Rev. Yreti Antrobus, pastor or ,Georee Marun I Prince Rupert Doily FJcWj Monday, June 5, 1950 tti; . r, ... ; ., ftu.. 1 . . . might have been seriously injured. Scott was tired and In the last nisi Diipunt vuurui, "UUea iast . V. " Football Schedule night on the Coqu.tlam for Vic -' ntv n Co-f v. me coqu j"B Horn a bu Vancouver. t 1 - - - - TRAIN bCHEDULE Standard Times For the East Monday. Wednesday, Friday 8:00 p.m. From the Fast Tuesday, Thuisflaj, Saturday 50:15 p.m. Sport ShotsjVancouverite tr4 : round of the scheduled twq rounder was an his rear between! ' the ropes. Douglas Kushman, a 147 pound fighter from "the Terrace Civic 'Centre, "beat out Simon 'Wesley. a 142 pounder from the city Kushman was good. In fact both were good sorappers and clean. Wesley came out of the. fight with a bloody nose. AndtHer fine match was between Tete Magnus, 130 pounder from Terrace, who took thej match, and 129 pounder Pat Parnell . from the city. First two rounds were ' fast and even torla to attend a dhurch conven- ; lon. learn to Dance Expert Instruction In Fox Trot, Waltz Jive, Hhumba, Tango PRIVATE LESSONS Hours: Mon. Thru Frl. 4:30-10 p m. Saturdays 2:30 - 8 p.m. For appointments GREEN 491 Mary ManDonald, Director: : Main Winner A smart flashy fighter, winner or the British Columbia Golden Gloves this year, 170-pound Bob MeQrveron of Vancouver took the light heavyweishtmain match in. a fight, card at the Civic Centre Saturday night by defeating Prince Rupert's 164-pound Bob Scharff. The fighters put on the best show of the evening. Scharff, In recent football games there have been several Infractions of the "throw-in" rule and, as a result, the offending team has lost the advantage of the "throw- In." Tills should be an advan- i tage. It is as good as a well- , calculated and well-executed pass to a teammate. Too many ! delays in the game as a result of j these infractions tend to spoil the play. There are a few rules I that footballers, and spectators, i should know, about the proper ,but in the third, the shorter formerlv of Aith J PRIIICE HUPERT DANCE ST (North Star Trophy) June 5 Canadian Legion Heavy Battery. June 9 General Motors vs. Canadian Legion. I June 12 Heavy Battery vs. ' General Motors. I June 19 Canadian Legion vs General Motors. WW V3 Seagram's I "83" ( I although a good scrapper, tired jout considerably during the last il NOV IN STOCK.... It pays to advertise. WATER tells the truth about.., WHISKY Put Seagram's "83" to the water test. For water (plain or sparkling) is your most reliable guide to the whole truth about any whisky. Water adds nothing, detracts nothing, but reveals a whisky's true, natural flavour and bouquet. Say SEAGRAM'S and be SURE . . t of the finest Immediate delivery to retailers in the Prince Rupl way to tnrow in me oau. j two rounds and at tne bell fol-' Rowing the fourth and last two The player may stand on or minute skirmish, was practically outside the boundary line- He 'out on his feet and slumped must not be inside the playing .wearily In his corner J pitch. Hemusttac the field of j The match was the final Twut ( play. He must m'.e the throw of nineeventswi atd-of the Mani- j with both hands the move- toba flood ttelief fund. The' ment of the throw must start crowd numbered about 400. 1 from behind his "head and con- j Following intermission Harry tinue over the head towurds the i Yule, 135 pounds, wanted to chal-Dlavlne pitch. He nwst keep a lenge 132 pound Chuck Place and Taper napkins Butcher's wrapj W Towels e Shopping 4 f ,. 'Notion and prory g Toilet tissue ax papers Wrappinj paper .' CALL COLUMBIA PAPER CO. I nart of both feet on the eround. hi But not A common infraction is taking . uu.. - u.. fc.v.w.. tempt to get great distance in to the throw. Another is in not Black 931 I starting the throw from behind j the head but rather dropping the EARLY ADVERTISING COPY IS APPRC Thi. advertisement is not published or displayed by the Liquor Control Board or by the Government of British Columbia. advance. Please refrain from telephoning. Clas ball forward. A third infringement is when the throw is checked in midair and then continued. j y I i A half-back who knows how to throw-in a ball is a great asset to his team. He should Introduce ' variety into the throw. It may be a short or long one. It may be direct to his teammate or it may be over an opponent's head. It may call for a return to himself perhaps off his colleague's chest or foot. j In the recent games against the English touring team nearly 1 all commentators mentioned the tremendous length an English j halfback got into his throws, j When near the opponents' goal I line it was as good as a centre into the goalmouth. It is necessary that players 50c. Birth Natlces 50c. Cards of Thanks, Death Variety is the Spice of Life and you will find a lot of variety in baby things lor that lively baby at ... . and Engagement Announcements $2 00. DISPLAY, DOUBLE PRICE FOR SALE FOR SALE New St used house hold furniture ancf hardware bicvcles for bovs and men unoalnted chest of drawers, end tables and coffee tables, batterv radios, floor coverine. rifles, pressure cookers. Slner sewtne marhines. office chairs PS WW! 3 ONE YEAR TO PAY on the material and labour for your NEW ROOF Siding - Insulation or Asphalt Tile We are pleased to announce that GREER & BRIDDEN LTD., your local building contractors -are in a position to bring you a superior product for your building requirements, with materials from WILDING PRODUCTS LIM-TED, the largest manufacturers of asphalt shingles in CANADA. SHINGLES are available in weights from 135 lbs. to 210 ibs. per square, and feature Jhe new 163 lb. TITON, the self-locking shingle in an at-! tractive design. INSULATED SIDING comes if! three shades of brick, will white or black mortar lines ,also the popular stone finish or the new INSULTEX shinglt type in buff or birch grey NSULATION of FIBERGLASS, comes in paper encased rolls, of either 2" or 3" thickness. Greer & Bridden LTD. ' Offer you this service at attractive and competitive prices. They fully guarantee the workmanship as well as the 'materials. . For free estimate or further information phone or call at ROBERT E. ftiONTADOR Limited Sales Agent Phone 11 3rd Avenue I 1 1 IJ L U f U -1 1 -L -if J I sleeping oaus. loevinn doois RANTED nn; awn iinr know the rule and that theyi"''ir revenae. Ehnnlrf t.nke full advantaee of the i Tne W: dirty , t t IK w una scores 01 oinrr nww articles. Oood value at lowest possible Drlces. B.C. Furniture. Phone Black 324. (TF) FOR SALE Seven foot skiff with oars. Small boat stove with oven Phone Blue 639. (134p) . , FOR SALE 13 h.n. electric A motor, like new 512 8th West. Phone Green 276. 13lD - . . ,. : "'U,',r FOR SALE-Cottaue at Dianna Creek, Prudholme Lake. fur- nlshed. Phone Blue 639 (132pi t, 1 t. .ui'. Parnell bowed out to Magnus. In the semi-finals, 170 pound Bill Gardner of Terrace took thf mutch from Wally Cartoon, 164 pounder from Prince Rupert. The (Continued on page 5) 1 Always Prompt and Courteous We're Here to Serve YOU Commodore Cafe 'Hospitality and Oood Food on ir sw.-oui tirnm 3rd Ave. David Chow, Mgr. Classified Advertising is payable In word per insertion, minimum charge eral Notices, Marriage SPWCIAL FTNERAL NOTICE WICK At Bonlta Island Sun- oav. iiune 1950. Ole Chrls- ronrter. beloved husband of Mrs. Ruth Wick of 1108 Ambrose, Ave. Archdeacon E. Hodson will conduct services at Grenville Court Chanel at 2:30 p.m. Tuesday. June (. Interment to follow in rairview Cemetery. B.C. Un dertakers in charge of arrange ments- TENDERS TENDERS will be received by the Prince Rupert Fishermen's Credit Union until Thursday noon, June 8. for the two ves- sels listed below. The hluhest or anv tender will not neces- parity be accented. I Trailer "Diebv." leneth 82 I denth 4'. breadth 9'. powered with a 71 h.n. Grav Marine cas entfine Can hP wen at McLeans Floats Real Cove I I Trailer "Lucky leneth 84' eouioned With uractica v tipw -71 ,hn rv onrl onrrtiM that have been hardly used Can be seen at Fishermen's Floats, nast the drvdock. (132) FOf SALE NATIONALLY KNOWN NAMES IiiviB-belt Soeeder Shovels; Cranes: Draelines: Adam.' Koaa oraders: Litt erord Bros Black Ton Road Maintenance Enulnment: Owen Clamshell Buckets and Rock Grannies; T. L. 8mrth Concrete Mixers: Clark Forkllft Trucks: Nel.norM Bucket Loaders for Stockpile, and 6now Removal: Rice Port-I able Centrifueal FumDs: Na 1 tional Draellne Bcraoers and Buckets: National All Steel Ga-soline Hoi 8 t s: National Portable Sawmills: National Rotary Screens and Conveyors Full Information from Na tional Mach'nerv Co. Limited Vancouver. B.C. tf FOR RAI.F New Chromium bed chesterfield suite and 2 match-") uik vxiaiis. wine coiur ri icr: $150.00 . Apnlv Mink Farm after 6 D.m. 1920 11th Ave. East. FOR SALE 1942 Pontiac Station Waeon comoletelv over hauled. $1250 cash. Phone. Black 638 after 6. FOR SALE -Helntzman medium sfced piano, eood condition,! terms- Write or Dhone W, H. McRae. Oen Store. Usk. B.C. (141pl FOR SALE Reasonable : 8 m m. Mauser. 30-80 Winchester. Pocket aneroid 000 ft. Kodald postcard camera. R.P. 1300 shutter. Baida 2V son a re camera 8-8 lens comtrur shuW ter. Kodak ranerefinder. trH pod. treadle aewlne machine sleeDina bacs. roll rim sink food-blenders. 8-soeed. electrid fans and hesfters. outboard boats, 29 8tudebaker. Call atJ ,1116 7th Ave. E. -9 p.m. J130 FOR SALE Double bed com plete with Slumber King Mat tress. Phone Green 782. (130p FOR BALE Eatonia Vaeuiiml Cleaner. Phone 4U. . trjjp) FOR SALE Rifles. Shotguns TWescooic Stehts. Laree as- fiortment. Variable choKes fori shoteuns. etc. 48 rounds .30a British ammunition $2.9.) Dealers enauirles Invited Write monthlv for latest de , scriptive foldeTs and Drlces. Scone Sales Oo. Ltd.. 320 Queen St.. Ottawa. Ont. (tf 1 leht heavyweight crown. some of -.he officials would have it. Prior to intermission, Place retained his title by m Wl,ln m.t Mnnfrnri Tctiuitt a ,.- . , nLi f pour round of a scheduled three rounder. Two fights were ruled as di'aws first sorap between Roimie Earl of Terrace and Jimmy O'Toole -of Prince Rupert in the paperweight class -and the fifth bout "between 1S9 pound Clarence jGardener and 154 pound Johnny Fitzgerald Fitz tripped and fel. m two of the three roUnds bul put up a good fight. Both fighter were tired at the final bell. In fact, tiere were quite a few 1 tired boxers Saturday night. McGiveron and one or two othe scrappers were tn the pink oi i condition. Thai is what makes a good fight, A ridiculous performance was put on by Doufe Scott, 156 pounds vi hen he was matched wtth 155 pound Bill Morrison, a much younger and better boxer. In the Civic Centre three' weeks ago i Morrison beat out Scott and last ,nBht it appeared that Scott was The crowd Morrison threw a 1 don as Scott attempted to throw him Morrison) out of the ring. In the first round, Morrison, was nearly ot.t of the ring and Salt lake Ferry SCHEDULE Leave Cow Bay Floats Sat. 1:00 p.m. 2:00 p.m. v 4:00 p.m. 8:30 p.m. 'Sunday ContrhuouS Service Starting 1 1 a.m. Last Boat Leaves Salt Lakes 9:30 p.m. Phc-: Green 391 Black 926 SUMMER BOWLING TOURNAMENT Team Events Singles and Doubles Entries must be m June 15th . , to Prince Rupert Bowling Alleys Vrt OUJ. . l. J riuu i ru.wuu Lusr Free Dellv ACCOl'NT PUBLIC ACCOUNI Tax specialist. Stone Bulletins!, HELP flSf raDlier towards AdoIv In wrliinc Harvev. Box training, exoeri arv exuected. LOST, LOST Whoever c round bottom 1 ft., color creon side, pair of oar loose from P Mav 28. olea-Bakkilu. Port 1. Man's ea',1 with onvx and i Red 854. Kewar ij Bt'lLDERS & C FOR electrical hirop or sniil , Newton. Blank 9 FOR building ai l it's Northwest f LimlU'd. Phone I MARINE and s el matnl VL'Ork. Metal Works, Hi COMPLETE bull! fast service, im j inn suD0iies.Di REAL ESI two ! ovps. StV Ave. West. Phor. wnn HALE Five i on mjyi. Una uiuiH Soil inir ' Por rwrtM Raabe. Ebv Ku.J Terrace. linn RALE Bias - .-- turn nnllSPH. ui Orson HOOmS. i Street, and houl sistine of t'fl Mav be insnera John or Sono will be owned ' uinhatt nr anv I harilv' accsoted tates. per Jonn i nnn oii.RFour run - ,.j on DUS II nr. ,1 orated. Full n t.,,o.. F.lltPlI'? Furnished If. 1 Call Black 145. iron RALE Hon' will rent to oal able reference Cove Avenue. tno C A T IT C house, porch. IH ment. wiatN East. -.n c A T TT . F'l run. oau ...iiivl ..l, hnl:ince "1 Blue' 245. . BEPAl WATCH-R-vn?'rs clent service-. .Teweller. SatisL ted. Batterv and Electric Radio. Canadian Beautv Electric stove Laree Norue Oil Heater. Phone JBIuj C.39. (134p WANTKD WANTED Accommodation. Dochterman. Box 1000 citv. (131P) WANTED ScraD cast, brass. Conner, batteries and radiators. Phone 543. call t29 t.h West. ttf) WANTED To rent or lease with option to purchase by electrical eneineer. A two or three bedroom house in good locality. Box 719 DaUv News. (130pi j nlav The nenaltv for an im- faroner "throw-in" is that the ! ball goes to the ofSposifig team. As a rule the wing-half back should specialize In this feature and should have a good understanding with his teammates. But it is a smart player who throws the ball in fast to gain an advantage. He does not need to wait for the whistle. Robert Franklin of the Post Office staff returned to the city on Saturday night's train from a three weeks' vacation trip tx) Saskatoon. . .. - Advertise in tt;c Dally tfewr 654 SSc pm 4mc paid loc ti. f Ami ti, liM On At,,, J,11" Bod M l lh. Go.n-H l BrMili 0ft WANTED Imtnediatelv. room FOR SALE - Sjl mm Professiona Gordon D. Ronson OIL Bl'RNF.R SPECIALIST New wick or pot type burners supplied All types of burners and stoves serviced An unconditional guarantee of perfect satisfaction covers all service 733 5th West Black 503 GEORGE RORIE & CO. Public Accountants and Auditors. Income Tax Returns compiled O. L. RORIE, AA.E. 8. B. LAIRD, B. Comm. Besner Block Phone 387 HANDYMAN HOME SERVICE GENERAL CONTRACTORS Building and Repairs ot all kinds ROOFS CHIMNBY8 OIL BURNERS PHONES Black 334 Red 894 P, O. Box 1670 MARGARET McLEOD OPTOMETRIST Room 10 STONK BUIDINO PHONB BLUE 593 P.O. BOX 1184 and board bv voune man em plovee of the W. H Malkin Co. Plione 72 dav or Oreen I03. ninht. , ttf) . . - .WANTED - Posltlon as adult dav nurse bv experienced under graduate. Also interested in switch board filintr or dry goods, or what offers? (131p UML11L Business and HELEN'S BEAUTY SHOP Permanent Waving '' Beauty Culture in ail fts branches 204 4th Street Phone 655 CHIROPRACTOR JOHN F. L. HUGHES, D.C. 21-22 Besner Block Hours, 10:30-12:30 & 2-5 Evenings, Mon. & Fri. 7:30 Phone Blue 442 A. P. GARDNER & CO. CHARTERED ACCOUNTANTS 1118 Melville Street VANCOUVER, B.C. FOR YOUR ROCK 81 CONCRETE WORK CALL Bl Ub 939 M. J. SAUNDERS New, Modern Equipment All Work Guaranteed MATTSON'S UPHOLSTERING Phone Blue 818 P.O. Box 52t S30 Second Avenue Prlncs Rupert, B.C. QUALITY REPAIRS Tor Downtrodden Heels mnd Worn Soles MAC SHOE HOSPITAL Box 774 Second Ave s COLUSSI'S MUSIC STORE Agents for the finest in Musical Instruments PIANOS TUNED AND RECONDITIONED 210 4th St. Ph. Black 389 (131p,lwANTED Oood used piano, not too laree. Cash 11 once ano condition satisfactory. Box ;33 orjmone 3G9. J130' PERSONAL PLUMBINii anfl Heatlne - Sheet Metal work. Tar and Oravel Roofinsr. Call 629 6th West. Phone 543. Letourneau and Sons. (ti) FOR RKNT FOR RENT Room with twd slnele beds, suitable for twol men. Call 101 7th E after 'fl D.mPhone Black 977. (132p) ran rent Sleenine room or room and board. 1138 2nd West- (132) FOR RENT 2 -car enraee. 61 6th West. Phone Green 698 (130P) FOR RENT Board and roorru tor woikinR men, Phone Black ouu. .tin rXJR RENT Sleeping room available until Auuust 15th Phone Red 297. (130) BOULTER & WELTER (Formerly B & W Transfer Concrete, Gravel and Cement Phone Black 774 (Office) T. Norton Youngs, 3rd Avenue , FOR RENT For Julv and Auk-I r7owFR ust oniv Four room lurnisneoiuiij "o.VvicesI i--i! ciio ri' Rtive St''"7.. J FOR SALE One Klllnet boat nvfwi iniriib. van uv) Ha l- .. .... 'If K Phone Green 803. U35p) Circle eveninsrs. (130pil