prfnte Uupett Daflp r3c'ms Mondaj, January 10. 1949 . Philpoit, Evitt CLOSE VERDICTS FEATURE LEAGUE commence immediately. No matches, however, will be playd this Wednesday as the hall will be In use fortiw regular monthl "r meeting. -. : Ltd. Co. ill., v.. iHOOP GAMES ON SATURDAY NIGHT Legion Billiard Tourney Starting Only a few more entries arc required for the Canadian Legion's third handicap English billiard tounrament and it is expected that these will be filled and the draw made within a day or so, in which event play will Can Sirply You With y ",, . .. '- ' - ; ft I M Classified advoruting a.srays brings results. Including rir, Cedar, etc. ivlBER LOORING In Fir or Hemlock Senior Krcttnwouris, 57; Ham?, 5.. Intermediate Merchants, 37; Stones, 33. ; ' Ladies High Si-hoot, 29; Miller Bay, II. Junior Kinsmen. 2; Rupert Hotel, 22. Before a chef ring crowd Saturday night, Brown-woods came back from the .brink of defeat and won a thrilling Senior League basketball contest from Savoy, SIDING All Types January Clearance SCHEDULE OF LADIES' BOWLS SASH aid DOOR . and , i-ierce scoring the winning basket with less than ten j seconds remaining in the game. The final score- wa.- : 57 to 50. Another contest (jecideeTin the last seconds Schedule of the remaining i games in the second third of; Ladles' "B" Bowling League lsi announced as follows: j January 11 Stars v.: Miller 1 Bay, Toilers vs. Noble & Wick, SALE FOOTIIII.US ALI'KllTA COAL i i uie game was the Intermedi in sill sizes iate game which saw Merchants coring of the night with i coming out on top 37-35 over frPO ehrmr. nH hronrht two his PHONE r.51 Stones. Boosters vs. Brownwoods, Rosa team to within one point. With Bruwnwood ojwned tho soor-jl'5 seconds left Arney wan fouled. in and quickly built up a 9-2 'To the mystery of many, Savuys lead. Savoy started slowly and.clPfU:d t0 try for the point ln r stead or doing wnar, tncy naa done only a minute earlier, taking the ba!i on the side and stall. Arnej missed the shot and Lees vs. Busy Bees, Big Sisters! vs. Delmonts. j January 18-Brownwoods vs. Noble ie Wick, Stars vs. Rosa Lees, Big Sisters vs. Busy Bees, Boosters vs. Toilers, Miller Bay vs. Belmonts. January 25 Boosters vs. Big Sisters, Brownwoods vs. Miller Bay, Stars vs. Belmonts, Busy Bees vs. Toilers, Rosa Lee? vs. Noble St Wick. with a bin deficit staring them in j the fate, proceeded to cut itj down to 15-14 at quarter time.i Doi'i' Shier spearheaded the; Khoemeus attack with 10 points.' the rebound became a jump ball. Brownwoods controlled the up MEN'S WORK PAXTS $4 NOW $2.95- MEN'S DRfcSS PANTS $7.50 NOW MEN'S DRESS PANTS " $9 NOW $7.00 MEN'S WORK. SHIRTS PPFCTAL S'2.i5 MEN'S DRESS SHIRTS SPECIAL $2.r ENGI.ISH GABARDINE COATS SPECIAL $20.) 3o per word per tnaertlem, minimum ehanra, toe. Birth Rutlcas: Cariia of Thank. Oeatn Notice, Funeral Nuttcaa. Uurrlaa and Engagement Announcements: 'i SPECIAL DISPLAY. DOUP.LE PUICB .ivertlaing 1 payable In advance Please rcfralu from telephoning. m, cwiuniM-a , and lh(. ball was whipped up the the w,.m aion. It L,-.,P was a p.prce wh(j wa open c!in dunK affair with each taim'- ln trie basket that CORNY CANINE Corn on the cob is a favorite dish for Jake, four-year old canine pet of Doit MeLeod of Vancouver. Jak Is shown here with a towel around his neck to keep his fur clean while he eats a well-buttered cob. For dessert Jake likes canned peaches. (CPPhoto) FOK KENT (IK SALR taklns turnn the lead. Brown- as gave lho Shoemen the all itn-woodH offense boRged down I nnrkn, nnln(!. , wln ffin RF'JT-. Sj.mi-fi.r.iiulK.rl 9. v 3 cvliiuler 52 IIP slightly and Suvoy kept pouring j -' room Suite. Park Afcnue. i:irine Diesel in ex Brownwoods played tlrPlr, best it up", consistently, their first it on. The half ended 27-26 with! (7i ..lit urn. ana coin oieie ft. prope lor ana aux- POR RENT2 r0!)m aoa.tment P!tvi,y 011 U,P-- objective is winnin? the game. 1 They are proud of their winning record of 3,033 victories with me. V ' ' , 221 alh East. Phone Red 8t)7.i ti,..,t, .n h,.ni- i .k game this season.. The win was a credit to. them because they only had 6 players stripped whith made it band. Mel, Thomp 1 for cumi. uytowii! "". ile 'TROTTERS FUNNY BUT OUT TO WIN .Besides their greatest lineup of stars in 22 season of play, the Harlem Globe Trotters bas u'.j.ks H i iensive or enner team as me ikjix rem umc Ul'l-t-iuimi ,..,,,,,1 ,.,,,,, T opened, it was a son wiw missing, ura fcrman suite, nicely furnished. Pri-, wide onin g ma with kood pass-; ......oj i vate bath. Phone Bi.u:k 40.1 after only 230 defeats up to this season. But in addition to their sensational passing and clever 1 lev 11 J 1 1.: Vi Mi l ") (8i . New and Used Fur-i New British India w Cubs and flancern i for si.7i: New House New Bookcases. New R.inees. New Hard- j ing and fine ball handling. Savoy having been away for a couple of game while W.VNTLI played a passing games. He played well before playing tricks, which are a show ketball unit will bring its finest j comedy show to Prince Rupert Brownwoods used fast breaking, fouling out ln the final quarter. WANTED- Piano pupils. Green 153. Phone (7i I"htlv Used Radios, in themselves, they manage forwards and long passes. Brown Doug Shier was the standout. He liione., j vnr.T MEN'S TOPCOATS Odd" Sizes SPECIAL SI 5.00 MEN S FISHERMEN'S PANTS : :'AU-Wool V $5.50 : MEN'S WORK BOOTS ; Solid leather- SPECIAL S6.50 ! MEN'S WORK BOOTS High Top-SPECIAL ! $9.00 : Boys' Clothes at Clearing Prices woods garnered the edt;e in scor racked up the highest single' WANTED Car r-atterles. car .1 nil kinds of other radiators, brass and copoer. i ing in the tliird quarter and held ;- Ms at low prices. B C. oiUirl ft ni ices rttu son K I . pa vi ni the a 41 to 38 lead going Into f L'KE CO., Black 324 324. FURNITURE CO.. Black Rex Bowling Alley Open to general public Saturday and Sunday afternoons and evenings. Monday Tuesday and Thursday evenings after 9 o'clock. (til sometime during the game to get their comedy Into action. It is apt to include anything, since the players are great on impromptu stuff. Old showmanship standbys that the fans seem to like are f'Continttec on Page Slxl game score this- season 26 points and was phenomenal In his shootlnR. He made 10 out of 18 shot. In the first quarter he canned his first 4 shots. final ten minutes. The playing hi -the last quar WANTED Junk scran iron and scran steel Phone 543. Hi' t r January 24 and 25 as parr of their appearance against the cream of city basketball talent. Their visit here will be the first stop on a tour which will include several Aiaska cities and army bases. For the last 21 years, sports writers have been saying that the clever court jesters did j everything with a basketball tor was hard and fast. Arney steel-ApplV phone (7) E-1941 Dodae S!i:iiiii Waaon. Avenue East. "9. and Ciccone took charge of the 5 room between 9 7i WANTED TO RENT House. Phone (104 a.m. and 5 p m. Crib. E- Steel I Savoy played a steady passing ; pame. Arney was in form with , lib hook shots working very well, i Davis was his equal as a run- Apply (9i i jt Savoy scoring and threatened to make a runaway of the game before Ciccone fouled out. Ru-p.'rt Holkestad also left the game WANTED Office Clerk with! knowledge of book-keeping.' tvoewritinn and stenography.! Apply in wriunn mvinu qualifications, salarv expected, etc.! to Box 425. Daily News. tf ! S-Ladv's winter coat, Phone Red 924. 1 12 1 , ning mat. Ciccone was tops at; but make it talk and the morj are scouting the in tlie early minutes of the quar BOYS' PANTS All-Wool, for dress- and school. Big assortment. From S2.75 CHILDREN'S TWO-PIECE ski srrrs guard and came through with 14 imaginative ter. The score went to 56-53 for : points .high for a guard. Menzies ; Idea that that may be possible , MORGAN'S SENSATIONAL - Tiiilorcd-to-Mcasiir Suvoy with several minutes re I.NfltT FOh SALE bPtter lumber more .all v use the modern to-date tvpe National Sawmills manufac- played a steady game. Rup this season; too. I Holkestad was held to six points.: The merriment starts the mo- maining. Shier capped his WANTED - Girl of Woman to do liuht housework and look after pre-school ane child, week davs. Phone Blue 128 alter 0 p.m. 1 12 1 Pure Wool, blue and brown. He was double checked in the'ment the Globe Trotters aun i v National M.cninerv Vai Vancouver, pivot and couldn t get his hook, shot away. It was a mystery to (tf) Done -Phone (lii DRESS MAKING Black 990. i v Limited, IlKTAL WORK i) -WORK WANTED - ft O Installations ann Her onto the iloor fur their j warm-up practice. Fc-rmlnj ' circle under the bafket, they start moving the ball around in a manner that usually ha; the crowd off on a laughing spree immediately. This "sleight-of-hand" is continued hilariously into the A,-iWlf ViANYFT). Pnmnptei't. i fr SHEET M E T A h. I Tar and Gravel Koof- the fans why Savoy's top ball handler, Mel Holkestad, was sit-ting on the bench' ln tlie final minutes when Savoy were stall-, lng the ball. ' Brownwoods took 69 shots and made 22 best percentage ln the .steiio'tranlier requires worl A-1 ' 7 Please write Box 424, Da t urtourieau As ."-ions, oj 1,1 West, ohone .,43 u SUIT OFFER FOR THE MONTH OF JANUARY . ONLY WE ARE OFFERING YOU A HANDSOME TAILORED-TO-MEASURE SUIT OF ' FINE ENGLISH News. '8 WORK WANTED Experienc" 1 waitress desires position in city. Box 1713, Prince Rupert. (8) senior loop. They made 13 free bdme- 'throws of 26 tried. Savoy took! The Globe Trotters wiU make; Double knees. Reg. $10.50 ' S6.00 BOYS' SCHOOL SHIRTS All SizesJ-BPECIAL $1.23 BOYS' PLAII SPORT COATS All-Wool- SPECIAL $5.75 BOYS' LACE Rl'BBER BOOTS All Sizes $1.!)5 BOYS' SOLID LEATHER SCHOOL. BOOTS REDUCED PRICES GIRLS' INDERWEAR All Sizes, Good Quality SPECIAL from , : ; 60c KNITTING WOO!, Best Quality, all shades ln balls and skeln 30c and 60c j 96 shots and made 26. They were ; three appearances at the Civic 1 1 verv Door in free throws and this Centre here, an afternoon per- j . vi:Hnmi:nt i.nt on T" I ( Si-ctlon 2KI ce r ipll(iilliiii fur H I lull llrcmi- ir, i t hereby icivcti (hut on the Jiinuiiry. it4!i, the un- m S C'HIlUClillU l'tfii I i,f l.i- 111 f Pi" .Service Leiiisue. Prime III ioifh Number 21 Intends mm. I Hie Llqiinr Control Ikmrd f I Licence In respect of pri SITI AIIONS VACANT i . i was a factor In their losing the: A rubber niainitactuier manu- V lactiirinu a ion huk "j mechanical noocis. tires and tubes and accessories and 'mober footwear reuuires the services of a salesman to handle ine territory ttom Prince formance for school students and two evening games for adults. The afternoon allow will be exactly the same as Uih evening ones only the price will be less. Although the 'Trotters "clown ywv Jia inirci Avenue j game. Tliey made four, all by (Rupert Holkestad, from 24 shots. , .MERCHANTS WIN j With only seconds remaining, Eric Moore scored with a one- r 4 if b he City of Prince Rupert . described ftH It Numler .'(). Kectlnn 1. Map number Unpen Lund Rritlstrmlim if r 1 i WORSTED, GAB- ARDINE or TWEED MATERIALS WITH A FREE . . . ABSOLUTELY FREE EXTRA PAIR OF PANTS ... Rupert to Vanderhoof, pre-, ferablv as a side line to one callimt on all mills, mines,) general stores ' and earagrs Commission basis. Address all replies with full detail to Gut--, ta Percha & Rubber Ltcf.. 52 5 Beattv St.. Vancouver. B.C. , 4 i the Province of Hrliish to entitle each member I Club to keep on the pre-ea.sonuble fiuanllty if II-persmul con.sumpt Ion cm es. nnd entitling the Club liquor from n vendol P hander from thf side and gave Merchants a 37 to 35 victory over a fighting Slones team in the Intermediate game. Although the scoring was even. Stones had the edge in ball handling and IIIIUIIIII ! I LOST AM) FOl'ND FOUND At Post Office, Gold Weddlnit Ring with three stones. Owner may have same bv calliiv.! at the Dailv New.-, office and paving lor this ad. (tti by the KhLsn the liquor lo its members and rucis iptlon on the Club pre-it 'orrtHiiee with the jiro-the "r iovernment Liquor the reKuliitlon.H proinul-eiinder. hm Twenty-Flrnt day of V.I4H PRICED FROM Ms LFoiov of tu niti- MPIRR SKRVICK LRAC1UE FOUND -Neck bracelet. Owner i mav have the same bv call-1 ing at the Dailv News and pav-ins tor this ad. itf fit I'KKT BliANCH $55.00 play. The teams took turns taking the lead. The half time half lollowed the pattern of the score was?' 20-all. The 'second first half and only the last second score gave Merchants the win. Ball handling by Stones was superior to Mercnants. McChes-ney was a driving offensive player and set the play for Stones. Wesch showed Improvement in playing at guard. Merchants are winning games but are not showing much improvement. This Is t PERSONAL I HEW ROYAL HOTEL ; A Home Away from Home . 60 Rooms, Hot and Cold Water PRINCE RUPERT. B.C. Phone Ml P.O. Box 188 AND UP hi BOW TO BROADWAY Barbara Ann Scott, Canada's sweetheart of the Ice, is shown as she completed a spin in her debut at the Roxy Theatre ln New York. The Canadian skater is reported to be receiving $10,000 a week for her Broadway engagement, i CP. Photo) 100 SAMPLES TO CHOOSE FROM FRANK1E STEWART wishes to announce to his many friends and customers that he is now operating; 53 Taxi situated across from the Rex Cafe. Your patronage would be gU'atly appreciated. For 24 hour service call 53 Taxi. (18) Classified Ads Bring Results'. -U RLGlSlRY ACT icate nf Title No. 25731-1 it One Thousand. Three !red and Three 1 1:103 1, e Plve i ft i, CORRt District AS aaUsfnctnry priHvf of above Certlllcnte of Title Uie name of Anthony to has been filed In this oce Is hereby given that it the expiration of one "in the date of the first n hereof, Issue a Ptovls-tiflcnte of Title In lieu of Phone 654 the second year for most of them in the Intermediate League and DO NOT FAIL TO TAKE ADVANTAGE OF THIS MONEY-SAVING OFFERT - :ar: THIS AND THAT Certificate, unless In the valid objection be made writing. AT J5e pic doiwi fii lot mpttt ' Ubld Miy B C. Btwy nt the Land Registry Prince Rupert, B. C. this they should now be looking better than last year. Their actual play does not show Improvement. Stones took 45 shots and made 14 of them. They made half of their 14 free throws. Merchants made 15 shots from 73 attempted. They scored 7 of 11 free throws. LADIES LEAGl'E In the Ladies League, High School came through with a 29-11 win over the wlnless Miller "I December. 1958, A D. DREW THOMPSON, iiuty Reutstnir of Titles. MORGAN'S MEN'S WEAR Thll idvwtittmmt not publishtd or dipUyd by (K Liqaw Control Bond o by id GwtmnMl of Bi '.uh Columbia (1 c 5 Felsenthal left today by Vancouver on a business tich will take him to tj and other eastern SPECIAL UM for quick Sale Bay squad. Only in the first: quarter did Miller Bay show signs of holding High School. They were tied 5-5 as the quar-j (Continued on Vase Six NOTICE Daily News wishes to attention to the ruk the t for tf classified and transient VANCOUVER VICTORIA SEATTLE Tuesday, 1:30 p.m., Camosun Sunday, 11 p.m., Coqultlam ALICE ARM, STEWART AND PORT SIMPSON Sunday, 11 p.m. i " FOR SOUTH QUEEN CHARLOTTE ISLANDS j sj. Coqultlam, Jan. 14 and 28,; 10 p.m. FOR NORTn QTTEEN CHARLOTTE ISLANDS s.s. Cosuitlam, Jan. 7 and 21, 10 p.m. FRANK J. SKINNER Prince Rupert Agent Third Avet Pnon 668 1941 Plymouth Club Coupe 1941 Dodge Station Wagon Both vehicles in good general condition. Can be seen and demonstrated at Rupert Motors Ltd. Corner 2nd, 3rd and Park. Aves. PHONE Slid. RUPERT MOTORS LTD. dctn 1 1.50 cwt 2" Common GALVANIZED NAILS ALSO ' ALL TYPES OF NAILS F.O.B. Vancouver CANADIAN SPECIALTY CO. 502 E. Hastings, Vancouver, B. C. (11) lift SAVOY HOTEL Carl Zareili, Prop. PHONE 37 P.O. Box 541 FRASER STREET PRfNCB RUPERT 'sing is payable in ad at the office at time sfiiUng copy for adver-Those desiring to ad- ' In this manner in tlir News are asked ti (he tffice and respect II bi' ,er c- 'Ule by refrainlne- from cbui . Seoler. ' I Ti CrrPr wing classified adver- Ml "Thank you and the bist of luck to you, too!'! 5it3,