a rfntc nupetl Pan? Hetei Saturday, August 6, 1949. Everything ,'' for Building Lumber of all kinds-Mouldings, Flooring, Siding, Cedar and A i p b a 1 1 Shingle!!, Plasterboard, Wall-boards. Fir, Cedar and Birch Plywood, m $ Cement, Brick, Plas-' -..ter, etc. ALRERT & McCAFKERY LIMITED t I HIONE 116 Cash for old gold. Bulger's ' Mr. and Mrs. D. R. Barclay sailed last night on the Catala for a trip to Vancouver. Mrs. Richard Pollock and family sailed last night on the Catala for a trip to Vancouver. J. Barker of Smithers sailed last night on the Catala for a trip to Vancouver. Mrs. Shopland and son of North Pacific sailed last night on the Catala for Vancuover. J. Scott of the Dominion Fisheries service sailed last night on the Catala for a trip to Vancouver. ( S. L. Simpson, Masset cannery operator, sailed by the Coquit-lam last night on his return to the Queen Charlotte Islands after a business visit to the city Mr. and Mrs. O. F. Bonney-castle sailed by the Catala last night on their return to Van ... is pavabic in advance. Please refrain from " ileis 2c per word per insertion, minimum f Nuticcs Cards ol Thanks, Death Notices, Marriage and Engagement Announcements: $2. Fecial wsruvr. double price didn't gret that raise? LOST AM) Jr'Ol'NU FOUND Left eye lense on 7th Ave- West- APP'y Laily News Oifice. (It) FOUND Pair of glasses, plastic black trim, found on Borden St, Apply Daily News Oifice. (It) LOST From car on Atlln Avenue, pair of binoculars and box camera, last evening. Please Plione Oreen 380 or Black 603. (It) STEAMSHIP PRINCE RUPERT SAILS FOR VANCOUVER and Intermediate Ports Each Thursday at 11:15 p.m. For KETCHIKAN WEDNESDAY MIDNIGHT For Reservations Write or Call CITY OR DEPOT OFFICE PRINCE RUPERT, B.C. r-' SO CLEAN $7.95 SO WHITE SO EASY TO USE 2)on 't Vouch Seuit Juit ZJum Jjtvtx! Use Ordinary Paper Bag J Dry 11 Odorict , McBride Street Phone 311 1 t oST Gruen wrist watch. name Armand engraved on "Irving ... you mean you Timely Recipe Here's a cool entree for some of those hot sultry late summer days. "Informal Salad Loaf" is filled with such good things as salmon, chunky pieces of ripe olives, celery and cottage cheese. The dressing Is molded along with the other Ingredients. Un-mold on crisp greens and cut Into thick slices at serving time. Informal Salad Loaf 1 cup ripe olives 1 cup flaked canned salmon 2 cups shredded carrot 1 cup finely cut celery 2 cup pickle relish 2 tablespoons lemon juice 2 teaspoons salt Few drops tabasco sauce l'i tablespoons plain gelatin V cup cold water " 1 pint cottage cheese 1 cup mayonnaise Salad greens Ripe olives for garnish Cut olives from pits into large pieces and combine with salmon, carrot, celery, pickle relish, lemon juice, salt and tabasco 74 THANKS .shfs to ex-' w'nnm of t" i - bv the many ,r,itwns nu "j an uutataiiu- a Youngs, Biiwd Duiiur -nice Kuperl. FOMTNimS .verr bu.iine.ss : j. For inlurnia-. rui .ST-2. 3 or 4-1 Ml pay sub-! p,fW! plume. 11881 ftO f'xt ruw-,' c Juiiiisuiii.' iiajij no ohiklren,! 3lli lurill-illfll jnat h.ivc von i. Daily News' UBJI i .lie suite for children, wile il soon Dcs-1 BiJt 843. H83) I I SUE - .il. y&i dinlllri , ! i.iiKl raau in .? ntw la it hafTOt bands : tat Walnut fn a! i)f-rv-u irom Hully-Mis to rtspmu- llUII buck. Reward. Itt-turn tn Daily News. (185) PERSONAL UNWANTED HAIR Eradicated with Saca-Pelo. Ttie remarkable discovery of the age. Saca-Pelo Is guaranteed free from chemical and dru'j and kills the hair roots. Lor-Beer Lab. 679 Granville, Vancouver, B. C. (H) IU.LP WANTED HELP WANTED Laundry worker. Apply Pioneer Laundry Ltd. uf) WANTED Stcnographer-bookkeeper. Apply Dr. R. O. 'Larue. (t( HELP WANTED Waitress. . Broadway Cale. (tf) Loyal Order of Moose regular meeting, Tuesday, august 8. (184) Ro'Ph of the fisheries department sailed last nlht on the Catala for Wadhams. Mrs. O. Bendlckson sailed ast night on the Catala for a trip to Vancouver. Attention Men. Harold Dac-res Is In town to fit you for that new suit. Guaranteed quality at great saving. Shoes, shirts ties, ladles' wear. Contact Harold Dacres at Bayvicw Hotel, Room 18. Mr. and Mrs. H. A. Mcintosh of Terrace sailed last night on the Catala for Vancouver. Mrs. J. strand and family sailed last night on the Coquit-lam for a holiday trip to Llm-bcrlost Lodge, Queen Charlotte Islands. Mrs. L. M. Felsenthal and daughters are returning to the city on th CoquiUam tomorrow from a month s holiday at Lim berlost Lodge, Queen Charlotte Islands. Mrs. Pat Barber, Miss Winnie McCasklll and their young nephews, Derek and David Allen, sailed last night on the CoquiUam for a holiday vLslt to Umbcrlost Lodge near Masset. Mrs. J. D. Oalbralth and family, wlio have been holidaying for the paat month at Limber-lost Lodge, . Queen Charlotte Islands, are returning to the city on the CoquiUam tomorrow. Constable Gordon L. Simons returned to the city yesterday afternoon on Uie CoquiUam from Vancouver where he went last week on nrisonrr escort duty.' Mayor Nora Arnold, Mrs. Basil S. Prockter and the lat-ter's daughters, Julie and Muriel, will be reluming to the city tomorrow on the CoquiUam from a week's holiday visit to Llmberlost Lodge, Queen Charlotte Islands. Flying Officer William"- Wilson left by last evenings traui for Edmonton to rejoin his duties with the Royal Canadian Air Force after a visit here with Ills parents, Mr. and Mrs George Wilson, Waldron Apartments. Mrs. Wilson and child will eav'e later for Edmonton to Join Mr. Wilson.. , WORK' WANTED WORK WANTED- Girl wants hwisewofk. - Live -in. 'Write Box 63. City. t . :' (183) SCHOOLS AND COLLEGES CIVIL SERVICE EXAMINATIONS PREPARE NOW for Summer and Fall Examinations. Write M.C.C. School, 301 Endcrton Bldg., Winnipeg Man. (ht ANNOUNCEMENTS Advprtlsemnt in tnis column will be cbirerl far full month t 25c per word Tort Edward W. A. Bazaar, August 8th, Community Hall. Catholic Bazaar October 5 and 6. Sonja Ladles Bazaar. Oct 28. Rebckah Bazaar, Oct. 26. St Peter's W. A. Fall Bazaar, , ,. Wau Rut- aar, Nov. 24. St. Androw's Cathedral Fall Bazaar, Nov . 26. Saturday. UC.T n iit,MTrn uik wit iiuuuajr, jiiiiii Htftiuru to relieve him. Apply Rupert Butchers. (tf) WANTED Taxi despatcher. Apply 112 Taxi. (tf) BOYS WANTED Rellaule boys desiring Daily iews route should file their names at the Daily News Oifice. (tf) FOR lifciST M T Pf If II IS- Fashion - Craft . ; Made to I ri Measure u i T S, 20 :;; DISCOUNT ; From Now Until Aug. 15 GUARANTEED SAVINGS - OF FROM i $15-00 TO $20-00 mtniiBiEnnn Glidden Paints FOR ALL PURPOSES BU' &I6: SAANICH PLUMBING AM) HEATING Representing: G. H. Wood & Co. Ltd. Dustbane Co. Ltd. Brodie Brush Co. Ltd. S. C. Johnson Wax Co. OF TASTY MEALS AT THE Rex Cate Chinese Dishes a Specialty ' ' CHOP SUEY enow, MEIN ..".beam electric nation, also a 1 . ii model. 8:t 1XR RENT Tourwt . Ureetl 518 j elation-. Red 471. accomo-(tf) FOR RENT The new Jdhnson's electric floor polisher for only $1 a day. Phone 547, Blatn Bros. (184) FOR RENT Lunch counter ro-iiir concern. Apply Central Lunch. (18j) i 184 1 : 'M lumber 629 tun Ave' i tlii two-month ok! alt dub. AppiV ts. b. c. i isa'i ; Sanitation for the Nation i'&rl REAL ESTATE sauce. Soften gelatin in cold water and dissolve over hot water; combine with cottage cheese and mayonnaise. Com bine salmon and cheese mixtures, blending thoroughly. Turn into loaf pan and chill. Unmold onto platter. Garnish with greens and rioe olives Serve 10 to 12. EIGHTEEN POLIO CASES, ALBERTA EDMONTON One more case of polio was reported In Alberta yesterday, bringing the total for the province so far to eighteen. The latest victim of the malady Is a twelv-year-old girl In the Peace River. It Pays to Au.ertisei ASTHMA i A Kin WAV CEVCB i HRKATMCASY Ol- CA Ltd. Vancouver. CHIROPRACTOR John F. L. Hughes, D.C., Pb.C. 21-22 Besner Block Fhone BLUE 443 for Appointment WILL BE AWAY QN VACATION first Three Weeks in August NEEDS CLOTHES LINES IRONING BOARDS GALVANIZED WARES PAINTS Hit'encieT 0R SALE-4 suite apartment PAPER TOWELS PAPER CUPS DEODORANTS DISINFECTANTS house close in. A good invest mcnt. Prince hupert Kealtv Co. (188) couver. Mr. Bonneycastle has been m the service of Columbia Cellulose at Watson Island. Rev. Canon Basil S. Prockter returned to the city yester day afternoon from Esquimalt wnere he spent the last two weeks in tralnine with the Royal Canadian Navy. He is chaplain to H.M.C.S. Chatham. Mr. and Mrs. James Stevenson and son, Jimmy, of Terrace sailed last night on the Catala for a vacation trip to Vancouver. Mr. Stevenson Is manager of the Terrace branch of the Royal Bank of Canada. Mr. and Mrs. E. W. Forward of Ladysmith, Vancouver Island, after a brief visit here with their son and daughter-in-law, j Mr. and Mrs. E. D. ForwardJ sailed by the Prince George last night on their return south. Arrivals in the city on the CoquiUam Friday afternoon included H. L. Wilkins, Dr. and Mrs. W. L. Rogers, Mrs. C. Kennedy, Mrs. D. Kipp, Mrs. J. Adams, Mrs A. Baker, G. T. McDonald. T. Page. A. Rink. Mrs. D. Black and Miss B. J. Black. Mr. and Mrs. T. W. Weather-up of Chicago, after a visit here with their son - in - law and daughter, Mr. and Mrs. C. H. Klotz, Graham Avenue, West- view, are sailing tomorrow night on the CoquiUam for Vancouver enroute home. Mr. and Mrs. William H. Flei-sher of Seattle, who drove north over the Cariboo: and Skeena River Highways and then paid a week's visit to Ketchikan, were aboard the steamer1 Prince George last night returning south. They took their car with them. Mrs, L. M. Gordon and Wallic Whiddon were among others who assisted in connection with the Red Cross blood donor clinic here this week. Mrs. Gordon provided transportation for the visiting clinic staff from the Seal Cove airport. Mr. Whiddon arranged the session of blood giving at Port Edward. PRINCE RUPERT DRY DOCK AND SHIPYARD SHIPBUILDERS AND ENGINEERS Iron and Brass Oasrangs Electric and Acetylene Welding SPECIALISTS ON SAWMILL and MINING MINING MACHINERY MACHINERY I Power Co. Ltd. BESNER BLOCK STEWART, BC. Jewel oil CANADA , t j DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE , " Prairie farm Rrhalillitatiiiu Act TENDERS Scaled tende'ra will bo received by the undersigned until 3:00 o'clock p m, Reptna Time. Monday, August 29, 1H49. for the construction of pipeline and other wortcs on the Westbank Irrigation Project. The work Is locutd in lots 603, 60S, SOS, 607. 1119, 3181. 1113. 2t87. 2G89, 3461. 3496, 1934. 2688. PR5641 and unsurvcyed land west of L40OO. In the Oaoyoos Land District of British Columbia and about 4 miles south and west of Kclowna. Tender must be submitted on the forms attached to the specifications IB the envelope provided. The following-are the main Items of work and the approximate quantities of each: 1. Welded Steel Pipe, 20 inch to 22 Inch 15.700 lln. ft. 2. Welded Steel Pipe. 10 Inch to IS inch 9.005 lln. ft. 3. Welded Stel Pipe, 4 Inch to 8 Inch 61.160 lln. ft. 4. Steel Pipe Bonds, various angles . 54 only 5. 4" Lot Outlets, consisting of valve, box. key. I elbow and riser '. 125 only 6. Clnte Valves. 6 Inch to 20 inch 14 only 7. Gate Valves. 4 Inch 148 only g. Miscellaneous Fittings. Tees. Crosses, etc Ill pieces . Galvanized Iron Culvert. 12 gaut;e, 36 Inch 80 lln. ft. 10. Galvanized Iron Culvsrt, 14 gauge. 30 Inch 120 lin. ft. 11. Galvanized Iron CulvorV 16 gauge. 12 Inch 80 lln. ft. 12. Blow off and Air Release Valve Units 6 only 13' Timber, supplied and placed 3 MFBM . 14. Talus Bench Excavation 800 cu.yd. 15. Hnuled Backfill 5.000 cu.yd. 16. Extra Work 15.000 dollars Plans, specifications and form of contract are on view at the following P.F.R.A. Offices: " 418 Public Building. 910 McCallum Hill Bldg., Calvary. Albert. Regina, Saskatchewan. P F.R.A.. V.L.A. Building, The Airport. victoria Avenue. Lethbridgc, Alberta. Kamloops, B. C. Plans, specifications and tender forms for bidding may be obtained from the undersigned at his office In Regina. Saskatchewan, and from the PFR A. Office In Kamloops. B.C.. upon the 8eposit of Ten Dollars (I10.00) cash or a certified cheque for the amount, payable to the Receiver General of Canada, which deposit will be redeemable upon the return of the plans and specifications tn good order within one mouth after tenders have closed. Any tenders which are not prepared strictly in accordance with the Instructions to Bidders'' may be rejected, The lowest or any tender not necessarily accepted. By Order L. B. Thomson. Director of Rehabilitation. 910 McCallum Hill Building, ' Regina. Saskatchewan. Md suite n"v'foR SALE -2 small houses on ( 84,' 1 1,,t- 525 6ln West- $2300.00. 1 shmies 1 Prince Rupert Realty Co. 5:80 Per bundle. ' a88' (186i, $800.00 DOWN buys large four lips -h7 ' ' ' wartime with brick cnimney. mS;'mMn!,,'cor-AtJE vvn'tune tour, remoa-i T .l0". dec! kitchen and electric i.,' ,t!?rs, range utility porch two lots PRINCE RUPERT SUPPLY HOUSE 712 Second Avenue Phone 632 P. O. Box 772 i v-o., ; of K0(,d soil ideal for base u"Sa, Out. ' ment. 7th East near McBrlde. i UU;! For these and many others JOlliTrir.1 s,'e ROBERT E. MONTADOK . I '""S. boat LTD. (188) UJ eoillntwwl , .... ?" Ihiatsi 1.. io i ! l ot 13, Blork H. Section 6, Map 923 FOR SALE by tender this large lot situated on the corner of 6i.li Avenue and Bowser. Writ ' " double-1 A show cas ,'7 lrint and ten oilers will be accepted up Nov. 3. uui1 at l,h Central 2l),lh ,d;7 Mortgage (.,f AuK,u' and I Legion . b Auxiliary Bazaar, Nov-l4l) Housing Corporation, 3t'.0 ember Homer Street. Vancouver, B.C. ' Presbyterian Fall Bazaar, Nov. Bids should be accompanied jij Billet Ws, Phoiu; City. U86 Lnfw' Hear: hub; iw K eon-1 I I Green 716' i U87i'i "v a reruiiea cneque ior iu- , or the amount. Highest or any bid not necessarily accepted. (183) FOR SALE 5 room bungalow, 2 years old, Pembroke bath, 2 bedrooms, glassed in porch, furnished or unfurnished. Also seven-room house with basement, good location. Reasonably priced. See Arm-. strong Agencies. Phone 342 or Green 297 (evenings). (185)j uh SALE Brick and concrete block. 2nd Ave. Apartment, harriwood floors, hot water heal. Store, full basement. Phone Black 120. (183) ptanuanj vxJ' ! HOURS Weekdays 9 a.m. to 9 p.m. Sundays 12 Noon to 2 p.m. .7 p.m. to 9 p.m. i SIXTH STREET and THIRD AVENUt j i z. , . Cfe PHONE i - 79 i -J ., : ' 1 Kccji Cool - Live Electrically JUM Fum t ami . . n " uaical and i electric ., , 'rmleum 'fters ' ,h(!UM' Jones '"iltlS i rrs', etc. est Co. battic-'j TENDERS will be received by FOR ALL YOUR PRINTING REQUIREMENTS SEE REGAL PRINTERS PHONE 24 222 Second Ave. Box 423 HOUSEHOLD ,, STEP LADDERS CLOTHES DRYERS KITCHEN UTENSILS .JW hi,,... , ' Electric Fans $12.95 Electric Ranges $229.00 Electric Rangettes $69.00 Electric Ironers $129.50 Electric Floor Polishers $59.50 Electric Washers $148.50 'it,..'. ,?'.' eiord p. ;S.Main 3ros. "'eiiaive me undersigned up to noon 1 f Monday, Auaust 15th, 194!). for the purchase of Block 9, Subdivision Block "A." Plan 12(15, District Lot 361, Plan oti, Village of Terrace, Ranae 5. Coast District, tofrether 'th improvements and contents. Arrangements to inspect this property mav be made with the B. C. Police, Terrace. B C HIGHEST or"anv tender not rtMPeessRrlly accepted. TERMS strictlv cash. O. F FORBES. Official Administrator, Administrator Estate of Creole Porter, deceased, Court House. Prince Rupert, B. C. (185) I Inn, 1 f.. v lira r..l " or 01 "V'snr & pR'ce porl. n t. jrKD.s: Mo SATIN-GLO VARNISHES a?s and 1 Northern B.C. ENAMELS "'is; ' .Steel "atinnal I'M am "Corv l ,-"cvnr, THOMPSON HARDWARE CO. LTD. ) PHONE 21 ( PRINCE RUPERT Second Avenue opposite Prince Rupert vKotl 7:00 ajn. to 3:30 a.m. Phone 173 for Outside Order i'm Na- Ltd (tti Puj-s to Advertise!