JOE NORTON Joan f . . . "t Prfnct Rnpftl Pafll Hetof Wednesday, October 5, 1513. TODAY 5-7-9 pjn. , ,.--. INUR5E5 HEAR OF STOCKHOLM MEET m FLAMiviv v iT .i JUDY GRRLAKQ . V's Z New Musical Hit Showing "Good Old Summertime,'' Fresh From Big Cities, Week-End Feature Here IS MARRIED Whitehorse, Yukon Territory was the scene September 24 oi the quiet marriage of Princt Rupert-bora Joseph Norton, younger soa of Mr. and Mrs. A Norton of this city, and Miss 1 ai fn .. r.iiu Members of the Prince Rupert Chapter. Registered Nurses" As sociation of British Cohnnfria, meeting Monday night In the nurses' home or Prince Rupert General Hospital with their president, Miss Margaret Sleeves P.H.N. In the chair, heard an interesting account by Miss P : M. Mooney of the International .' conference of nurses which she J ' THTP5H1V Dorothy Das ton of Port Arthur Ontario Frank Lacey was groomsman For many years Joe Norton was Identified with the stall of the Family Shoe Store hen and later went to Long Lac Ontario. Recently he was in tht, city on his way to Whitehors where he is now in the servlcf of the Poole Construction. In A : i I c I JjLl E : attenced in Stockholm. Swien I Capitol Theatre this Thursday ' during the past summer. Missj Friday and Saturday. The pic-1 Mooney gave many impressions tUre is fresh from the screens iand sidelights of the great pro-j0 the big cities of the country: regional gathering which at-jnere it haa been meeting with: traced nurses from aD parts of high acclaim. Within the last the world. She told of new .. vnree. Rtrt in tv. 1 SATURDAY ,17 7 pjn- -8:05 fe4V "ZJ m wed "m On :.". W. D McAra entertainec! recently in honor of Mr. B. P j Jordan who is leaving the citj i ! Guests included Mrs, J. C. Gil- ker, Mrs. T. W. Speers. Mrs. W A. Simmons. Mrs. P. Curie. Mrs T. Lloyd, and Mrs. H. Wttkin-son. ; i : VANCOUVER VICTORIA SEATTLE Tuesday, 1:30 pjn., Camosun Sunday. 10 p.r.i., Coquitlam ALICE ARM, STEWART AND PORT S'MPSON Sunday, II pm. FOR SOUTH QUEEN CHARLOTTE ISLANDS s.8. Coquitlam, Oct. 7 and 21 FOR NORTH QUEEN CHARLOTTE ISLANDS ss. Coquitlam, Sept. 30, Oct. 14 and 28 FRANK J. SKINNER Prince Rupert Agent Third Avenue Phone 58 TRAIN SCHEDULE For the East-Monday, Wednesday, rrida 8:00 pjn. ; V 5peiu : lfiiiir in S! : value in LADIES FALL : From the Eift Tuesday, Thursday, BaturdaJ 10:30 pjn. Combining- the good old days with a modern adaDtation. ai new and popular screen hit, "In ! the Good Old Summer Time" is J coming to the screen of the 1 for Instance, gave the picture a big reception. 1 It is a -new romantic higr j when Judy Garland and Van Jrtuison romance together for) j 1 the first time in this delightful' technicolor musicale. The topj notch cast also includes 6. Z j Vuddlesi Sakall, Spring Bying ! ton. Clint Sundberg', Bu'tor Keaton and Marcia Van Dyke, j ' An extremely entertaining feature of the Show is the sung,' hit parade which includes j-ucli 1 old time favorites as "In the Good Old Summer Time" itself,1 -Meet Me Tonight in Dream land. Play That Barber Snop Chord," -Last Night When We Were Young," "Merry Christ- mas, ana -wail xiii the Sun Shines. Nellie." "Souvenir de Moscow," played by violinist Marcia Van Dyke, is an outstanding feature. It Pays n Aatertuei You Saw It in The New?! AdvertiJ-e a me ;:y News: t ! 1 I Aovertise in the Laiiy News. 15.00 Allowance on Your Old Vacuum Cleaner ny Make or Cmdition. Halance for as Little as S1.50 a Week on Your New One. Gordon & Anderson Radio Dial ICFPR 1240 Ki'xydw SuS)ec to Change wM WEDNBSJJAT fH. 4 00-Bernie Braden Tells a . Story 4 15 Stock Quotations and Interlude 4:30 Maggie Muggins 4: 45- -Musical Merry -Go-RounJ 5:00 Rendezvous Room 5:30 Musical Cocktails 5:45 TB A. 6:00 Supper Serenade 6:15 Englisti Favorites -lu,cal Varieties j 6:45 "Saddle Rockin" Rhythm", 7:00 CBC News 7:15 CBC News Roundup 7:30 Freda Trepee Recital 8. 00 Goethe Festival 10:00-CBC News 10: 10 CBC News 10:15 TB A 10:30 Muic in Miniature 11:00 Weather and Sign Off THURdDAl- A M 7:00 Musical Clock 8:00 CBC News 6:10 Here's BUI Good 8.15 Morning botig 8:30 Music for Moderns 8:45 Little Concert 9:00 BBC News and Com'ty 8:15 Morning Devotions 9:30 Morning Concert , S: 45 World Series 12:25 Program Resume 12:30b.c. Farm Broadcast i2:55 - Recorded Interlude x ;00Aiternoen Concert 1:30 CBR Present 1 : 45 Commentary Women's Talk 2 00 Easy Listening 2:30 Records at Random 2:45 Western Five 3:00 The Music Box 3:15 Spotlight on a Star 3:20 Sketches in Melody 3:30 UN. Commentary tout cantMt with V4 y,' ' J r$sf'n IB From Carton To Ihox 'To Hospitality TIMlH;.'j i VOTE FOR THE SCHOOL m O tl JJ DRVl DRUGS j COATS Sumptuous quali'y and priced so right. I WALLACE'S j DEPT. STORE r- ' ' T i SAVE j 1 1 I 1 1 a I 1 I j 1 1 f & I I , ; r;v PRESCRIP1ION CHEN STORE HOUPS WEEV. DAYS, A M. TC I nursing ideas and practices and of modern facilities In hospitals and equipment Following Miss Mooney's address, refreshments were served and a social period enjoyed. Challenge Withdrawn Ba.eball Game I Off Merchants, winners of the citj baseball championship this year were to have played a challenge game with Commercials on Sunday but the game failed to materialize at the last moment a the Commercials withdrew th challenge. It Pays to Afftertis! . i 0000000 MA 5294 . : SUNDAYS AND HOLIDAYS--12 NOOS TO I 7 PM. TO 9 PM Daily car dellTery erTlce from 9 am. till 6 pm from 7 p n: tl' 1 ind Sua-1 COOK ELECTRICALLY and enjoy the difference! Enjoy coffee at its fragrant best, omelets that melt in jour mouth prepared electrically. Enjoy cakes and muffins, light as a feather carefully, evenly cooked electrically. From kitchen to bedroom, attic to basement, electric appliances add to the pleasure, comfort and convenience of every-day life, with- BROADWAY CAFE... SERVICE Parker Ami. Waterman Fountain Pet is We carry a fine selection of these popular makes. There are some new mode's out this year in both makes at prices from $3.50 to $15.00. We also carry pencils to mate h in sets or singly. FEATURING 4 Models o Irom la the table top size. 3 Models to chouse irom In fche apartment size available in solid or open elements 6-BoftIe Carton 25' auding to your normal budget. REST FOOD FRIENDLY FINEST COGKINC FOR TAKE-HOME 0RDER3 PHONE 200 Hours 7 a m. to 1 a.m. A SPECIA BOTTLING WORKS Prince Rupert ' V Regal WiiiU PHONE 24 2ii!ff McRAE BROS. LTD. wish to announce their appointment as dealers-for the complef.2 line of MOFFAT ELECTRIC RANGES ANNOUNCEMENT ' " -'0"-' wiu :!rr. w"iw"y nave Pint dttmil 2t r Author ttiM o Comi-CoU undm NORTH STAR Phone 132 WRATH ALL'S ' PHOTO FINISHING Derelopine, Printing Enlarging OXnCK 6ERV1CK Professional Supplies Amateur and i'iBSfl! mmmmmmwm Your House is an Asset MAINTAIN ITS VALUE . . , MAKE NEEDED REPAIRS NOW! For Estimates and Supplies PHONE 263 MITCHELL & CURRIELTD.- Builders and Contractors IB Vfn -AVIUKY",,A,NED SERVICEMAN, m. 1 . 1 arkinson on call to service NATIONAL .'Is r ON DISPLAY 1. Sun Minute minder 2. Electric Clock 3. Synero Chime auto matic oven control 4. Aluminum amokelcss grill pan 5. Full size oven. Priced from $204.00 SEE MODELS ON WINTER SCHEDULE EFFECTIVE OCTOBER lOTH-Fur Uie ' all DIRECT flights to the Queen ClurJot t discontinued. ."juipment in rnnce Kupert and District for if-n days ' , . , COMMENCING MONDAY, OCTOBER 3 'Those desiring Mechanical Service, Supplies or nlormation regarding our Guaranteed Main-enance Plan please phone the Prince Rupert Hotel, and Mr. Parkinson will be pleased to get in touch with you. THE NATIONAL CASH REGISTER COMPANY OF CANADA LIMITED - $485.00 SERVICE FROM SANDSPIT -A Q. C. at Sandsplt to connect w iUi ail 1 1 ai p;ii couver and Prince Ruiert. This will Pv1'' ,na! DISPLAY AT direct at present by the Q.C.A. wiin VjnC Rupert i by Q.C.A. and CP A. to Prince ALICE ARM. STEWART & ku KlpEKT i's:.L from rnixrt AS i . ....nUATlS. W. Georgia St., Vancouver, K.C. For Information and iwcsciv s QUEEN CHARLOTTE AlRUi 000 000.04 0S0 044 0404-4 44 4