During In Ui mission a humui- FASfUOX SHOW (Continued riom fage V, is f Prlaa Kami Calls 3uJ3 Saturday. October 22, 1M9 "r ' FANTASY IS NOVEL ous skit, with typical Swedish I " v : dialect ons, was chorused b- ' M 011 Wp v Diane Kennedy, Jeanne Husoy. ! A variety of sports wear the only other match of the slacks, snow suits, sweaters, and Edith Jordan, Lgrna Donald son, i Try t Cia(r Walt Disney's "Melody Time' skirts, ana me popular wiree-way And Rosaline Thain. who illUlQ t I At Capitol Theatre This entally, was modelling the latest Week-end Walt Disney's latest fantasy. FOR M TO- Jacket was exhibited. A new feature in rain wear, the matching pork-pie hat was shown with raincoats of brilliant plaid, gabardine, corduroy, some with the fashionable chain belt. Classical suits of gabardine and wool, with becoming accessories, drew ad uililng glances from the audience. Modish taffeta lace SHOES thing in long underwear. Rowland Miles sang several sel- ' ections. ' j The Scottish element was in-! troduced by the Highland Pling, 1 as played by Piper Bill Mi-Kay and danced by Mickey Murray, i icanne Calderwood and Heather JJrwr. As light was focused on a large IB now "Melody Time," colorful and fantastic with fun and fable, is delighting week-end audiences at She Capitol Theatre where it Is having its closing runs today Distinctly unique in its composition. "Melody Time," pro THAI UPSETS AGAIN, MAMSON'S LOSE With the winning 10I three points from tive highly rated Manson's, Jaycees No.l pulled off the biggest upset Of the Men's Five fin League bowling of the current season. With the possibility of gaining top spot in the league, Manstms were unable t settle down -and, are Row In a secoud place tie with Brownwoods one point behind Stones i The victory for the Jaycees Mo.l was aided through the efforts of D. K. Hay wtw had high three game total for the Bight with 688. High single game was scored by M. Andersen of Triple points. Tliey were i.C.'s No.2 C"s with 320. Triple C's won 3 points from the Ambassadors. crepe and woollen dresses were night Cold Storage and Oddel lows split points. Standings Stones 16 Brownwoods 15 Mansons 15 Grand Cafe 14 Blains 13 D & S 12 Mallets 12 Home Oil 12 Commercials 11 i. C's No. 1 11 Kupert Motors 11 Philpott. Evitt 10 Crescents 9 W.I. Stages 9 Scotians 9 J. C's No. 2 9 Ambassador Triple C's 8 Thorn Sheet Mtl 7 Oddfellows 7 Undesirables 6 Cold Storage 6 Canadiaju Legion 5 C. P. A duced in technicolor, assembles J iind Picture frame, Alex and Laura Worn, with stilish coats Dim: Y Best Prince Mitchell sang to the Dortmiw in one cartooned musical pack-'j Alice Nlckerson appeared as "Giii j with salient items of the Ameri 116: can scene Seven different sequences are projected on the screen in cartoon form, each accompanied by musical renditions by screen and radio notables and featuring .either tumorous or sentimental appeal. Among these stars are Den WHAT SPORT FANS WILL DO! lining up, hours before the games' start are just a few thousands of baseball fans who hope to find standing room to watch the World Series played at Yankee stadium, in New York city. Leading this line were Marie FJynn and Beverly Bra f man, who jnade themselves comfortable as they could on the sidewalk with rugs, sandwiches and ther-mAs bottle. r j i-i rama mine runn Jordan portrayed "Lulu Belle Lou," Rosaline Thaln was Molly Mal-oney. Marion Shenton, in Gay Ninety bathing suit, illustrated 'By the Sea," w hile "Faraway Places ' was swig to Norma McKay, Diane Kennedy, and Claire Rtchle. Leonard Syes cud a nvely monologue r.nd Ilsa' Xniu.der executed a graceiul balk-t dance. FAMILY STORE t feathered hats. Attractive Jornials, with padded hip lines, fish-tall drapes, some with cape neck-lines and craped hems, sequin-trimmed, some with bustles and one black strapless dinner dress. Honored Queen Lorna pon-aldsQO made a presentation to Mj Felsenthal, manager of Rupert Peoples Store, of flowers for Mrs. Felsenthal, and graciously thanked members of the Peoples Store staff who had co-operated heartily with the Job's Daughters. They were Jack Mar chant, Mrs. Robert .Strachan, Mrs. ft. Webster, Mrs. C. S. Stordal, Mrs. A. Haines, Mrs. F. Partridge, Mrs. J. Perchaluk. nis Day, Roy Roers and the Sons of the Pioneers, Organis' 3rd Ave. Ethel Smith, the Dinning Sis- Two teams won four points. They were . .C's No. 2 from Untlesirablos and Rupert Motors from Canadian Legion lers, Buddy Clark, the Andrews iGaorge C .Martui returned to Sisters, Fred waring and his Another upset of the evening I the city this afternoon on the j Pennsylvanians, Frances Lang- NOTICK oocured wheu Hone Oil lost 3 i Princess Louise froiii a trip to ford and Freddy Martin and his In the .Multrr of the "I'utitir li iiilr-ie .W K M IK . ItMM l'lmi. UH points to the Commercials. In Vancouver. ; Orchestra. una . til tlie .Mailer vt Ue "M urkineii'i, linitejlHthMI Act" It.HJtA: MU ( hap. 3", TAKE NOTICE that by Order-l i-Council No. 2009, approved on the Models were Marglt Mc Arthur,,' 17th Qy of September, A. U. CHIROPl John r. t Hati 21-?2 Be!! 'bone BLrj Appoint Hot) 10 M in. to ,J a w ; 1 Konday m pn tbuae uiub u. j day Bni Anoe afufuuooi. under Uie "fUBLie INQUIIiiEei ! ACT." the Hon. Gordon McOivg'jr I SUoan, ChuH rfu-itlce of British fol-! Alice NJckersoiii Donna McAr-thur, Margaret Strachan. Luella MeDgnald, Mrs. James McDonald, Pat Mitchell, Mary Lou Lunn, Etna. Inr.sun, Joan Smith, June Ratchford, Muriel Shier, Pat Hil!, ttuibta. was appointed a aole Com-! jnliwioner to Inquire Into the mattenl Qareuutlter fotlowUig coiicwiU'iK ciiUipliUnU in retittion to the p jli Marlorie Tgttersall.Ctfare Ritchie, i iw Adnuul-sUftiiou of the "WOltX-UEN'S COWPF.NSATION ACT" Bi - Ta (II 4 t' slink Blur. ,-1 CJUapUT aW itKVISiO) Of WUTISM COLUMBIA D UHS. by tle WOttKUEK U COMHKN- !.ATWN BOARD; appointed tlie auld Act. WRATH PHOTO HJ Detelopiru.''! omcK i Isobel Taylor, Carol Moorenouso, Ga.U McRa, Inger Peterson, Jeanne Husoy Olive Strand. Norma McKay, May Addison, Mary McAfee, RosaiUie Thaln, Kathleen Smith, Melaine Brechin, Mary Strachan, Diane Kennedy, Mickey Murray, Barbara Teng, Sheila Bennett, Dolly Smith, Ruth Ketcheson, rggy Qowan, 1 frofessional Amatrut STEEL HUTS FOR (CORN STORAGE Called upon to perform a modern miracle, "little business" in 10 corn belt states is tackling one of the biggest jobs of its kind ever undertaken anywhere in peacetime. Its Herculean assignment is the site preparation and erection of 2.300 steel locations. The task aroae with the U. S. grain belt's acute need this fall for space In which )to store the record-breaking carryover , of 1948's corn crop. Photo shows some of the Quonset buildings under construction near Arlington, S..D. The uiuttura to be inquired into hjr the Commle-sloner under Uie mid Qrdi:r-ln-CoiHicil referred to above, are as fallows: (lj Tbe releyant fact relating to aiiy complaint which may be made to Commissipner concerning tiie administrative policy of The Work-tnen's Compensatkm Board: it The relevant facta and reason? afwiwni, I NOW AVI fS Agnes Smith, Laura Mitchell, Lorna Donaldson, Mrs. Brechin Marlon Shenton, Mrs. Knutson. NOTICE Mr. and Mrs. Harry Seaman uera Llen- ' t-oy, Heatnor A STRAIGHT . CUT for a ( Se&(e Ask for Millbonk. Experience the J smoking enjoyment that can b your in cigarette after cigarette all dayl , U' the Straight Cut Virginia ' the top tobacco from tip to lip M that make Millbank "Truly Mild". 1 7ecte firmer-N notice is hereby .given that a artci daughter, are now living ! Brewer, Jeanne taiderwood. Di-public hearing m be hew t the , I ane Kennedy, Pose Marie Poburr 111 m wle Eneeleke uwnuiig dwelUns in in otlice of the Workmen's Corapcn- , , . Walton Board, m ounsmuir street. Terrace. They moved there re- hey and Mrs. Donaldson. vaiictwusr. e. c . on November 3rd. cently from Prince Rupert' Mrs. J. S. Black was accomnani- 1049. at 10 A. M. lor the adoption . . , !,,,.,..,,, . ui revisud eguiivtioo tar the pre- ere Mr- Seaman was in tl:e 1st and Mel Skalmerud conacuyitr vention of accidents in the . LOG- employ of the pally News. ator. OINQ INDUSTRY which comes '. , I , within the scope of the 'Workmen's Compensation Act.' Il.lleil (his i.'iicl (ilv I!I4!I. of October, therelor rclutUix to any propotiml onieiidnient to the "Workmen's Coin-penuition Act" which may be brought to the attention of the Commissioner fur Jiks inveaugaUon iind report by any persons lutereitcd iiereln; (Si Any question of fact or law -ulevajM to Uie tteueral soope qf th UiUry. wUirii may be ajccK'ally reinrred to the CoaninuiRlouur t-jr bl leuroilnation by tlje Jnderiuyj-1 : 4) The relevant lacu in relitljii jt any uintuy hlch Ui th op.uion if toe CuBimlsainuer It la necessary -o inquire Uklo lu ordttr o rarr out JlBotually Um duties Imposed upon VUn herein: (51 Any question of law which the omnilaloner may consider reievu'. and incidental to the fore-solnir (Uattnrs of Uiriulry. AND fVRTHOi TAKE NOTICE that the first anting of the Cominin-lon herein will be held at the Court House In the city of Victoria, nrlt-Kh Columbia, on Monday the 7th day of November A D. 1949 at the hour of ten thirty (10:30) o'clock In the forenoon. AND FURTHER TAKE NOTICT that those desiring to make aub-mlsslons to the said Commlalon ((HKlf:'S (IMI'I S M ION W.MU MKlKfl NEW REX GOLD SEA! II E RE'S '7 imAn j JOHN BULC )PTOMit ! I John Bdr 1 s should communicate their lutei.tlon to Counsel to the Commission, J. W. Heffernu. Barrister at Law. Unite 201. 671 Howe Street, Vancouver. British Columbia. DATED at Victoria. B C. thl th Mi-ilow . , . of(Iv fragrant . . . and robitht of loly, Old Wpector in first choice in B.C. with men vho really know fine Hum! day of October A. D. 1949. "OORDON McQ. Si.OAN" ' Commissioner. 77teyhe milder - 7ey'w better O 20. 22. 29. N 5 A CLASSIHED AD IN THE DAILY NKW8 WILL BRINQ RESULTS "WrtWinwrVrtW . . . if EBY&: Contrad GREER & BRIDDEN rs . Y j ROM Moving, racking, CraUnf Shipping and General Cartage and Storage For Complete, Reliable and Efficient Service, call Lindsay's Cartage & Storage Limited Cor. 2nd and Park Avenues Established 1910 Phones 60 and 68 OVER FOUR YEARS OLD REPAIRS - FOlNDATf Let us help J that new ho the N.H.A. Phone Crrfn 11 CONTRACTORS ANI Bl'ILDERS . Tr lis advertisement is not Dublished Control Board or by the Government otSntisr, Columbia. : PRINCE RUPERT FISHERMEN'S CO-OPERATIVE ASSOCIATION perial Vrke Reductions ia DRY GOODS DEPARTMENT COW BAY STORK COME AND BUY! CONSTRUCTIONS ALTERATIONS REPAIRS 5 Baptone FOR mi Janitors9 Supplies Just one, coat of B-H "Fresconette" cover unsightly ialsomine. wallpaper , . . givr you fay walls wilh satlnv wssliable surface. Dries to the loucli in a couple of hours. See Dries Quickly kautiful flat f Paint today-mJ tomorrow. ' $1.40 qt. S4S PRINCE RUPERT SUPPLY HOUSE FLOOR SANDING A SPECIALTY 5 RED 861 p.o. BOX 721 FINE PRINTING at zFEEESszaaaj THOMPSON HARDWARE CO. :i2 2nd Ave. Phone 632 McBride Street Phone 311 Htiz RFRAI PRINTPDQ Agents for: SENSATIONAL NEVf r-2 PHONE 24 222 Second Avn. DUSTJJANE CO, OF lJC,. S. C. JOHNSON WAX CO. G. II. WOOD AND CO. BRODIE BRUSH CO., etc. GABARDINE &W0K PURGE THOSE PLUGS SUITS i HOLLYWOOD cafe MOST UP-TO-DATE CAFE IN THE CITY OABAKl TOP in " D1KECT I Fashion Ct Men's ' ('ROVOf. COAt OP TASTY MEALS AT THE RexCate .CtOaeae Oiuhrm a fipecialty CHOP SUEY CHOW MEIN l et us check your spark-pluits. We'll clean out carbon deposits .'. . . see that the spark-gap is set right r-PUU worn plugs. A purge like this will spark better" car jerf ormance. BEAl'TIFl'LLY TAILORED FFIX COLOR RANGE Priced From $47.50 to $70.00 See Them Todar OPEN FROM 3:30 P.M to 3:30 A.M. We Specialize In Chinese Dlshei 1 CHOP SUEY-CHOW MEIN For Outside Orders PHONE 133 fiecpnd Aenne oppoit Prince Rupert Bote ?:00 aL to :S0 a.m. - Phon m for OuUlde Orderp CLOTHING STORE TH1KO AVE.