Local NeWs It (ince Rupert Dailp Wcuii LtD. 3 ems . . . Friday, September 3, 1948 Lirte 113 fSk-.- ANNUNCIATiON SCHOOL, Fulton St. ooens Sent. 7. Grades S.O.N, meeting, Friday, 8 p.m. (208) Meeting of Job's Daughters, Friday, September 3, at 8 pm General business, Silver March' and social. (208)' Tonight's Football game cancelled. Meeting of the Executive Canadian Legion, 8:00 p. m. (It) Mrs. L. H. Dennison, the former Nellie Gurvich of this city, arrived from t.h ...-tv. ' -1 If L . ..... jL1 Mr. and Mrs. E. S. Tobey, who have been paying a visit to the city, sailed by the Prince Rupert last night on their return to Ocean Falls. Mrs. L. M. Shannon sailed last night on the Prince Rupert for Seattle waere her daughter, Lorelei, former school girl, is to be married September 11. Mr. Shannon will be leaving for Seattle on the Princess Norah tomorrow afternoon. Mr. and Mrs. L. F.. Bevington and son will leave tonight on the Catala for Vancouver en-route to Vernon where Mr. Bevington will take up his duties as accountant in the Royal Bank, having been transferred from here. .i HMKII I.I'MRKR. Pi vunnii iiSS a,,u Stocks are now fairly complete ERT & McCAFFERY LTD. eeast For The Fall ANNOUNCING A NEW SERVICE - Made-to-Measure Trousers Made to your individual measurement, any style you wish. Gabardines, Covert Cloths, Worsteds and Tweeds. A beautiful range of colors and patterns t o choose from. MIRACLE OF LIFE AND SCIENCE Back in her iron lung in Los Angoles general hospital, Mrs. Maurine Luker, infantile paralysis victim, gazes proudly at herbaby, born to her via caesarian section while other doctors operated on 'her throat so that she could breathe during delivery. The delivery is acclaimed a miracle of modern medicine for doctors here say it is probably the first time in medical history that a caesarian section was used on a poliomyelitis patient. 1 to 10. COMMERCIAL, grades 9 and 10. Catholics receive free tuition, others, $2.00 monthly. (209; R. G. Van der Sluvs sailed last night on the Prince Rupert ior Vancouver whence he will take his young son to be placed in boys' school at Shawnigan Lake, Vancouver Island. NOTICE TO AIYANSH PEOPLE Anyone returnir g home with empty boats kindly stop at the Philpott, Evitt doc.I: and pick up material for the new church. (208) REGULAR BAPTIST Sunday School 12:15 p.m. and Gospel Service 7:30 "p.m. Re-open Sunday Sept. 5 IN OUR NEW BUILDING at 639 East Sixth Ave. (Near High School) Special Invitation to all CHILD REN and ADoiTS to Join us in worship in our new Church home. (209) X 0 Col. Best CARD OF THANKS vii vm txje Prince Rupert last evening for o unci visit wun relatives. Clearance Sale of Dresses. Wonderful values. Prices $3.95 to $6.95. Sale starts September o m aiAKS STYLEWEAR. (209 1 ATTENTION CANADIAN Lfc-aiON MEMBERS! Executive meeting scheduled for Sent, r. (Labor Day) postponed until 8 p.m., Tues., Sept. 7, and th regular monthly meeting (re sumed) until Thurs., Sept. 9. (209) Commissioner Baugh v - - : r .4 Vat IauMiti '.ft ' , ? Mir J "A rfcifi r i j f to h J! ( y f - - Mrs. Mary Milton desires to express keen appreciation for many acts o kindness and assistance auring her recent bereavement in the death of her little daughter. Particularly appreciated were the many beautiful flowers. Special thanks are expresed to Dr. J. D. ' Galbraith, Miss Piatt and other members of the Miller Bay Hospital Staff. New Zealand became a self-governing Dominion Sept. 26, 1907. j PRICES FROM 515.00 21.50 tnsa cSSli Advertise in ine uany News! FOR YOUR 'CHICKEN IN THE ROUGH' CALL RED 705 CIVIC CENTRE DINING ROOM ft ySrs'3 FOR outside orders Phone 133 CHOW MIEN linwrril ii iht forrtJSC (or (all ami winter (rom tile Lot ; Btitith lahioo doiincrt. llrtc are two ( that HERE FOR ARMY CONGRESS To lead a Salvation Army Congress to be held here this week-end, Commissioner Charles Baugh, territorial commander of the Salvation Army for Canada with headquarters in Toronto, and Col. Gilbert Best, field secretary for Canada, also from Toronto, arrived in the city on the Prince George this morning from Vancouver. The Congress opens with devotional service tonight and principal features of the program will Include a welcome service Saturday night and a public meeting Sunday afternoon. Commissioner Baugh leaves by train Monday night for Winnipeg. Col. Best will motor to Hazelton Tuesday morning and return here to sail next Thursday on the Prrnce Rupert for Vancouver. - I'mJ-pepper" twd Hiit, with tnitclunn top coat, dr- I aaMaSaWHUKSY I J - W A m Tl dMMl - I . . ki: iravri roil in nrivy scctcn iwtca, canitrd in i iaati i Ditlw Motion. Some cl the new matetiaii m liic uaic vard, but Briuih vomro. dite thnr k' ifkllMiiui twfud, iJJ ut ery little o( them. Still u, iht) iU mtOi auot ( Uk it) let go ioc f ipom - ... . 3E J,H'f !' Sparkling Y W Wtmmzm footwear B.H ..English-. Pain fj - ( f 8u.ii n f.i bcitf, kit lonjer. Tr pi' beautifies and protects J Vjj rom Jiei'ttedy... you'll m-ti t mi'ifn 4 exterior! with a coaf of At I "i,h ""'ki'" ,l,cl ' lasting colour. J NJ' J mmmmiA - - "tfj Teinrace amdl isitirict Civic Centre Association Mon., Sent. 6, 1948 Hear "Fight For Freedom," A. Melin, Sunday, Sept. 5, 3 p.m. Kingdom Hall, 431 6th Ave. East. Free. (209 Hotel. . 1 '" Arrivals Prince Rupert William Dennis, S. Burchell, Vancouver. A. M. Anderson, Massett; Mrs. B. WUson, city; C. E. Salter, Carlisle; Mr. and Mrs. Eosion, Council Bluffs, Iowa; William Rigby, Vancouver; H. J. Brown, Port Simpson; I Markerson, Ketchikan, Alaska; W. D. Findlay, Mr. and Mrs. H. Hankey, Vancouver; Mr. and Mrs. Kline and family, Council Bluffs, Iowa; Mr. and Mrs. A. J. Walker, Naas River, B.C.; Mrs. C. Strim- bold, Topley; Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Ells, El Monte, Calif.; Mr. and Mrs. J. Stoppard, Edson, Alta.; J. H. McLean, Frank Cary, R. I.. Lewis, Vancouver; D. Cathcart, Nelson, B.C.; Captain J. Jordan, Vancouver; Mr. and Mrs. G. 1 Durham, Usk, B.C.; Mr. and Mrs. G. Campbell, Prince George; Mr. and Mrs. Richard Neuberger, Portland, Oregon; J. D. Livingstone, Windsor, Ont.; Mr. and Mrs. H. Nelson, Mr. and Mrs. H. Folk, Edward Nelson, Shenon-doah, Iowa; Mr. and Mrs. Van Voorhls, Newark, Ohio. Announcements All advertisements i tali column wUl be charged (or k full month at 26 cents word Special excursion train leaves Prince Rupert, 8:30 a.m., Labor Day, September 6, for Terrace Barbecue and Logging SporU Return fare: adults, $3.50; children, $1.75. tax included. Tickets at C.N.R. ticket office and station. Job s Daughters Fashion Show and Entertainment, September 17, at 8 p.m., Civic Centre. Boy Scouts and Cubs W.A. Bazaar, Sat., Sept. 18, Conrad Street School Basement. Cambral Chapter I.O.D.E. Tea Fashion Show, September 23. Catholic Bazaar, October 8 and 7. (230) Moose Bazaar, Oct. 14-15. Evening entertainment. Queen Mary I.O.D.E. Bazaar, October 20. Sons of Norway and Sonia Fall Bazaar Oct. 22. Canadian Legion W.A. Bazaar, November 10. Presbyterian Fall Bazaar, Nov. 18. Salvation Army Home League Sale, Nov. 23, 2:30 p.m., Sons of Norway Hall. Cambral Chapter, I.O.D.E. Sale November 25th. Orange Ladies' Bazaar, December 1st. St. Peter's Fall Bazaar, December 9. SALT LAKES FERRY SCHEDULE Daily except Mon. & Tues. Leave Cow Bay Floats Wed., Thurs.. Frl. 2:30, 4:30, 6:30, 7:10. Saturday Every hour from 10:30 a.m. Sunday Continuous from 10 a.m. Last boat return 9:30 p.m. Adults 50c. Under 16, 25c Return All schedules weather permitting. Inquiries 123 Taxi Hollywood Cafe Newest and Most Up-To-Date Cafe in Prince Rupert Open from 5:30 p.m. to 3:30 a.m. Annual Barbecue Feed We specialize in Chinese Dishes CHOP SUEY Lossing Sports Including Northern British Columbia KEEP THE PIECES YOU LOVE Don't discard your favorite pieces of furniture! Let us bring them back to new life and new beauty at little cost. LOG ROLLING CHAMPIONSHIPS - POWER SAW BUCKING Hand saw bucking log chopping - ladies' hand BUCKING AND MANY OTHER EVENTS An attractive Chinchilla Carriage Cover will add to his comfort when he Is wheeling down the avenue in his buggy. Bunting Bags for the tiny ones. Kiddies' Ski Suits for the older ones. Sizes 2 to 6. Gabardine Slacks. Moore's 206 6th Street Prince Rupert Florists 300 3rd Ave. Box 51G Tel. 777 Flowers For All Occasions WRATHALL'S PHOTO FINISHING Developing, Printing Enla rsine QUICK SERVICE Amateur and Professional Supplies NEW ROYAL HOTEL . A Home Away From Home 50 Rooms, Hot and Cold Water PRINCE RUPERT, B.C. Phone 261 P.O. Box 196 JOHN H. BULGER OPTOMETRIST John Bulger Ltd, Third Avenue We'll reupholster them, put in new springs and cushions. Besides Upholstering and Woodwork repairs we make up Drapes to order and recover car seats. Ask about our Plastahide seat covers and sponge rubber cushions. riione 818 and Mrs. A. Mattson) Next to CFPR aw -a- (Now operated by Mr. SPORTS FOR THE YOUNGSTERS TOiE DRAW For Terrace Homesite at Mammoth Dance Your BANK Uses lames-Fun - Excitement - REHSPAFER Refreshments Special excursion train leaves Trince Rupert, 8:30 a.m. Labor Day. Return fare: adults $3.50; children $1.75, tax included. Tickets at C.N.R. ticket office and station. Pi i ish TERK.ACE .Do You? " LABOR DAY 3