Prince Rupert Daily News H53 Monday, May 1, 1950 20,000 Test-Tube Babies i Artifcial Insemination Suc tube baby arrives,, either hius- staff. A report on long term band or wife will. begin blaming jilanning for hospital equip-tlie mate. '. , ' , ment, to have been made by a "It Jias occasionally happened," i special meeting headed by T. W the book states, "that a husband Brown, was not yet ready. The who became a father through board decided to make a trial donor ' insemination has later, 1 of a new ward record system Lerhnps year inter, proved fertile which has been advocated by innnph tn nri!nip n phIM rt his' Dr. L. M Greene. Ray Reflects . . . . . , and Reminisce Hei t M i. cessful In Majority of Case An Independent daily newspaper devoted to the upbuilding of Prince Rupert and northern and central British Columbia Published every afternoon except Sunday by Prtfic! Rupert Daily News Ltd.. 3rd Avenue, Prince Rupert, British Columbia O. A. HUNTER. Managing Editor. H. G. PERRY. Managing Director Member of Canadian Press Audit Bureau of Circulations Canadian Daily Newspaper Association SUBSCRIPTION RATES iotas . own. Resentment and emotional , ilifficulties involving the two an( dress NEW YORK (API There NW Only Whatever dislike of daylight ' In leading the opposition to the saving there is in Canada, it is Bill against changing the name not enough to seriously incon- of Dominion Day, E. T. Apple-venience traffic or people but'whaite (Skeena) performed a there is sufficient to be some- service that should have the ap- Men's SPORT REAL ESTATE INSURANCE INCOME TAX RETURNS PREPARED wool, blue doubu w, ""Wt "J ft ween, zuc; rer Month, 73c; rer Teai $8 00; By MaU, Per Month 50c; Per Year $5.00. "g. 532.00 Now Onl Men'i DRPtc R. E. Mortimer 324 2nd Ave. (Near CFPR thing of a nuisance. It might be plause of every Canadian worthy called a minor annoyance some- : of the name. It was Sir Leonard thing similar to occasional pangs j Tilley whose suggestion, from of a far off toothache, or a spot Scripture, that the historic' line ' on your back so far out of reach commencing "He Shall Have you can't give It a good, comfort- Dominion" was finally chosen to ing scratch. j designate the land that is today War can seem probable yet s0 greatly envied, never occur, Elmore Philpott j Let's Help Nature are probably cbout 20.0CD test- children might tonseivably arise, tube babies In Ue United States. 'l'et doctors who have had such This is the estimate in a new cases report nothing of the kind book, "Fertility in Marriage." by occurs." Dr. Louis Portnoy and Jules Salt- , Doctors preserve the anonymity man. of the donor lather. Sometimes j Dr. Portnoy has been for about It is suggested by a couple that i 10 years a member of the staff the donor be male relative. The 1 of the sterility clinic, Mt. Sin.ii doctor invariably vetoes this. j Hospital, New York, and of thej No reputable doctor, the book! fertility service of the Margaret .; ays, will con.5f.nt to artificial in- ; Sanger Research Bureau. Salt- ftmihation w'.ihouf the husband's man is a writer and editor on .knowledge. Bu wives sometimes' medicine and psychology. The ask this. . . ' publishers are Farrar, Straus and ; In Engia!ld U u' customary to! Company. Inc., New York. ilmit tne number of jnSemina- Now mart's DlVhn ITS. ..the same old spring: this year lots of I talk of the green buds bursting, the beautiful ""Xture, various coors n Rf'g. S15 00 Kiiur told a Priijce Rupert audience. It For example, gars we'll all have, if everything comes up, and fr!! Senator Cyrville Vaillancourt, Quebec industrialist, last week distributed eight hundred botUes of choicest maple syrup to merrtr the boundary The book says that artificial tions from any one donor, so as bers of the Senate, Commons and-: Men's work ruiTsi No J Men's WORK mA well made prf &m Reg. $3 85 I Now .J J Special J crisis on this coast. He could also have drawn attention to the S.S. Trent seizure in the early stages of the Civil War. Prompt landing of British troops In Halifax did look like trouble. But there wasn't any. insemination succeeds 70 to 80 ; to avoid possibility of children of ' ' percent of the time. Some doctors j the same father marrying under i achieve even hieher percentiles. ; the belief tha: they are not re- Even the test-tube methods lated. THE BEST in Plumbing ' Service PHONE 108 PRINCE RUPERT PLUMBING & HEATING BUD SCIIUMAN Old Post Office Bldg.) staffs. He does this every spring. If only a few of the more rabid Communists and Sons of Freedom could meet the senator. Soured on everybody except frequently requires months of trials. The failure us- themselves, they might even come inea Liicti summer is juh; around the corner. Yes, it'sjttrg same old spring with the damp, unsettled weather, one or two bright days to give fresh hope to lagging spirits, and the inevitable spring colds. ! Spring is much overrated as far as weather and health: are concerned. But it does cany with it the promise of better things to come. The fact that ''hope-springs eternal in the human heart" may have something to do with our yearning after the good thinspring is supposed to hold in store. -Qiie thing is certain, we get out of life what we put'into it, and the same is true of springtime. If we look upon it as the time when Nature does a bit Boys' TKE 8HI8TS-J shades. Reg. (lij. Now Only I Nurses continue to come and go from the stalf of the Prince Rupert General Hoxpiul, the lady superintendent, Miss E. Clement R.N.,, reported at the regular monthly meeting of tin ' hospital board Friday night. However, there is some improve- to see private enterprise in a uaily comes irom the great diffi- gracious light. Pure maple syrup, rli;,ies in discovering a woman's coming as a gift, has been known ,Iertile Period. to have most mollifying effects. Exercise Great Care i Doctors, the book says, are PLYMOUTH WEDDING 'vy careful in test-tube baby Seeing the number of test-tube babies In the United States totals about twenty thousand, there 'must be something to the an-jcient adage that it's a wise child knows its actual, positive,, un 4ca.'es. They study not only the ' questionable honest - to - God I PLYMOUTH, England daddy. Lieutenant Eric Jardine Dna-nn aonor, dui m prospective par- j i ment in the staff situation local married nurses are fctiU ents, and sometimes be- ! i being used to augment the stall. 1 ,R. C. N., was married here sf- By this time, it Is being gen- cently to Thelma May Burro ! as there Is continued difficulty JOHN H. BULGER of refurbishing, and pitch in ourselves we're bound to something from this pleasant season. If we Pointing & 0ecorg( cause they do not think the parents are su'ficiently stable in character. In these refusals the doctors fear that after the test- erally admitted that Hitler is He 18 ttle son of Judge E. P. Daw- in securing an adequate supply of single nurses for permanent WALLPAPEH HANCl: Call just SU: back in the hope that Nature will do the ,dead- No one has sprung a story son 01 eison, b. l. OPTOMETRIST entSm-.inh h0 in cn,. a o.,; 'to tne contrary in almost two w ' ' w ' uiiiiiix aitu V ' I Ik. C attain 5PENCE & MAT! sprang will have fallen far short of expectations. iHlmne Blue 215 -233 i years. ! Choosing the route of gas pipe ' lines in Western Canada is a delicate business, as deep growling ; in Ottawa continues. Will United j States receive the substance, ,and 1 Canada whatever is left over? JftKn Bulger Ltd. Third Avrnue j "Ve must give Nature a helping hand. Of course, thqi-e's always digging to be done, and seeds to be plairted, but this year why not put a little extra something into the gardening program? There's probably a fence that needs patching nn and naintino- Satin-Glo PRODUCTS - for or an old tool shed that's been an eyesore for years, ZZ and threatens momentarily to fall down. Why not 'land. Maine, thereby depriving i i r w m - i l - i i i i Wolls, Woodwork, purMt'down? You'll be surprised at the extra space lthe Maritimes f future millions ; i in frctitrVt tailffo "a)1 i j i 1 and Furniture you'll nave in the garden, and most of the stuff you : . ha(Itbred in the shed was junk after all. A bonfire !yet got over it. is indicated, and once you get it going: You'll be en- ::r-:,...,si -.r Thompson HorM Co. Ltd LETTERBOX Movin(, Pifkinj, (nil DAY OR NIGHT Oil Burner Service! If your oil burner does not give perfect service call GORDON KONSON The NEW phone number BLACK 503. Gordon D. Ronson Oil Burner Specialist All work Is backed by nn unconditional guarantee 733 6t h West , Black 6Q3 VANCOUVER VICTORIA Sunday, 9 p.m., Camosun Tuesday. 1:30 p.m. poquitlam ALICE ARM. STEWART AND POUT SIMPSON Sunday. 11 p.m. FOR NORTH Ql'EEN ' CHARLOTTE ISLANDS ss. Camosun, April 28. 10 p.m. FOR SOUTH QI EEN CHARLOTTE ISLANDS ss. Camosun, May 5 and 19 10 p.m. FRANK J. SKINNER Prince Rupert Agent Third Avenue Phone 568 Shipping md Gtnd Crtat Stonfi coiMaj-ed to clean out all the odds and ends in the baswg-nt that have accumulated over the long winter months. rWe all have our approach to these jobs when we gei down to them, but most of the time we tend to . iroerastinate. A community campaign, sponsored ')fe, city council or some organization (the Junici Climber of Commerce often does it) is a great as$e't in overcoming the mental block which prevents usfrom doing something about all these tiresome Complete Reliable tnd ient Service, also STAXD OX JAPANESE , Editor Daily News The organization I represent would appreciate a publication of the following explanation ot ; the United Fishermen and Allied Worker's Union's position on the return of the Japanese to Canadian Liquid Air Ct for Oxygen. Acetylene welding supplies. N i TV. c U.l u ,. Lindsay s Carta?? 1 the fishing industry. We feel I "Hello, Jones! , necessary that our decisions on Storage Limit cn.ires. It seems to be easier to get down to repairing ! thu question be it. ! I 1 1 . i ,1 , , , ' . .. 1 i: .... . made more pub cor. 2nd and Park ' i lic in view of aDoarent ennfu- Est. 1910 PhoneJ'( 2 CANADAS B EST CAR BUY RADIO REPAIRS- 1950 STANDARD. AND DELIVER PHONE BLUE W WE PICK UP 48 HR. SERV1CE- LjiuacK porcn stairs mat nave been gradually weai-in out from old age, and touching them up with a sp$t of paint, if we can say, "Well, the Beautification Canpaign starts on May 13 that day I'll get that ne' board in the stairs, and the next day I'll paint thoin." "O&s, a schedule is a wonderful thing. Nature opexrtes on a pretty rigid one, and seems to get. fair results. Of course, she's been around a long time, anjrl can get along quite satisfactorily without our assistance but it's surprising how much better job sh does wfien we lend a helping hand. i SOpJ' mask VANGUARD KEN'S 718 2nd Ave. West : Mon. This confusion exists not only among fishermen and em-; ployees of its various operations but among the general public and its political representatives, i The 1949 Convention of the UFAWU, reprinting the vast majority of those in the Industry .and seating a majority of i fishermen delegates, passed a motion on this subject unanimously. Briefly the motion I .states that wp do not urge a re-(turn of the Japanese or an entrance of any other group or Individual to an overcrowded industry. However, while licensing 1 is not limited, we do not Intend RADIO CLINK A completely deluxe automobile. NOT TOO SMALL ... it seats six peopl in luxurious comfort with plenty of headroom . . . it io priced right, sized right, (not too large) and styled right Ask your dealer about th Vanguard and its 12-plus features to-day. , ruS Ormes nm Urn Rta. Wright To Reove Doclorate I tnrates in Divinity would be con-j ferred at the annual convocation j Tuesday. Candidates include jRev. E. A. Wright, former min- ister at St. Andrew's . Church, The Presby- Sherhronkp Q.ib Ho io r,,. MONTREAL tenin College )wner Adjusted MOTOR CO. announced yes- minister at the First Presbvter- The STANDARD 4 Uwton Blvd. (Canada) Limilei Ttrtnts, Ontaris PRESCRIPTION SERViCI terdUy that three honorary doc- ian church at Prince Rupert. is an unbeatable combination of features found in no other car of its class.' " ' ; Standard Vanguard Cars; Standard Estate Cars; Standard Panel Delivery and Pick-up Trucks: Triumph Cars f Daily Delivery Service io tase steps mat would prevent the Japanese returning tr. the Industry if he so desires. We consider the Japanese has the same basic right as any other Canadian including the right to move as he pleases and earn his living in the Industry he chooses. The Union has urged in the past a quota on licenses In order to protect the Interests of those men who follow the fishing as their sole means of livelihood, under no circumstances can this be Interpreted as a restrc-tlon or a violation on the rights of any individual or group because of color or creed. The secretaiy of the Canadian Japanese Association was present at that 1949 Convention and i ; D Phone 81 hantom Distributor: Plimley Automobile Co. Ltd. 654 Burrard St., Vancouver, B. C. BILL S MOTOR SERVICE 404 McBrlde St., Prince Rupert REFRIGERATORS! Priced Right to Suit Your Needs gave support of his organization j to the motion. The two organlz-1 ations have acted In harmony since. As they re-enter the in Hotpoint 9V cm. ft - Croslv Shelvador 7 cu. ft Deluxe ..A Of Jflrd W Stan t I Km m m . T I PhaniorrT? , yeauAe, Norge B2 cu. rr Kelvinaror 6 cu. ft. Standard Deluxe w54 dustry the JJFAWU will recruit the Japanese fishermen to the Union and he w ill bear the same responsibility as other members and receive the same privileges. We are confident our position Is a correct one. The Japanese fishermen will support the Union and with Its strength the fishing ; companies will be unable to take i advantage of a racial question I to lower the standards in the I fishing Industry. j Thank you for your valuable Credit . A bused ... Is Credit Refused PROTECT YOUR MOST VALUED COMMODITY PAY YOUR DILLS PROMPTLY . Watch for Official Opening Date of the CREDIT BUREAU of PRINCE RUPERT 8V2CU tt. $379.0C f Fashion Footwear space. R. L. GARDINER Sec-Trnas. Prince Rupert ' Local, OTAWU.