i PROVINUAL VICTORIA, B. C. 1 " NORTHERN CEttrH!;RYI7SB COLUMBIA'S NEWSPAPER DUO MP Prompt Service ORuES DRUGS At All Hour! ' T I 1 H .. I uauy ueiivery mm PHONE 81 Published at Canada's Most Strategic Pacific PorU-Trince Rupert, the Key to the Great Northwest" STAR VABS VOL. XXXVII, No. 153. PRINCE RUPERT, B. C, WEDNESDAY, JUNE 30, 1948 PRICE FIVE CENTS SERL N TUAT N STILL ou ritainWill Not Surrender, Says Bey in PRESIDENT ACTS Suspension of Jones Act ( For Portland Canal Mine -is Continued Extension of the suspension of the Jones Act so as to permit IAVAL CHANGES ItTAWA Appointment of KETCHIKAN HERE Fifteen members of the Ketchikan All-Star baseball team Canadian vessels to continue LINE REOPENED Passengers and Freight Traffic Resumed Over C.N.R. At Vancouver VANCOUVER Further pro- high ranking officers to new Btions at Naval Service Head- Foreign Secretary Tells House i 01 Possible Grave Developments LONDON (CP) Foreign Secretary Ernest Bevin told Parliament flatly today that British troops would remain in Berlin whatever the Russians might do to drive them out. A "grave situation" might have to be faced, said Mr. Bevin, and Parliament would be kept fully advised. The only alternative would be loading of ore at Stewart from the Riverside tungsten mine on liters and In the senior com- the Alaska side of the Salmon arrived in the city at noon today aboard the yacht Catalyst after a fairly rough voyage. The team will meet the Prince Rupert All-Stars in the first game of the Dominion Day sreles at Jnds of the Royal Canadian River Valley has been authoriz Lv Is announced by Hon. gress in reconstruction of Canadian National's Jasper-Vancou Like Claxton, Minister of Na tal Defence.- Roosevelt Park tonight. ver line, following disastrous flood damage to railways, is re he new appointments Include surrender to the Russians, said In the top executive tnges ts In both the Pacific and ported by Bernard Allen, CNR. manager for British Columbia, who says the line was connected the Foreign Secretary, who was sure that no one would agree ed by President Truman of the United States. The suspension was to have expired today. News of its extension was received by J. H. Scott, managing director of the mine, as he stepped off the steamer Camosun here last night while on his way back to his headquarters at San Francisco. Mr. Scott reports operations continuing steadily at Riverside kntic Commands of the R.C. Quandary up Sunday in the Fraser Valley and In the commanding of f,;f$'i C.v sssj to that. trs 01 me aircraiv carrier Magnificent," the Canadian Cvices College, H.M.C.S. "Royal Mr. Bevin suggested that representations might be carried area when the last gap was closed just west of Matsqui. 1 There is still much ballasting and surfacing work to be done on the track but a large force Baseball Scores National League Chicago 3, St. Louis 1. 'New York 11, Boston 3. Philadelphia 2, Brooklyn 1. Cincinnati 6, Pittsburgh 5. American League Cleveland 6, Detroit 2. New York 7, Boston 0. Washington 5, Philadelphia Chicago 4, St. Louis 1. feds," Victoria, and the R.C.N. direct to Premier Joseph Stalin Merchants Wondering What To Do as New Sales Tax Deadline Approaches Having received no direct Instructions or documentation, Section, Dartmouth,-N. 8. himself. He agreed with a suggestion of former Foreign Sec of workmen and equipment is Rear Admiral E. R. Mainguy, B E., R.C.N., of Duncan, B. C, retary Anthony Eden that joint representations be made by 3. expediting operations. A test freight train was operated over the track and tne nne was open present Flag Officer Pacific Prince Rupert merchants have in mining and milling of ore although shipments have been somewhat curtailed at present due to labor difficulties with an international aspect. Sixteen men are now employed. The last shipment was of 110 tons made on the Cardena last week. . fast, will transfer to the east Great Britain and the United States. i command on October 1, as been wondering what to do about ed for freight traffic Tuesday CONVENTION HALL ALL READY FOR BIG NOISE This Is ow a bird, who has no political preferences, sees Convention Hall, Philadelphia, Pa., where the Republican Party selected its candidate for president last week. The same hall will serve the Democratic Party in July. and passenger traffic today. Meantime ' Secretary of State is Officer Atlantic Coast. He trie three per cent retail sales :ceeds Rear Admiral C. R. H. tax whioh Is proclaimed to come ylor, C.B.E., R.C.N., of Wey- lnt0 ff t from to. NO PAPER TOMORROW puin, . o., wno win proceeu . . . Pacific Coast League . Los Angeles 6, San Francisco 5 (10 innings). Oakland 11, Hollywood 9. Seattle 4, Portland 3. Western International League Vancouver 13, Tacoma 10. Victoria 5, Bremerton 3. Spokane 15, Salem 5. Wenatchee 7, Yakima 6. rntirpment leave. Succeedine ' George Marshall said in Wasn-ington that continuation of the German blockade constituted a serious situation which the United States government must meet promptly. ... .... ... "Ail iva lrnnur ohnut ft 1c urhaf Tomorrow, Deing Dominion Day and a public holiday, the Russia -Yugoslavia Family Quarrel ' o-rf icer Pacific Coast will be we have read In the papers. Daily News will not be pub mmodure H. G. DeWolf, C.B. .There has been no direct com- lished. The next regular issue D.S.O., DSC, R.C.N., of Bed- munlcation from the govern will appear Friday afternoon. The British Foreign Office i ed, N.S., at present in com-: mem," saia one mercnani yes- SERIOUSNESS OF RIFT MINIMIZED CON IN FORM HEADQUARTERS IS MOVED WHERE IS TITO? confirmed today that Canad.i, Australia, New Zealand and ynd of the aircraft carrier terday afternoon. And such I.ignificent." Effective date seemed to be the general situa- SKEENA HIGHWAY OPENS South Africa had been asked to BULLETINS the appointment is Septem- ;tion. ,,' Bucharest, the capital of Ru (r 8. ! Knowing, however,' that they lend Britain all available aircraft to help break the "Russian blockade" of Berlin. The mania. r ommodore G. R. Miles, O B. will be liable and the rates of .There Is some uncertainty a R.C.N. , of Rothesay, N.B., will the graduated tax having been Flood Damage Repaired On Road From Here The Prince Rupert - Terrace the description given by the Public Works office this morning, although this was qualified by the statement that in one or Royal Air Force transport com- rrnand and the United States Sinquish his post as Chief of; duly advertised, most business kval Personnel at Headquar-I men, as the deadline approaches BELGRADE (CP The Coninform rift over "idealogical differences" lessened today when the Communist party of Yugoslavia announced it' would do everything j-ossible to section of the northern trans- two places, where new grades Air Force are at present flying food to Berlin to aid the situa rs to take command of "Mag- j and even lacking definite In provincial highway opened of icent" on August 30. Now ;structions, are reluctantly pre havn been built, the road will be rough for some time to come tion caused by Russian action nmanding officer of HM.C.S. i paring to collect and record the In cutting ground communica tlons. yal Roads," Captain W. B. imposts. to the whereabouts of Tito. Some 1 say he is on an island in the Adriatic, others say he Is at his summer home at Bled and otherj that he Is in the thick of things here In Belgrade. In Washington it was 'announced today that the United States and Yugoslavia were reported to be near final agreement on a financial deal which until it settles. Since the week-end, a few strengthen co-operation with th? rcery, C.B.E., R.C.N., pi van- But the next move is really FLOOD DISCUSSED OTTAWA The British Columbia flood, receding on the West .Coast, roared into h i ; Commons last night and washed out any hope of a late hour prorogation. George Cruick-shank (L-Fraser Valley), and opposition members, dropped the members into a two-hour whirlpool over the size of the federal rehabilitation contribution. They criticized the $5,000,000 grant and suggested Soviet Union or other "People's ivpr, B.C., will become unifi un to the government" seemed In Parliament at Ottawa Prime Minister Mackenzie King said Naval Personnel on August He will be succeeded in his ficially at noon today after being 1 closed for more than a month as a result of floods which swept away the roadbed between May 25 and June 10. Final link In the highway was completed today with construction of a 90-foot bridge a -mile west of Shames station, 74 miles east of Prince Rupert. The bridge building job ' was com to be the concensus. Of course, it is not the merch that Canada had two transport squadrons which might be made Democracies." The party's program made it clear that to Yugoslavia the controversy was d rtsrnt position by Captain H. ants who pay the tax. The law r-. t-,c?- .1 t , . . . in available if it was decided to "-OAy. ttliu s, C0I,0 f Qrlt hp would net Marshal Tito's gov cars have been coming over the highway, making unauthorized use of a railway bridge adjoining the highway near Shames. There were not many of these, however. The Public Works department road maintenance equipment will be in constant service, keeping the road in good operating 'family quarrel" rather than a do so. Bedford, N.S., who ior me - . . .... . . ernment about $30,000,000. Extended negotiations over this permanent clash. It was officially denied that t year has been in command the R.C.N. Air Section, Dart- absorbed which would be the easiest thing to do. I The extra book-keeping Is that the final settlement be the Soylet had put up balloon The Coninform had charged outh barrages to prevent the planes Yugoslavia with deviating from pleted by Public Works men from Terrace today. what worries the already haras- Section command of the Air the Marxist-Lenin line. The left open until the total damage was assessed. They also advocated the purchase of a $1,000,000 dredge to provide of the Western Allies from land ing supplies in Berlin. p be taken over by Lieutenant businessmen. "Road back to normal" was shape during the summer.' mmander (F) A. B. Fraser-' The tax does not appiy w .rris, D.S.C. and Bar, Halifax, meals under 51c, purchases un- money accord may 1 have . been one of the issues which set off the attack made by the Coninform Monday against the Belgrade chief. Washington officials are watching Tito's defiance of the Communist High Command with "delight," keeping a silent con- party program was published alongside Premier Josip Tito's sharp retort to this charge. more efficient dredging in the Fraser and insure against fur der 15c, foodstuffs and fuel. LS. on June 28. His present ap- TODAYS STOCKS :: feintment Is Commander (Air I Meantime, it was stated here that Coninform headquarters TEXTILE DISPLAY the Section. FLOOD CONTRIBUTIONS Courtesy S. D. Johnston Co. Ltd. were being jnoved at least tern porarlly from Belgrade to nection. Miss Joan Cross 10.00 Mrs. R. P. Smith 2.00 Celanese Corporation of America, parent company of Columbia Cellulose Co., whose new pu'.p mill will get under construction Bobjo 12 Buffalo Canadian 06 Soroptomist Club of ther flooding. DOCK STRIKE OVER LONDON The great dock area, which was strikebound for 17 days, sprang to life again today. The workers obeyed their leaders' call to . bow to the government's proclamation of a state of emergency to save vital supplies. Prince Rupert's Flood Dyke COMMITTEE OH PRICES REPORTS Prince Rupert 25.00 Tnhn finrvlrh 5.00 at Watson Island this year, plans Thos. J. Gowan s.ou , p"-c b Annette Mansell 25.00 Consol. Smelters 116.75 Conwest 1.15 Donalda 65 Eldona- 126 East Sullivan 2.65 Giant Yellowknlfe 4.60 God '8 Lake 58 Hardrock ?. 14 Harricana 06 Heva 10 trial section of the Civic Centre Carnival this year. The industrial display is being sponsored by the Junior Cham Kaien" Island Stages Ltd. 25.00 Art Husband 1000 Fishermen's Co-op Authorities at the affected SENTENCED TO LIFE BOSTON Robert II. Best, United States newspaperman and propagandist for the Nazis for $200 a month during the -war, was today sentenced to life imprisonment for treason. He was also fined $10,000. . B.C. FLOOD EMERGENCY CAMPAIGN Objective $25,000 Recommendations Arc Adopted By Parliament Some Far-Reachins OTTAWA Oi The House of Commons Monday night adopted the report of the prices committee calling on the government to reduce the high cost of living but the government has not said when it will be implemented. ber of Commerce Port Day committee and will be held at the Civic Centre as part of the car nival. Vancouver Bralorne 7.25 ' B. R. Con 032 B. R. X. 08 Vz Cariboo Quartz 1.30 Dentonia 01 Vi Grull Wihksne 04 V2 Hedley Mascot 40 2 Minto 012 Pend Oreille 3.95 Pioneer 2.45 Premier Border 02 Privateer - 18 Reeves McDonald 170 Reno 09 Salmon Gold 14 Sheep Creek 1.13 Taylor Bridge 40 Taku River 36 Vananda 36 Congress 03 Vi Pacific Eastern 05 Spud Valley 12Vj Central Zcballos 02 Silbak Premier 26 Collection Box 7.05 C. Wesley 10 A. Pearson Mr. Kendall 100 Percy Gladstone 100 Mr. Stevens 100 T. Hibberrlngton 100 According to, a letter received pubsrrption to Date, $16,125.21 by Port Day committee chairman S. G. Furk, from Dr. R. H. The adoption slipped through in THE WEATHER Synopsis an anti-climatic finish to a torrid two-day debate. Mr. Vimblad I-00 Dorveen Xerby I-00 A. Halward I-00 Mrs. Allan Hale .: 10.00 A. Barber 150 Ball, assistant to the vice-president of the Celanese Corporation, the company plans to accept, the committee's offer for display space at the carnival. Strong northwest winds were Hon. Paul Martin, minister of health, ended the discussion Hosco 38 Jacknife 04 Joliet Quebec 36 Lake Rowan 07 Lapaska 03 Vi Little Long Lac 70 Lynx 08 Madsen Red Lake 2.42 McKenzie Red Lake 37 McLeod Cockshutt 96 Moneta 35 Negus :. 2.20 Noranda 49.00 Moneta 35 Negus 2.20 Noranda 49.00 Louvlcourt 57 Pickle . Crow 1.90 general over the British Columbia coast last night. The mini with a spirited defence of the mum velocity reported at Van- $20,000 $20,000 couver was 49 miles' per hour committee's report saying it had had a "salutory" effect on prices. The report had been opposed by Ronny Newbaum l- M. Rosseller 2 0 Mr. Richardson 3.00 200 E. Stevens Allan Hale 10-00 The display will feature the processes by which wood pulp Is converted to finished textile products, and respresentative selections of the company's fin The wind will decrease to light ports reported a 100 percent response, but thought that likely the effects of the stoppage will be felt until the end of the year. LAST BRITONS LEAVE HAIFA The last British troops left the soil of troubled Palestine today ending 31 years of British military occupation of the Holy Lantl. About 2,500 troops were in the last group to be evacuated. "The British went out of the way to hand over the port in good order," the Jewish port manager said. POLIO ON WARSHIP VICTORIA One member of the crew of the Canadian destroyer Athabaskan is dead, a suspected polio victim, and three others are in hospital here. Edward Zimmerman, 23, Victoria electrical artificer, died aboard ship off the Oregon coast Monday. Preliminary diagnosis was polio and the vessel has been ordered quarantined for fourteen days. Oils by this evening for today and tomorrow; skies will be mair.ly Progressive - Conservative and Social Crediters. Miss Faubairn 10 Mrs npRlIRV .. 1-00 clear over the southern British ished products. Generous display space will be allotted to this display and to Columbia coast with cloudy skie: Here are the committee's recommendations : Removal of last November's I. Gladstone l- and scattered showers over the Arne Stamnes 100 Regcourt 04V'j $15,000 $15,000 emergency excise taxes on "com A. P. Con 12 Calmont .41 C. & E 5.90 Foothills 3.00 Home 7.75 Toronto Athona 07 Aumaque 16 Beattie 60'4 remainder of the province. Forecast R. Bellis 1 E. Ross I-00 Linda Bruce I-00 i nn San Antonio 3.80 Senator Rouyn 40 Sherrlt Gordon 2.27 Steep Rock 2.15 Sturgeon River 15 others .which are being Invited by . the committee. The Civic Centre Carnival committee is cooperating with the Port Day committee In the allotment of space during carnival week, August 21 to 28. Betty Chinnuck l uu modities in common use." Removal of import ban on fruits and vegetables. Reimpositioh of individual controls and revival of temporary subsidies where it is shown a Norm Kirby 1.00 1.00 Queen Charlottes and North Coast Cloudy with scattered showers today. Cloudy Thus-day. Wind west (15 m.p.h.) today. Light tonight and Thursday. Little change in temperature. Lows tonight and highs M. Carlime Silver Miller 21 Vi I Bi;vcourt 20 (Continued on Page Six) $10,000 $10,000 TRACK MEET SOCCER BASEBALL 3 GAMES Thursday Port Hardy 46 and 63, Massett 46 and 58, Prince Ru- hardship would otherwise result Revision of rent controls. Stanley Knowles, a Winnipeg C.C.F. member, was told in the House today that the- government had not yet made its decision In regard to implementing the recommendation! of the committee. Dominion Day Cup Finals June 30, 6:30 p.m. July 1, 3 p.m. and 7 p.m. N.B.C. Championships Canadian Legion Athletic Club DOMINION DAY SPORTS ALL EVENTS) (INCLUDES TICKETS, $1..- Single Adm. Evening Baseball 50c ..Hpnt Tickets 50c. Indudcs all events LOCAL TIDES (Standard Time) Thursday, July 1, 1948 HiEh 8:46 15.1 feet JULY FIRST DANCE CIVIC CENTRE "Four Dukes" Orchestra $5,000 $5,000 July 1, 4 :30 p.m. July 1, 11 a.m. Ketchikan vs. Pr. Rupert Gentlemen $1.00 Ladles 75c 21:10 18.2 feet! Low 2:54 , .. 7.8 feet! 14:35 8.4 feet i ROOSEVELT PARK FRENCH INVENTOR Jacquard Invented automatic pattern weaving about 1800. Dancing 10 p.m. - 2 a.m.