. . - t- A. Xt Is. prtnce Rupert Datlp f3ctD Thursday, February 24, 1949 kn"-' II II ( II i reasonable Ideas ror nousek FT eep CCK u,hll EVERYBODY LIKES PIE EVEN EMPERQR CLAUDIUS HAD 'EM suKar S:.! , . uu snell and ,.i.; inch nip pie "" Yi,. soft. Add sugar, cool. Brat egg whites until stiff, fold in 6 j t&MCM-GOOO Iti MIUC.' wet mspies 9, Is Mum About Royal Romance George of Denmark Linked With Princess Margaret By RICHARD TOMPKINS LONDON. (API It is strictly business before pleasure or even romance, with young Prince George of Denmark. The girls may be after this highly e 1 e g i b 1 e, 28-year-old bachelor, but he's not after the girls. London's top royal society is like water on a duck's back to him. And when it comes to romance his name has been linked with a famous princess he's not talking at all. He puts his work as acting military attache at the Danish embassy even ahead of royal functions. There was speculation at the time of Princess Elizabeth's wedding concerning a possible romance between this prince of Denmark and Princess Margaret He was her partner at the bridesmaid's wedding n i g h f 1 quart fruit teasPn Sail 3 CUp lUMr C"P flour 1 Tr1" aim,,,, Pastry0" Jpfe' "W almo; Place drained frJ. baing dish, p ' vrup over fru,M. shortening. . Pa!fy K '.-in k'7eral!B Fit Fit pastry over th. - down well overtly baking dish, cut edges. Bake 30 r7 apple sauce. Pour Into a baked pie shell. Bake at 300 degrees F., for 15 minutes. Yield: one 9-lnch pie. Rhubarb Cream Pie 3 tablespoons flour 'i cup sugar teaspoon salt 4 cups diced raw rhubarb 1 tablespoon gelatine 2 tablespoons cold water 2 egg yolks 2 egg whites 3 tablespoons sugar 1 9-inch baked pie shell Combine flour, sugar anc salt. Add rhubarb and mix well. Let stand one hour, then cook over boiling water lor 15 minutes, stirring occasionally. Meanwhile soak gelatine In cold water. Beat egg yolks until light. Pour rhubarb sauce over egg yolks, stirring well; return to double boiler, stir and cook In the writings of Emperor Claudius in 46 A.D. he speaks of a dish made from apples, honey and spices. In translation this is called pie but it is doubtful if pies, as we know them, were common in those days. Old English lore refers frequently to "pyes made of kidneys, pidgeons, rooks and mutton" but fruit or other dessert pies were evidently unknown. In. the latter part of the sixteenth J century, apple pie won a place in the desserts-of America and today most men like any "dessert, so long as it is pie. The pastry in the early "pyes'r was made with suet and was short but inclined to be hard. There are standards of perfection in pastry and, whatever the filling of the pie, the pastry is the Important part. Too much shortening makes it dry and crumbly. Too much liquid makes It heavy and soggy. Too much handling or rolling makes it tough. When the pastry Is tender and light and the filling flav-ourful and well cooked the pie is considered perfect. NEW GREEK PATRIARCH WELCOMED Faithful followers at the Istanbul, Turkey, airport welcome Archbishop Athenagoras (right) of New York, who was officially enthroned as Patriarch of the Greek Orthodox churches throughout the world. Athenagoras, born In Turkey 62 years ago, became a naturalized American citizen in 1939. Now he is again a Turkish citizen. ffi&i 4 better value, toe! Yes, every bo of these crunchy Rice KrLspitig "gives more weight for les money. Compare with any-other nationally ond cousin of present King Fred- j "ui oven, , ! erik once was a merchant ship's ! captain and a submarine officer. six servingi BOLIVIAN coj known ready-to-eat rice cerealTry 'em today! dance. The prince won't even be for 3 minutes. Remove from heat and add eclatlne. stirrinir aHo - until dissolved. Fold in mer- and Indians mus t' ingue made with stiffly beaten arate tram-cars questioned on the rumors. At the time of the wedding he denied them. When he is asked about them now he is mum. His friends answer for him with an emphatic "no." They go on to say: "He is not thinking of -marrying. taking an official bow. The story not generally known, is told by an official Danish spokesman: Prince George who had taken an active part in Danish resistance work, joined a party of underground workers who took off for Oslo on May 8, 1945, the day the Germans capitulated in Norway. The party was the first Allied representatives to arrive in the Norwegian capital. German officers at Oslo airfield, mistaking the group for the official Allied mission, surrendered to the underground group. Prince George stood on the balcony of the Grand Hotel with the underground group, receiving the enthusiastic welcome given the Allied party by the people of Oslo. Dally Rews Classified Ads get Quick Results! the East Asiatic Company. The young prince Is a chip off the paternal block. His career is the army, and he intends to follow it. He represents his family, when called upon, at court doings, but he will not exercise any royal prerogative nor give his life to crown circles. His job here has been mainly making arrangements for the return of Danish volunteers in the British army to their homes. Originally there were about 5.000. There are only a few hundred left. He also is studying military equipment and army training -methods. He is quite happy as a Home. economists say that all; good cook books give full di-1 rections for making pastry but I there are possibilities for great' variation In fillings. Here are j several that they recommend. SHOWER FOR IRIS HANSON A delightful shower was hcia last Tuesday evening at the home of Miss Irene Paulsen, 137 Fifth Avenue East, in honor of Miss Iris Hanson whose marriage will take place next month to Knut Rysstad. The bride-to-be was honored TOC H CLUB SEES FILM A series of film showings are being enjoyed by the Prince Rupert branch. Toe H, this month. Supplied by the National Film Board, the films are highly diversified and are being shown in gRmps of three at frequent gatherings of the organization i Projectionists are George and ' Janic Evans, wno also have Prince George himself says: "I would like to follow my military career. I shall stay in London as long as the Danish office keeps me here. I made no request to be posted here." Combines Duties George explains that his father, Prince Axel first cousin of late King Christian, sec- Fairy Apple Pie 6 medium apples 2 tablespoons water 4 cup sugar 2 egg whites 1 9-inch baked pie shell Peel, core and slice apples. Add water, cover and cook until been "showing the films periodically ill the Pioneers' Home. When war ended the Prince found himself unexpectedly in Oslo with an unofficial party, 1 in the presence of Mrs. Wikdal, Mrs. V. Fossum, Mrs. A. Lund, Mrs. O. Rysstad, Mrs. E. Lind-seth, Mrs. S. Furk, Miss Iris Hanson, Miss Irene Paulsen, Miss Jessie Potterton, Miss Ir-ma McKinnon, Miss Betty Wide. Miss Mary Petersen. CANADA SECOND IN FURS Canada today is second only to the United States as a fur producing nation, with almost 7.000 fur farms. wzfr SPECX coodore caieiiiiiii THREE LOVELY I vWKo JAND bO why! ,utr, " 2zviz, KITCHEN SCOOPS! Of09M TO GET ) beautiful gifts. Refreshments! I WWW Wl W Ij V J i 'I were served by the hostess and j . " - M m her mother Mrs. P. Wikdal. i I trm-J il S Sf!-L . S A " ' -T rvb Tirn . RIGHT-HANDED SHELLS In FleiP. ,igh . Js ' fa ' f I ? 4H'ft:r-'sjT M0St Spll ai sea-snclls aml quality KED 1 " 1 ik ' I V t& A Mfltlf jJ JS 1Ja IjQt snail-shells wind to the right; ; PLASriG n KTiri-i. ,d . AJ TJi VI W " rv VCTST. VJ tWB A L,gl,t ' r one exception is the left-handed vX t 7 L , .estood and Service in City which winds anti-clock-J ZTnToZe" VLVA dW W 7 W ?hoi 17 for Send-Out Orders j j :. When a cracker is crisp WS? j J f$ itV'90t everything" L St, )PC DOUBLE YOUR MONEY If U IK kttl M kvy 1 10,. H yml , ,, tmm hni rtlw MNnta hottk to l W ghr. H ttm money k.ck. Mm $r NAILLEVS Such a bargain! You can't even buy thee 3-sroop set in tli tores. V ' nffWW-r Wl I SIZE-Lare 7l2 , Ik l-lliu . l fc ... nieuium - inrlics .,r rff -t TO GET THEM USE THIS COUPON Buy a lin or bag of Maiwrll Houms CofTee. Clip ll.i. eoupon. t ill in your name and address and either NOW is -fie n ('... : tin Lf!!h!0.'1-9'! . x " ready any for scooping - or-cannister ...ring measuring - ! z&r &&2 to make changes in your ref rip 'ration y We will be tflad. to assist you in ;iny ii-i ments contemplated. Have your machine checked to see if it dition for the heavy work season which i." SEE US FOR VOUR REFRIGERATION REL'"iD THIS AND THAT For size of tin levelling off ingredients. You'll probably use the large one for flour it piles it so accurately, so lightly in the measuring cup for belter cake and cookie making. What handier than the medium size for your sugar tin? ... or the small one for sprinkling bread crumbs over a casserole and many other uses? (A)ta i ,!, ih (R) Oil eul and em lo iih this ton f the ,,n ,,, buy . . . fe p,,,,., , ,e bog m an.l mail 2.f in f.in, poMal note or stamps lo Ma IJ IIoijm- Coffee, 0lturf, Onlari. Tlidls all! ur 3 moo, will U wnt illioul delay. Walk-in or Itcach-in Coolers Vrmn I Cabinets Ice Cream Cabini-ls and Domestic Refrigerators NAME ADDIESS (PIot MINT ilNftf) Northern B.C. Power Co. O PHONE 210 or 20!) MOV.... TOWN Ot CITY Tin tt tmt itti ii (mtti. rtrn anl m. IM 1m mtmi I I A III , S ' g Wo l: - rrAriC; (CI) The Real Bargain in COFFEE is MAXWELL HOUSE ,,Cn yU Luy MaXWC" IIouse yu 8 real bargain JW.e.l fr fW fl,v..r v., ; . . .. . Ormes Dm? ' rr ' . why a trariitut ni a rent more ix-r cud than fA ,..... .... i in couce goodness. Maxwell House has cra flavor because it contains choice Latin-Ameiicau cofTecs. h' Blended by Experts for finer flavor . . . Radiant- "'"-'.tr.cu tonveg h not make Maswrll Uuw our regular colTeef &ooci to f(te Uot Drop!" PRESCRIPTION CHEMISTS 6TORE HOURS WEEK-DAYS, A.M TO T0 J SUNDAY8 AND HOLIDAYS -12 NOON 7 PM. TO 9 P M Emergency bicycle ; Dally ca; deUvery ervlc v from 7 p.m. till ' v' from -j .m till p.m and SgndM mm "Did you ever see such people? Every time we wanted to tell i "em about our trip, they insisted on boring us with theirs!" PHONE 81