L.O.B.A. ; Friday, September 3, 1948 Seasonable Ideas for Housekeepers TOMATOES. NOW TU imhaMT. A Delicious Cool Drink Directions: Make ted exactly as usual . . . White still hot pour into glasses filled with cracked Mf mfftunum etufrOT. KM. Birth Rouom: SALE IS SUCCESS Despite the on f a or a ble weather many ladies 'called at (Tie tea heia Wednesday afternoon In the Oddfellows' fell "by the Xadies' "Orange BertevoleTrt Association. rati V n,Zitn Notices Funtl Notlosa, Marriaga ynmiu. " ' , Announcement: 2. ice Add sugar and lemon to taste refrain from telephoning. 3' - .1.1. in inyiutvi HAVE DEFINITE PLACE IN MENUS wirrTh7 StT te overIUwtnB! Wash, remove core, peel and urn hi8 ' lmat0s the rat tdmatoes m quarters "before zhn J V0 1 Speak fluently Mirtn. Cook 10 minutes, i,nut tf! Tomatoes have add tag, tnTftly-tfWed lemon won a definite place in tK JLj J. Timely Recipe ftlpe 'Olive Salad 1 enp ripe Olives ' k i t"v"' FOR SALE Guests were received by trw FOR S All-McClary Royal U City. SUnua, . F . rA worthy mistress, Mrs. John Jo-hansen. Mrs. William Way ws . iiu lamina, cuwr iv jnvw. menus of Canadians . and nn i ..,, tr, lighter 01 other food can compete. Toma- small pieces, and tontirivm general convenor, and presiding : ne ia0le mree mfnotes, or to jam Jubilee range, cream ename!; complete with oil burner and automatic feed. Phone Blue T5 Or carl 310 5th Ave. East. rott XirsT 2 cups cooked String beans rap flaKec urta fish 1 tablespoon cnopped green sweet pepper -1 tablespoon frnely hopped onion 1 teaspoon "salt Pepper to taste meais a day and welcome at 'Consistency. . Pour Into Hot at the pouring trfble were Mri. Henry Smith, sr., and Mrs. George HoWe. mm Conduct ser-renvflle Court m Saturday, internment to The tea room was In charsr rcn one. Tomato juice is served at breakfast, soup or salad at lunch may appear auain at dinner. Served raw or canned they are equally good. They also make a deleg of Mrs. Van Horn, assisted tv Mrs. A. "Dentdn, Mrs. E. McLeod Uw cemetery. FOR RENT Furnished 2-room suite. 1235 Park Ayenue. (203 1 sterfteed glasses, cool and Seal. ttuH Tarna-fe 8 large or 12 medium-steed, Wpe tern a toes (3 lbs.) IVi cups coarsely (Shopped peaches l'a cups chopped pears 5 cops chopped apples l,!i caps mopped onions 1 ctro criopped celery - Hers in enarBr able jam and various spicy rel- u. Cherries, lb. Com Niblets Corn, choice Batter Irst Grade, lb. M .24 .73 THE MARKETS- Vegetable Radl3hes, 2 launches ?5 Carrots (New) 2 bunches . h Celery, bunch .23 Cauliflower, head AO "notice- FOR RENT Housekeeping room with hot and cold water, in town. 813 3rd Ave. Green 780. (tfi and Mrs. E. Mulder as servlteur? and Mrs. O. Newton in the Kitchen. Mr, Frank Ellison and Mrs. Vic Msnzies conducted the home cooking table and Mrs. F. Will-son the raffles. Mrs. A. Ouyan 1 tablespoon vmegar 1 tablespoon Worcestershire sauce . 1 tablespoon lemon Juice 2 tablespoons mayonnaise Salad greens 17 ripe ohves for garnish Slice olives from pits. Cut String "beans- Into i-'lnch pieces. Combine rtpe olives, ksnes. If this indispensable vegetable is to be ready for use during the winter months it must be canned or made into relishes inf city. Sunday 2 tablespoons whole mixed KlKf Kasrtmar gloved Brother FOR RENT Sleeping rooms. 801 Borden Street. at) plclflrng spice 2'2 cfrps UroWn sugar 2 teaspoons salt llt of Winnipeg was cashier. The drawing of raffles resulted as follows: cceswillbecon- Eggs Grade A: large cartoned, doz. .79 trait Grapefruit. Texas (white), (pink), 96's, 6 for 29 Oranges (Navel) 2 doz .... .47-.fr Apricots, lb. .2 J Apples, cooking, lb. .10 FOR RENT Flat in Rand Block. rtrmg beans, f isn, green pepper, onion and seasoning. Marinate I'.rpnville Court. now. Home economists surest a quick, easy way to can tomatoes and a couple of recipes that art a bit out of the ordinary. Solid Pack Tomatoes Swiss Chard, lb 15 Turnips, lb .07 Mushrooms, lb .85 Head Lettuce, bunch - .15 Cucumbers, each K Green Onions, 2 bunches .. .11 Australian onions. 3 lbs. 1 .29 Apply Max rrefrbroner, Jeweler. (tfi p.ffi., safrrrrtay.. Arceseon E. Vi caps cider or blended vinegar 1 small hot red pepper (2 tablespoons chopped or 6 small dried chill peppers. Combine chopped vegetables hi blended vinegar, Worcestershire sauce and lemon juice; drain thoroughly. Add mayonnaise and blend. Serve on salad greens and garnisn with whole ripe olives. Serves 4. tiartng. mter-L m Fairvlew uiancn tomatoes 15 to 60 Grocery hamper, Mrs. Wamp-ler, Port Edward, No. 201. Grocery hamper, "Mrs. J. C. Johnson .Port Edward, No. 209. Chicken, Mrs. F. Willson, Vr. 27. Butter, Mrs. H. Smith, Jr., No. 3. M Cabbage, lb. ....... .io!Bananas- lb- Undertakers seconds, cold dip, remove stem and peel. Quarter or leave whole. Pack, pressing down' Rhubarb, lb. - .'V Ipinach, lb. , , .15 irramrements. FOR RENT One sleeping room. 650 7th Ave. East, phone RcU '471. (tf) FOR RENT Attractive 5 - room apartment. Quiet surroundings. Avaflnble now. Please phone Black 577. (208) and frtrils. Tie spices '(tncrud- Lemons, large, doz. 100's, 4 for ; i5ates, lb Itresb amk Quart L Beets, bunch, 2 for 20 until tomatoes are covered with ing dried chili peppers,,lf itsed SALE their own juice. Leave 2 Inch Tomatoes No. 1 lb. .. X New Potatoes, 6 lb 1 .26 loosely In a cheesecloth ag Add spice trag, sugar and salt to Vinegar, bring to Boning point oom WaTtime i Ave. West. NOT MY FAULT, TEACHER LONDON ff) 'Tt Isn't my fault, it just happens," said Mavis Shields, nine, when con headspace in glass sealers or 4 inch In tin carts. Add 1 teaspoon salt per quart. Process .4.1 .. lb, 22 .. .12 .25 .33 7.75 RATINGS FOR AUSTRALIA LONDON, More than 500 former Royai Navy ratings have Canned Vegetables pint KM after p.m. Local -t Milk ; pin and add other ingredients. FOR RENT 3-room house. 1234 Pa Avenue. (209) Difl Pickles, gal. 1.3f (209) in boiling water bath, pints or I Cook, uncovered, untn thicken been recruited in Britain for ut Green Beans, feyv .. .17 Cream, u-oz. cans 30 minutes, quarts e'd about 45 minutes, strrrfha atrcooied, 1 service in the Royal Australian ?o. 5 Peas, farltfy .14 n "K or 28-oz. cans 35 minutes. WANTED Navy. Those who enlist win' Irondttit and el- avaporateo Mils. Iff-oz. Una, 2 for Case Mixa Ve'ge'ta'b'Ies gratulated on gaining full marks in every subject of her end - of - term examinations. Teachers marking the papers were unable to find a single nuflWKe- mistake. occasionally. Remove Spice bag, pack in, hot sterilized jars, have the opportunity of setong Ws; doors and WANTED Car Datterles. car )Med Beets, 2 tins 2i Yield: about 4 in Australia on completion of Tomato Conserve 4 cups tomatoes (about medium tomatoes i 3 cups sugar Clieese . 10, cool and seal I pints. i-fli tnaasirir.4 radiators, brass and -copper; Wax Beans, chdlde ; 21 jHXed aixed Peas Peas and" and Carrots Carrots .... .18 .18 six six years years 'service. 'service. t '"Canariiftn r.h lh r,; 1 paying Rood prices. See BC FORfJlTtfRt CO.. Black 324 1 lemon 1 cup raisins '4 cup preserved ginger WX? WANTED Jr.trt 5'4 bed and tt new. Phone lade 28. tf om house; con-; furnace. Br Post Office, in , , ' . , 1 , 1... , , ; L0ND1E '-.v mmi0:. INVESTMENTS WANTED Oirl for genercl laundry work. Apply Ploneei-Canadian laundry. (tf) NEWCOMER with limited amount of capital, seeks work t of city. 0ftf' WANTED Reliable taxi driver en $3500. Prlflce for 123 Taxi, Cow ftay. (tfi ing partnership in any line of retail business. Box 391 Dahy News. (2121 Co. (208i jt room Wartlm' BOYS WANTED Boys desiring News routes should leave tru'ir names at the office as vacan- m cles may be occurring any dav Saw East. Oood I rady for oCcti- frince Rupert (2081 MAIDS WANTED for kitchen and ward work at Miller Bay In Train Schedule for the rasi Monday, Wednesday, Friday 8 cvm Tm the East Tuesday. Thursday, Saturday 10:45 p nr. Illif lilTrn VT m I IH AM) dian Hospital Some positions Vrcre farm t.ySsf 8-roorn are for relief work and may -tamses. Firr- . fwCfS) about .t rAVy . Hthrivt be made permanent tf services are suitable. Regular Civic : li sale. AH j I "Jiickens Frwit TIMBER BALK X-42048 Take noure senlPd tendirs will bp rweivi bv the Dirstrlct Forester t " Service Leave credits arj granted. Apply: Matron, Miller Bay Tndian Hospital, bv In is Eitoate 3'i terrace and cloe ? I Prince Rupert at tuxin on tile 15th lie S25M crh (208) dy of September. 1948, for fil of phone or letter. anv unmarneo; anit iimDer oeinw HELP WANTED Christmas ! mean hiKh-wnter level which Is not , . . ... ,,c,i ! (n the lawful possession of or uif-' Card Agents Let atyit. , uml bv or clnlmed lawfU,iv hy other parties adrift In the bed of the Ukeenn River between Graveyard Point and Little Canyon. All contracts issued in accord with Craft" be ycur guide lor larfter sales and wmmlssions. Write Style Craft Greeting Cards, 210Q, W. 5 Ave., Vancouver,. B. C. '209) Fealty Co (Si l"and Used Fu.'-lre and Office ?rade, slightly--jKultes, Chester-I Kitchen Set;-I Fancy Tables, i-'ertrtc 'Maytag t"iic; new Coal h?s and Ilea;, l and used Car- these provisions are to terminate not later than Mv 31st 149. Further particulars available from the Chief Forester. Victoria. B.C., and the Disi rict Forester, Prlnci' Rupert. BC. (It) WANTED Dispatcher. Apply 112 Taxi. tfi Dispatcher, 537 (tf) WANTED Taxi. Ul) KFfilSTRY ACT Ke: Certificate of Title No. 3:t'4-I t I, it 1. Illm-k SI. Xeetlint 1, f llv of Frlnre Hilvert. M1 "lit. WHEKEAS aatlBtactory proof of loss of the above Certificate of Title iRsued In the name ol Joe Fook, SALESMEN WANTED tonsils; slixht-I and other use-isfd articles at S prices. Come m over. B.C. ft". Black S24. I ttt) VANCOUVER Import House re I J r pagwoop herb is ) nrn ! Bf U . , been such a nice, AA' L . f " H ,s WAV OVE1 '13 M'T mi m FAITHFUL. LITTLE R?ENDL. ..Sl IT ( TO APOLOGIZE ANCVy CvQ ISJ . Z! -Ja j K.-lVOiT KNOW VVTU--rreOl Fl IS BWNGIN1G VOL! . 4 : ' IJ ll GOlNG TOV (weATO,MPULSIVE ) jJL ; C, M X&P quires Sub Agent operating oui oT Prince Rupert and surrounding territory. Excellent lines, commission basis. Box No. 390 Daily News. (208) has been filed In this office, notice Is hereby given that I shall, at the expiration of one month from the date of the first publication hereof, issue a Provisional Certificate of Title in lieu of said lost Certificate unless In the meantime valid objection be made to me in writing. DATED at the Land Registry Office. Prince Rupert, BC. this 9th day of August. 1948. AD. ANDREW THOMPSON Deputy Riwlstrar of Titles. (315) PERSONAL f fleet Master Iffitlon, complete spot-llghl. 'er and defrost-I Morris, Smlti- (208) bicycle, in cx-n. $30. Phone WLLL DO DRESSMAKING or sewing in my own home. Phone OreenWl. (211) COTTAGE CnEESE New Creamed Fresh Madtj (208) 1 . FOR BEST HOTEL SERVICE In the Interior, stop at Telkwa Hotei, 244 miles from Prince Hupert, Just half way to Prince George. (tf) VALENTIN DAIRY Your Dally ALL-WEATHER SERVICE J6 Mercury V- en 336. (209 )USE, Concrete fse in. sm.iii t I accept wis Y yC la . THiNCjt. at TiMts, l.m - wr 7 LAi. " I T "ITappealto 'jm ' A come on, 'h r r cswooD, -...rs i t A7T Oh.. -kJk - ' i tw6 bigness . JLZ -s m Ccome Orj-Ai i ! - tV 5 : - IofwrL t LETS HAVE Jl? ISow Available! PERSONAL The Termlna' Lunch and Newstand Open all day, every day, to give you the best we can in every way. (tt) MACHINERY FOR SALE fneht. HONO $1500.00 AGEN-, Third (212) Ave. ' sell. Owner JKeasonabre fed or unfur-f"llt, five-room m and pantry, fiet location TO fiAW better lumber more economically use the modern tirtd up-to-date type National Portable Sawmills manufactured by National Machinery Company Limited, Vancouver, B.C. (tf) ifbor. Ideal for p or Dept. 6f Pr- Call at 1955 iafter 8 p.m., or (211) METAL WORK LOOK FOR TUE NEW RED AND WHITE PLUMBING Installations and repairs'. SHEET METAL GOLD SEAL LABEL WORK. Tar and Gravel. Roofing. Letoorneau St Sons, 629 Bixth West. Phone 543. (tf ) It's th Ren Cafle ICE ws wishes to Mo the rule nd transient )ayable in ad-?m at tirrre ny for adver-eslring to ad-Banner In the e Mkd to respect faming from -sled adver- ... for Tasty Meals ChopSuey O Chow Mem Chinese Dishes a Specialty Second Avenue opposite Prince Rupert Hotel ' i.nV;-.J100 a.m. to 3:S0 a m.