1 c peJ of Christ as well as of the I 2 ? Ptfnrf Wntm CVUJp rectos Saturday, Cvfober 22. rnnn nrjinintir i Services 1 Cluitcliffl Minn mm t An lin1-prn.(i-tn dj t n. w7nrn .'.-vcti-a to thr iinbv..W.n -( Prlr.i- Rupert bihI mi emrr-a t northern una crn:ri MruA Coluiuoia. t.u!.Twlwt as Vwna CIax Mall. Piwt Office rvpartmfrit. Ottawa) Published erT artrrntvn except fundPT hv rrtuw Rnrft TXtllj Nfj ltd . Srrl Awiw. IV.no Kinw, British Columbia. Vr-A. ItVNTKR. Mainline Kciltor. H O PFKR Y. SklatMKitut Direr tor aiTMKKK OF CANDtN tREsS AfDIT Bl'RFAl' OF ClRCVLATIONS CANADI AN DAIl Y NFWSPM'KR ASSOCIATION f El i SATURDAY SERMON I 4 tttf Cmr. f9r wi. oc Pw muij. tie. rw Toar. moo. vT ? Bv Mall aw u.mth .v- lw V . rtrt 'Vf COD'S LOVE FOR HIS PEOPLE (Arehdtaeon E. Hodson. St. Peter's Chur?h THE HIGHEST GUIDE - .THE FLAME OF CHRISTIAN ethic Is still our hkhe.-t guide To guard and cherish il Is our first interest, both spiritualty and materially. The fulfilment of spiritual duty in our daily life is vitsl to our survival. Only by bringing it into perfect application can we hope to solve for ourselves the problems of tJils world and no, of this world alone." WIXSTON CHvnCHTLL. The Jews believed that they were a chosen nation, and we have gained new aspu-a-Their early history was a romance. Near theni!tk"is towards God and holiness. t Out Idolatry today is not , t- -It x-i i e .v washgyp: witlnnetrioryoftheNileandof thepyra- tward gravM1 lniages bm lt m'.ds. takes the form of love of pleai.- In the opposite direction was Assyria, a 'great, ,,rp aml ,ne love r tnaa wf ' single-heartedness in the Service j-trong mi.itary power. of li)d and our fellowmen. Between the t, were the, when Israel renounced her rhwtucar.s. a sreat naval power Untl had fnwrn up inta a na- ,dois forgiveness was bestowed, Hemmed in by this mighty trtr.-! and a IWW splrltuui nie impart- ity of lu.u.v.s was Palest m. the ; In spite of their unfaithfulness sha!I u be with lf wi?h nome ot ir.e jews, a nstio!i d1 would draw ihem unto Hitii-hicii Mtd a lurd i:s!it to in a :;f with the cords of a man aith bands of love. Nations like individuals msy be siren a second ciiance. Israel had been unfaithful and untrue to her partnership . itr God Tet God fortave and allow rj her not only a retond rtiancf but repeated opportunities. Basic lliinhina c i L Jt'DGMENTS are k.sl on some sort of ex- i AI perience. The danper of thi.is that we end to expect it to bo the ?eime experience as our own and ; hence we expect that the conclusion? that arise will be our conclusions. This thinking is founded on a t" misconception and may be traieally dangerous. I Almost thm quarters, of our population, as the , Financial Fost has pointed out, came to maturity j since the first Great War. They have no practical J According to the prtTlf'-lthrowcTt Even fr double the price you can't buy anything better than Mjutamai Skeena Hotel at Terrace 'Formerly PhiiberO Hans and Charlotte Koch Proprietors IF YOUR HOUSE SUFFERS FROM "CHILLS! tt GET RIGHT DOWN TO THE ROOT OF THE TROUBLE PHON E Si AND HAVE I i THOM I JvHEET METAL LTD. j Check Your Furnace - BE WISE SEE OIR BETTER BITS AT ISLAND CITY BriLDERV StPPLIES General Buiiden Suppites and PITTSBt'RG PA1XT3 Vfi McBrtd- St, Bl'je KX riosra. ixtc natjoti nerveo to oe then follows ; pen!ai:rf . forgiv-i:otroyed: ness. reformation and fellowship The fact that it was allowed ,,r, .-.. to cor.'.iiuie to exist was direct !erWer.c of the forgirir.g Kt ol pod God's forgiveness, harrhov.kes ... . II r: Blb;f 3 , ,0 R:s ru,rf- God is Love and it Is hi the Katu. oi k,re to forgive. frtin, - war LADIES' nr.. Rrt M 95 1 MEN'S ltxr,t BREAKER$A, 1 " Special I MEJf-S ALL v a CRl'IStR (o,,? 'peeial I MEX-S DRFSS -i from . I MEVs INdjrvI binatin.. mriv Special f ir.x s lj BAF.L8 ta! lined MEY8 COVEEI COATT B. fit VS All-wo EISHERMEXS l f ot Now MEN S bRTM MEVS SPdRT Xow MEN' S WORK - No . . I MEX'S WORK fi N .. I MEX S DRESS ti. aiwt merit, prr. N"-"r - - - . - k BOW AU-KOf Fantt flard BOW I in r.fi ? Sjial J I BOYS' UHCHJl I BOW C HVCO f futiBt Frn 1 X BOYV AU-(4 i'.i di :t z jL the Mi-'ir.:; C knowledge of economy that isn't founded on world st rujrele and its rejervussions. They have no know-ledeeof those years when one out of every three workers was employed in agriculture: and when the average annual wajre was $700. They can't lvmem-ber when even a vast war left us with only a little more than a billion-dollar indebtedness. Thev live in Cod prefers to lore'v-. rather,.,., Bt, k ot Ha than punish and destroy an ! the s,Te . fi). tour. try of its own. and a harder striiSS'e :o setatn it. i Ytt this was the nation th:it gave a P'.ire rei:?!on To tlie world 1 making a greater contribution to liuLia io:! than either Rorr.e with her laws or Grew with he: ; art. But Israel found, .'ike all of r.s. ' (that it is d!fr:c;;'t to live up to. tour idea's 1 They wi-r? Cod's chor. peop. yet wore cotistar.i'y failins i:-. iuo.a.rj , H -a ri-.-'-rfs thi nr.faI' - .fulness of the r.at;ort i.i Go.i. as . .the u.fai-hf-.r.r:ess of a wife :c ; ,hcr h-.!-it,' " Y;; tcMi-! r ' : '. , . . r-"1- ,vrv. ii., r i-.. luuu.a x- i (ma'-. "When irae! was a chi: ; tner. i fovea r.::n artcf that io- reai.tinco as s'nirj a-? ever whe V j ! i. First Presbyteriar Church Due-.-.oc c Music: Mrs. E. J Saiith ' II:W' a r. Mrrirj: W.5ti? ' Siwifi-r: P. K Lir-ey Arthem. Ju:.r Ch-.ir--Jwst for Txiay." S -.dav Sfw). J2-.15 par X) Eve.tir.e S;rvK"e teason given in this eleventh chapter at verse nine. Is "I ar,. G,vi and not man. I G! not ex- " !he nerceness of mt 'ath." . I am the BS.y Ore of .world where three out of everv four workers r I Miiaed in some Ron-aericultural weuration. h.iv ! an average annual earning power of about two thou- j sand dollars, and think nothing of a debt that is well I DIRECTORY Centre In alt charrhM at II a-m. ana T:3 a-at.; SmnUf Sa-haot at IS 15 vct a shown. AVfJIICAV rTIIKlRL 4tB Are w at Oununuir St. Holy Communion I jt) tu. Suntlay iSorHXi 2 00 pro. Canon Basil S Prwaser, BA.Btt Rwtor; (Bhi fHJi riRSt BITIST . 5ttl A Yv K t Young St aCUii;er: Rt. rred Anirofcua (Green ;t 4th Atm Kx.n ' rmY i mtku S Slh At Wwt Rev l. o S.vSor (Grvn StJt rn.i. c.ospfl TuimvuiB 0i St.ll A ttt-st Pastor : c. Fawoeu (Own SSli IVT10 ARXtT "Yaarr Sn.- CO: Cxpl W fVulton Director CTasw J JO p m. Simdar Sctiool S Ort p m sr. rn itTHitN Sl! Are. at MoBrtue St P:or : C Soltind E.ck 10' ST. rktl'lf AM'.LICAN Si Cora Archdea-vu K. tr , S-.miiaT S-fcoot 110 a tm. Krcuf Prater . a in (Blue fT) , ! First United Church $35 Six:h Avenue West Priaoe Rupert. BC. L Rer. Lawrence G. Sieber 11:00 a m. Mooting Worship i Jermor.: Faith fox Uvlrg . Children's Story A Runaway . ; . . Slave 7 :S0 p.x. Evening Worship. srmtw- A MuKirity Rep.'Tt YOU ARE 1NVITED TO FI LL GOSl'EL TABERNACLE I: S;xth Avenue West WELCOMES YOU Sun. 11 O) am. Mr. M Bedford T:?0 pm Mr. C Car'er. The Sharttvrren IJ'I A Gn?wtfg tf GMwtrtg. Sunday SoftxiJ ir.d Bib.!- P.vs:or. C. Fawcett Grer. 3J: Regular i FAST SIXTH AVEME Xear High School- Sanday. OcL Z3. IH9 .ra. MomiriS! Service -Wlsat Iw Th Bible Say A tvut Baptism?" II I pen. Sunday Si-hool C!isss for AH. COME' EVANGELISTIC Cocdac; REV. assisted fNew Pastor rf .o.or thirteen billion dollars. ! ! i Sixty percent of our population doesn't know how I teaching of ffusea. I We hsve all been forgiven umf! Rithr.ut nuniijfr. Sometimes e are conscious of it sometimes not. but it is always a blessing and only comes 01 the grace, the loving kindness ot viud. fioni some of transgression ive have escaped tlie worst const quences. Some. f have atoned lor with pain and bitter teats. :::r.e rrpentence we turn away from the thing? that srperale be- ; tween us and our Gcd. I As we read the New Testament we constantly hear Jesus saying Son thy Sins be forlren thee " 'Iter slf.s v.hi..Ii air riiuny ate forgiven her.' "Go and sin r.o more." Ths same way of redemption is open for os. It com3 to us conviction of Sin. At the close of his prophecy the .' prophet Hosea us these wordi ; in chapttr fourteen, verse r.mr Wlio is wise and he shall t thing,, prudes and he shall kno them " These words are a persona ap-piicatioti for alt the readers o. tow sne w, of G(ld we trow ta gia if e dwpbeT u UuiH tn olI. own cJev-roctinn the,, .j-i; s3 aw hVj fr0R1 u,. or;(!v.wlse and VT1t but ar revea!ed unto the twr.ery ar.d numb'.e in heart, . SELECTION OF BISHOP DELAYED WTXXIPEG 7 So success th- tamed -F.vr.t B:h o." Archibald Lar.g F.psung. aged 6. ha.5 y-'. b?n anni. ,Ke retired las', mx t'a from the Arctic D:o-ees? which is seafered over 2-225 OCO square mties of trritorT m Canada's Arctic Circle area. Tr.e Church t England ir Car.di anno-unced t xiay that the selection of a new bishop had r-:i deterred ur.t.l April. . . ' , Hs. 'V IMMIGF.-A.vr AT M Cat-:? puffirar a ciare. J she arrived in Xew Tcrt Mrs M.ir-ii . Ma.teirw-.an. 99. is the JH-, ess refugee to tnter . US urnier the displaced pers'.r. law. She U aa Arnter.Uru who carr.e to the VS. with her 45- ye-ar-oki son. Zachar. hi ile I and ...eir lmr ch-tir-m. Priced Right Only SI. 50 Refi Cir-.rt.a 50: east?! tojrh cvr.ditions (?an be or how impossible it is to assur? seci:ritx- in a world where there are no avail-aW? jobs ar.d tvhere a little better than half the pop-V'ation mas support the other half. Thev were not lutvUts when world-wide CITY. OF PRINCE Rl "Pit Notice of Intention to Rezor Baptist Church S jt.ee is hereby given that it S VXD AY. OCT. 13. 15 -j rr.r.ce K-ipert ccr.terr.ptej i.r.'-r.::.:.-4 n--tai to rezorte the folitmir.? prsperr r r tr c-asir.fi.u Kilcer.tial area as a rr.im - ?:?2: AH of Block 2 and 3. lots V. t li jtc.-w Btck 8: ali of Bkxk 9: Lot? I 14 5. 10; Lota I to 12. Kock 1!. aa a 5e-r-'c I I-a?t in the rr.rf.-l of thee. : Kow geit then 1? that . o! the Alrr.:h:y for His sinful, err- 5 ir.e peop.e. tiosea retuses v measure that love by human K? uses motl beautiful 5 1 titrations 'to shfw this love God for His peop'.e. "I will be as the dw . Isra:. he sr.a.1 biOssom as the city tra".. h-s shaU spread ar.d his b?iti'ty it'.all te as the ,xiv tree." ' Israe! rr.ay not hae deserved it. nor. Kay we de-erve it. but :h- love of G-x for stnr.tr.g humin- .tty is a glorious fact tf the gos- : I GOSPrl. SERVICE SVXDAY ".30 pnt. -A CRIMIX L AT TflE B-H" CO.N'nXITXG MOXOA? TO THVF.SDAY Oct. 1 7th to 27th Inclusive except Sa-..rdiy EVERY MCI1T AT r.M THORPE rv.-'B QUARTETTES- i -Etc. j j friends Forty-four per cent of our people have never known a world without fear and how seriously fear anay color ail our thinking. They came to maturity -ffust as the dawn of peace was met by the threat of a r.ew aggressor. We cannot hope to understand these new gener-ttrior.s. or they to understand us unless the thin.air.tt of an older generation aiid the reason for it is pa- . tientiy and painstakingly explained to the new. CANADA SAVINGS BONDS :r HE EXERCISE OF THRIFT is something much I to be desired in the interests of the individual, of tsir.ess and the community at large. Thrift is a rir.ds-r.er.ta! f actor in the Canadian war of life :Trff :r? rurvhase ef Canada Savings Bonds, an k--- CI is row efferei. is somethlr.? to be Jwr:r.er.dei There is no doubt that the purchase V-SH ""P B:r-J"5 has Ld helped a vast r.u-r.r-r .;f C&nicLr.s to W better prepared for pr-svn enrgercies ud for the develormen t of t-e re-urteful farylife tha: is characteristic of our . tree er.terr r.r" s-x:ty. Map SI3. Pnr.ce P.'jprt Z-yr.-.-f Ar.y ob;ection to the above procecir in antir-a to the ur.or?sr!ei or. or f:r T r 4th. 1949. Oomplair.ar.ta wCl be e:r j.- w "I .Ate the:- ofcfecUOR be .'ore the bj-h. -? i.-.' H. D. THA1X t PHONE 79 aSlhaHaflaHaflaMaflKalalaalaaamaWaHnanaHaHH Hlailarr depression its mark on I ! i j I t .. .1 f I yet have any armv ef its ...... .i . ot peace have so far been but others carry on. ;ail yesterday, appeal today asking all legal rights of review ' tftat the Cnited States has Offer arty condemned man. Ti!.e frru! imtKts oi appeal appear . Vrited ; CAMPAIGN :t Factor ETinseisr. rrd Prisr-a Worker J. W. ROSS MacPHERSON of Vancouver V.N. ANNIVERSARY ;pCT0BER 24 marks the fourth arniversarv ef : w t..e L ntteil Nations. The day has been Claimed in most U.X. member countries as " ntiy." a day ef ecrr.memoration. liAL -MEAGE SPECIAL MUSIC SOI OS come: HOURS Weekdars 9 a.m. t ? p.s Sundars 12 Noon t- 7 p.m. l ? SIXTH STREET and THIRD AY: -...ilillkms of people have heart! of. or have therv .rssperiercet.i the concrete acwrr.plishments of U.X. Ln the social ar.d economic fields. Far feer resiize that, bi spite of political difficulties U V has actually -either stopped or prevented war jr. - 1 t- r'wp a ivt-ervtarj -General rnrgre Lie states in hi Fourth Annual Report 0-the work of U.N. WHAT A BUY! WATERMAN'S 'BALL POINTER No other Ball Point Pen w orks like a Waterman's I by PASTOR LEONARD A. Prnw P-r-it p ..-.v r? and p.ring your PRE-STOCK CLEARANCE SALE Kaien Co-op HitwuARt; refulax retail price I THI1U) ATEXl t mm stopping wars have beer, a i observers, mediators and ; it bv mebp ror,.-,... ! RICH IN FLAVOR-MONEY SA pv enjoy Complete Stock of PENS ince U.X. does rot own. its only agent for small number of military conciliators, "loaned" to tk; .i. . , a., c-i, Wi ij.e agents ku.erl in the line of duty, 4PPEALS BY COMMUMBTS XEt TOKK F Sieven nn. MARGE ME from $2.40 to SI 5.75 Now available at rV VXTIL OCTOBER 29 ONLY C0XG0LEUM RUG? BAR0LEUM ar.d REXOLEUM Ri r 1 ARDS GOODS FLCKIR m jz IXLAID LIXOLFT v Ma eMvs.Jdd All LESS 2f7 on rmiE IT1 BOT 11T " "-EASY UTZ VI MASOASE HAS A ST" - SPHSADtSG ask Torn GP.ocxa fob vrw mak- -- x' TOR ECONOMY AXD POUTVRK.ST C- A natter Prwae f Caai !'" lm' "l 'i.um Ltruea &tates communist ' to re headed tot the leaders who were sentenced to'stdtes Supreme Court. n m mr mmm n