could be made a model and a beautiful community. Some parts of , Prince Rupert may be less attractive than others, but it can hardly be said there Ts "any where, a downright slum. There is time for prevention of any-. thing of the fort. All that is necessary as time goes : on, is to use care and judgment as the city expands. has circled the globe again and again, and carried and fed tens of thousands of people the good, LOOK FOR TU NEW RED AND WHITE JONES NEWS STAND We handle Eastern and Western Papers Swedish-American Tribune iVia hoH anrl tVin li ! if f ft, i,n 1 New Phone BLUE 593 v... ifuu b.iw tu,,,v ' v.ii., , , .... r , turns from its far flings and de- GOLD SEAL LABEL1 ud Western Miner Sixth Street Red 808 It's about 42 years since the cides to be good, the trouble late R. L. Mcintosh came over isn't over by a jugfull. Watch Consult us for your needs in aU types of printing work. Everything in high-claw stationery. Cards for every occasion. Fountain Pens. 1)1 Kit Printing BESNER BLOCK THIRD AVENUE DR. P. J. CHENEY - .DENTIST SUITE 5. SMITH BLOCK Phone 765 P.O. Box 1401 from Port Essington and starter) out tor what's in it. In their Prince Rupert's first post of- : wild jamborees, the last week or fice in a not - so - big tent, so, the rivers of B. C. have picked In 1910, J. R. Morison arrived to up a lot of bad company !n the join the staff, then in a frame way 0f uncleanliness and you building at Rupert Road and ! don't want that in what you PIANO TECHNICIAN Tuning, Voicing and Repairs MIKE COLUSSI Phone BLACK 756 972 10th East johnhT" BULGER OPTOMETRIST John Bulger Ltl drink. I Centre Street. One thinks of INVENTED AIRSHIP I this when -contemplating the 324 Count Zeppelin conceived the J newly installed boxes in the Idea of the rigid airship while permanent postal premises on serving with the Union forces .Third Avenue, during the American Civil War . NATIVE FLOOD RELIEF SPEAKER Appeal to the natives of this ROUGH WATERS The Gulf of the Lions, a broad bay of the Mediterranean washing the shores of southern JOHN F. L. HUGHES -Chiropractor 21-22. BESNER BLOCK P.O Box 894 Phone Blue 442 HELEN'S BEAUTY SHOP Permanent Wavtig Beauty Culture In all its branches 204 4th Street . Phone 855 23 as an observed in the captive Judging from the trend of France, Is so named because of Third Avenue balloon. public oninion. it's' all comina tho murhnsu nf tho ooo HANDYMAN HOME SERVICE GENERAL CONTRACTORS GEORGE L. RORIE Public Accountant, Auditor, etc. Income Tax Returns Complied. Besner Block - Phone 387 IT PAYS TO ROLL YOUR OWN WITH 'HEKI" it ) Do you steer your car or ) SteeriTlnder? Shimmy? Tjp O RetfrrirJW' car Bering contro. area to support the British Columbia flood relief campaign was made this morning by an outstanding one of their number-Paul Mason of Kitkatla in speaking from radio station CFPR this morning. Mr. Mason ' ppoke both in the English and native language. He was introduced by Indian Agent F. E. An-field. Tonight at 6:30 Mr. Anfield will speak in support of the campaign while Dr. R. G. Large, president of the Prince Rupert Chamber of Commerce, will be heard tomorrow night. On Monday night the radio speaker will be J. 6. Wilson. Other speakers will follow. Building and Repairs of aU kinds Roofs, Chimneys and Oil Burners m i . . ' n i . nil . rti."" I Tnsnprl.ltin. ni-it, n erection rdance only by ise ialized equipment. - . m j. STEPHEN ERICKSON PIANO TECHNICIAN TUNING AND REPAIRS Black 195 411 West 7th Ave the LINES!-' w )hasWe" 01 of having having tne wie nB'" . . t , PHONES: Green 480 Red 894 VMIEEL.4Ll;iT and BALANC1M. cqw Installed and is now in operation. ront end Drivs In and let us check and report on j Cigarette Tobacco concuuon. r : i Serving the Fisberie Industry l:;djay motors ltd. Wells (P.R.) Ltd. QUALITY FEPAIRS For Downtrodden Ileels and Wom 8olc MAC , SHOE HOSPITAL Boi 77-' Second.' At. MUD, SWEET, BRIGHT VIRGINI Cartate, Labelling, Weighing BLUE 0 BLUE 980 T V Advertise in the Daily News!