113 VICID7.IA. 3. C. ORMES DRUGS Daily Delivery NORTHERN AND CENTRAL BRITISH COLUMBIA'S NIWSPAPXB PHONE 81 Published at Canada's Most Strategic Pacific Port "Prince Rupert, the Key to the Great Northwest." VOL. XXXVIII, No. 247. , PRINCE RUPERT, B. C, SATURDAY, OCTOBER 22, 1949 , PRICE FIVE CENTS dmmyinist P. avia Invade irazans igoSI Overt Act By Forces Ray Of Hope In Bonanza Found In Central Alaska From Rumania Reported Strike Is Gone WASHINOTON D. C. Flicker of hope that a break may come in the United States steel strike FRANKFURT (CP) A despatch from the Belgrade correspondent of the German News Agency ftPA said toriav that 500 "Cominform nartizans" from War Of "Gold" Spell Again dwindled today. The siutation in the costly 20-day steel Strike, strike, - ,"-k t - -$ ' ' '4n A (v : l V, A,,,- fnMl.r, ,.nl r. vl n ,V SWdA rtlV Q 4" k Q O If - federal! ivuinauia, wn.ii ivvu muiva tiuu ciu oiiwwcm wi says Cyrus S. Ching mediation chief, "is not hope- ed and occupied two Yugoblav villages Ihursaay ;KS, Alaska (CP) The magic word that less" but Chine said in a state night. The report was not confirmed in any other . .wtnrs. dance hall girls and confidence sniirre. trooDS . v. ment In New York last night after conferences with United YueoSlaV xugo&iav houses ablaze, the report 'es'.J, mrlvke in 1898 and sent them storming to Nome at the turn of the century wa? with artillery fire and drove the partizans back Into Rumantt. talks again today. Moving On Chungking Chinese Nationalists Claim j'thc size of neas" are reported to States- Steel Corporation officials, that "we do not want to create the impression there Is basis for optimism." Negotiations were suspended today until Monday. Ching's statement came as the continuing steel and coal tie-ups choked off much of the coun tsriier this week i - - - Yukon-Circle niikjuit i r 1 lT ;f,ohad not been KM P K NU rLAlll Thrilling Styles Fashion Show Charms Ladies To Have Halted Communists, .Drive RECEIVES COAL north of the try's Industrial activity and made ; ": Idle more than 1.000,000 workers CHUNGKING a Natlonal- Fueled by 25 tons of coal Meantime. at White Sulphur 1st government troops, fighting i said '' nave Springs, coal mine operators a fateful battle in southwest "jin Carroll, a broke off arbitration proceed- China,, have halted tae Com- Stunning Display by Job's Daughters and Peoples Store which was unloaded yesterday the city s steam water pumping station at Shawatlans Lake in maintaining a fair pressure in city mains. The coal delivery . . . .... i ji . -j ngs with the United Mine worK-, mumsis uuve wwaius n-ci.ni, bnwsiu h''rc by ers of America in protest at John I t j. ,. MiMMMiia-i -t -r' JmUMxai iilmr operator; L. Lewis' tactics In continuing tine ministry of defence said , ., , . , --- Prce Ruper s femuiine popu-alMs yesterday At one time Nation-; was Uwllled lt night; at sources said they had de-!lallon the crowded civlc t'entre dl" teoted the movement of 100,- f i. ...l Ink's Hnu rri tcro luh pilot, and the strike. dm, flying nils - nnn -Prlc i-n wnnantiLn f,ir in- WJriUiil Wild uw? iau6na was made hastily after another scow carylng 18 tons, capsized in Shawatlans Passage Wednesday night. Delivery was made yesterday COURTESY VISIT-Tlie chiefs of staff of the Belgian army and air force arc welcomed j Ottawa for a three-day visit to the capital and nearby points. Left to right, are: Lt. Oen. WMHies Foulkes, Canadian army chief of staff; Lt. Oen. Lucien Laboutte, chief of staff of of Bc ..m Air Force; Lt.-Gen. Etienne Baele, chief of staff of Belgian Army; Belgian Ambassador to Canada Viscount du Pare; and Air Marshal W. A. Cur Us, RCA F. chief of ptafl . Zl Mnbiics of God - - uuu xvctio ui n.-jaiaijui vi u.1.- m tkelr flnh anual Fash mnAV mriC'S' vasion of Czschwan. tne home staBed ivJlJl 3 13 1 vd-rP . iv.1. ,'... . lien itn Show 6how under urider the tne direction direction o "refuge.-1 of province Ul Lille iiLW (Courtesy 8. D. Jotinstcn Ca Ltd.! found for two on a scow rented from J. J. capital airs of the. orlg- 1 teJtn said, "and Donaldson, ensuring the pumping station a supply of coal for RUSS FIRM Vancouver ' DEATH IS Detroit Fight , Result Surprise ams it s a big I Mr. ana Mrs. Aiex atitcm-u au'i, jin collaboration with Rup-:i j Peoples Store which made avaii-lable a stunning array of up-to-.the-minute fashions displayed ! with poise and charm by love-Uy models. The latest in fashions 1 lingerie, sports wear, rain togs. -IS INDICTED ACCIDENTAL DETROIT - Young Leste i inferiors, wit it OIL PRICES BEING CUT pvitnn. rt-troit welterwctKhl,' t . the week-end. Meanwhile, work is progressing on repair of the 45-Inch water main which was broken more than a week ago by a mudslide which ' knocked out C. W In -is. are now pan- ' .. . , .... ...I WASHINGTON. U. Bayonne ... 04V2 Braloine 9.95 B R Con 03 B R X 05 Cariboo Quartz 145 Congress .04 . Hedley Mascot. -.c.i. Pacific Eastern 06 IIYDEK, Aska-inlury n o gained a surprising aeci.s o oa - - ,attWd Am- sr?am, accord - suits and accessories, dresses. Uie death or Arthur uampoeii, points over niu uaviian oi vui - - ,,-wntton nd its Reductions in prices of heat- Titlt from Kurt ,ing .antl lUiUUng UR mrougnoui mine foreman, Riverside Mine, tn a scheduled icn-iou.a nBm.. ,",..- unrPBist.vert for-.o.i, . toU AMjiecrs m w-B ...... --4 hold in thp office ol taut nitihl. . :. .. - ' tiiree lengths of pipe. Actual Ttulucemcivt jot toe..- pipe has I Canada are being made by oil "''mj:vf..i,.';i-.,.:i'-, , ,; , ' ...fn aaent.s appears cerwwu w skirts,' blouses, coats, d formats was exhibited. The highlight of the show was the bridal party. Edith Jordan, Jn ns ciimiiiissioncr. Suirtey An companies effective at once in ' order to Dass on the benefit of re- Pend Oreille 5.54 Pioneer - 3 45 derson. Tlie coroners jury briiiKiiiK in a verdlrt of accident i not yet begun tout Is expected i to start shortly following prc-jparatton of the right of way to support It. The work Involves removal of a quantity of .03 la moval of the sa'.es iax on these .17 I products as announced Thurs Premier Border Privateer egg-shell satin, was the bride. Bridesmaids were Donna McAr-d Mplaine Brechin Who al death, recommended that the (entre BSHIP ,w-'V'iS(1t'tllf nfw tensions betveen the Tl il' Wi-,A i i 1 EH I United States and the Soviet Inn. The Indictment, returned by a Synopsis ( f(,dpra, gra))d jury here, was an- Aiuther cold air mass has , noim,.ej ate yesterday by Attor-pushed southward hiUj.tlie cen- nfy Gpncr!ii Harold McGrath. It wore identically fashioned" blue muck and the construction of temporary supxnts for the pipe and pink gowns. Groomsman was Reeves MacDonald 2 20 Sheep Creek 1.13 Silbak Premier 35 Taku iver .16 Vananda .09 Salmon Gold 16 Mel Skalmerud, with Jack Mar I sections. road should be Improved to give greater visibility. Mr. Campbell was killed when his car left the Salmon River Road about 12 Mile and plunged down to river bel between two and three hutK.re.H h el below. He was killed instant.-'. Wiun vicw- day. The reductions are as follows: Furnace fuel oil .90 cents. Stove oil 1 cent. Kerosene 1.30 certs. Lighting naphtha 1.50 cents. Incubator oil 1.50 cents. Heavy fuel oil, .50 cents. chant playing the part of the t.ral regons of British coiumoia cnarged the corporation and six during the 'past 24 hours. Snow officers wah failure to register A combined city and North proud father. ern B. C. Power Co. crew Is n.-pnt.s of a foreign powvr in ac -was lalling . in rrince ur"'e. nrpa this morniiw. The lead- Rowland Miles sang "O Day 01 working on the line under direction of city water foreman Golden Promise." , 25(10 ! Ing edge of this air mass is cx- cordance with United States law. The maximum penalty is a $in,ono fine and five years' A full description of the bridal .H flip rar was found to be a Carl Gustafson. When the work r.ected to move slowly south in Oils-Anglo Canadian 4.35 Atlantic -. 104 Calmont 40 C & E 6.80 costumes follows: will be completed Is not yet complete wreck. t0 the Cariboo and southeastern Bride EEK-shcll satin wedding known. dress, padded hip line and fish tail drape full length embroid Portland Canal Lodge No. 121ft, British Columbia in the next Loyal Order of Moose of which 24 hours. It is not expected to the late Mr. Campbell, was a leach the Okanagan Valley. Central Leduc 1 12 Old Country, :: Football :: Mrs. Spencer Takes . Victoria Newspaper, ered bridal veil, made in France. Temperatures in the cariooo , 1315 Minimum Objective 2(I(M ROTARY CHORUS ACTIVE AGAIN and Prince George region win. VICTORIA ,. Mrs Mrs Chris fall sharply tonight. Cloudiness member, held funeral services in the MiKxse Home after which the cortege proceeded to Hydor, Alaska cemetery where Interment White silk arm mitts. Bridesmaids Blue and pink taffeta gowns with sleeves, tucked hip-lines and tucked cape- . effect on neck-lines and blue English League First Divslon Arsenal 1, Blackpool 0 is general in all the coastal - -- ; - Home Oil IZ'75 Mercury 11 Vi Okalta 195 Pacific Pete 3.35 Princess 29 Royal Canadian 07 '2 South Brazeau 09 Vz Toronto Athona 1 1 teuton, Ml m nm. " ; -r;- ... of the winter or-ik place. Pallbearers were Another ninninpbnm Civ 0. Everton 0 over the Qutm On.rloUe. no ". -- -- getting seasonal Milte Zulic. Isaac Soderlov, John ganizationis Bolton Wanderers 1, Middles ino norllitrn mainland.' Tlwre U.e MM. n m- "TS activities uiMlcr way was the McKay, Paul Meger, Joe An-Rotary Club's men's chorus lnony an(j gid Clark. Tlie offic-whieh had IU opening rehearsal ia t.inff clcrcvman was the Rev. linger-tip veils. ,; Housecoats were plaid wool satin and quilted styles, over luxurious rayon, silk and lace gowns. (ConUnueo .xi page 4) brough 2 Burnley 0, Manchester City 0 Chelsea I, Aston Villa 3 a i,np n hp!p areas in j- - - .mtrolled by the Spencer fami last Year's 1WI0 the next 24 to 48 hours. last evening at the Civic Cen- c L L()mas 0 the Mission Boat Derby County 4. Hudders- trn I.nsl. winter the ChorUS Cll- I'M.i-nmm fmss" and Henry h field Town 2 maxivt iiji aetiviUes with a min cio,ort undertaker, was 111 Liverpool 2 Newcastle Unit 1.100 ly. 7 LOCAL TIDES Sunday, October 23, 1949 HiL-h : 2:02 21.9 feet strel show which received a ohnrtrn of funeral arrangements ed 2 North. Coast RegionCloudy today and Sunday with occasional light rain or drizzle. Fo-j banks over the water little change in temperature. Wind? light. Lows tonight and highs U-mra-rnw at Port Hardy and Owt seventy people attended S. L. GALLOWAY'S fAREWEU HONORS Aumaque iayz Beattle 5 Bevcourt 26 Bobjo I5 Buffalo Canadian lOt'2 Oon. Smelters 100.50 Conwest 13 Donalda -60 Eldona 51 East Sullivan 4.55 Giant Y'Knife 6.45 the service in the Moose Home sreat reception and which It is planned to present again Uiis season. II. T. Lock, Is convenor of tlie chorus and again C. P. Balag- -13:58 24.0 feet Manchester United 3, Wolverhampton W anderers 0 Stoke City 0, Charlton Athletic 3 Sunderland 2, Fulham 0 Sand.'pit 45 and !0, at Prince Low 7:55 4.9 feet 20:32 09 feet -Todav Rupert 40 and 50 West Bromwlch 3, Ports- , . . HAS RETURNED FROM HALIFAX IIMMI mouUi 0 no will be conductor, nenry Pluym Is assuming the duties of pianist. Last night, old numbers were ' S. L. Galloway was accorded farewell tionors and extended best wishes for tiie future before he took departure Thursday night for New Westminster where he will join the staff of nnlumbian after hav Second Division ' Coventry City 2, Cardiff City 1 Barnsley 1, Bury 0 :.. .38 30 07 11 .10 . - 07 God' Lake Hardrock Harrlcana Heva Hosco Jae.knife After crossing the continent to i(.,j n-.p sivtv. fourth ann ial rehearsed and proposed new ones discussed In attendance were: First basses Andy Wyatt. Dr. J. A. MacDonald and O. R- RipI.I. ing been identified for nve-au a half years with the compos meeting of the Dominion Board of the Woman's Auxiliaiy, Church of England in Canada . n r.nnn is hiiek !n Grimsby Town 5, Chester field 2 Leeds United 1 Brentford 0 Luton Town 1, Tottenham Hotsput 1 Joliet Quebec Lake Rowan 06 tz :m mpptincs was Second Basses A.D. Ritchie, t., for 1h dip ing room staff 01 tne News. , At tlie Canadian Legion members of the staff gathered to present Steve with a han-some engraved cold pocket i-nifp H.T. Lock and Charles Roberts. Prmcc RUpert The Preston North End 0, Sheffield Wednesday 1 Queen's Park Rangers 0 Ply Gibson found' V f H . f Tenors W. D. Orlffiths iminns" Q11I1 Mrs. VV 11.11 O., M ... W. H. Shortridee. mouth Ars-yle 2 teresting arci j Kj. M y.lrr j V.Sf-, I the sessions both in be The next rehearsal will Inspiring. Mrs Gibson rr. - ; 1 ,4 ,v w b - i 'u" II Sheffield United 2, Bradford 1 Southampton 3, Blackburn n,i flip wav home Monday night. visited with various branches of the Woman's Auxiliary in the Rovers I At the Daily News oince no was presented by the staff with an engraved combination cigarette case and lighter and by the management with an inscribed wallet. BY-ELECTIONS Lapaska 05 V2 Little Long Lac .62 Lynx 12 Madsen Red Lake .... 3.10 McKenzie Red Lake 67 McLeod Cockshutt .... 148 Moneta 35 Nepus - 2.15 Norahda 62.00 Louvicourit, 17 Pickle Crow 2.02 Regcourt 04 San Antonio 4.00 enator Rouyn 37 Sherrit Gordon 2 60 Steep Rock 1.90 Sturgeon River .19 Silver Miller 51 Swansea Town 1, Hull City 2 Westham United 2. Leicester City 2 central tnl 'riot-including w. Peace River deanery, Prince George, Vanderhoof, Pralriedah. . irrf Prsiscr NEXT MONDAY vt sir .1:11111'... iiiiit ... ..... OTTAWA m - By-elections - u .;. will ,take place Monday to im w i''" ,L(i House Of, ion bohiu ....c... 'Membership itiiiii vai;aitv;ia whilp In Toronto Mrs Glhs v.i Conunons caused by six govern ment appointments nd iwo deait hs. addressed a gathering of Japanese women, five of wl.rai had members oi Si. An been former Five will be In Quebec-Mon BASKETBALL League Opening Saturday, Oct. 29th Season Reservations & Season Tickets Now Available at Civic Centre Office Last Season's Reservations Held Till Wednesday, 8 p.m. REMEMBERED Commemorat-inc WARTIME CO-OPERATION the Commonwealth Air Training plan, which turned out representatives of Britain. Australia 131 553 airmen during the war, New Zealand and the U. S. were present at a ceremony at of the attended by a Trenton Ont , air base, climax ceremony, nawan't of formation flying war planes, consisted of opening new wrought-iron gates by British Secretary of State Sir Arthur MIsmoi; in r. drew's Japanese treal- Mercler. Mowtreal-J a c- Mir oiies. ffnH.ipr Gatineau and Rupert. WARNING All water used for drinking purposes should be boiled until the present pipeline emergency is over. A. G. BOAS, City Sanitarian in the city on the Kamouraska The others are Toronto-Greenwood, the New Westminster constituency of Restl- Henderson rieht. Prime Minister 01-. mm awcv Teniae Louise in this s aiwruuJ'M ai Princess w b , , Canada's part in the plan, fifteen planes Boue:h-Marim.waiRka and New from Vancouver mcuaeu to visiting dignltarles t0 Tton tor Lindsay,. M. J- KtmI a the ce!.emony. Oliow. , 1 Westminster In British Colum-