l)!.tiT , ? ;'li'"V PLANE IS HERE I 1) Prince Uupett Dailtf J3ttu Monday, January 10, 1049" . i ... 1 Local News Items... a Lutheran Church business nxnii.iiiiiiittiiiitiiiiinmitilnllliiiHtirill'.illllitlil.llHlltlMlllllltllitltlilt'l FROM WINNIPEG Passenger Canso Returns To Prince Rupert Sandspit Service ... BEAUTY ... UTILITY . ( ECONOMY III) with meeting Tuesday,. Jan. 11 at 7:30 p.m. (Rl Lenny Lee left Saturday by air to return to Vancouver after a brief business trip to the city. SHEARDOWNS have two 'phones 565 and 580. They also have a free delivery service. Use them for your convenience. Mrs. Arthur Holland and Mrs. Ray Benson of Massett are in the city for a two weeks' visit, having arrived yesterday on the Coquitlam from the Queen Charlotte Islands. Mike Postuk returned by air BRIDGE PARTIES BEING RESUMED Fortnightly bridge parties at the Civic Centre were resumed Friday night following the Christmas and New Year holiday season suspension and seven tables of players had an enjoyable evening. Garnet Hull was in charge and the prk'.e IClllulilidllihliiiliaiiii.Bi.iulili.lililliiwilulM.Jlliiliiliii.lillHjlill WORK CLOTHING Sheardowns' are carrying all Northland Dairy products. Drop in and buy a bottle. 12i Hubert Ward returned to the c'ty on the Coqultlam yesterday morning from a brie! business trip to Massett. Mr. and Mrs. P. Solowski, re Saturday from a trip to Van couver and left again on today's BYLVAPLY WEATHERBOARD plane. thi(kncs.scs ol this Douglas Fir Flywo odin stock tlis from J2 to 40 el available for early delivery After having been served for the past two weeks by a Canso flying -boat of the freighter type, service between Prince Rupert and Sandspit is again being carried out by a passenger type aircraft. A fortnight ago the regular local plane was dispatched to Winnipeg for over Forest Ranger J. B. Scott re turned to the city on the Co- cently arrived In Canada as dis quitlam yesterday from a brief winner for the evening was trip to Massett on official duties. The annual general meeting t ALBERT & McCAFFERY LTD. r ' LUMHEK BUILDING SUPPLIES PHONE 116 i L. Christopherson. Bridge classes will be resumed next Tuesday evening. of the Prince Rupert Fishing placed persons from Poland, were aboard the Camosun last1 evening going through to Alice Arm where they will reside. A. Muheim. G. White arid H. haul. Yesterday its replacement arrived direct overland from Make it a Must! Visit Northland Dairy today. We will show you around. (12) T. V. Saugstad of tne Frances Winnipeg to take over the run Baby Clinics Aboard the plane on the Ferguson of Tclkwa arrived in Are Resumed Vessel Owners Mutual Protective Fund will b held In the common lounge, Civic Centre Sunday January 16th at 2:30 p.m. All members please attend. (12) Miss Rose Benson, who has been spendnig the Christmas and New Year vacation at Mas-set with her parents, Mr. and the cay by Sunday morning s train fro mlhe interior and sail 2nounceioenU i tnui column rtl,eniM, imrgMl for tall I mraU i us cenU wurd , Well baby clinics have been re flight were Cecil McNeill, chiei pilot and flight supervisor loi Western Canada; D, Holmes, his assistant; J. Gardner, copilot and A. Watt, air engineer They left today on their return NORWAY SONS WHIST PARTY First of the weekly Sons of Norway whiM parties of the year was held Frday evening in ed last night on the Coquit-lam for Vancouver. sumed by the Public Health Unit here following the Christmas and Millerd canning plant at Seal Cove returned to the city on the Camosun last night from a trip to Vancouver. SALE Special Sale of Used Fir Flooring, Northwest Con Mary Chapter I.O.D.E. Executive Meeting 8 p.m. Mon. Ll crlbbagc, Civic Cen- Waist Overalla and Jeans Western Glove, Caribou, O. W.G. and Headlight. PAIR $3.25 to $3.95 Bib Overalls Western Glove, Headlight andG.W.G. PAIR $4.25, $4.35 $4.50 Carpenters' Overalls Western Glove and Headlight. PAIR $4.75 nd $5.15 Coveralls , Western Glove, Hickory S- , $6.50 sult t Executive Meeting, 8 Mrs. Ray Benson, returned to the city on the Coquitlam yes the Sons of Norway Hall, Fifth New Year holiday season. They are held weekly at the unit headquarters on Second Avenue and at Conrad Street School. Last Avenue East. Five tables were iry 10. Whist, Bridge at to their headquarters. Larry Dakin, captain, and George McFarlane, co - pilot, have taken over the plane for terday to resume her studies here. struction, general' contractors. Four doors west of Prince Rupert Hotel. Phone 503. (12) p.m. Mon. Jan. 10. Regu-'tfah lar Monthly Meeting kftfl wiUl initiation of new v-V members) Canadian Lc- kichool Hall. Jan. 13, 8 week about five babies or children of pre-school age were presented at each place. Northland Dairy is all inquiries as soon as pos the regular service. Prince Rupert-Sandspit regular service was resumed at the mg.ion Hall. 8 p.m., Wed. Jan 12. Ivor Johanson, Harry Han Banquet, Presbyterian ;lall, Thurs, Jan. 27. son and Carl Giske sailed last in play, winners being: ladies, Mrs. B. Knudscn, Mrs. Reidcr Johnsen; men, Gunnar Sclvig, Knut Slatta. Committee in charue consisted of Hans Pct-tcr'scn, Nils G undersoil, in charge of the door, and Mrs. F. Schroedcr, Mrs. P. Prttchard and Mrs. Alfred Hcnrlkscn. sible. If you wish tickets for night on the Coqultlam for a firinc Club Band win 1 ... , r l T'.itil- Peter 'lessen, well known pio (7) Miss Betty May Singer, pf Mr. and Mrs. Wesley of Massett, was a passen week-end on schedule after delays due to persistent snow conditions. The flight, due in from trip to Vancouver on Co-opera at Bic civic vuiut Northland Dairy products phone 18 and a salesman will call or tickets m.ay be obtained at Shcardowns'. (12) tive business. neer of Massetl, arrived in the city on the Coquitlam yesterday from the Queen Charlotte Islands for a vi:;it here. Sandspit Friday afternoon, ar ger' aboard the Coquitlam yes CANADIAN CLUB Meeting rived at 11 o'clock Saturdav terday going through on a trip Usui Bussry returned to ritv v air Saturday from a Tuesday Jan. 11, 8 p.m. in the morning following which the Daily news uiaasirica Ads get Presbyterian Church for mem day's regular outbound and re Quick Rcsultsl Walter Middleton, one time provincial police officer here and now living in retirement at I trij to Sandspit. to Vancouver. Mr. and Mrs. R. P. Matthews, Caribou bcrs and guests. Speaker: Rev turn flights were carried out. $5.00Sllit O. E. Sendall; subject: "Reminls Blue pcnim Massett, was a passenger aboard One of the most sever o earthquakes on record in Canada occurred along the central east coast of Vancouver Island on Ju;ie 23, 1946. ccnccs of a Prisoner of War.' rv. v. who have been spending the Christmas and New Year holiday season in Vancouver visit $7.25 suit Hcattliglit Blue"prlll (Silver collection). (7) A. J. Domlnalo leU by plane today on a business trip to the Coquitlam yesterday going through to Vancouver where he will receive treatment at Shaughncssy Military Hospital. . Eugene 'Simpson ancl Allan ing with relatives, returned to the city from the south on the Camosun yesterday aftcrnocm. Mrs. S. K. How was a passen Getting Deaf? Leslie Dumas, who has spent the last three weeks visiting his parents, Mr. and Mrs. S. D. Dumas, Biggar Place, left on Friday night's train to return to his home at Saskatoon. Norman Baker returned to the city from Vancouver Saturday by plane after a weeks business trip south. Wainwrlght of Massett were TiHHisiiiuils now know liirr Is no ex- passengers aboard the Coquit ger aboard the Camosun last cusp for li'ltlnR otin-sH kill Ihr Jot Painters' Overalls jand Smocks f Western Glove ! 1 Make Q 7T . - VA. O Giil.wl,,nl Work Shirts Priced from $1.75 10 $3.95 ol living. An aiiiaiiiK urw ruilionK' lam yesterday going through to night returning to her school I 1 IliiSly y Vancouver whence they will liiiirine iliii- hos Im. HrfiM-teMl in the Rn-ut 1'iiitli KiKlio lahoratorlcs so simlt o rasv to use It uti lM' JANUARY CLEARANCE SALE Advertise in thc Daily News! teaching, duties at Kincolith on the Naas River after spending Suits, Ovci coals, fanoes,, mis sent to viiu for IH-ilav free trial. cellaneous items. All sale goods motor to , Mexico to join Mr. Simpson's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Sam Simpson, who are spending the winter in the south. the Christmas and New Year .season in Vancouver. What little Dom, former out Ifeailv lo wear, no liiihiilual fitting neeessary. Arcepteil hy the Anierlran at cost. Sale commences Mon Meilhal Association. Cnlliiril on I'hy- fielder, lacked in stature he made up with aggressive and hus sieal Meilirlue. Come out of thai day, January iu. nince unpen Mr ancl Mrs Morgan f o,.tsa worhl of silence. Write loilay for full Fishermen's Co-op. (11'iLakc. who have been paving a tle. One hot afternoon the coi - ilelails to Zenith Kailio Corporation W. II. Willlscroft of Terrace returned to thc city on the orful umpire, big George called visit at Massett with Mr. and Mrs. R. McGranc, arrived in the A. G. Roach., a director of the Tnrhilt. Mlninir Co.. was a uas- Coquitlam yesterday after mak 'Strike Three" on a pitch that Dom thought was a mile too ing the round trip to Massett on of Canada, Mil.. Iiept. 5M!I, Canaila Trust Itlil., Windsor, Ontario. Maili-hv the maker of norlil-faniHiis .euith Itailios. Trial offer nvuiliibli; on direct suits by Zenith Rudiu Corporation ol Canada. Ltd last1' ( thc Coquitlam yesterday senger aboard the Camosun high. business. He proceeds Wednes and will proceed by tonight's evening going through to Alice Arm for a visit to the com day night to Terrace whence he train to their home in thc Lauie Dom came storming back, mad as, blazes. The hulk will return early next month to Mas.:tt to become identified ing ump glared down at the pany's operation which, after a now goiii!? into production from large construction program, is Its "mill. with A. B. Anderson in the op sputtering runt and ground out SALE- Dean's Quality offer 20 discount on all dry eration of a sawmill there. ONE CENT CANDY SALE JANUARY 10 -15 cleaning orders of $2.50 and over. Time Jan. 10 to Jan. 22. I pfiYALClTV S A ) CANNED FOODS V 1 ANNETTE MANSI.IX'S Janu a warning. He said, ' if you don't i shut up I'll bite your head off!'' "If you do," Dom shouted, "you'll have more -brains in your belly than you have in your head!" Visitor: "How did your hor.se ANNE'S Opposite Health Unit happen to win the race?" FOR YOUR 'CHICKEN IN THE ROUGH' CALL RED 705 CIVIC CENTRE DINING KOOM Jockey: "Well, I just kept whispering in his car, Roses an Don't miss this chance to get $2.50 value for $2.00. Call 283 and our driver will call and deliver daily. Mrs. Paul Jeffrey richc, the former Miss Eleanor Moxley, arrived in thc city on the Camo red, violets arc blue horses that lose arc made into glue'." ; CITY CITY OF OK 1'RlNCi: PRINCE IiUI'KKT RUPERT PAUSE and REFLECT ITICE: Re-Snow Removal Satan to Newcomer: "Who do you think you arc? You act ai if you own the place!" Newcomer: "Oh, but I lo. Y'see my wife gave it to me before I got here." ary Clearance of Dresses. 75 Dresses to clear at 2 for the price of 1. You buy one and get one free. This season's dresses, Lowest styles and fabrics. Call early for a better selection at 525 3rd Ave. West. (tf) Miss Kalherine B. Keith It. N., who has been on the nurs-iim .staff of thc Vru."n Rupert General Hospital, sail'V. last night on thc Coqultlam for Vancouver where she will be joined by Miss Gwen Williams K.N. of Cumberland. Vancouver Island, also formerly of thc hospital staff here, both then sailing for Pydncy, Australia, whore tiny expect to continue nursing. This coat is one of Hie many amazing values Sweet Sixteen is offering during thc January Clearance Sale sun last evening from Vancouver to resume her school teaching duties at King Edward School following her recent marriage in the south. Mr. Plchc Is remaining in Vancouver for a time to attend forestry school and later the couple will take ui residence at Francois Lake. 1 l-ii H i The leveren'd ""gelillcmari was a sound but not very brillia.it pulpiteer whose troubles were 43 of By-law No. 'Mli reads as follows: ill lir lining (wl for any person to permit any nrru-ii of siuiw or lee to remain upon any; planked or -idewalk in front of or abutting any premises owned pied by him after ten o'clock of any day meept Sun-Ihr district described as Fire Limits No. 1 as des-hv by-law from lime to lime In that behalf passed ( imiicil of the City of Prince Kuperl, or for a longer lli.m twenty-four hours in any other part of the Police Department has been asked to enroce this' Mr. mil Mrs. Max Ileilljioner, somewhat lightened by his in- if winter's here... It is lime to think about SPRING KLPAIKS If your house gutters need attention, if yyur boat needs new tanks, sec us; we have the equipinnet ' and experience to do anything in. the Sheet Metal line. v THOM SHEET METAL LTD. 253 East First Ave, Phone BLACK 881 OF comfortable, satin interlined, wool gabardine, it Is a coat you'll wear through Spring, Summer and Fall. If you are interested in saving come in and look at the sale' values we are offering on Fl'K COATS. Fl'K-TIUMMF.O COATS ,KVKMN; ItltF.SSF.S ami SKIRTS HOLIDAY OltlSSFS HI. M h KITF, AFTF.KNOON SKIRTS Itl.OISIS BLA7.F.KS II. 1). TIIAIN City Clei when last heard from, had left New York and were travelling in the West Indies approaching Panama. They plan spending the rest of tlie winter anil spring In southern California. They left Prince Rupert la.st fall, visiting with their daughter and son-in-law in Halifax until the approach of the Christinas season. k. diligence in frequent exchanges of merry per.iiriagc with his friend, a doctor. One .lay he inquired about one of the doctor's patient's, a mutual' friend. "In his presort, condition," the medico dourly repotted, "Ije needs your help more than mine." "My goodness!" the rlergvman replied. ''Is it as bad as that?" "Yes," said the doctor, still exceedingly sober; "he is vtffer-ing from Insomnia!" Yen; Leaf r Vt"tt drift 19 quirk-jllyl 8 Redrrorf J ting inr! reil-- - inn uitd to men Take atlvaiilag? of these bargains. Buy on Sweet Sixteen's Personal ied BUDGET PLAN No Interest No Carrying Charges a NIW YEAR r Steamship Movcmcnli For Vancvtivei Sunday ss Coquitlam, 11 p.;n Tuesday ss. . Camosun, 1:30 p.m. Thursday ss. Prince Rupert, 11:15 p.m. Feb. 5 and 20 ss. Princess , yu urn & i (ft IF lie ready fro the New Year at home and in the office with CALAND1SR PADS that will liclp you keep your uppolntnieiit.s. We also have assistant Daily Journals and Pocket Diaries. ir Nurah, a.m. From Vnniourer is Plumbing or Heating Call SMITH & ELKINS Phone 174 Bus 274 Pocket Knives Carving Sets Sunday ss. Camosun, 11 p. 111 Wednesday ss Prince George. 10 a.m. Friday- ss. Coquitlam, 1 p in January 15 and 29 ss. Princess Norah, a.m. l or Aliee Arm and Stewart Sunday-ss. Cardena, 11 p.m. I join Aliee Arm and Stewart Tuesday ss. Camosun, a.m. From Ocean Falls Wednesday ss. Prince Rupert uprrttinf th who! hou for flf" until I tried QUICK. DRYING Moni'tnl. Now I cn ipply Monairal knowing it will dry in a few hourt o elen and freih no linner-Ini odor. WASHABLE ton, lhat'i why I alwaya ue Monateal nd rrronv mend it to my friendi." From Ji turtfy. PYREX DOUBLE BOILERS Commodorc'Cate Table Cutlery Casseroles 10 a.m. . 5pccil DcLuxc $39.95 THOMPSON HARDWARE CO. 1TD. Ormes Drugs 3 nor fteMffw mitftf PRESCRIPTION CHEMISTS RNr atrtog WttMte mHmmI rt Irak Wednesday ss. Trince Rupert January 15 and 20 ss. Princess Norah,- a.m. For Ocean FitTls Thursday ss. Prince Rupert, 11:15 p.m. January 5 and 20 ss. Princess Norah, p.m. For Alaska Wednesday ss. Prince Kupwt midnight. ' January .15 and 29 ss. Princess Norah, a.m. -etlTMW FfMlr Ml rttttafl 'Ulllfi HOURS-WEEK-DAYS. A.M. TO P.M. ft yNDAY3 AND HOLIDAYS-12 NOON TO 3 P.M., a! br l fiaK h HOLLYWOOD cafe Most Up-to-Dato Cafe in thc City Open from 8 p.m. to 4 a.m. gift 7 P.M. TO 9 PM. COMPLETELY KENOVATED "Better Than Ever" Best Food and Service In City Phone 17 for Send-out Orders Third Ave. David Chow, Mgr. cat bicycle deliver i rt , Emergency delivery .crvlc. p.m. V, a irom 7 I p.m. p.m. till mi y.i 0SF f m- 6 p m. Sunday Wc Specialize in Chinese Dishes CHOP SUEY - CHOW MEIN FOR OUTSIDE ORDERS PHONE 133 From Alaska , Thursday ss. Prince Rupert, p.m. January . 5 and 20 ss. Princess Norah, p.m. PHONE 311 MiBride Street Classified Ads Bring Results! PHONE 81