13rinrc Rupert OaHp rectus Thursday. February 24. 1949 "I a brief reference to the possl-, J bility of oil development in the j : Queen Charlotte Islands. The j silence, ever since, has bten j ; profound. What started the "oil in the islands" story, in the Reminiscences By w.J. and Reflections first place? Life Is a gamble. And oil, like gold is exa.-tiv roubles I An tridrpendrnt dsllt newspaper drTor-d to the upbuilding of Prlnr-r Runni and mi enmrminitlet rompriMn northern and rvntrai Brtrtsti Oolumma ( (Auihoriiml w Spcouu Cifcs kiail. Post Office Department. Ottawa) Pib!1h! fcr afternoon exrept SnndaT b Prince Rupert Dally Nrws Ltd.. 3rd Avenue, P-lnce Kiip.rt. British Columbia. O. A. HUNTER. Managing Editor. H O. PERRY. Managing Director. MEMr;KK OP CANADIAN PRESS - ATOM BURFAU OP CIRCULATTON3 CANADIAN DAILY NEWSPAPER ASSOCIATION SUBSCRIPTION RATES mVa, vnr Carrier. Per Week. 20r: Per Month. 7Rc: Per Year. 8 00. UTfTtl By Mail. Per Month. 50c; Per Year, 5 oo 'WiW where you find U' After sinking into restful with thousands of American j 1 nn i nnr to resent bein trooDS here, it almost seemed 'I".':. a , fpw hours after mid- that Georee him,elf had come! A Vancouver Vancouver newspaperman. ssigned to vlsi V1SU U,e :"Z aSSlgnia ? Employ. v-t. not alwavs! Last to town. His binhdav nnniver-' alMWwerSe. ment bervice onice, posed as a stranger willing to work at anything. He wanted a lob. -. , night, for example, it was great sary was well and truly observed, to awaken, not because of a (Washington was born in 1732 . shoulder-shake but due to the C?JJJ!!3L il tit,, J,' ' an k. .. . ' . I 3 1 ",ni.iiu-"rJ I "So do" thirty-five thousand The Federal Minister of Agrl- others," replied an office offl-culture says the farmers are cial. making money. Well, after As- "It breaks my heart to ing at 4:30 every morning to you fellows swarming out here milk eight cows before break-; looking for Jobs." last, cutting down trees and The weather man, however, splitting them into stove- did what he could to try utui sound of something outside. It a a steady murmer, with here and there, a faint gurgle, or distant splashes. Rain! Pure 'and soothing rain! Not since November had there been anything as welcome. It was re- i U U ..-i - r nf cnnti; Q It H r s s - . - t I V? 4 oucing u.r lentns and attending' to a few nrovide a few. u ashing clean the patches 01 them in the least THIN COVERING An ounce of gold was once beaten out to cover an area of 120 square feet. il REALr? fmooth, treacherous ice that is, Except where scattered ashes made walking safer. But the big fact was snowfalls had ceased, and rainfalls had come. It was grand to feel the muskeg-even though wet and boggy Too old at forty to handle a job! The quicker a pension, ihe better. He's through! He's no good. And so forth and so INCOME Turn's ' V '"iil mil il i I n i nl iliii'iiML 1 , CHIROPRACTOR underfoot. You couldn t slip and on. Old Joe Gravelle, aged 91, go bang on your back when healthy and acUve up to within treading good old muskey. Like- a year of his death, died this wise, wasn't It fine to stride month in his home town of boldly along over bared streets Ayimer, Ontario. Let there be or cement sidewalk, taking every rejoicing to know that some-step with a feeling of security where in Canada cun be found ! and safety? However, have a a few he-men still sticking care! It's only February 24. Be- around, fore the week-end, there may . John F. L. Ilughea, l).C, Ph.f 21-22 Bi'sner Block Phone HI. I E 441 for Appointment hoi K 10:30 am. to 1J::I0 p m and 3 to ft p m. tllMMm Monday and Fridnj. 7 30 om. In. thorw unahlo i cum rturinr iiu day. RECEPTIONIST III atiVoo anue afurnooua. Defmr SUPER TRANSPORTATION FOR LONDONERS A new double-tfprk streamline "Srcr" coaca has beta coinpied for Londoners. The coach is titled with a new system of air-change and heating system by which the air is changed IT' times every hour. It has push-button controlled doors and "air-liner" type seats. Head-on view cf the coach is shown above. Note "mouth-organ" type of radiazni. PliOMn; t f AW! Vl, ( H RTKOIS'i In the 25-3j years ago column in the Daily News upjM'ur come a Iresn Diast trom ine Horn Mountains west of Great Slave Lake i and every last puddle will be frozen tight, just as a reminder that this is a tricky, hard-boiled winter. PHONE U - u. . PRINCE RUPERT YEARS AGO ADASKINS IN TORONTO AGAIN i Representing one of Canada's best known and most successful working partnerships of husband and wife, Frances Marr and Harry Adaskin are back' in Toronto briefly after three years in Vancouver. Mr. Adaskin is professor of mu.s;c ai. the University of British Columbia. Mrs. Adaskin likes British 1 You can balance an egg so neatly, around noon hour on Chinese New Year's Day iknow i as Li Chun i that it will statu! on end. Chinese New Year's Day occurred not more than a few weeks back. Whether or not the balancing act was tried in Prince Rupert does not appear to be known. But it was, and with considerable success, in some Ontario cities. Newspapers print enthusiastic letters from subscribers who, knowintr on what date New Year's would Twenty-Five Years Ago, F. G. Dawior., or Prince Ru-per, a director of Canadian National Railways, said in Montreal that within five years half the prairie grain crop would be shipped through Pacific ports and that Prince Rttpert would be a shipping point for a- larL. portion of it. John DIEFENBAKER Progressive Conservative Party will speak Thursday Night FEB. 24th ON THE SUBJECT "The Nation's Business" CFPR 8 P.M. P.S.T.) Progrt$siv9 CoiservafVe Party Columbia, she likes teaching C. D. Howe, an elevator ex- music and playing for her hus- N 01 VH. Tuesday. 1 Sunday, 10 p pert from Port Arthur, was be- band's lectures, and 'she likes fall, had been faithfully practicing. And it all worked to ti fare-thee-well. t m, sv. Mi sn ing sent; to Prince Rupert to going on concert tour, which look into the feasibility of they do for a month or two each building a terminal erain ele- year. This time thev went bv Sunoay, I! F( SMT11 vator here, according to a teie- boat to Ocean Falls and Prince gram received from Sir Henry Rupert, then to the Okanagan "Tn what year was Georgi Thornton, president of the Valley and by train and plane Washington born," queried one Canadian National Railways. across the prairies. fairly informed citizen, of an- s s. Cdqui'.iiir. F 10 p.m. Regional Reciprocity RKV. WILLIAM HILLS, ex-naval padre and eon-siderably travelled vicar of the Anglican Church, who majored at college in political economy as well as theology and who came to the city from Victoria to talk to the Women's Canadian Club, advanced a rather daring suggestion before the Gyro Club here yesterday that regional reciprocity between the Province of Hritish Columbia and the Pacific Northwest States be entertained as a practical legislative possibility. From the defence standpoint, Mr. Hills pointed out, British Columbia is inevitably involved as between the outpost of Alaska and Continental United States. All would be quickly merged in a scheme of practical defence in case of conflict. Why should they not proceed with a measure of that merging even before such conflict might arise? Mr. Hills, it must be admitted, has a case there even though the word reciprocity might still be an-anathema to some of us as it was back in 1911 and in spite of the situation between 1942 and 1913 when the Americans practically took us over and we were quite satisfied about it. Here in Prince Rupert we know that sentimentally there might as well be no border between our Alaskan friends and we northern and central British Columbians. The whole thing is artificial and the artificiality is being retained by two factors a superfluity of national sentiment and sectional commercial interests." We know there is a lot of nonsense which prevents Canadian Prince Rupert being used as it should be as the port of United States Alaska. Reciprocity as proposed would be a vital factor in the development of Prince Rupert as one of the links in the chains of communication which some day, current artificial barriers and obstacles notwithstanding, will be forged across British Columbia's coast and interior between the main United States and its great northwestern outpost, the implications of which in the international scene are so obviously seen today. T. L, C. CHANGES MIND THE EXECUTIVE of the Trades and Labor Con- gress of Canada has admitted the danger of the Communistic menace by its decision to recommend . the banning of any of the Red cult from holding union office That is a considerable turn-about when one considers the lukewarm stand that the Congress convention in Victoria last year took on the matter of communistic influences within its ranks It. is going a long way by T.L.C. towards the outright repudiating of communism. Political parties and leaders, chambers of commerce, big business interests can and do point out the dangers of communism but the case against the Red cult becomes immeasurably emphasized and strengthened when the leading labor organizations L IT Vme 0,Ut 3nd take a firm on e- 6 a,'e lleCminff more an(1 more im-n-essed wi th the danger that exists not only from he ,nf,ltrat.on of communistic ideas but in the com placency about them. HOSPITAL INSURACNE THERE HAS BEEN a lot of nonsense dimin ' ted rtly to the effect that the new Z h" ml hospital plan is a "racket," simply beca the" laments are compulsory and there i an "mei 1, -a11 !l Mortage of hospital beds. Some people are objecting to the payments on loi hem if and when they need one. Mostly thee are the same people who find some reason fo b jecting to every social advance. To take such a stand is very short-sighted. Hospital insurance is a forward step, to the great advantage of the majority, and those M ho op-pose it are not thinking primarily of the good of the Whole Community. -Vancouver News Herald jvirs. Aaasum even lines living other on the anniversary on counsel for cm thp University nt R r ram. t,,,i p,,.i,t f ., FOR NORTE i L. W. Patmore j v. . - - iucoua), vaukiu i.'ii cuaiu, k i i v ( H ARI.Otn j the Imperial Oil Co.. arsued s.s Coqultlarc I ! that the company's seven oil J tanks here would not be cla.ss-l ified as real estate. He dressed the civic court of ion in an appeal against a pus in an army hut. as many other fellow had lo admit he of the faculty do. The huts look could not say but he was willing like tool sheds on the outside, to do a bit of guessing and he she says, but are like fairly mod- certainly could find out. "Not em apartments within. good enough." And there it Toronto Globe and Mail stands. Five years ago, however. 10 p m. FRANK J Prince E. Third Avenw 11-9 $70,000 assessment. FYJK FI-OMi-T PEMVTRY AT LOWER A ItrPRESENTATlVE JAXE ASHLEY tells how YOU too ran enter the Thirty. Five Years Ago City council passed a motion that "no portion of the hydroelectric undertaking be proceeded with until the city engineer and superintendent of utilities submit estimates, plans and specifications to the city clerk, according to bylaw." WAREHOUSE STOfl 1 t ton nr i i Iti )i( :-"nt:ig: f.oiMlyrar Tire & Hiihhrr o. Ltd. t anailii.n tVeslinehuusr ( . l td. Damp The day's dispatches contained a story of a Montreal editor who said he would make mincemeat out of a critic who said he would beat him up on the street. (ieneral li y llatlerics of ( :iii:mIj Mil iMisibane ( iimpany t,t tt.C. (.. II. U'nod C o. I.ld. Drnby ISiollicrs & Co. Ltd. Imperial Wiping Ita? Co. l td. MNE ASHLEY Hom Service Daporrmenf lht Conodo Slorch Company UmUtt PRINCE RUPERT SUPPWI P.O. Rhx 772 712 Second Ave. Alderman Morrissey, chairman of the civic finance committee, said that the city would ! save $25,000 annually for coal ; and $18,000 in other expense:; by having a hydro-ele?tri,: : plant instead of a steam light- ; ing plant. .... It a tA4t . . . 6te &uv you ettcx - 1. Simply print your name and address on any plain sheet of paper, 2- Moil rhis, together with a label from a 5 lb. tin of Crown Brand Corn Syrup (or reasonable facsimile) ,0: THE CROWN BRAND CONTEST Jlilm "H" MMlrul, Qm. WANTED A I n.K 'ATKINS Will- BE A(' I'l'TM' rliTI" IM. I'OSII IdNS FOR Jf,9: V.Am MANA'fiKKS IJOAT CKKWS ONK SMI'I'1 r t ircnv r SON See l's for'Your WALLPAPER REQUIREMENTS . , o certain your entry hos sufficient postage. That Is all jret it f tuttr fi Cnww Inni rentes'. Hw, ktn't what happtt .... There ore fwo remaining prize-winning periods: Feb. 16 to March 15-and March 16 to April 15. Entries received will be valid only for the' month in which they are received, so mail eorly and mail entries for each contest month. .... Each month 1 54 entries will be drawn from the mail received. These 1 54 persons wiM then be notified by mail and asked to mail a letter givinq , three reasons why they like Crown Brand Corn Syrup. Tl. L. .. ... .. . . RUPERT MARINE REALJ Prinf A Box 54S , inn , boo on fh mem or m replies, the 154 prizes will be oworded WHITE as follows: BLUE oo 00 00 MOO PINK 50 10 in mit 2nd mil: 1S2 PRIZES Of EACH BAPTONE CREAM 1 ME ONE-COAT WON',l B PAINT FOK WALLS PEACH THE judge: will determine which of the three first prize letters "-", is in in their I ntIK OPINION UPINIUN, THF THE RF ST THF WBITFB nr tui Brtr i tttcb wn i A beautiful soft, flat finish over kalMim""'1 plaster and wall '!r1' then be awarded the... Co.l' Thompson Hardware If no lobel. top or carton is encWd the cJ? " M b $,-00- C"" '"5 Contest h open to all Conodions euapt SVr" m4 'omili o The Canodo Starch Company and its od.artisin, oa.ncy. aoys after dosa nl th. . , 1 GRAND PRIZE: Sflflfl I 1 aK M IM oik. ... . ( n. wuei M 1 FOR ALL TYPES OF PRINTING- OF TASTY MEtf m uklliiau CARDS OFFICE SITPLIES HOME STATIONERY PENS AND PENCILS Cnlnese WJ"" SEE s 9 " wnpieie list f.t . of nr- ., prue wafers w.ll be available upon P rt,u.rt at me cfese ef m. centt. !! ! ."A t0HU" m F00T lECtUSE CAN WIN! WtlTE NOW - AND WHITE OFTEN! " T0: ,did aeter the first prij.-winninn 5T2 lZ,'L"b-,M' - i W,. , I of ,5- An- r enterad the port m. mok a reo, two -it,, mora antri", yctl svbrt, th. aKn yea have. I Tept frem Crew ttmmd 1 Ik. Cm T.e Tin Sabel hm $ Ik. Tm 2 taps fraai Kar 2 Hi. Cane Tap Tt ar lobal traat S ta. Tm 2 Tap fr.m Lily WMte 2 Ik. Cena Tea Tie ar lekel htm $ Ik. tm 2 lakalt Sraia Rantaa't Cam Starck 2 lakaH tram Canada Cara Starch 2 Silver Oless Cartens 2UaH Cartaat ('HOP ' 5 Rilih Printing Co. .1 u limner Block Phone 311 WE Mf Bride St. DELIVER Phone 234 THI CANADA STAICH COMsANT LIMITID Second Avenue 7.00 a m. to 3 30 a m Phone i" MONTklAl tofonr 'i