Saturday, October 22, 1949 TODAY-6:50-9 '. '" -.'.V .... p.m. W aierfront i - r - - -3 .-, SUNDAY : MlDTij - IVhtfs Bit niii. - ! Mum!! g s f I f Q ml Herring Outlook Predicted 'Fair' Lumber From Alaska Hei 'rintr fishery will hpthpnpvt mwrannn t,, mm si mand the attention of a great part of the west coast fishing fleet and prospects for it are fair, according to the qualified predictions of the Research Board of Canada. The P"search Board make anrm:il nvtvi-tw,,, &.7 oil 111 T m - MlfNlk! MOM Tltr I.AKItV PARKS -miLVOM tt hirh arp I A mnk f i 1 -V! IIIUVII Ul Lilt: 111 Ill ture operating plans of the in sult of continuous work on the dustry. Head predicter is Dr. A. part of Fisheries Department in "THE GALLANT BLADE" L. Tester, biologist in charee nf DONNA GRESCO Alreai'y noted young Canadian violinist, although only 21 years of ase, who will appear in recital at Civic Centre here Octo- spectors. No black magic Is employed in the herring division of the Re DIFFERENT UNION NO STIKE Although other steel mills throughout U.S. have'been shut down because of the strike of United Steelworkers, "business goes on Just about as usual at a steel company in Weirton, W. Va., as smoking stacks Indicate. Employees of Weirton company belong to an independent union. They have their own pension plan to which they contribute and which pays them $100 a month. There Is no sign of settlement in the U.S.W.A. strike. search Board and in past vears. 'l rateaWn ad the predictions, nor are the qualifications contained in them at LETTERBOX his obsera lions have had a notable record of accuracy. ber 28. swssibj tempts on the part of the biolo all taxpayers hold telephone uiii kffcrt should beUi. ' ... 7..,. .. .... gists to slide out from under re Herring operations, which will begin in the south within the I next few weeks nrovldin" nf CASEY AND TELEPHONES Edltoi, Daily News: sponsibility for their statements' ies at Port Edward and Prince They admit they are unable to ! Rupert hum with action. The ( uinj ur iW p,j!p. HOTEl ARRIVALS Yard Cowls And More YARD GOODS 2 Our home sewing section has 5 1 the largest selection ever I guarantee the movements of the west coast of Vancouver Island In the report of the discus! i 8ci'ibers with Uit migratory herring schools. is one of the most prolific herring at the elty council on the tele-' nal '''Umin ffiyi grounds on the coast. Based on information provided from field workers, which is al Prince Rupert .. W. Jephson, Vancouver; J phone rehabilitation plan sub A. 'niittfd bv SiiiM'iliitenclent Vii t!. I course, the herring show up however, will not be completely dependent on these forecasts. Fishermen also use local information gained by scout boats and seiners which start out in the areas where migrant populations might be indicated. The long-range forecasts how ...... V. J V. most always the fisheries insner- With the termination a week tors, the biologists are able to say Walker, Vanouvrr; L. A. Briton Vancouver; Mrs. C. GiRitey. Ter- warns on uciooer n, I am quoted service could b Dl fiUVtrtlT llA ll-ttf.l,4nrl...- ..I I ' . . . ago of the Prince Rupert-Halnes WALLACE'S DEPT. STORE that since such-and-such a set barge service, which had been ae; R. S. Eden. Kamlunps: Mr of conditions has prevailed in carrying American Army supplies and Mrs. W. Rutherford, Vancou- other utilities. the past, it is reasonable to an to Alaska through this port dur the mUitp.- r, . letters arc nw i ever, are helpful in the laying out ticipate that, such-and-such a ver; u. Alonson, Vancouver; II. Simpson Vancouver; L. I). IIol- ing the summer it is encourag Mr. Ed it'll- 1 llmrlp no mi,.i ing to seek the resumption of a statement. What I did say was AltL Da8nctt. . of equipment by the companies DAILY NEWS CLASSIFIED ADVERTISEMENTS BRING RESULTS and lneir achievement is defin- I Itplv nnt an n(tn,-. . i - la.-rls. Ilaellon; F. Penny. Oieby condition will prevail during the coming season. Past predictions have civen Dr Island; P. E. Petersen, Dorrren. lumber shipment from Alaska to the States, such occurred this CKUF j Mi4 ni-mjan uul uue re mat tne present tcleplioi e ip-l debtedness was a charge against' V. lliell, Shlley; . I. Kuhanan. week. Although ihe shipment Tester a high standing in the Industry, which is a remarkable record, considering the mvriaci of was only a small one, Involving Smithers, W. II. illisroft. Terrace; Earl Oslrlund, Smitlirrs; Mrs. E. Scott, Ketchikan. four carloads, it adds to the ac tivity on the waterfront by keep- variable factors involved. From the mass of reports which cornel AVOID DISAPPOINTMENT . ORDER youil in from Fisheries inspectors, esti- ! ! ing longshoremen ousy. Currently, too, all coastwise boats art-carrying heavy freight cargoes which are providing employment lor a number of men unloading crease. The skipper of the Corsair for the past two seasons has been Captain Harry Neddcn, for many years in the swvice of mating the amount of herring at given points, the size of the annual catch, the size of the annual spawn and the nrrecntm $M Jinvxs (Ba the Canadian National Steam ships running to Vancouver unci Prince Rupert. of fish hatched from the spawn, the biologists are able to arrive at their conclusions. This requires a terrific amount of work on the part of the in BOXEU ASSORTMENTS RANGING I ROM 50c I P The Union esteamer Camosun, Capt. Harry McLean, sailed at midnight for the south Queen Charlotte Islands. She will be back from Sandspit, Queen Charlotte Cily, Skidcgate and Cum- . I 1 JVPVMMil m III tliem today at shewa Irtiet on Sunday, sailing in l I'iAii ' "El ' ASTHMA spectors and is one of the answers to the uninitiated layme.i as to what Fisheries inspectors do in their continuous ramblings on the coast. the evening for Vancouver. fill kmn t&XfKKj (h7ln AND HAY FEVER The Ketchikan fish packer Sydney, Capt. Henrickson, ar- 10 aia in this research. t.1i r snor nc i im. -4 . .. . t 1 w'uueni last year nved m port Friday with four equipped its protection vessels carloads of salmon which it de-with echo sounders which com- livned to the Canadian Fish and mercia! boats have found to be of Colrl Slam r,. I vaiue liv spotting bodies of - I f lESNER BLOCK. 3RD AVE. fill MmM H0TEL Li 7"". S"Vji VA Home A war flum Home 1 f ".Vi" Smart folks are switching to cil heat now! Goodby shoveling! Convert to oil heat now and lc fr,-e from, handling, stoking fuel. Oil means push-button comfort-U touch a finger-Hp control and you get steady, even warmth in your home . . .' fast! It means luxurv olus real n, ,.:. nernng, and in determining their size. Howeverdepartment boats almost reverse'the use to which commercial vessels put the A strike was called this week aboard the luxury cruise vessel Corsair, which spent the summci In Northern B. C. and Alaska !J u I3 f! u waters. The uttiimo Sailors' Union UIUWIJ U nf .... Where the seiners and scout 1 ; the Pacific, it is slated by Bor boats survey the herrine schools ! jl' ( SO Roor.,S-Hot and Cold ) 7IJKST HOT DO Djir.broff, the union business agent, asks a $35 monthly tn- in order to determine how much 15) PS VANCOUVER VICVORIA they should take out, the department boats survey them in order j - - - - frfnIi,.1..,1JJ1JJ j,- to calculate how much should be left to maintain a natural SEATTLE Tuelayi 1:30 p.m., CatiUa Sunday, 10 p.m., Camosun ALICE ARM, STKWART AND TORT S'MPSON Sunday, 11 p.m. FOR SOUTH Ql'EEN 1 PKINCB RUPERT. B U. itv ( ?ho.eZ81 P.O. Box 11)8 1 TftVW ,W SNACK Bi Advertise in the Dally New , 1 ' just (iff Third to i i 21R (ith St. Phonf t Normally, the herring 'fishery begins to get active on the south soast in November, workine uu to a climax in December. Herring on the north coast begin to show SAV0V mm, W. L. WOODS, Proa PHONE 37 P.O. BOX 1397 FRASER STREET PftlNCE RUPEHT Oil heat is clean -no oot, scum or ashes to tax housework and cleaning bills on rugs and drapes. Clean deliveries too' CHANDLG up in commercial quantities in January and February and for REAL ESTATE INSURANCE INCOME TAX RETURNS PREPARED weeKs Prince Rupert is the tem CIIAKI.OTTB ISLANDS s.s. Camosun. October 21 FOR NORTH Ql'EEN CHARLOTTE ISLANDS s.s. Camosun, October 28 . FRANK J. SKINNER Prince Rupert Agent third Avenue Phone P68 porary base for scores of sein No supply cares your Standard Heating Oil dealer refills your tank automatically. You never have to give it a thought. Cult your local Standard Healing Oil Di-aler Standard Oil Company of British Columbia Limited Telephone: 674 PORTRAIT B. Film 1'inb.hint - & Flash Phntof TikM Phone Green 389 PRINCE RLTEKt ers and packers. Then canner- E It. K. MORTIMKK 324 2nd Ave. (Nrar CFPR) mmm "BtMBSHMMRmamHaMB PRINCE RUPERT DRY DOCK AND SHIPYARD SHIPBUILDERS AND ENOINSER3 Iron and Brass O&sungs Klectric and Acetylene Welding Don't ' Tree! fcnjoy oil heat at it best with Stan-dard Heating Oils -100'; distills) for cloan, non-waste heat. Switch Ui oil now' i'? Reg. T-M SPECIALISTS UN SAWMILL and MINING MACHINERY The OIL Heater Ill m You've - . Waited For! ' Have. Your Radio Overhauled Now at Ken's ?5 Commodore j; j Cafe J "Better Th-n Ever" jBRst Food and Service In Ult? JPhone 17 for Send-Out Order? Q.C.A. WINTER SCHEDULE: MONDAY & FRIDAY f Prince Rupert, to Massct and KH.uni f (Air Connections to Queen Charlotte Wands rvr We Carry A Complete Line Of BE WISE! DAILY f'lmrl'llH ' Allford Bay to-Cumslicwa Inlet. 518 2nd Ave. Phone o. -and Return to Alii' J Third Ave. David Chow, Mgr Justkatla. Port Clement Mussel -a 1 WEDNESDAY I Prince Rupert to Alice Ann, Stewart, and Kf1 1 fall 1' For information and Reservations ilk t' llli ill . COLEMAN OIL HEATERS Ort the oil heat that has all these money, savii.g, fuel-savings, long-!i;e features- 1. Famous Coleman Furnace-Type Heating Unit 2. Low Flame Fuel-Saver 3. Fuel-saving Low draft Burner 4. Fxclusive Coleman Draft Meter 5- Heat circulation plus heat radiation at same time 6. Beautiful ..ylin-long-life, baked-on finish In brown duo-tone or pastel tv . ' We have the right size, the right type of heater for your homel Come in today. FAMOUS COLEMAN OIL HEATERS CHARLOTTE AIKI.IM'- " him Trucks Ul KEN Box 280 Prince Kupeii, i mm AVAILAHLK JOR IMMEDIATE DELIVERY BROADWAY CAFE . Be Comfortable NOW IS THE TIME TO IIAt'K PRICED AS LOW AS STORM SASHES INSTALLED 2- Ton Chassis and Cab, 152" Wheclbase with reinforced frame & 2-speed rear axlo. 3- Ton Chassis and Cab, 170" Wheelbase with reinforced frame & 2-speed rear axle IIKST W1 j FINEST C0KI run me WINTER. For Estimates and Supplies PHONE 363 MITCHELL & r CURRIE LTD. HOVE Oltf n TAT.T n Rupert Motors Ltd. 1 ' 3 1 SI Builders and Contractors Phones: 866 Office, , 566 Sbop A SPECIALTY Hours 7 a m. to f