mm m Ptfittf Super! Dafig ttmt Ef3. Friday, September 3. 1948 or Those in Perif On The Sea ..." BaseBalk Score National Brooklyn 6, Chicago 7 American fork 5, Pittsburgh , , New WATERFRONT Union steamer Catala, Capt. i Francois Lake FAIR WINERS 4 i LONDON When the Moore family went on a trip to outhend-on-Sea, Essex, they . hired a 32-seater bus, but some j nf the three daughters, sixi I' Ernest Sheppard, fnim Vancou-i ver and waypoints, is due in ! sons, 18 grandchildren, four great-grandchildren, and sons Baking Powder tea biscuits Mrs. A. Wilejto, Mrs. MeKenna. Mrs. Partington. Mrs. E. Deeder. Flowers Potted house plant Mrs. J. Keefe, A. O. Mummery. Tansies Mrs. G. Funnell. Mrs. port at 7 o clock this evening and will sail later on her return pouth. Western International Victoria 4, Bremerton 0 Spokane 5. Wenatehee 0 Salem fl, Yakima 2 Vancouver Tacoma Rain Pacific Coast San Francisco 5, Portland3 Oakland 9, San Diego 1 Seattle 10, Los Angetes 3 Only games scheduled. -4 I tit on the floor. 7 A. Wilejto. Snapdragons W. O. Mummery. Asters T. Allin. Gladioli Mrs. H. Neave, W. H Linton. Stocks B. Durban. T. Allin. One Rose Mrs. E. Glans. Collection cut flowers Mrs. R. Partington. W. O. Mummery. Collection jams and preserves Mrs. J. Keefe, Mrs. D. G. Boyd Football Schedule Sept. 3 Buttery vs. High School (Gllhuly Cup Replay i. TINKLING SHOES The long pointed shoes of thf Middle Ages reached such fan- PH CityMerchants City merchants are asked in future to have copy for all display advertisements into the Daily News office by 4 p.m. ol the day previous to their publication. This co-operation will greatly assist the mechanical department in keeping to the U ' - S ' J k : .X. A . . : 4 A , 3 Collection jellies Mrs. J. Keefe, Mrs. D. G. Boyd. Fish Mrs. Lee Cooper, Mrs. J. Keefe. Peas Mrs. A. Wilejto, W. O. Mummery. Beans W. O. Mummery. Bouquet cut flowers Mrs. J. Keefe. Mrs. D. Cassidy. Canning NOT SO PI IASANT ai Ihrit smiles ii pl n Ihr IM hem tkll by Ihr thrr l&ritish Korol Manii ,Klum! alxe. They were in an open boat lur iecn rlav lo ptovide Mieiiulir ilala on llie ie-iiimm of maroonefl i.nlon ami aiiinrn. lletween ihern tlie dunk 24 nine glwet of tte-fulml wawaier. Liniienant J- . Potu ilnhn mt-ketj on lour extra-hard gum diou. Mn romaile', M annes .eoi ee Kawmn ami l)ald O'tallanhan. eath ate I ti hard camlief. Another Uriiuh nral Nv exiJerimem on ninllar lines tiw inHatable, rubber Hoat (IHD. A tailor pnr up lite rent to protect lb' or-rtipann. Torrplm; I be tent it a radar aid to aoaiit Kiucbing, (cacuc craiu Collection canned wild fruits- ?5c P Down TUi. . . " Broad beans: second Mrs: Lee Mrs. J. Keefe, Mrs. E. Glans. ciful proportions that at one impi": time the points were fastened b'tnf,nii: ! Collection fruits in syrup -I Mrs. MeKenna, Mrs. Lee Cooper I Collection home made pickles -Mrs. D. Cassidy. Cooper. Cauliflower Mrs-. J. Keefe. Raspberries Mrs. A. Wilejto, Mrs. D. Cassidy. regular hour for publication. up to the knees with tassel, and bells. Strawberries: second Mrs. E. Reader ana classified adver TERR'ACE DoT HAINES CUT-OFF tisers are requested to submit their copy to the office. Telephoned advertisements often lead to mistakes against which the Daily News cannot guarantee. Radio Diai 1240 Kilocycle CFPR to the Taft-Hartley labo" etic Continued from Page X BEAT (Subject to change) T0THJ Deeder. ' " Rhubarb Mrs. MeKenna, Mrs. E. Deeder. Knitting Knitted sweater Mrs. MeKenna, Mrs. D. Cassidy. Baby's set First to both Mrs. D. Cassidy and Mrs. MeKenna. Second, Mrs. D. G. Boyd. Docks Mrs. D. Cassidy. Mrs. L. G. Saul. Mitts Mr?. Wilejto, . Mrs. E. Glans. - Any knitted article Mrs. D. Saunders, Mrs. E. G. Stone. Crochet bedspread or tableclothMrs. Boutelier. Crochet article Mrs. Boutelier, Mrs. Grace Snyder. Embroidered pillow cases Mrs. G. Dubdas, Mrs. L. G. Saul. Dresser scarf Mrs. I. Short, oJ act. Wintry weather was experienced by the Noubergers alom the Haines Cut-off, there having been heavy snowstorms. They travelled over the Alaska Highway to Whitehorse. It is interesting to note tin-general progress and activity of trapping and gold-mining. The writer stated that sentiment for repeal of the Jones Act was on the increase in Alaska He said he met Delegate Edware L. Bartlett of Alaska at White-horse, and Bartlett declarec that he would continue efforts IN TERRACE . . . A Modern Department Store Nationally-known lines In Ladies' Wear, Yard Goods, Men's Clothing, Shoes . . plus a new Self-Serve Food Section with a Free Delivery Service. TOO L-TlT TO CLASSIFY FOR SALE 1947 2,-ton KB:. International truck, like new For reference, write Alber. Gerow. Houston, B.C. (211' p. Jteam or FR1DA7 PJA. 4:00 Ect McCuroy smgs 4:15 stock Quotation 4:30 Michael Head (Tor.) 4:45 Sleepy Time Story Tellef 5:00 String Sty lings 5:30 Keyboard and Console 545 Comunity Calendar 6:00 Beat the Champs 8:30 Musical Varieties 6:40 Rec. Int. Heating U veterans at Chilkoot, says tn hnw the norts of Prince Ru- ; war and Neubereer. The veterans THE SKEENA MERCANTILE pen aim vam.uu'" - ailible" to Alaskan merchants their wives are proving them-and consumers. wive, pioneers of an excellent Mrs. D. Cassldv. Luncheon cloth Mrs. . TO (If Jii Hickey, Mrs. E. Berg. Neuberger said he felt that type, wv, southeastern Alaska and I Aboard the Forest Service Iwum mi p Bedspread Mis. fc. nicney. Needlepoint Mrs. ' D. Saun wunates. ders. Sewing Y IN THE Seabee Amphibian Plane Non-ScheduAe Charter Service Commercial Hunting the British Columbia sea coasi lacked a first-class resort or. a par with Jasper. Banff or Sun Valley. He stated that such a vessel Mr. and Mrs. Neubergc-j visited sites for proposed pu!p plants. Photographs to illustrate th? special articles on Alaska, wen? Quilt Mrs. D. Cassidy. Mrs. Partington. project backed by either C.N.H -i With Minora Blades it Minora h a real montr iavr b crtute it lastt far kxigsr titan ordinary blades. For extra shaver and com fort ask for Minora Blado. Cushion Mrs. E. HicKey. House dress Mrs. E. Berg. Blouse Mrs. MeKenna. Girl's dress Mrs. E. Hickey. Apron made from flour sacks Mrs. E. Berg, seeond, Mrs. D. Cassidy and Mrs. I. Short. i0r C.P.R. would be an "assurea vau. (success over the years." CANNOT TAKE Neuberger and his wife arej jitneAI' TRIP . doing a series for The Post aiui Neuberger, in Vow- of the ex- '.. t i; I. Un,.l Alnub-rtn Fishing - Sightseeing SKEENA AIR TRANSPORT LTD. PHONES terrace: W. H. Martin, 23; E. T. Renney Ltd., 35 Prince Rupert: Prince Rupert Hotel, 466 6:45 Plantation House Party 7:00 CBC News ... 7:15 T. B. A. 7:30 Recital 8:00 Prairie Schooner 8:30 Dreamtlnie - 9:00Winnipeg Drama 9:30 Serenade for Strings 10:00 CBC News 10:10 B. C. -Tewt ' 10:15 Speaking As a Listener 10:30 Dal Richards Orch. 11:00 Weather and Sign Off. SATURDAY A.M. 7:30 Musical uwck i 8:00 CBC News 8:15 Pick of the Hits 8:30 Morning Devotions ,. , 8:45 Little Concert .v 8:00 BBC News Commentary i rornrr fi nrs rout OOtaU-iDC M70 otner penoaicais uuuui cenent publicity he has been able problems. He said it was hi tQ obtaln or Prlnco Rupert in opinion that Prince Rupert would top spotg had b(l(?n invlted t ) Handicrafts Wood article F. J. P. Reed. Rug Mrs. Roy Pratt,, Mrs. Boutelier. Leather article C. Beatty, i F. J. Reed. share uiumaieij m mc . .. forth(,omirlE, Conven- tion of the Associated Boards of : Trade of Central British Colum-; velopmcnt sure" to increase Alaska's wealth, population and exports. He stated that "hostility to trade unions is Article made from homespun ( I wool Mrs. Lee Cooper, Mrs. A I Wilejto. bia at Juneau as .the special guest of the Prince Rupert definitely on the lucres- in a-,- . f Coninierce. He an- 1 j aska as a result of the crippling nounced t;lday wlth repret hjs Box 645 maritime strike only now us. FOR TUE BEST IN AUTOMOTIVE SERVICE . . . See Your GENERAL MOTORS DEALER Chevrolet Bulck Chev. Trucks Pontiar Oldsmobile G.M.C. Trucks ' MACHINE WORK A SPECIALTY Terrace Machine Shop & Garage TERRACE, aC. Article made on hand loom-Eva Pratt. Any other handicraft article W. O. Mummery. 3 snapshots Mrs. Partington, Mrs. E. Glans. Rag doll Mrs. Partington. Children's Work Penmanship: Grades 1 & 3, lettering Gertie Wilejto. starting." He said he believed this development had made a majority of Alaskans sympath- 9:15 Records at Random 9:30 Musical Program 9:59 Time Signal 10:00 Band P'and 10:15 World Jnurch News 10:30 Concert Favorites 10:45 Concert Favorites inability to make the trip. H-must return homo now and among the mutters that will keep him there are forthcoming ; campaign tours in the Pacific i Northwest of President Truman I and Republican Candidate Thomas Dewey. Grades 3, 4 & 5 Ann Anderson Moving, Packing Crating, Shipping and General Cartage and Storage For Complete. Reliable and Efficient Service, call Lindsay's Cartage & Storage Cor. 2nd anrt Park Avenuea Established 1910 Phones 60 and 6S Shirley Panas. Grades 6, 7 & S H:00 On the Teen Beat Janet Olsen Mae Oerow. i n :3oWeather Forecast 2:45 Canadian Derby 3:00 Piano Classics 3.15 CBC News mi: a arawings. uraaes o, 'i nnrl S Kpith Reerl. f!Arl Rich 1 1 1 : 31 Message Perion mond. Grades 6, 7 and 8 Janet 11:33 Recorded - Roofing Repair? - 11:45 CBC Newc It ivas this way, officer Olsen, Maureen Robinson. Clw. soap or plastic model-Carolyn Ellis. Pttsters Grade 1, 2, 3 and 4 Brian Fibrelastic Paint Fibreoid Cement , ... Ready Roofing Tarred Sheathing . 11:55 Weather Forecast. , P.M. 12:00 Mid-day Merodies 12:15 Recorded Interlude Hurstfield, Carolyn Ellis. Grade 6, 7 and 8 Janet Olsen, Allretl,2:25pr0gram Resume Eakin Stops Leaks OmrlpQ 1 Ann ol 12:30 Greg McCritchie's Orch. Booklets 1:00 Memo from Lake Success "For months my car acted as though it had a 10-ton trailer behind. It was hard to start, had no more pick-up than a water-logged scow and balked at every hill. 1 took it to Bob Parker's for an over-haul and now there is no holding it it practically flys." 1 :30 Musical Program 2:00 Ballett Club (Tor) THOMPSON HARDWARE CO. LTD. for Lair; ar.: Chfc mm nvK.-v-j.-' ii i i Ellen Richmona, Madeleine Min-ger. Grades 3 and 4 Linda Beach,. Shirley Panas. Grades! 5, 6, 7 and 8 Maureen Robinson, Susy Guss. High School Dorraine Rush-ton. . Embroidered article Dorraine Handicraft all grades) Sewn garment Dorraine Rushton, Ellen Gans. , (both first). Samples patch, darn, sewn, rfW RELY rJL onus 603 3:4'" button and button hole: two first) Carl Richmond, Ellen Glans. Homework (all grades) Baking powder biscuits Linda Beach. Plain cookies Ellen Glans Linda Beach. Fancy cookies Ellen Glans, Kay Boyd. Open tarts Linda Beach, Vacationing with Your Car? Points to check before you leave to ensure a i.'t . carefree holiday: ENGINE TUNE-UP Maximum miles per gallon of rai. Insurance afrainst engine failure. BRAKE INSPECTION Safety and Confidence. WHEEL ALIGNMENT Driving comrort when at the wheel for long distances Prevention of excessive tire wear. . And last but not least a thorough LINDSAY LUBRICATION and know that every part of your car has been correctly lubricated and checked includes under-ear inspection. LINDSAY MOTORS LTD.. PIIONE'866 WEATHERPROOF VOIR ROOF FOR WINTER First protection agaliv.t winter's cold blasts is to see that your roof Is in Up-wo condition. For expert repair or for a whole roofing job. call 303. For estimates and materials consult . . . Mitchell & Currie Limited Builders and Contractors Let us fix your leaky . fixtures NOW before more expensive repairs become necessary. Phone 108. PRINCE RUPERT PLUMBING AM) HEATING Bud Schuman (Old Post Office Building) Ellen glans. Bran muffins Linda Beach, K. Boyd. Chocolate fudge Linda Beach, Ellen Glans. Wild fruit collection B. Durban, J. Partington. Collection noxious weeds, named Ellen Glans. Horse Races Stake race, under 15 years (9 entries! Louis Snyder, June Durban. Spud race, under 15 years-Louis Snyder, June Durban. AM) How do you like our Service? We hope you like the way we do business. We are doing our best to give you good satisfaction. We try to keep posted on the values shown in other cities and keep our prices as near as possible the same. We try to keep the best possible merchandise. We try to do your repairing and engraving as quickly and as well as it can be done. We try to be the earliest with the latest. No one is perfect and we try to right any mistakes we happen to run into. We try to deserve your husiness. Something from Bulgers is always something special. j SAVOY ! HO TEL j , Carl Zarelli, Prop, j' Phone 37 P.O. BoH(! Saddling race, under lb years (5 entries i June Durban, Mat'. Nobles. I AT Vl ! FRASEK STREET , .- We can supply all your needs in ... . BUILDING SUPPLIES including .WALLBOARDS, FINISH LUMBER, PLYWOODS, SASH AND DOOR, NAILS, ' PLUMBING SUPPLIES PAINTS PHILPOTT EVITT&CO.LTD. j Prince Rnpert l.fSf Stake race, free for all (13 en-; tries Louis Snyder, June Dur-, ban. j Etake race (13 entries) Louis Snyder, Frances Durban. 1 Spud race (13 entries) A.j Peebles, L. Snyder. Musical chairs (13 entries) A. Peebles, W. Wiley. Clovr leaf race Louis Snyder. June Durban, E. Nobles. Final: Stock horse Louis Sny j. clai ses - We Take Listings of . . r nR Ll ROATS FOR SALEy,J BROKERS IN BOATS, MAUlNE O Something to Sing About He has just discovered ALPHA, the Air Conditioning I nit that sells for as low as $H4. He's hot at the mike but he could use an ALPHA to save fuel and gain comfort at home. Thorn Sheet Metal Limited 253 East First Ave. BLACK 884 .ntME Pi der with 68 points; A. Peebles with 40 points; June Durban with 36 points. Special mention was due young Matt Nobles ,only thirteen years old, who competed in most of the events on a roan colt which he owns and broke in himself. The colt behaved RUPERT WAj "Serving the North Since 1928" Phone G51 632 LUMBER FOR QHCB W s (Just East or PAINTS COAL although it was the first time Box 548 that he has been In a crowd