?.Uri Hi,..,, Prince JSupett Dailg J3cto0 JUO. Friday, June 4, 1948 Briefs From Britain SHIPS AND WATERFRONT FRANCOIS LAKE LONDON, 01 Twins were born at London Zoo to Pookie TORBRITMINE DRILL TESTED Diamond drilling to test down- ward extension of the ore zone was recenuy in progress at me Torbrit silver mine at Alice Arm, according to statements from H D. Forman the general manager. herp the Stft. as main. -i- He had boasted hw loh manager ,!. could live a Z " , .. . aii on a worth ' ..f Wilt, . . JJ-J im t 1 a furm,.r. e than $2G,)0, s,1n in his clothe .... - v 1a mi n 1 vt V,i..u .. '""I '"Bu enough to KUir year round. Lll, West African Molloli Galajo, smaii montcey-iike animal. SUNBRIDGE PARK, Eng., 0, A robin built a nest In a gate letterbox here. LONDON, Stamps auctioned in London recently realized $732 for a Tuscany issue of 1861, with the upper half fainter than the lower. A Swiss stamp, issued in 1843 and known as the "Double Genev.." because of its double width, brought $840. Native Makes : Flood Appeal "Wherever the rivers of our land have run there have been floods," said Paul Mason of Kin-colith, in addressing native people today in support of flood relief. Terrible floods that have washed homes away, have driven whole families in thousands from their land in farms and villages. It is said that nearly fifty thousand people are in danger. Of this number many hundreds are our own native people. "In the Fraser Valley man Indian reserves, farms and villages have been wiped out and the people rushed away to save their lives. The same thing has happened to our own Skeena River and in a small way on the Naas. "We Indians believe in tha brotherhood of man. A great call Steamship Movements For Vancouver Monday ss. Princess Adelaide. 10 p.m. Tuesday bs. Cardena, 1:30 p.m. Thursday ss. Prince Rupert, 11:15 p.m. Saturday ss. Catala, 9 a.m. june 9 ss. Princess Norah, p.m. June 12 ss. Princess Louise, p.m. From Vancouver Sunday ss. Cardena, p.m. Monday ss. Princess Adelaide, p.m. Wednesday ss. Prince Rupert, 10 a.m. Saturday ss. Catala, a.m. June 4 ss. Princess Norah, a.m. June 7 ss. Princess Louise, am. For Alice Arm, Stewart, Port Simpson Sunday ss. Cardena, mld-light. From Alice Arm, Stewart, Fort Simpson Assays showed that for one hole noon. Francois Lake won. Sev-silver averaging 21 ounces was erai jans went with the team found oVer a core length of 150 from Francois and they enjoyed feet, with the last five feet run- , a friendly gathering with the ning 24 ounces. The other 75 wistaria folk at the ball grounds. foot hole revealed the ore zone I has a flat rake to the west, one David Gatacre was taken to section averaging 15 ounces and the hospital for attention on another IOV2 ounces. .Thursday evening where he was for a broken collar bon. iuuay AT 7 PM. AND 9 24 SATURDAY 2 P.M., 4:25, 6:50. DONT MISS THIS OUTSTANDING P!( Clarence Snyder's power out fits are plowing, working down and seeding tor H. Taylor on the corner farm. The finished field looks t0 be in perfect condition for growing a good crop 0f grain. Francois Lake baseball team went to Wistaria on Sunday where they played in the after- He had been climbing on a roof and fell. With a week of hot, dry weath er, vegetation has grown at an almost unbelievable rate. Roads , are dry but heavy loads are not yet allowed. BRITAIN SHOWS fUf I IMflFQIF VI V hlllWbltlli Latest Creations Sent to Toronto Designed for Every Figure and Taste LONDON, W Underwear and nightie of both "new look" and "old look" length have been sent by British designers to Toronto's International Trade alr- Snug flanellette night dresses by Dagnalls of Manchester re ,'",41 j iWs SPENCER KATHAP1;; 86D$! ! TNGtU AD0LPHC ( V IANSBURY MENJGL' has gone out to help our brother men,- a call lor one million dollars to provide food and clothing, blankets and fuel for those who no longer have a home. When the floods came the waters did not care who got hurt", white or Indian ,it made no difference. So we ask you to help all who suffer at this time by giving all you can to the British Columbia Flood Relief Fund. "It is suggested that In every village and cannery and In every camp the head men call all the people to write their names on a paper and by each name nut. the mnnpv von can give in cash. The head men will send the lists and the money into the Indian office and Mr. Anfield will see that It is sent at once and turned into food and clothing for those who suffer now. Th.; call is urgent. The help is needed right away. Later on the government will take over and try to rebuild what has been destroyed. So do it now today we call all chiefs and head me.i to lead the way. Get your lists Canadian Pacific steamer Princess Louise arrived in port at 10 o'clock this morning from the south with a full load of 215 passengers of whom 132 were round - trip tourists. There were no passengers for Prince Rupert. The vessels, under command of Capt. P. L. Leslie, sailed at 12:30 for Juneau and Skagway. School Concert At Burns Lake BURNS LAKE A concert by the students of Burns Lake elementary and high Schools in aid of the Red Cross brought a re- cord crowd to Ule commodious community hali, the standing room only sign being hung out before the raise of the first curtain. Students Evelyn Eckland, Anne Hennessy and Wanda Rob inson turned out attractive programs. Encore after encore encouraged the performers, whose renderings had almost a professional touch. All teachers had taken a keen interest and ushers insisited in maintaing perfect order. A delighted audience vocifer- lously voiced its appreciation. The "Ballet of the Rainbow" lwas "Peuaiiy well received, me program: Group of Songs, Primary classes. Piano solo, Robert Zielke. "Kitchen Rhythm," Primary classes. Recitation, Maureen Robinson. I Piano Accordion solo, Helge 'Larsen. I Choir, "Canadian Boat Song," Division Twc. Choral Recitation, "Abou Ben Sweet Af ton," "Four Limer icks, choir. "Ballet of the Rainbow," David Olson, Wayne Hanson, Pat Cor coran, Clarence Johnson. .Duet, Alice Olson and Bernice Halverson. Mouth organ solo, Victor Wil-ejto. Play, "High School Daze," Anne Hennesy, Evelyn Ecklund, Victor Wilejto, Louis Snyder, Ray Hennesy, Bernice Halverson and Yvonne Roumieu. The final curtain went down in a roar of applause. MANCHESTER, Eng., P A wife would rather have a husband who was occasionally cruel ; but loved her, than one who ig nored her, said Judge F. R. Batt i in Divorce Court. iminiscent of the nursery are 'cold-night favorites. For the trousseau is Petalena's knitted 5'ninon and ecrue lace with low back and full, frilled skirt. A matching bed-jacket has full cape back, belted front, three-" quarter sleeves and a Peter Pan collar. Sweetly Victorian is a bishop-Si sleeved nlgntie of white geor- Tuesdav ss Cardena, a.m. From Ocean Falls Monday ss. Princess Adelaide p.m. Wednesday ss. Prince Rupert, 10 a.m. Friday ss. Catala, p m. For Ocean Falls Monday ss. Princess Adelaide, 10 p.m. Thursday ss. Prince Rupert, 1:15 p.m. From Alaska ' Thursday ss. Prince Rupert. 8 p.m. June 9 ss. Princess Norah pjn. Keep your car running Sweet- You'll be sure of a sweet-running motor if you bring your tar to our experts. Whether you need minor adjustments or major repairs, you'll find our rates are reasonable. We abide by cost estimates and have your car ready when promised. T lit I but potnti to tm'tuns . . . vfii Hudion Proitctttri Strtu. -v Superior Auto CLEETHORPES, Eng., J John Penlstan, solicitor, plans to tour England" and Scothf id from Land's End to John O'Groats on a his 14-year old horse Billy. LONDON, Three letters written by novelist Jane Austen to her sister Cassandra brought $1,340. LITTLE HORWOOD, Eng., 0) The Bishop of Buckingham held the first confirmation ser vice here in 700 years. LONDON, O) For the first time British crops will be sprayed from helicopters on a commercial scale this season. NEWPORT, Isle of Wight, 0i Miss Louisa Way, the island's oldest inhabitant, celebrated her 102nd birthday. LONDON, Farmers will use toilet, household and substitute soaps when preparing pigs for show and sales. The Food Ministry has refused allocation of soft soap. NORTHAMPTON, Eng., 0; Of the 270 church schools in Northamptonshire, 170 will be closed because it would cost $2,000,000 to bring them up to the requirements of the education act. LONDON, a A 10-foot Indian python began to hatch her 18 eggs at London Zci recently after sitting on them for two months. Indian' ypthons were hatched last there in 1938. We are pleased to announce that we have now obtained the services of a very competent body man, namely Mr. Charles Ilcooner who will be only too glad to five you a free estimate on that body or fender job. Mr. Ileppner also specialize in upholstery work. & Body Service By Chic Young Oi T-t irr ( MAN SA!D EVAPORATION i4Jjt.yiuui;ini,i;, ' started at once and give all you'Adam b h , ; I' 1 ELECTIUGtL FIXTURES APPLIANCES CLEANERS SERVICE - WRITE: SEE PHONE can for your brother man. Thank you." SAFE SKATING The ice of Antarctica is estimated to be more than 2.000 feet, thick except in "ice basins" where some authorities say if extends downwards for several miles. 1922 SAW HOTTEST DAY The world's highest recorded I temperature was 136 degrees Fahrenheit, at Azizia, Libya, in 1922. DEFECT OF VISION Everyone has a "blind spot" a position slightly to one side of the upper part of the nose caused by the joining of the op- tic nerve to the ball of the eye. I ONDIF RUPERT RADIO & ELECT AVKNTfc WEST HOW CAN I ? ? ? j By ANNE ASHLEY Q. How can I make baking I powder? ... A. Mix 12 ounces of pure cream of tartar, 6 ounces of cornstarch," and 6 ounces of baking soda. Sift each ingredl- , ent about 12 times Deiore mixing-Make it on a bright, dry ria v Q. How can I make a good hair tonic? , A. Buy one ounce of the best castor oil, two ounces of French Brandy, and two ounce of bay rum. Mix thoroughly and rub well into the scalp. Q. How can I preserve leather auto cushions that are often subjected to rain? A. By rubbing linseed oil into fhpm thnmnohiv and freouent- i iy- i I I i ! j B J a J B The Best In ! Boys' Clothes J Whether it's for graduation B days or everyday wear, ' whether it's for seventeen year old or five year old HEADQUARTERS FOB a BOYS WEAR J RUPERT MENS I 3 & BOYS STORE J Chandler & Cowgill Photographer Developing, Printing Enlarging Box 645 216 4th St. The Popular S.S. PRINCE RUPERT Sails For VANCOUVER AND INTERMEDIATE PORTS EACH THURSDAY AT 11:15 PJV1. For KETCHIKAN WEDNESDAY MIDNIGHT " For information call or write City or Depot Ticket Qtfleu PRINCE RUPERT, B-C. SAVOY HOTEL Just An Old Shock Absorber. I II -Hr-AtM v C . r YO'J BOTS ) M IWOWBPlNSA. , POUt) si) ,Q ,, fa BE MORES m f "" '-- f 1 11 BAU-fr- rA Ak CAREPUL-J , DON'T JUST C Jj If fJJ I . r5rLs&T.l2l ' ' THE WINDOW, SLll ' I I 1 K. ' 7Sc ' J gette and coffee lace with shirt collar and buttoned front. The black georgette with' midriff and shoulder and frilled neckline has I lovers' knots embroidered on I the bodice and a wide dirndl skirt. A pink quilted dressing gown with tie front and train back has its deep roll collar, cuffs and pockets frilled by wide beige lace. A screen-printed rayon taffeta housecoat with square neck and stitched velvet collar has a tiny waist and corded hip effect on a full skirt. WIDE VARIETY I There are mnay negligees of georgette, chiffon and satin de- signed for nearly every figure and taste. Housecoats and dress- ing gowns are mostly of taffeta, quilting and wool. I "New look" petticoats from several fashion houses come in taffeta, grosgrains and cotton. The taffetas and grosgrains have 1 deep self frills while cotton and softer silks feature frills of bro- derie anglaise. I The softer petticoats not made to be seen under the dresses are , of knitted ninon, nylons and silks. These generally have wide elastic waistbands and frilled or beribboned camisole tops. Gallagher shows many examples of Sea Island cotton in nighties and housecoats. The material washes and irons often and e asily. He also shows many examples of pure silk and chif fon undies with hand-drawn threadwork and Irish hand embroidery. There are briefs and panties of hard-wearing milanese, wide or elastic-legged and finished with lace elastic. TESTED This scientific instrument tells us what's wrong when you bring your watch in, and it tells you it's right when you take it away Faster, more economical repairs, with printed prooi 544 of accuracy. m Stock It With Bass, Dagwood! PHONE 64 313 THIRD Father's Day June 20 A Nice Selection of FATHER'S DAY CARDS Now on Display at iini AkAMM"" ft 1 OCEAII VIEW HOTEL (Formerly Knox) A Quiet, Pleasant Place to Live COMPLETELY RENOVATED Rooms Redecorated Spring-Filled Mattresses New Management Proprietor, TOM PESUT PHONE 71 fiRFFR & nrrrr f- f r C A M H A THE CELLARS "MLI L , FPOMTHE V II XJP CLAP WOULDNtJ FLOODED AGAItjTfTTi lTL?lt0r THE Jr-!,TnF T A AMD ) fcf$ DWftlN PPOPEPLy spp "CALLTHEg.ll,1 WMEN VOU BOUGhtT XT J ibiy' YOUR BE EATING PL i-nx-coiRSE' 1 ii .m-to BANQUET HAH LUNCHEONS, ft AND PAE CH1NESI' BROAD No Soap! . I ! niiiiii' jii!iiii!iiiin- v vVf iypHii' )''' ''t- .r TOWEL THAT J -a- LEAVE A lr t BRIDDE r-rZAite Repair. - Construct- nnnr Sanding a Carl Zarelli, Prop. Phone 37 P.O. Bos FRASER STREET r Prince Rupert f BULGER'S ?,oM Phone RED 561