1 PHOVINCIAL PSCVIMCIAL LI23AHY, C. 1M NORTliERN AND CENTRAL BRITISH COLUMBIA'S NEWSPAPER T-l l tie Prompt Service At AU Hours onriEs cnc:3 hoodTide Daily Delivery PHONE 81 Objective $25,000 STAR CABS v Published at Canada's Most Strategic Pacific Port "Prince Rupert, the Key to the Great Northwest" VOL. XXXVII, No. 131. PRINCE RUPERT, B.C., FRIDAY, JUNE 4, 1948 PRICE FIVE CENTS xauwledged to date $253 .. ,.,.. VI r,n L,.pr Nora n"""" SefUm 3 0. Lefisto 5 Gustafson 5 e Newroyimdllainidl Constitutional Uiymous s k Grace Richards 2 j. j. jacoDs o Lderick Moore - 1 j. Armstrong o ii in nes iiaauen u Southern B.C. Anxiously Hoping Worst Is NovOver Fraser and Thompson Rivers Receding Columbia Still Critical With Danger at Trail VANCOUVER (CP) The one big question today in the minds of 1,000,000 flood weary persons in British Columbia is: "Is the worst over?" With nearly 60,000 acres of watery waste, 9,000 persons are homeless and devastation is estimated at Morgan 10 Vote Uymous ; isu s irst Attack GOVERNMENT OF PARAGUAY FAILS BUENOS AIRES. 0 La Nations correspondent for Infor-mosa reported today that President Higinogos Paraguayan government had fallen. A dispatch said this morning that Higino-go, whose forces had recently put down a revolt, had been succeeded by Manuel Frutos, chief justice of Paraguay Supreme Court. kk by Navy Colony May Have Split Between Self Gov! and Joining Confederation Knottier rhase of Palestine Warfare I'nitcd Nations Iruce Edict rstJSJJSSSssrrsjssrrrtsistr t Bulletins 130,000,000. "Valley of Misery" residents hopefully eyed the slowdown of the Fraser today. At Mission, thirty miles west of here, the river dropped from 24.30 to 24.09 early today. tAIRO, CP The TransJoidan ST. JOHN'S, Newfoundland (CP) With 136,453 ign office said today that Arabs had already accepted i Bate for cease fire. The major concern of the ! fceuters reports from Amman voters of 176,297 eligible accounted for, the results of Newfoundland's constitutionality referendum showed the commission form of government with 19,633; confederation, 55,813 and responsible government 61,006. In the percentage there is 44 per cent for responsible It Count Bernadotte, United :ions Palestine mediator, or- J Yei a cease fire in Palestine government, 41 per cent for con federation and 15 per cent for commission. EXPECTING OCTOBER IS LONDON Princess Elizabeth is expecting a baby. This becomes official? known today. AU engagements after the end of the month have been cancelled. The event is expected about the middle of October. LIVING INDEX UP OTTAWA The cost of living index rose 1.7 points from April 1 to May 1, the new fig-are being 153.3, the highest on record.' It is likely that a second refer C.N.R. EMPLOYS MOTOR TRUCKS TO REPAIR ROADBED Motor trucks were called into ; service today to assist in the repair of the Canadian National Railways line eastward front Kwinitsa where the receding Skeena River has left a trail of washouts and roadbed damage which may take weeks to repair. - The trucks, recruited from city transfer and construction. :n 9 a.m. Sunday and a truce come Into effect at 6 p.m. i::day. kTusalem has had 24 hours comparative peace. Hagana es were holding all but a .all part of the modern city sterday. Arab forces made no pmpt to improve their posl- endum between responsible government and confederation will Fraser Valley centres is the ; Chilliwack area. The city is practically isolated, the Navy reported early today. In the North Okanagan the Thompson River has shown a fall from 20.2 feet to 20.0 feet. Reports from the North Thompson watershed also indicate that the river is dropping slowly in the mountains. ' While flood f ronts in the Koot-enays reported relief in most, areas. Trail, 230 miles from Vancouver, had an unchanged situr ation as the Columbia River overflowed into low-lying homc3. j The nearby village of Castle-gar, which received last food shipments two weeks ago, was isolated at midnight last night. be held later. Fileen one per cent is required for a selection. RUSSIAN SHIP VISITS HERE A Russian ship, the 10,000-ton passenger - cargo boat Chukotka, bound from Vancouver to Vladivostok, docked at Prince Rupert shortly before noon today to take on fresh water. The ship, travelling without passengers but with the first naval attack took United States Is Responsible t yesterday when the fleet bombarded the port of NEWEST PASSENGER LINER ON THE PACIFIC COAST T. S.S. Prince George, built for the Canadian National Steamships regular passenger and tourist service between Vancouver and Skagway. The new ship has just finished her trials and will be in Prince Rupert on her first sailing north June 12 with a passenger list made up of members of Los' Angeles Chamber of Commerce. The ship is 350 feet long and carries 322 passengers and will make trips every 10 days throughout the summer months, with calls at Ocean Falls, Prinee Rupert, Ketchikan and Juneau. Following acceptance trials, the Prince George arrived in Vancouver from Victoria this week and is now outfitting for her Urea between Tel Aviv and SOFIA Premier George Dim- companies, will haul gravel from Kwinitsa, western limit of the flood damage, to repair the road itroff says United States is re sponsible for the peace of the (a. Four hundred Jews were i to be killed. A vessel was k In the harbor and port taxations were damaged. world. He denies that Bulgaria will become a' Soviet republic. bed which is reported to b washed out in many places be1 1 tween Kwinitsa and Terrace. HOTWEATHER ON PRAIRIES Favors Seeding But Makes Germination Irregular WINNIPEG Weather over the western region this past week has been considerably warmer than usual for this time This morning, the railway maiden voyage. , Highway Damage Revealed OLUMBIA RIVER STILL RAMPAGING; company had obtained the use of nine trucks and were said to be seeking "as many as we can some hemp cargo, is a former German boat, seized as a war prize at the end of the war. Her master is Captain Alexeev. Sne was the centre of interest of a wharfside throng after she docked. Sh j was expected to sail tonight. She came from Vancouver with Capt. Alex Sinclair as pilot. , Fire Ravages Quebec Village ST. VICTOR DE TRING, Que., Fire of unknown origin raced through this village of 450 peo MILLION DAMAGE; NO RELIEF YET By Public Works Officials of the year, with high winds in PORTLAND, (CP) Unbridled waters charged many sections and little or no ! . S ple at dawn today destroying rrnre than tvn rinzpn Homes be ly to a new high, punching out dykes over a far tv.s flood front in northwestern -United States. fore it'was brought uAdar confroi' get." The trucks will probably repair "the tracks as far east as Terrace. Work crews have been or Jo tlr l9t roiiple of days, A power shovef will be sent out to a gravel pit near KwlnlUa to load the trucks. In order to haul the gravel for the railway repair, it will be necessary to make repairs to the highway which borders the Reinforcements have been rushed to soggy dykes ma; the lower Columbia River's shores in Oregon After raging for five hours, the blaze was finally halted by crews from the neighboring towns of Beauceville and St. Ephrem at 9:30. ,d Washington as the massive flow of the big river precipitation, according to the weekly crop report, of the-Department of Agriculture of the Canadian National Railways. This condition favored seeding operations which In many districts have been completed but, with top soil drying out rapidly in many localities, uneven germination of late sown crops becomes a possibility. As with early sown crops and hay, eatened to widen its mos Assistant District Engineer W. E. Bottomley Estimates Road From Prince Rupert to Terrace May be Opened in Three Weeks First comprehensive survey of damage to the northern trans-provincial highway between Smithers and Prince Rupert was released today by the local office of the Department of Public Works on the basis of a survey just made by Assistant District Engineer W. E. Bottomley. f Mr. Bottomley arrived in the Half mile east of Shames sta- FISHERMAN DROWNS AT SEAL COVE A Vancouver fisherman was iructive 1200 mile surge to Pacific. A fresh flood crest is mount- k in the Columbia far up in tho Portland Elects Woman as Mayor PORTLAND Mrs. Dorothy Mc- Columbia River damage estimates have soared to $110,000,000 in Idaho and the lower valle in Oregon and Washington. The death toll has risen to twenty-one. Crest of the flood in the Portland area Is expected next untains where the blazing sun track in that area. Railway officials would make no prediction as to when the line would be in operation again. Meanwhile, Canadian National Telegraphs have begun to drowned this mornine at the ckly changes deep snow pack o run-off water. Canadian Fish and Cold Storage Cullough Lee, aged 47, has been Co. dock at Seal Cove when he : elected Portland's first woman The Snake River ,a main trlb- clty last night and left shortly I tion. a stream 60 feet wide and -Ty of the Columbia, is also afterward by plane to return to 15 feet deep has cut across the feU frQm wharI int0 the! mayor. Her 'program for hand-. restore their service which was xled. i washed out by last week's Skeena Smithers. He traversed the 250 roaa. harbor. He was Johan Gottfred i ling vice is to enforce the law. miles of road from Smithers to I Qne ni. east ot shames sta- Lundcren. crew member of the I Prince Rupert by various means tion Approvimately 2000 feet of halibut boat Robert G. Johnston flood. A circuit was put through last night, but failed during the early morning. It was restored again today. Radio network programs were of transportation, i n c i u a ing 'surface gone; average fill will be His body was recovered by Calgary Militia Sent to Coast weed growth has been rapid, requiring extra cultivating prior to seeding. In the Okanagan weather has been quite hot, causing rapid development of all fruity Heavy rains together with hot weather caused flood conditions in some sections which will necessitate considerable replanting of vegetables If the water drains off before too long. Evacuee Train Itself Held Up VANCOUVER A train full of "long walks." luod Flashes CALGARY Members of the carried this morning for the militia have been despatched to first time in almost a fortnight. DID NOT EVACUATE I'SK Mr. and Mrs. Percy Skinner took the second flMd in their experience quite calmly. The whole first floor of hiir rvii..ni iui hufpl uhs flooded but thev re about two feet. William Gomez, Canadian Fish and Cold Storage Co worker. He Railway mileage 43.3-Stream was given Immediate arUficial from Skeena River has cut ration, but failed to rally resp through road about 400 feet tnee. to the mishap said wide and 25 feet deep. Still run- ning fast. Will probably have that L"ndBrn ,wa? taBgerinB to be bridged. "ea: ne wh"' etdf and V??1 his balance and pitched over the WEST OF 'side. He was in the water for 1 PACIFIC about eight minutes. 1 I A InnuAi-t hio koon cot fnr Vancouver where they will be Commrecial service, however, assigned to duties in the Fraser was not back to normal this Valley where the Army author!- morning. Telegraph linemen are At present, he is unable to say when all the road damage will be repaired sufficiently to let traffic by from East Kwinitsa :o lerrace but an "approximate estimate is in the neighborhood of three weeks." Here is the report turned in to District Engineer J. C. Brady last night. It begins at Smithers, ending at Prince Rupert: mained nm-halandy upstairs until (he flood receded. ties are directing the work of . working continuously to repair fighting the Fraser River floods, the damage. ' KIKTKKN ARE MISSING evacuees, from Harrison Mills, j was itself Isolated yesterday. The lilt UIUUOV 11M Ml OV AV- .. .... a f- r i I Railway Mileage 45-GOO feet Saturday morning by Coroner train, cut off by the high water of surface gone. M. M. Stephens. was still stalled, up to last " Railway Mileage so.i j-irsij Lundgren, who was 48 years Smihers Bridge Water cut bridge west of Exstew ' across the field on the Smithers out. noatea old lived ln Vancouver. He was I born at Bergen, Norway, and Railway Mileage 54 Half mile was unmarried. side of the bridge and washed out the new approach for about THE WEATHER Synopsis The storm which moved into covered by one foot of silt and 250 yards and washed the sur- 1 i0BS Twenty-five Thousand Dollars in Ten Days FLOOD RELIEF OBJECTIVE FOR FRINGE RUPERT SET CANVASS STARTS TODAY Twenty-five thousand dollars in a lightning ten-day campaign was set last night by the Prince Rupert committee aa its primary objective for the British Columbia Flood Emergency. Enthusiastic canvassers went to work today covering the city to bring about the realization of that objective with, a minimum of delay by June 12 at the ultimate. Mayor Nora Arnold started the flood relief tide flowing at last night'3 the southern interior yesterday lace Oil me oia ruau iur nuuui 400 yards, leaving several bad holes. We are keeping traffic moving on the old road at pres Railway Mileage 58 Bridge floated off piles. Will have to be rebuilt. Railway Mileage 60 Washout is still causing expansive cloudi TODAY'S STOCKS Courtesy 8. D Johnston Co. t.tit. VANCOUVER Bralorne 8.25 ness from the Cascades to the Rockies. Rain is reported from ent, t Mosquito Flats 36 miles west, i of Smithers. Water washed out I 50 feet wide, 4 feet deep. Railway Miles 60-63 Surface the Kooteanys- and thunderstorms are expected to de I'ORTLAND Fifteen persons are still missing follow-'"ir he Van port flood hut there is no confirmation that "'.' may he dead. From 10 to 15 feet of water still covers the city. WIRES ARE ALIVE VANCOUVER People of the Fraser Valley flood areas have been warned not to touch fallen light wires. They may be alive. MORE VOLUNTEERS WANTED VANCOUVER The Canadian Army sent out a new rail today at Vancouver for volunteers to assist in repair-inK the dykes and stemming the flood waters of the fraser River. TRAIL EVACUATES TRAIL All residents of Riverside Street, Trail's est thorough fare, have been evacuated as the Columbia Hivcr continues to rise. ISLAND EVACUATED NEW WESTMINSTER Muddy waters of the Eraser K'ver flooded over most of Darnston Island today after a "J'ke cracked on the northeast shore. The Island has "een completely evacuated now. -( RAILWAY DAMAGED ; VANCOUVER Near Halzic Lake, '45 miles east of "ere. the roaring Eraser River carried away a Canadian 'nfic Railway pump station and the station keepers House, other houses were also carried from foundations velop there this afternoon. The Cariboo and Prince George areas are mostly cloudy. Coastal areas B. R. Con 03 B. R. X 05 Cariboo Quartz 1.35 Dentonia .02 Vi Grull Wihksne 04 Hedley Mascot 45 Minto 013,i meeting with a personal sub- are clear except for some low the road for about 200 feet but . "i , of , for a depth can be repaired by fill. Traffic has been maintained across the frmntwo to fur feeh . . lats j Railway Mileage 62.5 One washout 50 feet across by 6 feet Shandilla Creek Bridge- The another 75 feet across by deep; Skeena washed out the fill at the west end of the bridge. This will . 10if ef' deep-., ce ao , cloud patches over the water. scription of $50. While house-to-house canvassers are pursuing their sacrific High barometric pressure aioim the coast indicates that a fine warm week-end is In store for the province. Halibut Sales American Sealab, 12,500, Pacific, 19.5c, 18.5c and 10c. Reliance I, 33,000, Anna J., 15,-000, and Linda, 60,000, Cold Storage, " 19.5c, 18.5c and 10c. Canadian Fisher Lassie, 50,000, and Al- be fixed in two days. i """ 77, T Whiskey Creek-Four feet of Bone. Bridge at Mile 68 floated; ut two feet on west water across the road just cast , raif , end- WlU have to be Pd of the bridge. to get extent of damage. Meanskinisht Bridge 0 v e r channel of Skeena River on road ! Railway Mileage 70.2-Bridge Forecast Prlnre RuDert. Queen Char ing task, internal canvasses of industrial and other employees are being organized and the canvass will also reach out to workers whose duties keep them out of town, particularly the fishermen on the grounds who will be reached at their base camps. Nor will be unorganized com-(Contintied on Page 3) Pend Oreille ... 3.90 Pioneer 2.90 Privateer 03 Premier Border 20 Reeves McDonald 19" Reno 08 Vi Salmon Gold Sheep Creek l.H Taylor Bridge 40 Taku River 35 Vananda 36 Congress .03 Pacific Eastern 03 Hedley Amalg 02 Central Zeballos 01 Silbak Premier 34 Oils lottes and North Coast Variable cloudiness this morning and again tonight. Clouds in the afternoon and evenings. Light winds. Little change in temperature. Lows tonight and highs tomorrow: Port Hardy 45 and 60, Jeverdy, 50,000, Cold Storage, 1 19.3c, 18.2c and 9c. .to Cedar vale ferry The 68-foot floated, raised about one foot. king truss span has been wash- ! Railway Mileage 70.8 Bridge Jed out here. but this does not in- floated; is about 2 inches off terfere with traffic on the main caps. road. The Usk ferry is out but Railway Miles 68-71 Surface ,this is off the main road. The covered by silt and logs and Massett 45 and 60, Prince Ru noaied downstream. The double Deo. oi w .v ... road between Smithers and Ter- .washed off In stretches ji , eit-u aim ldim iviv t",o,w o raace Is expected to be passable e aii From railway mileage 71 to Prince Rupert, a 1 distance of GYRO CLUB SWIMMING POOL SEALED TENDERS will be received by the undersigned, for the construction of a Cement Swimming Pool at McCly-mont Park. Tenders must be received by 5 p.m., June 12 and be accompanied by a certified check In the amount of 1 of tender. The lowest or any tender not necessarily accepted. Blueprints and specfiications on request. E.'D. FORWARD, Secretary, Box 1145, City. (132) pert 45 and 60. LOCAL TIDES (Standard Time) Saturday, June 5, 1948 High 12:14 17.4 feet Low ' 6:05 4.2 feet 17:55 7.6 feet by June 8. TERRACE TO PRINCE RITERT Remo Washout about 60 feet wide and almost full width oi road. about 44 miles, the highway is open and ln fair condition. This includes the diversion at Kwinitsa tunnel which suffered only minor damage and at no time was impassable. BEACHES CONTAMINATED . VANCOUVER-Vancoriver beaches wiH be campled y the health department to determine if there has been oacterial contamination as a result of Fraser River ''"ods. If contamination is found, the public will be "arned. , , A. P. Con 17 Calmont 55 C. ti E 6.50 Foothills i -i ..). 3.00 HomeJi..:-iU ca:rt.80