a Prince Rupert folloMng tlii honeymoon. Prfrttl nnpftJ Dafl reetoi Wednesday, October 5, 1949. Mr. and Mrs. McKay will take up residence at 1020 First Avenue where they will have the FOR BEAUTY AND UTILITY IT REASONABLE COST Quiet Wedding in Vancouver Miss Leah Basso-Bert and Robert McKay jr. United ANNOUNCEMENTS Catholic Bazaar October S and 8. hearty congratulations and best wishes of their many friends. Sons of Norway meeting, Wed- General meeting Prince Ru-nesday, October 5, 8 p.m. (233) pert Ski Club, Thursday, Oct. Shiffer- Civic Centre Bridge, Oct. 7th.' St. Andrew's Cathedral Con- gregational Dinner, Monday, Mr. and Mrs. Ed Clifton, who have been spending the summer at Sunnyside cannery, sailed on the Catala last evening, the A popular Prince Rupert Hillman All thicknesses in stock from V4" to l'4" At New Lower Prices Phone now for your copy of . . Extra Living Space In Your Home" MAILED FREE October 10, 6:30 p.m. couple, both of whom were born Regular meeting of Chapter , Z 1 n T zu, Women of the Moose, Wed- ing- (233) nesday the 5th. (233) i Mrs. Bruce Rogers, after a Mavis Colclouirh announces visit here with Mr. and Mrs. W. re-opening of her dancine'F. Stone, sailpd last niirht on in the city, were married quietly Presbyterian Tea, October 13 Job's Daughters Fashion Show CLOTHING in Vancouver recently and, after a honeymoon tour of Vancouver and entertainment, Oct. 21, 8 p.m., Civic Centre. former going to Alert Bay and the latter to her home at Hartley Bay. After a ten-day visit here with Mr. and Mrs. Louis Amad-io. Sixth Avenue West, Mike De i 8011001 'or children. Information ! the Catala for Namu enroute to Island, have returned to the city Urt & McCaffery to make their home. ",u appointments Blue 480. Egg Island where Mr. Rogers (235) is at present employed. They are To makn rr, f,.- fu,. former residents of this city They are the former Miss Leah Basso-Bert only daughter , Fabio left by Monday after- in LIMITED PHONE 116 of 1950 and now make thelr home wallpaper Gordon & Anderson are cleaning out their i Vancouver- of Mr. and Mrs. Victor Basso- j noon's plane on his return to Bert,.Biggar Place and Robert Richmond, California. Rebekah Bazaar, Oct. 26. Sonja Ladies Bazaar. Oct. 28. St Peter's W. A. Fall Bazaar, Nov. 3. Legion Auxiliary Bazaar, November 9. Presbyterian Fall Bazaar, Nov. 17. present wallpaper stock at half price. Don t mlsii a chance like (236) this. OVERUSING IN THE DAILY NEWS PAYS1 J ADVERTISING COPY IS APPRECIATED Prince Rupert Symphony (Joe) McKay, youngest son of Mr. and Mrs. Robert McKay, Eleventh . Avenue. Both, are members of prominent pioneer families. The marriage took place quietly on September 17 at a Vancouver United Church with Rev. J. P. Westman officiating. . Mr. and Mrs. Ian Black of BigKer and Better than ever! The Catholic Bazaar in School Hall, Wednesday and Thursday, Oct. 5 and 6, afternoons and evenings. There will be afternoon tea, sale of home cooking, hot dogs, fish pond, fancy work and novelty booths. BINGO in. the evenings. Grand Drawing, Thursday evening. Everybody welcome. (234 Women interested in first aid and home nursing please attend meeting Friday, Oct. 7 8 p.m. Armories. (H) NOTICE Taxi service now available at Seal Cove. Phone Orchestra Concert, Nov. 18. I.OD.E. Chapter Fall Bazaar, Nov. 24. St. Andrew's Cathedral Fall Bazaar, Nov. 28. Saturday. 464. (235) Crange Ladies Sale. Dec. 7. Salvation Army Home League The better British Woolens, comprising the Shiffer-Hillman collection, are now ready for your inspection. Your selection will be endowed with character by the skill of Shiffer-Hillman tailoring, and fitted "with a care that is in keeping. ODDFELLOWS B us leaves rsing is payable in advance. Please refrain from fieds 2c per word per insertion, minimum Sale of fancy work and home Vancouver were attendants of the couple. Following the ceremony, the occasion was duly celebrated at the Commodore Cabaret. The couple drove home to cooking at Sons of Norway Hall. Dec. 8 at 2:30 p.m. h Notices OUC, Mrua ui i nanus, icam riuuces, Menace and Engagement Announcement: (2. ?K1AL XIISPLAY, DOUBLE PRICE Oddfellows Hall for Smithers' Sat., Oct. 8th at 2 p.m. sharp.) Leaves SmiUiiers Mem., Oct.' 10th at 1 p.m. (235) j No Time To S.O.N, whist drive and dance i REWARD A reward of Fifty every Friday. (246) LOST AND FOUND 'notice .. ,i Mr ' r ,u vam; uue w increased I o ":""," i lost urown ma gloves Dc-!nn.t ,n bCai T.,,thpran r'hnreh nnri "c " wave cars .lay. October 3rd! Po(jt 01f1(.e, phone Black 897.1 available 24 hours a day. Phone! Dollars will be paid to pn """" ,"" -. : I weven-O" Cabs. rav.or-nit. xnun. "'. lost buck wanei Haturoav' . D . -. -.."' " Get Ready, Ernest Bevin Sounds Warning at Ottawa OTTAWA In the opinion of Britain's Foreign Secretary Bevin it wuold be "a mistaken pol anyone supplying infor tiifint containing sum oiiw"" "uuo uigst otore. inj MINE CARS and CAGES money, hospital insurance mation which will result :m Two newly card etc. Phtme Green 414. (234) WANTF.l :nip sice pint; : HOIST, SKIPS .d. Phone Black in the renting of suitable YOU HAVENT LIVED UNTIL AERIAL TRAMWAYS LOWER LIVING COSTS SOUGHT I X . nr itrrrn t-... 1 1 ...MI,.U...1 accommodation for my rjUHSlS Sleeping wVPliCi-' ouiau luiuinucu L 471 (tn nou.se or aparimeni Dy young P - ' i ni .j n i .nan, icy" for even North America to assume she would have a . long period to nourish and build strength after war starts. That I. and board OTTAWA, & Hwuslnn C( 413 3rd Avenue, waih i lu- wartime nouse kh- dlUons and the cost of livine concept, he said in Ottawa yes May we suggest that you choose early and take advantage of ' the season's new patterns. ,fP3 iin cnen range, r. u. box im, I City. (233) wife and family. PHONE 337 Family Shoe Store C. R. Roberts YOU'VE TRIED OUR FOREVER AMBERGERS SNACK BAR Just off Third Avenue 316 Sixth Street BLUE 9: came under heavy fire yester- terday, passed into discard with duy at the Canadian Congress the Second World War. It was of . Labor convention which made obsolete by air power. The adopted a series of proposals democracies "can no longer keep I Brilbh calibre. WANTED TO RENT Two room suite, furnished or semi-furnished. Quiet couple. Close in. ei converted i.diht lu-.shot WESTERN BRIDGE with 48 slii'lls Reply to Box 590 Daily News, aimed at bringing down living 1Jght forces to contain an enemy (233) costs. I tnen build UP as Britain did nlv $44110. Im- STEEL FABRICATORS LTD .t Limited sup- VANCOUVER, B.C jr photo and A demand for a national low- tor years. ( lonev reninnea iirtory SCOPK cost,, row-rent housing program came before" the convention al- WANTED TO RENT By Dec 15 or Jan. 1, 3 room apartment. Apply Box 583 Daily News Oitice or Phone Black 608. (tf) 326 Queen bt., so but this resolution was temporarily shelved for amendment. It will be adopted later. '-.iiVi all-wave 1 DC radio, per- tind lull)' Ruar-, WANTED Metal, copper, brass, and car batteries. See B. C. Furniture. Oood prices. (254) HELP WANTED fit also be seen OF TASTY MEALS AT THE Chinese Dishes a Specialty CHOP SUE CHOW MEIN (238) ' To reduce living costs, the 800-man convention called for re-lmposltion of price controls,1 restoration of rental controls at wartime eUt-cUvenoss, payment of federal subsidies on milk, bread and other staples. im-fxxi type- BOYS AND GIRLS Opporiun . Phone Blue ity for earning, after school (235) 1 BALAGNO Floristil Phone Green 781 Bos 1193 j irV!!',l,K!llillllll,lllll,lll,llll!lli7W!l!!!!!!lW!ll!,tII''(II!iri Kiuiyillllil.lib LIXIRY STEAMER PRINCE GEORGE hours by delivering Dally News routes. Honest, reli . P-ancl De li' rd pick-up. able boys and girls apply at 8econd Avenue opposite Prince Rupert Hoti 7:00 jb. to l:S0 a.m. Phone 17S for Outside Order I'fitng. rmme Daily News office. (til 12381 NOTM K TO t 'KKIIITOK8 (etil llazen -Munklnwin NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that all persons having claims against H ford custom Kr.AL k.S: AT K -es. S2000 casii vna TMMV.DIATE SALE SALE 1Z the estate ot Cecil Hazen Hanklnsun, wl.m. uoji r-, 7T n,H " -- i room uuiJii-A, in wn.i. vv. Gf prince Rupert, B. v.. who ana Winchester rental proposition. Enquire h h d ( M v iict 495. (2351, Box 592 Daily News. 1234) ; A n or before the wartime 27th day of October. i49. to deliver fl irolllni boat FOR SALE 4 room T'dS lLert brick Chimney, or -end by prepaid letter full par- am and 2 Din ! stoves, newly painted exterior, tlculara ot their claims duly vert-1235) i Only $25(H). u-rms arranged, tied to the Toronto general Rpb Armstrrma Airencles or trusts corporation, one of the SAILS FOR VANCOUVER : and Intermediate Ports . Each Thursday at 11:15 p.m. For KETCHIKAN WEDNESDAY MIDNIGHT For Reservation! . Write or Call Household furni- Phone 342. (237) e.ecutors of the estate of the sold October 5, 1949. The provincial Fire Marshall Act requires that all oil burning Installations must meet specifications contained in the Act. Particular reference is made to non-combustible tank-stands, size of vents and position of non-connected supply drums. Notice is hereby given that owners of such oil burning equipment not now meeting these standards must make the required changes within 60 days of the above date. For details of requirements, consult E. W. BECKER, Assistant Provincial Fire Marshall, and City Fire Chief. (235) riont by Tours-1 . : -.i" dociascd. at the ollice of THE TOR- at 1031 7th HJK SAJuE. Uil-Ke four, ""'.' nicely ONTO OENERAL trusts cor- (234). decorated, aecoiau'o, on on Overlook, u"".1''' good PORATION. 60 Pender Street - ! Vll-W, IT I ....... Vancouver, B.C. AND TAKE NOTICE that after the itn ulvwood cles or Phone 342. (237) last mentioned date the said Execu 1 1 'or quick sale. 77. HOME FOR bALE Wartime I tor will proceed to distribute the (2331 HIRAM WALKER'S SPECIAL OLD CANADIAN WHISKY BOTTLED IN BOND This advertisement is not published or displayed by the Liquor Control Board or by the government of British Columbia four 011 bus route, nanny to assets ol me mia aeceasea .uiuus school, stores. Apply 1W mn tne persons enuuea incn-iu ...( CITY OR DEPOT OFFICE PRINCE RUPERT, B.C. (237) Red m ivnA Ave. E regard only to the claims of wnlcli It shall then have had notice. DATED this 27tb day of September. 1949. ' FOR SALE Modern house con- Nv busy mat tainini? 4 rooms, bamroom ana pantry with attic and base MESSRS. LADNER DOWNb ' ana a play "Uon. Rl 513. (237) FOR . . . LADNER & GREGORY ment. On main niirnway, suitable for Celanese Corp. em-ninvpp Piimlt.iire available if rcauired. Cash $2100. Apply 470 Granville Street, Vancouver, B. C. Solicitors for the Executors. (H) Ml Prd 1-ton Kr. Apply 94i 12431 Highest Quality in Your Printing Mm nKU n.illv New.4. (233 for RAI.E Six-room home h Usea lumber with harbor view on Ambrose Avi.mii Mftnnnn With fur 6ih Av. (f) Avail yourself of our experience and versatility. DIBB PRINTING CO. BESNER BLOCK PHONE 234 KSfjN NAMES Swtder SbveLs, . u "f ,V , Adam- EBY & SONS Contractors SAVOY HOTEL A"rt fcUintenanc niture. Includlnu Bcndix. oil ram;e, Victor radio - 'phono-praph, $4,500.00 R. E. Mortimer, 324 2nd Ave., Phone 88. FOR SALE Six-room wartime house with fine view on Pla-Kot Avenue, garaee. $3.000.u0. R. E. Mortimer, 324 2nd Ave., Phone 88. 1233' FOR-SALE 6 -room wartime lUallarx I REPAIRS REMODELLING ."''n Clamshell .ComTe e Mixers: .Trucks; Nelson -m ,,.7r Stockpile W. L. WOODS, Proo. PHONE S7 P.O. BOX 1397 FRASER STREET PRINCE RUPERT " I: nl(,e j'ort- FOUNDATIONS Let us help you plan that new home under the N.I1.A. Phone Green 883 Box 588 for the household house, 50 ft. lot, close In. t ur-ni.siied or unfurnished. Phone Blue 438 or call 308 8th Ave. West. 1238) A" Steel Hmi S National .S.mi"sJ- National SITUATIONS WANTED BRfSHES GALVANIZED TIBS CLOTHES DRYERS CARPET SWEEPERS BROOMS DUST MOPS PAPER TOWIXS PAINT ROLLERS SITUATION WANTED I will HOURS Weekdays 9 a.m. to 9 p.m. Sundays 12 Noon to 2 p.m. 7 p.m. to 9 p.m. SIXTH STREET and THIRD AVENUE look after bits at Fairview Gov. Floats at $5.00 a month. J. Blake. Boat K.O. (242) THOMPSON HARDWARE CO. LTD. ;oal f, Wo,xi Kit WANTED Work by experienced woman. Camp work or housekeeping. P. O. Box 1634. Prince Rupert. (233) 1 e's, ff Clrlc Hot PHONE 101 255 THIRD AVENUE Moving, Packing, Crating Shipping and General Cartage and Storage For Complete, Reliable and Efficient Service, call Lindsay'i Cartage & Storage Limited Cor. 2nd and Park Avanues Established 1910 Phones 60 and 68 CONFUCIUS SAYS: 'Better to fix furnace than sit in house with coat on.' llX 3-ply Roof- PERSONAL 1 PHONE 79 v?'ritr "X...Va I Batil.'i.,uullarS, " Fargo Trucks PERSONAL Ambitious frentle-man 45 years, wishes to meet refined iady of means, who is interested In business. Matrimony if suited Box 587 Daily News 239l SUPPORT THE SCHOOL BY-LAW ar!..B:ac!k 324. '.. per bun- ' AVAILABLE FOR IMMEDIATE DELIVERY PERSONAL URUQ SUNDRIES N Der LJ$. twelve samples for 50c posi-Dald In nlnin sraled wrnuper, HOLLYWOOD cafe I MOST UP-TO-DATE CAFE IN THE CITY union nr T.i tt "a: -.7 2) d hting "sSvTs" (242) - M. -. 2- Ton Chassis and Cab, 152" Wheelbase with reinforced frame it 2-speed rear axle. 3- Ton Chassis and Cab, 170" Wheelbase with reinforced frame & 2-speed rear axle. eataloi?ue included. Oeneral Novelty Co.. Dept. 'P.R.' "1 Major St., Torouto, Ont (235) NO NEEDTO SUFFER From Eczema Psoriasis, Impetigo, acne, rinnworm, itch, burns, Shmrlea i-hatlnir skin blem orEN FROM 3:30 P.M to 3:30 A.M. CHIROPRACTOR John F. L. Hughes, D C, Ph.C 21-22 Besner Block Phone BLUE 413 for Appointment HOI KS 10:30 a.m. to 13:30 p.m. and a to 5 p.m. EVENINGS Monday and Friday. 7:30 p.m. for those unable to Qome during the day. RECEPTIONIST In attendance afternoons. K'Sal Panel For expert work at reasonable cost CALL BLACK 884 THOM SHEET METAL LTD. fer v. tru in- ishes, etc. Use SOOTHING We Specialize in Chinese Dishes CnOP SUEY CHOW MEIN M Tr months, icikwa. i9-r HEALING XMIt OINTMENT 65c box at Druirslsts or PO Box 967. Vancouver. (H) Un n . - - Rupert Motors Ltd Phones: 866 Office. 566 Shop it0mT".,li" on th 1."", snap For Outside Orders PHONE 13S i (233) Advertise, in tte Uauy News I You saw !t in the Newel 1 Dally New