ORGANIZING OF CRAFT CLASSES AIRLINE OFFICIALS (Continue irom rxe 1) lf r prfnce tltipert afl rectos .Wednesday, October &, 1949. ROUNCEMENT classes, It Is felt that those in-! terested n taking the course will be sufficiently keen to purchase their own tools Sample tool kits will be on display at the Civic Centre which can be or Completion of service to Edmonton will give it a route ex open to class members. At this time the crafts may be combined with social hour. ! The craft clause for Civic Centre members this winter will vary a little Irom those presented last year. This vear rES oF A QUALIFIED PUBLIC P H E R NOW AVAILABLE v A r- K n r , 0 G tending from Canada's oil capital to oil centres in Texas ana The Junior members of the Hospital Guild of the Women j hostess. Present were Mrs. Har-of the Moose met at the home of old Muncey, senior regent, Mra Mrs. Ada Hopkins. After a brief E. Blair, Mrs. J. Wiikinson, Mrsi business session, delicious re- L. Schwab, Mrs. M. Holsead and, fresh ments were served by the Mrs. A. Hopkins. t dered and sent orin, direct uueci, to the ' ,th. ,. . . UtHERlNE LAURIE rl V Deaaworlc Civic Centre will meet for crafts pupils home C.O.D. This applies Oklahoma and they anticipate . . f Hr r me Junior t irlrls .,, j . H ..... . r f,,, f x . " " v.i uk jumping uay. , to to the me project project kits kits also also and and when when that a- because oecause of of the the current ixiys ana leather- Monday afternoon. Woodwork ' ipcnxtPriTir f, k ..,,.. i t in aw, i it in k. blic Stenographer r fraftt f,. v m , ivn tiic euurne, it -n.iw.iw T6 and for the Junlor 40013 and, would be advisable to obtain any extremely busy. Tel. Green 6C7 Days. Green 412 Evgs. C(i.) -T w- materials supplied. further information regarding "We have met nothing but The adult beginners will meet Tuesday afternoon, Teenage these necessities. good will from officials of Trans on Monday evenings in two leathercraft. ' It will be understood that it Canada Airlines and Canadian separate classes , Wednesday afternoon. Junior Is to the advantage of the Pacific Air Lines," Mr. Drink-Tuesday night will be reserv- girls beadwork, beadlooms and craftsman to have his or her water said, "we anticipate lit-ed for the advanced pupils who beads supplied at cost. i tools so that no waiting will be We opposition to our applica- 'have a general knowledge of the Wednesrlav oveninv Twn.iw necessarv rinrtrvo- tho .loco r,u tlon" Mimeographing Letters Composed Financial Statements Pa-ports Bulletins Minute - ' Mill oJ l. . .. ..-.v ...u iniuriiiaiion regarding boys leathercraft, some tools more work can be accomplished the ordering of tool and mater- supplied. during leisure hours at home. cmiy Canadian point now reached by Western Airlines is Wn' 1 A3 'tnere !s no extra fee charg-j The handlin? of tools and Lethhrctge, which connects from ur Wednesday and Thursday af- ed, outside of the Civic Centre project kits will facilitate a Great Falls, Montana. A west-ternoon the craft room will be membership, for these craft more active cr.ift eh,h Mils vear ern route branches to Los Ane- INTHE daILT NEWS FOR DEST RESULTS but anyone wishing assistance e'es- X'fWzB You in ordering special supplies will Ttie officials were high In find ready enthusiasm arid thelr P1 f west coast scen-f rertdly advice. ' ery and commended highly the These classes will start the servlce and courtesy on the first Tuesday after Thanseiv-1 Prince George. gotta keep feeling RIGHT... living gets no cheaper! "Can't afford to low up with the kid . . . Jane . . . today' nrice Ing and reglstraton for the' ThJs afternoon, same will begin at the Civic Industrial plants Centre this week. Arrange-' Points of interest they and here visited other and at I Watson Island. meats may be made while securing membership. gotta keep throwin' that punch . . . that mean keen fit" gifmnrrrrHTm'imtiim&WfttiitnH&V'ri! I0DE BACKS SCHOOL BYLAW 'iaVe ' r!lt a"'1 WOlk "V-11 to 1,ft in t'"5 'HnrV. YOU r v-x -A I if )ou re IrouLW J.y irregulmity due to la. k of bulk foo.k in what you eat. IWt Bran FL,kei My, provi.le gentle, natural laxalite action. Jlt-lp make rood wantc move promptly - keep you feelini fit antl on your tocn. Knjoy wlioli'.iie wlieat mnirinliineut too-Port'a Bran Flakes are made with other parts of wheat. And flavorful lVl'l Hran Flakes make pood eatine cJi,' 'I A 1 ll I I It ft W i.i:M Endorsement of bylaws which ird M Thi drrtisTirnt is not puhlishfd or displayrd by the Liquor Control Bo by trie Goireraittnit of bruuh f tilwmi.M j : etery iiiDrinnjt. I.are or regular pack- m - age. I.imM on PUS I S BR A.N. I J tomorrow will ask Prince Rupert and district residents to authorize borrowing of money to build two new schools in the city was favored at the monthly meeting of Municipal Chapter, I.O.D.E. in the Civic Centre Monday evening. The approval followed a discussion period In which members expressed support of the DOTTLGB Sure he needs Professional and Business n 3 I 3 DnHIl rLHIVtd -likes 'em tool WITH OTHII PARTS OF WHIAT lit new school program. n : PhnnnfiRA bf these days you'll live in an . . . JEANNE FAURE ART CLASSES 211 NINTH AVENUE EAST Phone Oreen 928 1 IIWIIU WW K. J. & B. CO. PAINTING OF ALL KINDS Remodeling Rooms " Bathrooms and Kitchens Our Specialty '.'J. : Willing to Oo; Anywhere All Work Guaranteed 4. BOX No. 1141. STATION B IW inn ti4 tmt maflo UiU4 ky ny B.C. 8.y Dih Wvttmctit h at pwbmKid w rW by At UqMt Cwikol Bcx.d KEN'S RADIO CLINIC Foi Satisfactory Service CALL 53 718 8eeond Avenue West JACK AND JILL- KINDERGARTEN MRS. E. C. McLEAN Phone Black 712 - " " Slxtlr and Tatlow - - 1, f M ", V ;J i juw jra Ave. uoxaio i '"111 & W. TRANSFER i DRY FIR KINDLING WOOD 50c Per Sack Delivered PHONE GREEN 188 BYTOWN MACHINE WORKS Agents for SIMPLEX GAS and CUMMINS DIESEL ENGINES Sales Service and Parts Boat owners and users of Industrial Engines are invited to our showroom to view our various engines and tal ovei equipment problems. FOR YOUR ROCK Si CONCRETE WORK CALL BLUE 939 -M. J. SAUNDERS New, Modern Equipment All Work Guaranteed 7SV.:TJk25.'r J-rryL new redand , Kiks--:zjaTa r.vsvi-iSsasrr i-r1 "vW white i A. P. GARDNER & Co CHARTERED ACCOUNTANTS DR. GARNET E. IL MONTGOMERY DENTIST Suite 7, Smith Block Phone 525 P.O. Box i21 1118 Melville Street VANCOUVER - B.C. -v --irlir,: tU-r-' GREER & I'v people, perhaps you yourself, already live in houses which RD mni-N i:l MARGARET McLEOD - AJttj mfr,jtf,Arj, f . ; uiVlli Lit ' r a much "aluminum" as others are "brick"-or "stucco". 1 ir irrfwrwy j wy r PIANO TECHNICIAN Tuning, Voicing and Repair MIKE COLUSSI Phone BLACK 758 972 10th East ' OPTOMETRIST Room 10 STONE BUIDINQ 181 '"ok at the amount of aluminum which already going 'Canadian buildings: ptWSWinj ij,Ht y,,ar altn(f nhout 100 Canndian fabricators shaped ndof tuna of aluminum for uso an rxfn and exterior whIU. fl-Tolav . f c ,..L;- l,innm PHONE BLUE 593 P.O. BOX 1184 f CONTRACTORS AND $ BUILDERS I ? CONSTRUCTION?! ? ALTERATIONS J ? REPAIRS 5 . . fl J ntVID 'l lBllfltlinil ,lllipflllln Btc (llianaii h i ......... """ ""f Bh which have unique advaulagMi: tiwy never WHrp, swell, or rr' k, and never need nttintiiiK. HELEN'S BEAUTY SHOP Permanent Waving Beauty Culture in all its branches 204 4th Street Phone 055 Alnm! L..- . ,! :. Al, Aluminum is lecoming more and more popular for use in home building because . . . ... it rfof not ruil ... it practically indestructibla. Therefor mainteaanc cottt itay lew. . . . it l light and eaty te handle, It vy ttreng, need only car-retpondrngly light supports. ... it hat an attractive natural finish, and can be painted if desired. ... like other building materials, aluminum can be used in houses of any design. Ask your, architect or contractor about aluminum for building. He knows the story of Mean's continuing research into its uses. So he can tell you about its overall advantages and how you can y-ofit from them when building or remodelling. e'"u Cnlifin ciimpanii'H adapt it to keep homes warm in winter, i",ln Floiliinj, rw Arctu'rirfura Hardware Boraune aluminum is attrac- " Wt a lifi.limn ),..,....., "...,.); ,o,,ru, l,,rBr am now kctlt GEORGE L. R0RIE Public Accountant, Auditor Income Tax Returns Compiled Besner Block Phono 387 buov auking it into all aorta of forms fur use outbids FLOOR SANDING A SPECIALTY and inmde the house. WELLS CARTAGE LIMITED H. S. Whalen, Manager Complete Moving Service Crating Packing Cartago BLUE 780 1 RED 519 I I P.O. RED 561 ALUMINUM COMPANY OF CANADA, LTD. and Piocanara ! Algmlgum for Conodloo lduy and World Morlott MONTKtl . QUtlCf . TOIONTO NCSIIVf WINOIOI DR. P. J. CHENEY DENTIST SUITE 5, SMITH BLOCK Phone 765 P.O. Box 1401 HANDYMAN HOME SERVICE GENERAL CONTRACTORS MM 56 TREAT FOR THE SOMETHING FOR THE "BOSS" IS YOUR AUTO A BRAT? IS IT EASILY RILED? WE CAN FAST MAKE IT AN UNSPOILED CHILD Building and Repairs of all kinds ROOFS CHIMNEYS OIL BURNERS WHOLE FAMILY- Specify Maple Leaf Ham-There Is No Finer! QUALITY REPAIRS For Downtrodden Heels and Worn Soles MAC SHOE HOSPITAL OF THE HOUSE BABY DRESSES, BABY SHIRTS, SLIPS. SPOON AND FORK SETS, COMB AND BRUSH SETS, RUBBER PANTS, OVERALLS, SLEEPERS, RATTLES EVERYTHING FOR YOUR BABY. PHONES Black 334 P.O. Box 1870 P.O. Box 1670 Our technicians vill take the kinks out of your, car in record time, at moderate prices. In terms of fuel saved and .comfort added, this service will pay for itself. DRIVE IN NOW! Second Ave. Box 774 (Order a MaDla Tnf TotTrWrnvpet. Ham I frm your grocer or butcher today. You ouy no finer in Canada, 1Mb JMHLWL'M REPORTING and PUBLIC STENOGRAPHY PHONE: Days, 34a Evenings, Oreen 18 MATTSON'S , UPHOLSTERING Phone Blue 818 P.O. Box 828 J30 Second Avenue Prlnca Rupert, B.C. 53- Jim M)mm ""th(t Product of Canada Parkers Phone Red 400 Box 1118 518 3rd Ave. W.